Morphologically metamorphic integument, aura roan's rainbow mare.
Within your magical integument metamorphosis.
A transpositional interlude that transmogrifies our earthly shell into an immortal puissance, enshrouded in its mystical nimbus, objectified manifest's radix repartee.
Slowly we wind our mythical shroud round about us like a cocoon,
made of the mesmeric magic we exude.
An intoxicating ambrosia of enrapturing inebriation helping us prepare for the mystic prowess which will be ours.
We will be incarnated into a higher state of being.
Transcendental accession's ascension, elan vital's ne plus ultra apotheosis, orthogenesis overtures. Exogamy's homogeny.
We await within a veil of rainbows and light, whose opaque opulence becomes psychic clarity's evolutional fiduciary.
We were meant for this, corporeally preternatural becoming ethereally sublime.
Umbra ultraism and penumbral piquant.
We will become apex axis' crux, corporeal beings ultimate expression.
Mentality's trajectory theosophy's theophany.
Ethology's entelechy's zoomorphic zoolatry.
existential extremity's apotropaic ascension