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83 · Jan 2020
Zeppelin (Ten Words)
Traci Sims Jan 2020
Zeppelin left for Heaven/
And I am still here--devastated.
Zeppelin was a beautiful brown Labradoodle. He passed away, January 20, 2020. He was thirteen.
82 · Aug 2020
Gastric Japanese Plastic
Traci Sims Aug 2020
Half an egg, a chicken thigh,
And a tower of noodles
soaring high to a pair of chopsticks
floating in the air,
The entire mix graced with a green garnish,
All if it fake and covered in varnish.

---by Brian Jobe, author of "Bird's Nest In Your Hair"
78 · Mar 2020
I, Seattle
Traci Sims Mar 2020
Death arrived on a plane,
Eager for lovers,
Hungry for converts.
The Emerald Lady cowers in fear,
Empty and silent, her night creatures hidden in shadow, her daytime a wasteland,
Everyone waits for the signal.
Stay safe, everyone.
78 · Oct 2020
Ray and Emily
Traci Sims Oct 2020
Quick, quick, take my hand!
Let's run through the grass,
And I'll stop and catch you up close
to me,
My trembling arms surrounding your shaking body,
We'll fall down laughing
and crying,
And then...oh and then...
And we will grow silent,
Letting our bodies continue the story of us.
The hero and heroine of a future novel in the planning stages.
Traci Sims Jul 2020
( Devoted to "Naked Athena", the brave young woman who faced down, stark naked, unmarked federal agents during a Portland, Oregon protest rally, July 22, 2020)

Born from the mind of resistance
Willow-built, her body arrow-straight and proud
She gazed at the arrogant wall before her.
Life and Death coalesced to a single fiery point of exquisite vulnerability and
the universe held its breath and gaped.
They shot her for her presumption anyway and
she raised her bleeding foot, unconsciously imitating
scores of yogis, saints, and freedom fighters,
Their love supporting her through thought alone.
And then she sat before her enemy
opening her body, inviting their hate...
And they ran.
Like rats.
78 · Sep 2020
West Coast Apocalyptica
Traci Sims Sep 2020
The West Coast transformed.
Fire and Smoke strut their stuff
Hell outside my door.
Pray for those who have no choice but to be outdoors at this terrible time.
77 · Apr 2020
Friday Night Blues
Traci Sims Apr 2020
If a friendship falls to the ground
Does it break into a thousand pieces?
76 · Aug 2020
Missed Opportunities
Traci Sims Aug 2020
Here I am on top
The air is bright-sharp and clear
But you've gone elsewhere
Love can frustrate.
Traci Sims Jul 2020
Maybe the idea has had its day
And the names associated with it have been evoked to the point of meaningless boredom,
But when the dead leaves are blown away from the headstone,
And the bones taken out and put under the microscope once more,
It isn't too far-fetched to have collective remembrance of the heart-stopping sounds of heavy booted feet marching in perfect, demonic unison,
The faceless faces of cruel men watching the crowd with expressions devoid of mercy and compassion.,
And ourselves blood-red mad , raw-throated from the shouts and screams of hatred of the other,
We can only wonder
at the possibility of our inner darknesses rising up to consume and drown the souls of those around us in an excess of misguided vengeance,
Our humanity and tolerance destroyed by the pops of the first bullets.

We must never come this way again.
This is a first draft. I, like many others, was horrified at events this past weekend. History must not repeat itself.
71 · Oct 2020
Obsession (Freewrite)
Traci Sims Oct 2020
The stars have gone out and I look at the distant shore hoping for some sort of crazy meaningless distraction to push me away from your sapphires and mouth smiling wide I want to float into the stratosphere and forget you went dark and I was both dammed and ****** trying to crawl out from under the wet blanket of your silences onto dry land I will always want you poison sweet and tempting like the flower Persephone knew she shouldn't pick but did anyway like the pomegranate she ate that bound her forever.
I am unsouled.
I am unsouled.
69 · Oct 2020
Swamp Monster Gigging
Traci Sims Oct 2020
You grab the fishing pole
I'll get a stack of dollar bills
And a red, white and blue bucket.
That should be bait good enough
To snare a few senators.

We'll fry 'em up easy,
God knows they're slippery enough,
We'll season each side carefully with the bitter dreams of the people.
And when they're nice and crispy,
We'll place them on white china.
They'll understand the irony.
67 · Jul 2020
Personal Ozymandias
Traci Sims Jul 2020
Hope shook out her moonlit skirts and bent to whisper in my ear,
"Yes, you can wish upon that star
and dare to chase your dreams."
As usual, Hope proved elusive
and stranded me in the
Desert of Illusion,
Forever chasing the fleeing rainbow
With nothing more than a chipped magnifier
And a wallet full of tears.
65 · Oct 2020
Lady Liberty
Traci Sims Oct 2020
"Lady Liberty must die," the Orange King mused,
"Public opinion is not how I got this job.
My fame must be locked in,
A surefire certainty,
My praises sung for generations to come".
He sat up straighter on his gold-plated throne and
Imperiously called for the bards.
"Make it known in the kingdom", he intoned with a frown,
"That Liberty has repeatedly lied.
She's quite fake, in fact she's a bore,
Outdated and certainly no style!"
A bard raised his hand,"Sir, I will do as you ask,
Your greatness is apparent to all,
You can rest quite content
By the time I am done
Lady Liberty will be comatose!"
And it happened to pass all over the land,
Posters placed where the public would see,
Liberty's depravity laid bare,
(She hated the Orange King),
She must pay for her
outrageous crimes.
Many were horrified
But some people cheered,
The Orange King was free at last,
With Lady Liberty gone,
A new day would dawn,
"It is time to recover our past".
#political #satire #liberty #democracy
64 · Jun 2020
Planet 2020
Traci Sims Jun 2020
Protests everywhere
Nations going up in flames
Justice needed NOW.
61 · Nov 2020
Paper Airplane
Traci Sims Nov 2020
If only I could
turn my thoughts
into a squadron of paper airplanes and
fly them without care
from the rooftop of my imagination...
61 · Jun 2020
Tweeting While Rome Burns
Traci Sims Jun 2020
Orange Nero tweets
Threatens using vicious dogs
Liberty's lamp dims.
59 · Aug 2020
Traci Sims Aug 2020
I have become a single row of dots in your galaxy
eddying in whirlpools of violet blue infinity,
My desire lava-hot and blasted by the soundless wind
I form then part ceaselessly against the background
of one nebula after another,
Traveling for aeons
only to finally emerge,
A yearning comet
Shining and shimmering against your night sky...
53 · Jun 2020
Nine Minutes
Traci Sims Jun 2020
A knee across the neck
It only took nine minutes
" I can't breathe", he gasped...
47 · Aug 2020
Traci Sims Aug 2020
Sunset coloured flesh.
Sweet juice dripping down my chin.
Summer in six bites.
47 · Mar 2020
Traci Sims Mar 2020
Some people refuse to die
Even though they're given every opportunity
How many times have you staked him now?
And still.. his will is sure

Sometimes I think you might be a child of the ******
But you're  probably just a ****** child
The longer I know you, the more I hate your dad...

— The End —