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It was written in the sky...
I read it!
It was a wish we had made,

It fell from the heavens,
It was a prayer we had prayed.

The flocking birds had saved them all
Beneath their wings,

It began raining our secrets
And all of our other precious things.

The promises of all our tomorrows,
And all of our wishes and dreams
That we had blown into the air,

The flocking birds caught them all,
They had been protecting them
Whilst they were up there.

By Lady R.F ©2016
She needed to refrain
from spilling ink -
from voicing her soul,

So she placed her pen
into the draw -
mental exhaustion
had taken its toll.

This only ever happened
very rarely,
but when it did,
it made her feel
emotionally numb,

Her soul would refuse
to cooperate with her pen -  
her Muse would demand to take
a very brief hiatus;
she was forced
to be done.

She embraces
poet's pause,

It's all part of the deal -
her Muse's constitutional clause.

By Lady R.F ©2016
  Dec 2016 True Passion
Solitude I wear
      like a second skin
my biggest weakness
       my greatest strength
   wading through 
quiet and tired 
    in seclusion
 as dawn draws
    her arms around me 
cold       and damp
    like the sea
           with no oil
for my lamp
       to light my way
through another
      dark    and lonely
November day.
  Dec 2016 True Passion
Coldness, I have watched you
in the shadows,
and you have given me mine
from time to time, awake
I slumber down paths
of moss and who knows what all
darkness we can gather
one at a time, but not one soul
can make a bouquet from another
soul, it is too cold to be dreaming
and there is no place for the duelist,
the two of us, lovers of black clothes
and fairly good looking women,
it is almost winter and the wind
is my second, wearing a dark cloak,
breathing in the dead eyes
of my brother, how they shine
and listen to him sing that sad song
will you, while gathering snow
and turning darker than starlight.
Inspired by Liz Balise's Sigh Differently.   Thanks, Liz.
  Dec 2016 True Passion
I head out at twilight
only to return each dawn,
wading the muddied waters
of my youth, and mysteries
of a history misremembered,
or wishfull, wistful memories,
wanting to revisit in dreams
those things that defy the laws
of physics, yet knowing I can't
go back, and each breath I take
reminds me forever of that fact.
True Passion Nov 2016
Sitting in my chair my thoughts are never-ending
Christmas is a time for friend and family blending
An emotional time for many human beings
In their heads are way too many feelings
My passion is to take the mental pain from all that hurt
To replace it with laughter and love without appearing Kurt
Twinkling stars then become brighter
Thoughts floating inside our heads much lighter
Today I ask for you to smile flawlessly
So someone feels your meritocracy
We often need that social interaction
Even if it is only for a fraction
With this message if I can bring love to even one person
I have done my deed without coercion
Happy Season and a true smile sent to all that I can reach.
  Nov 2016 True Passion
Tom Balch
Through the mist I caught his eye
a majestic beast was he,
stood firm and proud his head held high
his fearless stance for all to see.

I dared not move just held his gaze,
held my breath for fear he´d run,
with staring eyes he stood unfazed
in this stand-off he knew he´d won.

As I backed up he turned away
slowly fading from my sight,
was it a dream or real that day
in the misty morning light*.
On an encounter with a stag in the Scottish highlands...
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