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screams heard are terrifying
the screams resounding
*are my own
Wrote some odd days ago. I get some vicious chest pains. No doubt from being a **** smoker....
image speaks one thousand words
like how every detail
could make me feel akin to a fire
every moment captured
one I find peace in
any expression
something of absolute beauty
were there to be a flaw found
I would not see it
when so blinded by adoration
all I see
is someone I love
Broken glass lines the path
as if they were shattered dreams themselves 
fragments of hopes lost in the whisper of the wind 
in the night they lie still
I feel like I am dancing on the shards
as I walk, knowing I am blessed
but it makes me sad too
trash litters the ground
life is tossed into slums
many never get the luxury to escape
merely adding to the glittering pieces 
they pile up unending 
eroding, until the glass is no longer discernible from sand
I am talkin' 'bout the ghetto baby
and it ain't no easy road
Frustration, an emotion that
caused a tiny whimper
which broke my heart
Horrid mother in the stress. So guilty.
Drip, drip, drip
one after the other, the build up
no sewage system in which to leak
mind becomes a cess pool
am I so bad, trifle yes
to bring down such wrath in the raindrops
drip, drip, drip
more depth for a fractured mind
sobs seek the drainage pipes
seep into the darkness
no tunnels here to catch the incoming flood
born of love, shaped by pain
reflecting eons of untold dreams
reach out to the looking glass
what is on the other side
stretched out my arms to touch,
for there i saw everything i am,
and there was the beautiful me that i forever missed
wished the silver shattered,
no longer could i stay incomplete,
prayed i, please lets dissolve
tentatively hands touch the glass
intrigued having never seen my true reflection
realizing there is nothing to fear
within the mirror does a true beauty hold
if only the glass would liquefy
let me pass through to the other realm
inhaled me in, devoured me,
from the both sides; as I leaned my numb self to,
the silver pool of heartless honesty,
swam I, closer towards my reflection,
walked into an embrace,
lifting ourselves into a new reality,
dissolving step within the liquid i did
finding the answer to my unknown half
reflection becoming an untold story
of ourselves trapped in dreamland
a dream that is our made reality
hand in hand we strode,
in our hearts was born a new light,
thanking the force that is pain
that led us to one another
holding each other close,
bound together with unleashed love,
we traversed through the verses of our dreams
succumbed to the reflection
no longer a mirrors image
what was once a lone pond
evolved to a deep ocean
the ocean of love and undying passion,
from which we imbibed back our lost dreams,
quenching our soul's thirst,
celebrating the wonderland life is...
Co-write with abyjyt. Thank you Aby. My reflection.
The thundering waves are calling me home, home to you
The pounding sea is calling me home, home to you

On a dark new year's night
On the west coast of Clare
I heard your voice singing
Your eyes danced the song
Your hands played the tune
T'was a vision before me

We left the music behind as the dance carried on
As we stole away to the seashore
We smelt the brine, felt the wind in our hair
And with sadness you paused

Suddenly I knew that you'd have to go
Your world was not mine, your eyes told me so
Yet it was there I felt the crossroads of time
And I wondered why

As we cast our gaze on the tumbling sea
A vision came o'er me
Of thundering hooves and beating wings
In clouds above

As you turned to go I heard you call my name,
You were like a bird in a cage spreading its wings to fly
"The old ways are lost," you sang as you flew
And I wondered why

The thundering waves are calling me home, home to you
The pounding sea is calling me home, home to you

The thundering waves are calling me home, home to you
The pounding sea is calling me home, home to you
A song by Loreena again. A favorite. Always makes me cry.;=PLgUN9E-emUOwYuGeelRj2QPqo3VgAjcCH
'tis the season to be sickly
a cough, a choke, the flu
do get well quickly!
though a virus does defeat you
it is only for now
get well soon!
Get well Chuck! rest then keep writing my friend.
I don't think you understand what you're getting into,
You think I'm attractive,
Clever at times,
But you don't know me.
You've heard me converse,
You say I have a cute laugh,
And you say you're ready,
Ready for all the baggage I always seem to bring,
But maybe you should understand,
I've never loved anything,
And you won't change anything..
Maybe you should think twice,
Take the hint and run,
I'm so lost in this world,
That there's no sight of the road,
This is for your own good,
You don't know what I've been through,
So maybe it's best if you take the warning and leave,
You don't know me.
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