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 Aug 2014 Trayc Plaja
Daisy C
My heart keeps leaping back to you
but you wont grasp it.
Dont leave me here standing to face the world alone.
My heart would break without you and her.
I feel so low.
Just say you love me.
Everyday I feel as if you wont ever come back home together.
I feel so lonely
it drives me crazy.
Come back home to me
 Aug 2014 Trayc Plaja
Daisy C
I hate you.
Well that made my heart stop beating
for a while.
Two dogs wrestling on my couch
Yelping and squealing
Barking and yelping
Please stop
I can’t hear the T.V.
I can’t hear my thoughts
Now they hear something outside
They run to the window and start barking
I get up to let them out
They keep barking
Now they want back in
The danger is gone
I let them back in
They jump on the couch again
Yelping and squealing
Wrestling and barking
I can’t think
I can’t hear
“Go Outside”
I put them outside again
The jump on the glass
They want back in
I tell them no
They see me
They bark for me to let them in
I get up again
And let them in
I tell them not to bark
They run around the room
Where was I?
What show was I watching?
Why Why Why?
They jump on the couch next to me
They yelp and bark and squeal
They are playing
I am stewing
I am exhausted
Should I put two dogs to sleep?
Should I just **** them to get some rest?
They calm down just in time to save their lives.
Now they both sit on me
I pet one and feel guilty for my thoughts
The other one gets jealous
He scratches my arm
I'm bleeding
I’m going to get rid of both of them
I get up and give them a dog snack so the leave me alone
They take the dog snack
I sit back down
Where was I?
They eat the dog snack
They come back to me.
They jump up on the couch.
I yell, “GET DOWN!”
They look at me.
I change the channel
They go away.
Now I have to get up and use the bathroom
I go
I come back
They are on my couch.
I sit down with them
They hear something outside
They run to the door
One jumps across my lap and steps on my *****
I’m going to **** them
I let them out.
They start running and barking.
I get my wallet
I am going to the bar
After a few drinks I will **** them
I come home
Hours later
They are happy and excited to see me.
I love them.
Staunch masculinity
I have hair on my chest
I drink whiskey
I work out
I like Karate
I drink beer
I like heavy metal
Let’s fight
Lets ****
I smoke
I stay out late
I win
I read  (ie: I’m smarter than you.)
Let’s ****
Sometimes I lose ….but I learn
I don’t care
That’s my job
I had steak for lunch
Do you want to ****?
I provide
I take care of business
C’mon let’s ****
I build
I take
I teach
I preach
Let’s ****
I’m happy
Don’t cut me off in traffic
I lead
I challenge
How about we ****?
I yell
I critique
I solve
Are we going to ****?
I drive a sports car
I save money
I spend money
I make money
I brag
I show off
I really really need to ****
I said  I drive sports car
I drink…. did I mention that.
Let’s ****
I wait
I wait
I’m patient
I drink
I smoke
I emote
We aren’t going to **** are we?
I work out
I compete
I shoot guns
I ride a motorcycle
I’m cultured
Don’t make me beg for it *****.
I judge
I ****
I love
I ponder
I create
I scheme
I think you are really special
Let's ****
I can lift heavy boxes
I can hang pictures
I can drive you around
I can buy you dinner
Out of work
It’s only been 2 days
You’re overjoyed.

Two weeks later
Unemployment check arrives
Much smaller than your pay
How will you survive?

Getting drunk and getting high
Drinking beer in the early afternoon
Watching ESPN and daytime T.V.
Hoping something comes up soon

On the internet looking for a job
Used to drink beer everyday
Times are tough
Not sure you can get the same pay.

Your old lady is asking questions
She is on your case
You tell her not to worry
But she just gets in your face.

You could spend this free time *******
But she’s got her head all messed up
She thinks there is a crisis
Nagging you while you’re down on your luck

She now makes more money than you
She holds all the cards
She tells you what you doing wrong
She likes being in charge.

What could have been a grand old time
Now has turned into an awful bind

You sit there and stew and stew
She can’t keep her mouth shut and lays into you.

She nags and nags and nags
Why don’t you apply over here she brags.

Every time she walks in you let out a sigh
You sink down in the couch and try and hide

She begins to speak you roll your eyes
She can’t give it a rest why why why?

And now she becomes the one you despise
Why can’t she just let sleeping dogs lie?

You have two choices before you.
Get a job or dump her
You know what to do
Chances are she has already made a choice about you.
And cheated
Then deleted

Then fired
Now Tired
And Expired

And shamed

Quiet desperation
Quiet exasperation
Verbal frustration
Mental desolation
Public isolation

******* ALL
I see her
I searched for her on the internet
I found her
She is naked
Having ***
With different people
Why did I look for her?
What was it about her?
That sparked my interest
Her body is nice from what I can tell
But her smile
Her cheek bones
Here eyes
Friendly looking
And kind
Beautiful long hair
She seems so approachable
I don’t know anything about her
But I want to know everything
This is why I don’t normally look at ****
I see a face of a beautiful person
And I want to know everything about her
So I search
And download
Telling myself I am not a stalker
I am not a pervert
Telling myself I can be her knight in shining armor
I can save her from the life she has chosen
I am not a stalker
I am not a pervert
How long can she last?
In this kind of work
Before she goes crazy
Before she gets used up
How much money does she make?
She has a twitter account
I will never tweet her
I am not a stalker
I am not a pervert
A couple of years go by
I keep following her on the internet
She has changed her body
With plastic surgery
She isn’t the innocent cute
Girl/woman she was
She is still doing this kind of work
She needs to get out
She doesn’t have much time
She needs to learn a skill to enter the work force
I follow her on twitter
She has wish list on Amazon
She lets her fans buy her things
I want to buy her something
I don’t know why
I won’t
I am not a stalker
I am not a pervert
She is dating a man
Months go by
Now she is dating a woman
Months go by
She is retiring
I am happy
For her
But sad because I won’t see her
Her twitter account is still up
She keeps taking pictures of food
Months go by
Now she is coming out of retirement
She can’t
It’s not healthy
Then I realize
I keep searching for her
On the internet
I’m responsible
For her being in demand
Myself and all her fans
Why do we watch her?
We are sick
Chasing an image that isn’t real
Her name isn’t real
This is a job to her
She needs money
And she needs it from
The pathetic losers that are her fans
This is why she is in this business
For the money
Is so simple
I’m so simple minded
I begin to hate her
I will never buy her anything
Or ever pay for any of her content
I will never tweet her
Or view her again ever
I am free
Days go by
I am watching a television show
The actress is beautiful
I search for her on the internet
I want to know everything about her.
I took a week off from work
Nobody knew it

I was there physically
Mentally I was somewhere else

I didn’t plan on going anywhere
My mind just kind of made the arrangements
And sent me on a vacation

My work piled up
and people would call

I would come back from the wherever I was
to answer the phone and
Tell them I was still working on it

They seemed satisfied

I felt guilty for blowing them off
But mind wouldn’t let me go back to work

Instead it sent me to paradise
For a little R&R;

I’m still on vacation right now
I suppose my mind will book my return flight
When it's ready

But for now I just lean back
Close my eyes and drift into
a magical realm of peacefulness
and solitude

Include the paycheck I get at the end to the week
And a little alcohol.
It’s a great vacation.
Try to be strong as your world crumbles

Try to be strong when no one cares about you anymore

You don’t have anything they want

Try to be strong because they decided you are a waste of time

Try to hang on to your sanity when nothing is going you way

Turn your depression into anger when the few remaining bloodsuckers want what is left of you.

Make them never forget you.
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