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Apr 2015 · 426
Tom t Apr 2015
With the stars in the sky,
and the shine of the sea,
what can be more beautiful?
But I say, it is thee.

For your smile shines brighter
than the moon glowing on the ocean,
and your eyes possess the fire
that give the stars their devotion.

But what about the sky
and the blue allure that it holds?
I say come take a look at your beauty
once you're wrinkled and old.

Your beauty beats the sky's,
but perhaps not the plains.
I say can they look as graceful
as they dance in the rain?
Can they turn a mans head,
and make him question what is love?
The answer is no,
and that your beauty exceeds all of the above.

But there is a beauty
that cannot be beat.
For it is the smile our baby will have
When we hold him, and tickle his feet.
Apr 2015 · 353
Tom t Apr 2015
I miss you like
A dying star
Misses it's light
That once made it shine bright

I miss you like
A newborn
Misses its mother
That cries and shakes in fright

I miss you like
A battered bird
Misses it's young wings
That once let him soar in flight

And I miss you like
An old man
Misses his wife
For it is you that gives this old man
An everlasting life
Apr 2015 · 314
Tom t Apr 2015
Money you fear
Can always be lost
You try and keep your youth and health
No matter what is the cost
You tremble thinking of death
And wonder when your day will come
But love is something you'll never be without
For whom will supply it, is who this poem is from
I'll be your money
For your happiness is my coin
I'll be your health
For in your old age, our hands will be adjoined
And I'll be your life
For death youll never fear
Because I'll always be by your side
Holding on saying "I love you, my dear"
Feb 2015 · 303
Tom t Feb 2015
For without you,
the night sky is darker then ever,
the stars seem alittle less dazzling
and the Suns light dwindles in the clouds
Feb 2015 · 274
Tom t Feb 2015
is so confusing
and it doesn't get
any easier
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
Night sky
Tom t Jan 2015
the stars shined bright
and the moon
was picture perfect too
but nothing beat the view
I had laying next to you
Jan 2015 · 335
Tom t Jan 2015
For without you,
the dark night sky is darker then ever, the sun shines alittle less
and the stars seem alittle less dazzling. I need the twinkle in your eye,
the shine in your smile
and the beauty in your eyes
to help brighten my world
Jan 2015 · 267
Tom t Jan 2015
The reason that I smile
The reason that I kiss
You not being with me
Is the reason I'll always miss
Dec 2014 · 295
battle for love
Tom t Dec 2014
I believe this world
will forever try to test our love
misfortune, anger and hatred
it tests us with all of the above

trying to strain us
see if it can make us want to depart
seeing if our love is real
if emotions can erode our hearts

it throws whatever it has at us
trying to break down this young boy and girl
but hates when we realize we can't be beat
cause baby, its me and you versus this world

and we won't be beat
Dec 2014 · 533
Be Warned
Tom t Dec 2014
loving someone
seems to only result
in you being hurt
Dec 2014 · 281
Tom t Dec 2014
Out of crowd, there are many
Out of the many, there are a few
And out of the few I choose you
Dec 2014 · 248
Tom t Dec 2014
thank you for
the days we spend craving each other
the hours we spend laughing
and the minutes you make my heart race
knowing I’m seconds away from seeing you
Dec 2014 · 301
Tom t Dec 2014
I once thought that only a fool
would only say that
he'd love something so much
that he'd sarifice his life
to keep that love alive
An idea i thought would be
vacant in my mind
until the day I met you
Dec 2014 · 446
to live on this earth
Tom t Dec 2014
how can anyone
want to live on this earth??
mass killings
immoral acts
i didn’t chose this life
was simply placed here at birth

people worrying
only about them  
not giving two *****
of the effects they have
and what they condemn

sit in a pew
once a week
can make a person
feel like all is well
and taught to shun the “freak”

one who doesn’t think
as they believe
is seen as an outcast
more or less
is treated like a thief

***** the individual
who thinks differently
not caring
for fellow beings
is the key
Dec 2014 · 279
Tom t Dec 2014
they say
when something you love
starts to become like a chore
then it will **** you
is that the same story
with life?
Dec 2014 · 440
For your lips
Tom t Dec 2014
For your lips
Id live a thousand lives.
A thousand of the most dreadful,
Misery filled,
Agonizing lives.
If that meant
I can kiss your lips
One last time.
Dec 2014 · 312
one day
Tom t Dec 2014
see my freedom, i never will
until the day that i die
this world has kept me locked up
a slave i am, i can’t deny
i find no comfort from
the sacred walls of the church
no, not looking for my savior
jesus for you, i will not search
i feel no sense of pride
in the work that i do
thinking of my past ways
is a thought ill always rue
a bitter man ill be
how can people not see
that i don’t even like me
but i won’t be gated for eternity
because one day i will be free
my body will turn to dust
and ill give the earth what i took
giving back the energy that
i stole without a second look

ill say goodbye to the earth
in the sky ill be, up afar
ill kiss the moon
and dance with the stars

i might return to this world
and soar over the great plains
or run with a lion
brushing my fingers through his mane
ill look at his scars and hold him close
kiss his nose
knowing this isn’t the life that he chose
Dec 2014 · 247
sold soul
Tom t Dec 2014
the demons screamed
the angels cried
who would of thought
that his soul would die
the devil has won
and god has lost
taking him he did
at such a cheap cost
indeed the man
sold his soul
in hell they raised for
one more they grow
the man didn’t know
that its his soul he owes
for all he did was look at the girl
and say “hello"
Dec 2014 · 297
How many
Tom t Dec 2014
How many mirrors
Will I have to smash
Until the man in the mirror
Is the one I want looking back?
Dec 2014 · 282
Tom t Dec 2014
What a lie!
The thought of
a smile being a disguise
until I saw
the smile of mine
is hiding the dark creature
that lives inside my mind
Dec 2014 · 326
Tom t Dec 2014
oh, where is heaven?
where can it possibly be
is it in the clouds
or deep down in the sea
is it somewhere far
in the dry desert sand
or in the vast green plains
with nothing but open lands
can it be up in the clouds
where the birds fly high
or can it be found in the stars
on a cloudless night sky?

growing up i was taught
that the seas never end
the sky and stars will eventually fall
and into mountains, the plains will bend

the truth is, I've found heaven
on this hell-frozen world
i’ve learned that heaven
can take the form of one, beautiful girl
i get a glimpse of heaven
when i look deep into your eyes
i see the winged angels of paradise
shedding tears of happy cries
when i see your smile
my eternal life appears
leaving me with no worries
outgrowing my own fears
i hear the almighty himself
when i hear your divine laugh
for something so beautiful can
only be crafted on his behalf
a sight of heaven appears
when you cup my hand into yours
for your touch is softer then any
forcing my soul to leap and soar
i see the promised the land
when i see your stunning face
holding back my desire to stare
is where ill always see my place

so where is heaven?
where can it possibly be
the answer is simple
its when you’re next to me
Dec 2014 · 455
Tale of Mary wood
Tom t Dec 2014
Here i tell the story
of the beautiful Mary wood
a happy tale it is
a thought i wish i could
a sad story i tell
about life and death
this poem is not of happiness
but of one full of dread

she grew up in the city
a neighbor on each side
an abusive mother and drunk father
from her family she would hide
she loved to read and
alone time was a must
but she never knew what was
the true meaning of trust
always afraid
to make a friend
for her household bruises
were a constant trend
mary thought alone
she would ultimately spend her life
but how she hoped to be become
into such a charming, young wife

until the summer
of her eighth grade year
the day she met the boy
that removed all her fears
young they were
but immature they were not
catch fireflies they would
but it was true love they caught
the first time their lips met
mary was sixteen
she was young, tall and pretty
he was mighty, strong and lean
they fell in love on
a warm september night
for the first time in her life
mary thought everything would be alright
they talked about the future
they talked about their past
to be grown up they wished for
they didn’t care how fast

until a moment that halted
beautiful Mary’s life
a disease had struck her
preventing her from becoming a wife
her beauty drifted away
her sparkling eyes became dull
her humor was the last to go
oh, how she craved to change it all
she told her boy
that she’ll always be with him
to move on without her
she instructed in a tone of grim
and on that day
it would be Mary's last
and now the boy only looks of Ms. woods
as a girl in his past
Dec 2014 · 283
For you
Tom t Dec 2014
I would hand-deliver my soul
on a silver platter
To the devil, himself
If that meant
I can keep you in my arms
Dec 2014 · 370
Tom t Dec 2014
Dried blood splattered
On the soldiers face
His heart starting to slow
To a normal, human pace
He hears the screams
See the cries
Looks to the heavens
And yells "why?"
Looks at his brothers
Fallen they all are
Their cries for god
Turns his blood into tar
Humans he's seen
In their rarest form
Looks at the enemy
Around him they swarm
Lay down his weapon
He is told to do
Something he was taught
To always refuse
He lets out a scream
knowing its his last
And pulls the trigger,
his final blast
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
The cookbook
Tom t Dec 2014
I'm finding out
Growing up to be an adult
Is a lot like cooking
And boy, am I a horrible chef
Dec 2014 · 485
Gray Wolves
Tom t Dec 2014
in the stillness of a wintry 
December moonlit night
is when i think the loudest
I lay, howling at the moon
as my friendly, gray wolves do

perched on a mountain top
their howls harmonized
familiar yet eerie
appealing yet revolting 
we draw closer yet withdraw
from their vicious cries

only the gray wolves know
their unvarnished message 
of their synchronized howling
just as i know hidden
behind my barking
is you
Dec 2014 · 704
A boy and A Girl
Tom t Dec 2014
A boy and a girl
Laying in bed
Ever so sweetly
Touching is their heads
They confess their love
True soul mates they are
And swear never to leave
Whether too close or too far
The girl looks at the boy
And says why can't we wed
The boy replies money is the reason
Theyre ***** in this bed
The boy has an idea
One that will make her blush
And show her she is more
Than just a childhood crush
The boy goes into his closet
Brings back a piece of string
Cuts a sliver off and
says "can this be your ring"
And in that moment
Where magic danced in the night
They became newly weds
As he tied the string on tight
Dec 2014 · 393
Our Demons
Tom t Dec 2014
how wonderful our demons play 
how well they get along
our demons are savages
which is why together, we belong
these demons have humor
as they comically entertain
and taught to love only us
for everyone else is disdained
to block out the world
was the first lesson taught
and to battle for our love
is a fight worth being fought 
these demons are sick
something we cannot deny
but together they will be
for our love is their high
Dec 2014 · 315
Tom t Dec 2014
the presence of death
will be forever with you
lingering through the darkness
hiding behind every corner
accompanied with your fears

feeding of the moments
of weakness and trepidation
giggling at times of
worry and nervousness
caressing your shoulder
pressing you forward
fighting against your will
challenging your instinct to survive

angels will protect you
but time and time again
they will fall
just as you will tumble before
the presence of death
Dec 2014 · 397
my best friend
Tom t Dec 2014
how cannot i say
what you are to me
my best friend
is what you are to be
in times of worry
i know where to hide
in times of adventure
ill know where to ride
a mystery girl
is what you first were
who would of thought
that you are my cure
my medication
for when i am sick
the hand on the clock
for where my life ticks
my eyes can not grasp
the smile that i see
next to you is a place
that ill always want to be
ill forever be grateful and
thanks is what ill plea
that my best friend is she
who fell in love with me
Dec 2014 · 567
Lost with you
Tom t Dec 2014
I hope I get lost with you forever
Never finding our destination
Just looking and laughing
Dec 2014 · 260
Tom t Dec 2014
We worship the devil
The almighty dollar
Envy keeps the leash tight
On our neck, the choke collar
Ultimately gripping our happiness
Crushing it until the final blow
And we're released from its grip
Forever letting our peace flow
Dec 2014 · 458
Tom t Dec 2014
Social media killed the individual
So say goodbye bye to the original
And welcome the conformity
As we begin the deformity
Dec 2014 · 196
Tom t Dec 2014
at this moment
i realized i am lost
i don’t know where to go
have my paths been crossed?
when i look in the mirror
its not the man i want to see
how can i ever mistake being lost
with me being free?
i thought that i was
free from sorrow and troubles
but truly I’m more and more lost
my soul must look like a pile of rubble
my place in this world
i see as unfit
realizing made me think
is it really all worth it?
i know I’m fighting myself
but all wars have an ending
the answer that i seek
seems like it’ll forever be pending
will i ever be happy
with the man that i see
or will it soon lead to torment
havoc it will certainly reek
i can lay and sulk
or i can go and find my way
but whatever i tell myself
more misery is what i seem to pay
today I realized i am lost
have i made the first step?
or just drawn ever closer
to my unknown frightening death
Dec 2014 · 238
Tom t Dec 2014
It's amazing how much
A voice can influence your mood
It can come as kind as a dove
It can come ever so rude

It can break you down
Or make you crack a smile
It can force awful memories
Causeing tears to flow for a while

But you have to remember
Which voice is yours
And figure out which voice
Is your ultimate cure
Dec 2014 · 281
Tom t Dec 2014
Your elegance shines as you gaze into my eyes

Your marvelous body looks ever so graceful as you casually stroll this world

Your eyes brighten the day more sparkling then the most breathtaking sunrise

Your charming wit seems to share the same thoughts as any mastermind to live

Your face appears to be cultivated by God himself

Your divine smiles looks as though it will light up the darkest night sky

Your love gives the impression that a soul can truly be everlasting
Dec 2014 · 194
Tom t Dec 2014
When the sun shined ,You thought
The clouds would never clear
When It snowed you predicted
a forecast full of rain
When i fell in love, happiness I knew I had to draw from your pain
Dec 2014 · 212
the battle
Tom t Dec 2014
when I’m not with you
my heart cries like a newborn
my chest pounds like a hammer
my mind wanders
why go on?
whats the point?
the darkness in my mind takes over
sprouting in my mind
slowly taking over my body
gripping harder and harder

the second tick
the end seems near
the darkness think it has won
until i see your face
i hear you voice
my mind begins to clear
my heart becomes strong
the darkness retreats
back into abyss
but is ready to thrash
once you are gone
Dec 2014 · 282
Tom t Dec 2014
My hearts crying for you
It longs for your caress
It can't take the pressure
It can't hold the stress

My hearts crying for you
It cannot be fixed
It bleeds like a wound
It's skin has been slit

My hearts crying for you
It wants you so bad
It knows what it wants
It knows what its had

My hearts crying for you
It sincerely wants to stop
It knows it can't hold no more
It understands it will pop

My hearts crying for you
I think we'll both agree
All it really wants is
For you to love me
Dec 2014 · 461
time we had
Tom t Dec 2014
our lips meet
legs interwine
you grant me permission
your body is mine
i kiss your neck
you bite my lip
i get on top
i grasp your hips
you tell me its time
let us light the fire
i do what you want
pleasure all your desire
i go elegantly slow
passionately i nudge
you lay the way i want
loving without a budge
you switch things up
our bodies swap
you become empowered
you're now on top
your hair flows
above my face
you ****** harder
my heart speeds its pace
you whisper softly
something in my ear
i only make out
“i love you” so clear
i pull your neck
i kiss you like mad
we lay in content
of the time we just had
Dec 2014 · 339
Tom t Dec 2014
I'm infatuated with death
All things cold and mean
Suicidal thoughts are
A reoccurring theme
Dec 2014 · 266
What you've done
Tom t Dec 2014
What have you done to me?!
What have you done
This free caring mind
This heart of just one

A loner I was
The day I met you
You have no recollection
Of the damage you do

A day can't go by
Without hearing your voice
Without seeing your face
My heart has no choice

It needs to feel your touch
It needs to sense your presence
With You in my life
I believe there's a heaven

When I look at you
A gorgeous angel I see
Without you in my life
What a mess I would be

I need to see your smile
I need a glimpse of you beam
Without you in my life
To hell I am deemed

I must hear your thoughts
Know what you truly lust
Question why you're with me
Is a thought that's a must

But I need you in my life
And for that I thank you for
To picture my life with another girl
Is a thought that's forever nevermore
Dec 2014 · 388
the devil
Tom t Dec 2014
i hear him calling me
the devils working hard
wherever i roam
he is never too far
he sits on my shoulder
whispering in my ear
letting anxiety run wild
letting me live my fears
i tell him to leave me
ill be happy without him
he tells me he won't return
but he lets out a grin
Dec 2014 · 357
You and I
Tom t Dec 2014
Our eyes meet
Our lips connect
Our tongues collide
We start to undress
I become aroused
I become *****
You graze my stomach
I caress your breast
You start to moan
I start to press
I pull your hair
Becomes a mess
Faster I go
Love we express
I ask harder
You say yes
I grasp your throat
Your body I possess
I take control
I kiss your neck
Our bodies crash
They compress
We turn hell loose
We finally confess
No other bodies
Can ever contest
You and I
Have incredible ***
Dec 2014 · 2.0k
Night Sky
Tom t Dec 2014
what a marvelous spectacular
will be displayed in the sky
the day that I leave this earth
the moment that I die
Dec 2014 · 336
My life
Tom t Dec 2014
My life feels so stagnant
Am I even alive
Every day I ask
Is it even worth the drive

I can't even catch it
My life going by
But why does it feel paused
Should I give up or just try

People I see smiling
Everywhere I go
But the life that they live
Do they fully know

Did they ever feel
What i experience now
Feelings of no progressions
No high but always down

I go to school everyday
Learn something useless
My life is like a dried fruit
That is forever juiceless

My mind seems to be a hole
A forever dark abyss
Should I flirt with death
Or give it a harmless kiss

Every day I wake Up
Why do I feel so numb
Maybe I'm too smart
Maybe I too dumb  

My life seems so complex
All I want it to be is simple
My souls seems to being going
On a one way straight to limbo
Dec 2014 · 260
Tom t Dec 2014
I associate blankets
With being depressed
One pull over your head
And the whole worlds suppressed
Dec 2014 · 428
Greatest inspiration
Tom t Dec 2014
My greatest inspiration
Is the love of my life
The woman who holds my heart
The woman I call my wife

You turn my downpour
Into a beautiful sun shower
You take a battered down ****
Into an alluring spring flower

You turn my sorrow
Into euphoria and bliss
You turn my anger and dread
Into a passionate kiss

You turn my worry
Into feelings of belief
You turn my dark thoughts
Into a sigh of relief

You turn my darkest days
Into a sunny sky filled with blue
Your turn my scrambled thoughts
Into a simple "I love you"
Dec 2014 · 206
Tom t Dec 2014
When I'm not with you
My soul can't help but cry
So what hell will it see
The day that you die
Dec 2014 · 406
The storm
Tom t Dec 2014
There's a storm in my head
With never ending thoughts
unwanted emotions
In my brain, they rot

They fall like a downpour
Sporadically they tumble
I can't speak of them when I try
my mouth freezes and stumbles

I fear it's too late
My mind seeping with muck
Why can't the rain hold
And the clouds clear up

Every thought of dread and weary
The storm consumes
Fear of my own thoughts
Keeps me locked in this room

When will this storm finish
I dread it'll never end
It'll plunder me to hell
For my eternal descend
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