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Life is always prettier when I have someone to think of.
Life has been prettier since I met you.
Everything about you shine, and it sparkles on me, making me blush every time.
You sprinkle love on my heart, like snow on the earth.
When you smile, my heart blooms.
Butterflies keep flying in my stomach.
Lightheaded, that’s how I feel whenever you’re around,
You stole my heart heavy of love.
I wish I could keep it inside my chest.
I wish I wouldn’t stutter over words.
I wish I could think properly.
It’s what you do to me.
You’re the thief and I’m the victim.
Oh so lovely prey.
A beating heart. Fluttering for you.
No one else makes it rush like that.
Oh so lovely thief.
What if I say I love you?
What if I say you made my life worth living again?
You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.
You’re the one.
Life is so much easier when I think about you.
Oh how I wish you were mine!
Oh how I wish you’d feel the same!
I own an umbrella
A black umbrella
With all the colors of the rainbow underneath
I own an umbrella
Which protects me from the rain and the bad days
I own an umbrella
Dark outside and colorful inside
I own an umbrella
That looks just like me
I own an umbrella that reflects my soul
I own an umbrella
And it makes me smile
Because the irony is not lost on me
That everytime I open the ****** object
My heart blooms with hope
That someone would notice
It's not simply an umbrella
It's not a random pick
It's a black umbrella
With all the colors of the rainbow underneath
It's an umbrella
Dark outside and colorful inside
Which, when closed, lets appear a sneak peek
Of how it truly is inside
Sparks of colors
Sparks of light
But no one will know
Unless they open it
And look up
Into the rainbow
That protects me from the rain
It cannot be hard to fall in love with you.
Your eyes fill my heart with longing, hope, happiness.
I do not know how to be sad when you’re around. Everything smells of Christmas and the ground lights up under the soft touch of your feet.
Looking like a lepreuchaun, by your stance, your enthusiasm, the way you look at everyone like they all matter to you.
You represent the spirit of December.
Your honesty, the way your heart opens up to anyone, so spontaneous and scary... yet absolutely enthrancing.
The way you are everything I am not, the way I dream I could be.
Open, true, real, that’s what you are.
My head is filled with songs of snow, night, stars and lights.
Like walking in the snow under the bright lights on the 23rd of December, when the crowd is out, enjoying the weather with their loved ones, wearing fluffy hats and long scarves.
The coats may be dark, but the faces are flushed, the cheeks are pink, the eyes are bright and shine in the evening.
They shine with joy and excitement.
Just like mine when I look at you.
I don’t need a fireplace.
I don’t need a coat.
I don’t need a hat or some gloves.
I just need to see you believe in me, you believe this is right.
That we are made for this.
Each other.
I need to see the hesitation before you take my hand, the hope I’ll still be here when you open your eyes, as though you were scared I’d fall apart in your touch.
I need to see the slight flinch of your gaze when I hold onto you like a lifeline.
I just need you and your eyes.
Because I am warm in the hope of your eyes.
We are the young generation
The change of the world
The better part of Humans
The ones with new ideas and a vision of the future,
Or so you say. You say we are better than you, you say we won't make the same mistakes
But you treat us like children who don't have a clue
You do not teach us to throw litter in the bins
You do not teach us to respect our elders
To respect the younger ones
To respect our friends
Our family
We steal, we ****, we litter, we smoke, we pollute, we insult, we waste, we tag the walls, we break the windows, we cheat on our lovers, we bully the weak and the poor
And no one
No one
Says anything
And we don't care
It is not normal
We are supposed to be better than you, we are supposed to outsmart you
But you don't teach us better
You let us make the mistakes again and again and again without telling us how to solve the issues
I have heard dreadful things from young adults my age
"If you don't like the smoke, you can leave or I'll blow it in your face"
"Everyone throws their cigarettes **** on the floor, so I can, too"
"Someone will clean my **** for men they're paid for it"
"They're losers"
"My parents are *****"
"They only give my 600 euros per month to enjoy myself in Paris, it's *******"
"I'm not tipping, those Pakis get enough money as it is" when they earn 10 to 20 Dhs per day
"They don't have a family but at least they don't get yelled at"
"You don't drink? What a loser."
"Come on, come upstairs with me, you'll like it", when I've said no ten times already
"If you don't want to be picked up, don't walk so suggestively"
"Leave your **** here, they will clean it up for you"
I respect people, their jobs, what they do, what they do it for, who they do it for
We are not the ******* kings of the planet.
Just because some people leave their **** does not mean you get to do the same
Just because some people go in the desert or at the beach and leave all their plastic bottles and wraps on the sand does not mean you get to do the same
Just because millions of people throw their cigarettes **** on the floor does not mean you get to do the same
Just because someone decided it was cool to stick your gum under the table or to spit it on the floor does not mean you get to do the same
What the **** is wrong with you people, thinking you own the place?
You're just visitors and your children will get to live in a ****** up world because of you
Not thanks to you!
Move it, do something, and don't give me that fatality **** "we all have to die one day"
Stupid excuse!
You grew up playing in the sand, the green grass, the white snow.
What do you want for your kids?
You want them to play in the sand covered in cig butts and empty broken beer bottles?
You want them to play in the brown, disgusting mud because grass can't grow anymore?
You want them to wonder what snow looks like, and if they will ever get to see it?
You want them to wonder how people used to die of old age instead of cancer?
Did you know every single on of our generation will die of cancer? All of us.
No exceptions.
Because of us.
We are the cause of our own deaths.
We already killed ourselves and we continue to go on the wrong direction
We have decided of our fates
And we think we get to choose our children's fate.
I say we don't.
We ******* ourselves into thinking nothing can be done now.
We can.
We just choose not to.
You choose not to.
You chose to be part of the bad part of the population, the one who decided to settle for less than what we deserve.
I refuse to stoop so low.
I chose to be part of the better part of population.
The one who thinks of a future that can still be improved, even if we won't be there to see it.
Be the change you want to see in the world, and don't settle for anything less than perfection.
You have won the battle
But you will not win the war
I will remove you from my face
Where you think you own the place
It was so long ago
I still remember
The feel of your lips against mine
The taste of your soul
Against my bare heart
Lay down on the ground
Like a holly spirit
I will wash in the sun of your face
Until my mouth doesn't form words anymore
I am a shadow
Following your love
With the tip of my tongue I
March towards the light
Die when I hear your name
In someone else's voice I
Die everyday a beautiful death
Where I lay in the warm sand
And feel the water lick at my toes
Taking my form and adjusting to make me feel whole
But the hole you digged into my chest is deeper
Deeper than a black hole
Deeper than the universe
Washing over me with the force of the waves I
Die a million deaths
To be with you again I
Drown into the sea
Drown into the oceans of the tears I shed
When you told me you wouldn't stay with me
When you told me you didn't love me
I am nothing
I am not the sun sky universe anything at all I am
A chapter
In the book of your life
Turn the page and I disappear
Once a word carved in stone
Now the past of letters combined together but
I am an ocean
And I seep through the pages
Inking my way down the chapters of your life I
Am alive in your dreams
Your nightmares but I am still

You came to me as a stranger
Settled in my heart as a friend
I wish I had hugged you that day
Instead of running away

The contact was close enough for me
Not close enough for you but still
I wish I had hugged you that day
Instead of running away

You let your heart bleed out with love
I didn't know how to cure you but still
I wish I had hugged you that day
Instead of running away

I wanted a love as passionate as yours was for me
But couldn't find it in you no matter how hard I tried yet
I wish I had hugged you that day
Instead of running away

You wouldn't talk to me because it hurt too much
I had no idea how to reverse the evil spell of love but still
I wish I had hugged you that day
Instead of running away

I was desperate to see you again
Hear your voice
See your face
Listen to our hearts beating
Looking out at the stars
Longing to be a part of them
Wondering why your heart had chosen me
Wondering why mine hadn't chosen you

There are a lot of things I have done wrong
But doing you wrong was what hurt me the most
I wish I had hugged you that day
Instead of running away

So I wrote you a letter, explaining why love wasn't in me
Explaining why I could not love you
Why I was broken,
Why I may forever be in pieces
And why no matter how hard you tried to put me back together
You may never succeed to be something else but a friend
Because I did not know how to love myself enough
To let someone else love me

I do not have an excuse for what I have done
And I will never be able to change things
I wish I had hugged you that day
Instead of running away

You drove to my house, knocked on my door
And I knew what you had come here to say
I had seen the glimmer in your eyes
Of hope and courage, the kind a man has to have
To come and pour his heart out to the girl he loves
But I never let you say it.
I hurt you deeper than a bullet wound,
Because I never let the words pour out of your mouth
No the way words are pouring out of me now
Ashamed and guilty for writing down what I had to say
But being too much of a coward to say it out loud
And you had this courage, and I refused to acknowledge it,
Instead leaving you on the porch,
Running away from all the love you had to give me

Please know that I long for it
Please know that I regret it every day
Please know that after months, I still think about you
Please know that I'm sorry for letting you down
Please know that you are my best friend
Please know that I still love you more than I thought I could love someone
Please know that this love is deeper than friendship and deeper than love
Please know that I never knew this kind of feeling existed
Please know that I hurt everyday
Please know that I probably wouldn't be able to change my reaction
Please know that you surprised me
Please know that you scared me
Please know that I'm not used to love
Please know that I love you
Please know that I am not in love with you
Please know that I never wanted to hurt you
Please know all the things I've been meaning to tell you
Please know that I wish you knew I wrote this poem

Please know that I wish I had hugged you that day
Instead of running away
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