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I like my men like I like my coffee
Strong and dark
Hot and silent
Now go away I
Like my coffee like I like my ***
Strong and dark
Hot and silent
Now go away I
Like my *** like I like my men
Strong and dark
Hot and silent
Now please stay I
Am just a shell made of superflus things
I am a bean of coffee that hasn't been discovered
I have a different flavor I
Am not like every bean I
Am whole and raw
New and scared I
Am a woman that hasn't had a chance to bloom yet I
Have not aced the stages of life like the others I
Have not been taken on a date
Or gotten a real first kiss I
Have been used for *** by people who did not care I
Thought no one would ever want me I
Let myself be used because I was too scared
To wake up and realize I would wait my whole life I
Am insecurity itself
Hiding behind the awful shield of over confidence and disdain
I am a ****** in love I
Ran away and I am terrified to fall in love I
Have been used as a ****** object I
Let myself believe it was all I was good for and I
Don't know pleasure or trust or kindness or love or care or passion I know
Hard and strong
Hot and silent
Sad and terrifying
Guilt and shame
Fear and loneliness I
Am a master at hiding away
My emotions I
Have not been taken on a date I
Have never gotten a real first kiss I
Don't know how to make love in a world where everyone *****
Am a abomination I
Don't know how to let people in because I
Am expected to put out and enjoy it I
Am expected to be okay with hands touching my body I
Am expected to know what to do I
Am expected to know how to give and receive I
Am a child I
Am a shaking thirteen year old I
Don't know what butterflies in my stomach are and I
Need someone who understands I
Can't be treated like every other girl I
Am a shaking fourteen year old I
Don't know what lips against mine feel like I
Have the emotional drive of a toddler I
Need to be explained everything and I
Need to be shown how to walk I
Can't be expected to be a twenty year old I
Have the ****** drive of a plant I
Don't know how good it could be or
How anything works I
Need to be watered everyday before I can bloom I
Need the pressure to be a ****** object to stop I
Don't know how to cope with any of the hormones rushing  my brain I
Want things like holding hands to be a huge step I
Want things like the brush of his lips on my forehead to mean the world I
Can't skip any steps I
Am a toddler and I
Can't be expected to run before I can walk I
Have done horrible things to myself and now I
Want to start over but
How would this ever work in a world so focused on ***.
I want my man like I want my blanket
Warm and secure
Hugging me all night to keep the nightmares away
Soaking in my fears and protecting me from the monsters under my bed I
Am only a child.
At first I thought I had it all figured out
The future
The pressure
The expectations
I thought I knew what I was getting into
The responsibilities
The bills
The only person to turn the lock in when I go to sleep
At first I thought I knew what growing up meant
The friendship
The loss
The love
The bare soul to a friend who you thought would be the only precious person you'd ever need
And now I realize it was all just a lie
It was all just a dream
I thought I had nailed my way through teen years by being on my own and ignoring the rest of the world
The world that could hurt me
The world that made me fall in love
The world that made me fall to my knees and pray for an end to my heartbreak
I hadn't realized the nail had been ******* to my coffin instead
We all live and we all die
We all breeze through life
Without even
We're here for
I still don't know why I'm here for
What's the purpose of my life
At first I thought I knew why I was here for
The easy life
The travels
But as time goes by I start to understand
It's not what it all meant
Now I know that I know nothing
Because at first I thought I had it all figured out
And I grew up to realize I had nothing
I can see them swirling over me
Shadows of our past, shadows of our love
Like angels with dark wings
They try to bring me back down
Back down in your loving
But they won’t fool me again
Because they’re lying, there’s no more loving
How should I believe it
When you held me so tight ?
How should I believe it
When you loved me so right ?
I have left wide heart wide open
Out of its cage for the first time in years
And in the ocean of emotions
Filtering through the waves of feelings
I found you heart next to mine
Sent a line spiralling for you
A line gripping at your heart
Tugging it to me
I want this rope to grow and never dissolve
I want your heart beating with mine
I want your heart all for myself
I want you to love me as strongly
As I love you
I don't know how to heal
I don't know how to smile
I wonder if I should just
Take the easy way out
Leave this painful world behind
And breathe the air
Of the sky up high
Let the wind carry my spirit away
To join the family God did not let stay
People never know how low you can sink, how deep into the rabbit hole you can drop. Madness picks you up.
Madness is a weird thing.
It's a process. It's so small at first, so undetectable, that no one realizes what is happening until it is too late.
Once it happens, there is no going back.
But the descent is slow. It takes little bits of you everyday, every time someone or something hurt you.

Chip, chip, chip.

Like workers in a mine, chipping at the ground to find gold.
But there is no gold to be found in destruction.
There is only sadness, anger and despair. Despair leads the way to madness. Despair has no remorse, no boundaries. Despair will crush you down and won't stop. Despair leads you down and with it tumbles other feelings, incomprehension, frustration, desires, love, hate, they all follow you down and form this clumps of horrors you can't get out of. They keep you from breathing, speaking, hearing anything but your own despair.
And maybe you can't feel yourself change, but you do.
What once made you smile makes you smirk.
What once made you upset makes you smile.
Despair drills a hole in you body and, from it, everything that makes you you tumbles down and your body doesn't host a human anymore. It hosts a terrible thing. A shell of a human being with nothing left to lose. And that is the worst that can happen to anyone.
If there is no hope, no feelings, nothing, you become a danger.
There is nothing you wouldn't do.
Insanity doesn't destroy you.
It destroys everything around you.
Those who loved you one, those who cross your path. Anyone in contact with you loses a piece of themselves.
A hopeless person is a slow bomb. Its detonation is silent and lasts a long time, hurting hundreds of people.
Then, one day, it's over.
What if we could detect madness and cure it? I imagine a little goes a long way with madness.
I imagine a little love and care can solve the problem. Love is hope. Care shows importance. And if you matter, you don't get desperate.
I hope I never get desperate. I think, maybe, my family is keeping me sane. I would go insane without them. They are my hope. They show me I matter when no one else does.
But that isn't despair.
It's extreme, excruciating loneliness.
It hurts in your whole body, hurts on a cellular level. I think… it may be the worst kind of pain, when no one chooses to love you. Not because they are your family and feel the need to love you because you share blood. But because they think you are worth it.
I am not worth anyone's love.
And that is.
My skin is one fire and I just stand there, burning alive forever.
But I am willing to burn forever more if it means I get to drown in hope one day.
My skin used to be the map of me
An address in a world full of more interesting places to visit but
Since you came into my life
My skin is a map of the universe
My freckles are stars
My scars are meteor hits
And my eyes are the only planets that matter
As long as they can watch you make me a universe
A galaxy that longs to be explored
With careful fingers and soft touches
Creating black holes and constellations
All of me is a map you created.
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