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 Feb 2012 Trinity O
KM Jones
serenade me with silence


I look for your affections between the lines...

on napkin corners...

in notebooks, worn with age


unclothe me to the metronome of your latest rabbit trail

I won't mind if it is meant for someone else


love, I'm asking for nothing more than to share your bed


play muse, for a night

or two


darling, I think I could be poetic for you.
 Feb 2012 Trinity O
KM Jones
I'm ready to run into open arms and be held,
but I'm beginning to fear that I need someone to hold me.

Perhaps I'm simply afraid of wasting away in empty rooms when I'd rather be bathing in the embrace of a beautiful boy.

I think being alone will be beautiful but not here, not now.

I just want to feel raw youth and untamed beauty racing through my veins.
I long to be inspired, to be unfiltered inspiration in the hands of another.


I don't want to write of romances; I want to live them.

(Nov 2008)
 Feb 2012 Trinity O
Terry Collett
Good Friday. Dark purple over
All the statues. Grimstock stares
At windows coloured glass light
Shines through. Kim Keltis on his
Right dressed in black mind in prayer
Standing there. Crucified on a brass
Crucifix a Christ hangs the eyes
Closed arms stretched out the hands
Nailed. Grimstock’s eyes lower down
To the slim waist of Kim and lets
Eyes move over firm buttocks fleshy
Thighs her dark dress caressing.
Unaware of his eyes her eyes closed
Holds to prayer talks to God confident
God is there not knowing Grimstock’s
Stare.  Grimstock’s eyes like feelers
Reach and touch **** and feed in mind’s
Eye greedily the prayer book in his hands
Clutched tightly becomes part of the girl’s
Fleshy thighs becomes this becomes that
His dark eyes moving up rest upon her
Brushed hair. Kim standing still in prayer
Not aware Grimstock’s there with finger
From forehead to her breast from shoulder
To shoulder makes soft sign of the cross
Imagines her own sweet Crucified hangs
For her in pain there Sweet Jesus she mutters
Like eased breath. Grimstock dreams she’s
Undressed beside him in his bed making
Love passionate utterings ****** soft touches.
Kim opens her dark eyes sees Grimstock’s
Greedy stare travelling over her standing
There his rough eyes like fingers touching
Her ravishing her soft flesh ****** her in his
Mind and knowing that deep down that this
Man pushes hard onto her Jesus’ thorny crown.
 Feb 2012 Trinity O
Amanda Small
Now that I'm older
I only cry in the shower.
 Feb 2012 Trinity O
Terry Collett
Father died that year. So did
Bob Kennedy, although that
Was a different death, planned
Right down to the last dark detail.
But your father’s was more personal,
More hurtful, getting right into your
Bones and heart. You were sitting
In the doctor’s surgery with your
Father where he’d come about pains
In the chest and back, when some guy
Came in and said, Bob Kennedy’s dead,
Some ******’s shot him (excuse my French,
He added, there women being present).
There was muttering amongst the throng,
Whispers, coughs, splutters, then a silence
Deeper than awaiting death by your father’s
Elbow, seemingly deeper than Nietzsche’s
Haunting eyes. Your father said nothing
That you recall, but no doubt he felt the
Same sadness that most felt that day,
The waste of a life, a fine brain blown out
Like some candle in a dark room, another
Organized ***** out by some rogue element
Of government backrooms. Father died
That year unbeknown by the world at large
(As if it cared), but death was just as certain
And thorough when it came, sweeping him
Silently from the hospital ward, his link to
Life cut like a bloodied umbilical cord.
He held on all night.
The crystal was attached by a string
which his guides attached to a rope
held by his higher self.

In the morning he killed another dinosaur.
He ate its carcass raw.
Meditating in the crystal star light
he dreamed about the days when language
would describe his existence to children.

Far in the future they will know of us.
Children will be fed stories and know
the lizards are among them still.
The children's books will be of great importance.
Look to them for solutions from the grave.
 Feb 2012 Trinity O
Lee W
Sometimes while I work
Blood will spill onto the floor
and I think of you
"Between an uncontrolled escalation and passivity, there is a demanding road of responsibility that we must follow."*
-Dominique de Villepin

If I had a nickel-plated
anything, I'd eat it
and tell everyone
I'm a robot.

If I had a head full
of wires, I'd roll my
eyes and say
They're called cords.

If I had a crate of screws
and nails, this town would
have a lot more to worry

If I had the bones of a
tiger, I would miss my
stripes every time.
Tripp'd on the tripwire.
 Feb 2012 Trinity O
John Mahoney
you told me
     that you
had a ***** loose
     it took me a long
time to realize that
you keep most of them
     in jars,
lined up in the
garage, above the tool bench
sorted by size,
rather than
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