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                Comey James
               Comey James C
              omey James Com
              ey James Comey J
               ames Comey   Ja
               mes Comey Jam
               es Comey James
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               James Comey  Ja
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               eyJames Comey J
               ames Comey Jam
            James             Comey
   James Comey     James Comey
James ComeyJam es Comey James
James Comey Jam  es Comey Jame
  James Comey         James Comey
       James                     Comey
                   o    ov     o
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                  v       v        v
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                          o   t  h    o
                        t      o t        t
                      h       h o        h
                     o          t            o
                     t        h   o          t
                      h      t     h        h
                       o      o   t        o
                         t       h        t  
                            h   o    h
                   ate chlorpyrifos
                  glyphosate chlor
                  pyrifos glyphosa
                  te chlorpyrifos gl
                     g l y pho sate
                     chlor pyrifos
                     g l y p hosate
                     ch lorpyrifos
                     gly phos at e
                     ch lorpyrifo s
                     glyph o s at e
                     chlor p yrifos
           glyphos             ate chlo
       rpyrifos gly       phosate chlo
     rpyrifos glyph   osate chlorpyrif
       fos chlorpyri      fos glyphosat
          e chlorpy            rifos gly
Scott Pruitt head of the EPA under Trump refuses to ban neurotoxic pesticides like glyophosate and chlorpyrifos which is in the fertilizer Roundup.
                           r   bep   b
                         o     rob     e
                        b      epr       p
                       e        ob         r
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Reaching out mine poetic finger's,
None to reach back.

Roaming in this passage of expiry,
quietus; how solitary tis.

Patting panels of mysteriousness,
Feel like letting go;

Though do I knoweth I shalt get through
With God, for with humanity I'm alone.

I wilt seest the peep of gleam, just
Yonder the gloaming.

At the moment dead yet living,
Though betimes I'll reach
In pure love all that's
Right and knowing.

With one to hold me
In seas of affections
Warmth, I'll be the
Light I'm meant to
Be- I shalt with
Other's share
Mine torch.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry.
Word meanings-
Quietus- death or something that causes death, regarded as a release from life.
Tis-it is.
Yonder- at some distance in the direction indicated; over there.
Gloaming-dusk, darkness.
Betimes-in time, shortly.
O' unrelenting dolor, on mine
head thou dost drip, mixing
With mine lachrymose
Glossed lips. How much
More canst mine mind
And body take, maybe
I'll set the pencil down,
The more sickly I feel,
Noones hear to listen,
Only hearing is the real.
I guess I'll continue holding
Onto the tightrope that I dangle,
None human-contact in mine angle
to clasp a soulful-hopeful fool as I; none
Lingo of aye from heavens kind, just liquid
I'll sip that wilt fall from mine weary Eyne.

© Brandon nagley​
© Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings-
Dolor- state of great sorrow or distress.
Mine- my.
Thou- you.
Dost- do.
lachrymose-tearful or given to weeping.
Lingo- foreign or local dialect (chat, conversation, talking).
Eyne- eyes.
Moxie after a short nap,
crescive energy from the
Cream-sugared taste; Java

                                   Another minute to
                                   Waste; for this life's
                                   Not long enough.

A coy wouldst be nice,
For tis I am human,
A convive with
Scented candles,
Bare feet; none
Shoes nor sandal.

                                    I seekest contemning
                                    Not more doubts and
                                    In tears to be oceans
                                    For swimming; but
                                    Like a newborn, I
                                    Want to be rocked
                                    In one's arm's, and
                                    Fingertips touching,
                                    Two separate souls
                                    Connecting, as mine
                                    Legs cross with one,
                                    Side to side; arm to
                                    Arms. Mine hand
                                    Over ones hips,
                                    Tightly squeezing.
                                    Lips bitten a bit
                                    For kiss, a gentle
                                    Bleeding, two-
                                    Hearts beating,
                                    Becoming one
                                    Flesh, ones head
                                    Resting upon this
                                    Ancient chest. To
                                    Kiss one's forehead,
                                    And sayest (hey mine
                                    Queen), wakie wakie
                                    Mine love, tis the morn,
                                    I made thee breakfast-
                                    Toast with butter, jelly,
                                    Eggs with cheese on
                                    On top; hot coffee.
                                    Id stroke ones hair
                                   Mine fingers caress
                                   One's scalp and head.
                                  I'll just stop before I
                                 Keep going, these art
                                 Just wantings kept un-
                                 Said. I think I'll just go
                                Back to bed. I think I'll
                                Get lost in mine head.


                       © Brandon nagley
                   © Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings
Moxie- force of character
crescive- increasing, growing.
Coy- caress, strong with a hand.
convive; a gathering at which there is feasting.
Contemning- love.
Tis- it is.
Java- coffee.
Wouldst- would.
None (no) in archaic form.
Thee-, you.
wait till i tell them that
you have a retarted sister;
how does that feel...
***** goo boo on the *****
and she... likes it?
      applause! applause!
        a ballerina managed to
                let's all congregate in
black clad shrouds and say:
            we just missed the funeral...
but you know... we're still
    agonised by the death, of
the "dear" one we "loved"...
so we're "mourning"...
               can i get my milkshake now?
these inbreds are starting to freak
me out.
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