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Dec 2017 · 270
Unspoken Apology
Tyler Owen Cox Dec 2017
Another darkness, nearly dawn in me
Absent of motive, free of thought
But a hand pulls from the curtains
in the corner
And brings me back, I give

My past screaming
My future, silent and up
Now I do give
All I do is give...

Bathing in regret, bathing in a lie
Lies are comfort, lies structure
And if I set you at ease with a lie
My neck is open, you're to dive in

My eyes are open, you're free to dive in
My future is loud and tangled and true
My past is nothing but story
My now ends with a dive
Dec 2017 · 159
Pink and Black
Tyler Owen Cox Dec 2017
In a car, backseat, peeking out the window, we can see for miles
You come to notice a mess of fur on the roadside
Once pink and shiny now black and spread out while
Drivers avert their eyes from the deer who seemed to be lazing
Red preceded by a crack of sound
Tendons spilling to the ground

Days, weeks, months, it's very hard to tell
I've been like this since I first limped to hell
And my soul split upon impact
My ribcage caught the fender
Warn down by the asphalt
I was thrown off to the side of the road
Where I slipped into a dream of falling off a very tall building

I was a human, not an animal
But once my spine splintered as I hit the pavement
Some onlookers came over and laughed at the timing of my death

The sound my spine made was comedic gold
Someone recorded it to make sure I died and my pain lived on

Each glowing face burned my remains with laughter
And cannibalized my spirit as it tried to crawl from my corpse

The ghost floated away with its eyes closed
And let itself slowly move across a world of warmth and people to a cold foreign ocean full of Icebergs
That almost looked friendly

It came to rest on the iceberg, which seemed to have familiar features to that of a human
The iceberg creaked and splashed, and the ghost told stories
But the iceberg began to crack
And the ghost watched its friend split apart

He dipped into the water
And went down where it was coldest
No corpse could match the chill
Parallel the spirit, the silhouette swims

With splintered spine the ghost dives deeper until the blackness
Underneath all that ice
***** it in through the schism
Dec 2017 · 231
Butterfly Children
Tyler Owen Cox Dec 2017
When I saw other children fall to the floor
They handled most of the pressure
You fall and your skin rips even more
Blood trickles down the oldest wounds wet and fresher

You fell
and again
and again

And you won't stop trembling
But if I hold you together
Will it keep your skin from dissembling?
I could never admit you weren't meant to last forever

If I scream my voice away
Will you finally be saved
Or will you fall apart in my arms?
Will I fall apart when her face is melting in my palms?
When all the rain and blood and feelings evaporate
And all the flesh falls from the bone anyway
Feb 2017 · 329
Welcome Home
Tyler Owen Cox Feb 2017
Welcome home
From the porch you could see
As you sit next to me
And the jittery dog
One side of the sky with clouds waterlogged
The other with cold beams of Light
Spilling through from a great height
Energy through the air
Going to and coming from nowhere

Welcome home
To this great valley
Where the wind goes through your hair
Like familiar fingers
Tensing along your scalp
Where the slopes are steep
To keep you from leaving
Where the bones of your past
Hold the ground up from falling to the Earth's core
Where the winds of your future
Feel like chilly ghosts
Sapping you of heat
Where the quietness of your current self
Echoes through the people you love most

I see you lying on the grass
Naked and vulnerable
Let me lay my hand upon you
To cover you from this storm
Shake no more in this treeless valley
Between the insurmountable slopes
First poem

— The End —