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To whom it may concern
To all
This is my final call

I called you here today
To speak a truth
To tell to you
Only the truth

Speak your minds
And speak em loud
Let it be heard
Loud and proud

As we go in the Sands of time
Our stars start to derive
They die
Then they are reborn

Make our star
Make our sprites
Make the heavens
Create our Hells

So to all who took the call
Be loud
Be proud
Be the best around

So to whom it may concern
One last time
To my friends
To my family
To all
This is my Final Call!
A short but final call
A breeze flew by along time ago
Long enough to know that it was real
It left a sound, a small repair
A repair not weak nor strong
But one to repay the reparation
Left by deaths grip

In the winds speak whispers
To tell us of our past
Our future
Our present

They tell of times tolls
They tell of wicked time
They speak the truth
They speak lies
They are but disception
Only illusions

The winds bring hope
They bring us dreams
They tell great tales
They tell desperate lies

When they whisper
When they shout
It's all the same
Only a whisper
Caught by the wind
Violent storms a-brew
The cardinal sings it's somber tune
As the air swerves around in the circling sky
Meets gods demand for winds to blow high.....
Trees Bend and twist at its might
For animals fear the destructive sights
Their homes are perplexed by the winds blithe
Watch it howl as white caps built high
Waves that wash over the shores
With wind pound the beach ever so kind....
Wind that flows on my skin
Giving me chill bumps I could not comprehend
I put on clothes to shield its chills
That ever caress my broken battered bones
Push me away from this somber tune
Did the wind do just before high noon.......
She sits at her window, waiting for him
Her window shut, the lights have dimmed
Waiting for her love at the edge of her sill
She waits for him quietly to come to her
Her hand rest below her chin
As she looked up to the moonlights greyscale skim
Sighing into the dead of night
Did her love forever forget her wait?
Alas he stalled to long
He sings his quiet serenade
The one his love will never hear
Oh that quiet serenade
Love is unforgettably hurtful sometimes
It's the end of the world friends
fire frolics through foiled mead hall
Did we ever see their scheme at all?

Mortars bellow beyond our brigade
Their flight path pushes them to their graves
To me this sounds more of a serenade
As the mighty soldiers fall to their fates..

Mothers and daughters are on the run
Fathers and sons pick up their swords and guns,
Battle cry hence forth they did
And in the distance sounds the nearest village idiot

Screaming "ITS THE END FRIENDS", shall we never forget?

Villains push through our village defense
Only to be pushed back by our mighty offense
Did we win this war while our world burns in flames
Or did God merely betray our game,
The city councilmen hides in fear
Writing condolences as he crys in tears,
With his quilt he writes four endless words,
"It's the end friends" never less never more

Brutes come to take our place
Plead guilty we did, we sealed our fates
As all the townspeople scream out words of dismay
"ITS THE END FRIENDS!!" Fire was our final delay
A three foot stick to smash up the brick
A Ten pound weight to seal their fate
Fault hearts are just but nails on my plate
"Call me 'sledgehammer' will see my strength"
Swing fast unto forth,
Filter liquids that linger in quarts.......
Did that repetitive swing bust your torque?
Tell me not it was him,
Whom I believed to be was my only friend!
Sledgehammer was it not?
Sledgehammer whom hit the right spot?
Did he come to destroy sandlot?
Please oh lord please tell me not......
For I know naught
But god oh please tell me sledgehammer did not!
He whom hurt you with implicit demand for strength
Steal your mighty molded ranks
You gave him power and sealed your fates
Call him Sledgehammer
"I'm here to forever hammer your fates!"
Don't mess with sledgehammer
In the looming hours of the night
A beast stands to take his victims
With eyes of hellfire
And a heart of coal

This is no beast however
Only a man
A man with no aspiration
A man with nothing to his name

Do not go gently into that good night
Said the man
As he vanished into thin air.

What we fear
In what we see
We see only one thing
We have released the beast within!
Very ominous I suppose
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