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You don't get to call me out on my actions
You don't know me at all
You don't know I lost my soul to the devil spying on me
Watching from the ceiling my life pass by
In the bed where I lay
A statue as strong as the universe
As heavy as the weight of the world
When the sun comes up and down
Bashing me in sunlight only to dim the light
Until nothing is left but darkness
And in those moments of quiet restlessness
I stay silent and let my mind drift to places
Where hidden monsters peek from underneath my healthy mind
Filling my head with thoughts as dark as the night
And I see it
The light at the end of the tunnel
The escape I can't run to
Without sharing my last breath with the empty space next to me
Where you were supposed to appear
To take all my worries away
And lift me in the sky
With the force of your bare heart
Lifting my spirit up in space  where I look up to see you
But you are nowhere to be found
And I am nowhere to be
And the stars won't answer me
They blink and watch upon my story
With a frown upon their faces
Wondering when I will be strong enough
To join them.
And that is why you don't know a thing about me
You don't know my ribcage is empty
You don't know my world is my poetry
You don't know and it doesn't matter
You are nothing to me as I am a shell without a heart
Disappeared years ago in the night
Where I would hold your hand and pray for you
A rescue, a bandaid to my pain
But I bled and ruined you
And now you're gone.
You are the wind and the sea
You are the sun and the stars
You are everything
When I look around all I see is
Everything reminds me of you I am
Lost in translation
No words can describe
Are not a three letter word
Or a sound in someone's mouth
Are not a simple pronoun used to be refered to
Are the galaxy in my universe
The ray of sunshine on a rainy day
Are not an exact definition of the word
Are so much more than
Do not know what it is like to be
A simple two letter word which is never
A sound in someone's mouth I
Am not recognizable or worthy of attention
Am slowly disappearing into oblivion
Am a one letter word never used in any way
Am neither one or the other
Used to believe I would be a part of
But I do not exist in their eyes
Am only a one letter word and
Are so much more than I could ever hope to be
Can grow one letter bigger but
Am to far away from
So I cease my useless efforts because
Am only a one letter word
Which is never relevant as it is never used
My mouth never opens to make me appear
Behind the mask of silence I hide my name
Am not only a one letter word but
I feel like an unsignificant piece of life
Do not want to disappear but
Who am I?
A one letter word in a silent mouth attached to an invisible soul.
Unable to let go of the past
Null and void of any emotions
Happy is a word you don't remember
A time that passes and leaves you empty and hollow
Pretty soon you will sigh again and
Possibly think about tomorrow
Yesterday never meant anything at all anyway

It doesn't mean we won't see the sun shine again

Solitude is my new name
Turning my back to the world
Accepting he darkness inside
Relieved to breathe in and out
Expecting my last breath any second

At last I breathe in again
Turning on my heels I face forward

True to myself I ignore the rest of the world
Honestly is what remains of my soul
Every time you talk to me

Wild flowers gather at my feet
I stare and stare and stare and…
Nothing is alive anymore
Do not look at me this way
On the count of three I will explode
Wild flowers gather on my tomb

A strange feeling grips at my guts
Nothing can save me from the terrible vision
Dine on my grave and laugh at my death

Hope is dead
Open your mouth and let out a scream
Possible escape, possible prison
Even your dreams are hand-me-down

Fewer and fewer they stand
On the bridge of life and death
Reality snaps their necks

And let them fall into the grey abyss

New life ahead of me once again
Endings call for new beginnings
When you dive for oblivion I will grab your arm

Day after day I will hold on
And drag you back up on the bridge
Yearn to hold you one last time
They call it
The liquid of Gods
The reason our eyes open, come morning
As the aromatic taste dances in our mouths we
Close our eyes to feel the magic
Of the drink designed to wake us up
And the bitter taste on our tongues
Eliciting smiles or hard faces
They call it
The liquid of Gods
But I know for sure
When I was younger I wanted to be
A fairy
But now that I'm older I want to be
A writer
I cannot pretend I know how to fly anymore but I
Can still move in the sky of my imagination I
Am a bird with written wings
I fly away with the words in my head I
Create a path in the sky of my dreams I
Wanted to be a princess
But now that I'm older I want to be
A poet
I cannot ask for a prince to come and rescue me
Like I did before but I can ask for a
Pen and paper to write down my escape
Because my hands are skilled with the words to
Create a staircase from my golden cage I
Can write down each step I take as I
Slay the dragon with my own sword I
Can rescue myself
Words are powerful I
Wanted to be a bird
But now that I'm older I want to be
An artist
I can paint a world with the tips of my fingers I
Can write a perfect ending with the talented tip of my pen I
Can create everything from the top of my head to the tip of my toe
Tippy toe tippy toe
I am a happy drunk
I drink down the poetry in my head I
Get drunk on words and colors
I **** myself with passion but
I survive everytime I
Create a world I want to live in I
Wanted to be
And now that I'm older I still want to be
I work everyday to be glad I am alive
In a ****** world but still I
Imagine a perfect world and as I write down the words of perfection I
Feel the smile upon my face
I am the creator of my own happiness I
Create a perfect world I
I know it shouldn't matter at this date
Because relations are made on the net
But have you realized
Realized how amazing having someone you care about around you feels?
When you are separated from your loved one for a long while,
the first thing you do when you see them is
Hug them
Not kiss them
Not say "hi"
Not text it to your friend
Not post it on Facebook
You just hug the hell out of that person
Because humans need contact
We need what we deprive ourselves of knowingly
We hang by ourselves and think it's fine
It's not.
It's never okay.
Hug people
Tell them how you feel, de vive voix
Why linger around when anything could happen?
Tell them
Tell them all
And love them right
We are made of stardust
All the way from the tip of our toes
To the top of our heads
All stardust
But we don't shine like a star
Or glow like a light
Because we're only particules
Of stardust
And everybody knows
A star can't shine until she's whole again
Which we aren't.
Because we yell, we fight, we die
And we avoid the others
Stardust has to be complete to shine
And until we stop what we do best
Our wars, our threats, our insults
We won't be complete
The day we all figure it out
The Earth won't be the blue planet anymore
It'll be the brighest star in the Galaxy
Because we would have figured out a way
To be whole
Helping each other
Loving each other
Being kind to each other
All simple concepts
That most can't comprehend
And that is, I believe, the saddest thing of all.
Not that we are destroying our planet
Not that we are selfish people over all
Not that we let others be sad in front of us
Not that we let the misery of the world happen as though it was a 'thing'
But that we cannot understand
How much happier everyone would be if
If …
Hunger wasn't a thing.
Wars weren't a thing.
Poverty wasn't a thing.
****** wasn't a thing.
Suicide wasn't a thing.
Hopelessness wasn't a thing.
Bullying wasn't a thing.
If we could push away all those senseless 'things'
Then there would be a chance.
For us the start again.
For us the live again.
For us to be happy.
For us to be complete.
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