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Lushly lustful exotically ******
Vibrant virile fertile vicissitude
Puissant terminus loquacity photic
Pique piquant poignant pulchritude

Lecherous visceral longevous cohort
Wanton licentious erogenous frolic
Lurid lascivious ****** cavort
***** lewd apomixes anabolic
You gee ha you wind up in the yaw with only your yare to see you through.
With the piquant poignancy of lurid allusion
    I create a dynamically progressive matrix of collusion
    Whose apex crux axis is beyond finite solution
    And the endergonicaly adhesive pragmatics imbue a cohesively coercive illusion

    For the inveterate hypotaxis of livid elusions
    I portray a protensive conjunction of latent confusions
    Whose effervescent effluence is vagile laconic effusions
    And the sardonic impending preponderance conveys sabbat consortium delusions

    From the endemic puissance of eclectic synectics  
    I derive a dialectically semantic sorcery of syntactics
    Whose apothegm aphorisms are levity terse synaptics
    And the lucidly collusive illuminism educes the aesthetics of geomancy's fatidic

    Through the viable salience of kithe’s intrinsics
    I exude a portentous pervasion acuity of linguistics
    Whose apomixis anabolics are irrefragably felicitous orotund acoustics
    And the aural auspice austerities infer axioms of manumission’s eidetics

    By the hypercritical mitigations of anachronistic sociology
    I purvey rampart ransack oblations of epistemology
   Whose azure opulence articulations are futurity ostensive ontology
   And the evolutional ontogeny metamorphisms incur a homogeny epiphany deontology
Orthogenesis overtures!
The volcano blurted out it's existence,
as if in defiance of the air's superior mobility,
while the waters boiled in recognition.
Orthogenesis overtures!
Perhaps the cost doesn't exceed the value. The prospects there were myriad. Where do you go to escape the elusive delusions of your psychic quandary? The ramifications of inductive collusion make writing a chore which requires extrapolations in progressive dynamics. The allusions of paradoxical analogies multifaceted conjectures often have more depth than the hypothetical dynamic intentions can pervade. I too would like to get more out of the plausiblities of problematic diversity. What were you trying to accomplish? The diversity of possibility makes self oriented interjection seem a pragmatic enigma to ourselves. To receive unity I must conceive the totality of my cognation. The dog was wearing its collar. The rhythms of logic may seem impractical although aesthetically pleasing. There are many ways to exercise the perplexing quagmires of psychic revelry. Since I don't have another outlet I must attempt to succeed through cognitive diligence. Their impetus was not clear. The whole picture was not necessary for the production of viable assumptions. I don't know whether to go or stay home. The dialectics of rational induction often seem almost visible. Psychology is not an empirical science. Transience may seem a convenient quality. The first matrix seemed similar to the third in the progression. If I could I would fashion a legitimate conjecture to help mitigate the discrepancies in these arguments. I find I have worries for my relative clarity in the midst of these almost catalytic litigations. The site for the new well was carefully mapped. I find it difficult to satisfy the dictates of my conscience. A lot of people are distressed by the estranged condition of their moral ethics. The clarity of criticism creates credibility, comprehension can cause conducive consciousness. Multifariously versatile obnoxiously obsessed protuberant demonstratively cajole deviant affectionate ****** caress. English is a colorfully diverse and versatile language. Parallel thoughts like parallel lines carry similar veins of reasoning in almost identical directions. The picture forming seemed to be a synthesis of the almost kaleidoscopic torrents of symbolical regalia. It's not convenience it's the spontaneity of intrinsic expedience which dictates. The light house stood out stark and ominous amidst the torrential rain and flashing lighting of the stormy weather. Anxiety is often caused by an accumulation of unresolved delusions. If the tone of that man's voice is any indication we are not going to have an easy time convincing him to give up his old records collection. Sometimes having something is not as exciting as you thought it would be before you owned it. The occasion was just another new moment in time. The mechanism was a miniature scale model of the larger machine. The man's perception of the situation appeared quite shallow and incomplete. Belief is a relative state that often lacks objective clarity. The monolithic precipice is probably not as steep as it looks. The heights of sanity are a lofty and precarious perch indeed. He was not conscious of the collaborations of his enemies clandestine collusions. The magnitude of the problem put it outside the realm of my perception. The angel was a vision of resplendent beauty as it hovered in mid air above the knoll. I don't think you understood what I meant. I sincerely meant what I said about the sorcerer. I will succeed through cognitive diligence. To say the state of mankind's metaphysique is an imaginary condition is a gross denial of evolutional principle. What then is the nature of problematic hypothesis, or the personification of positive prosthesis? I don't mean to embarrass the perpetrators of theological indenture but perhaps this is not pragmatically aesthetic. The athlete carried the torch with grace and solemn devotion almost as if on a mystical sojourn. The quality of existence may not transcend the tenacious transience of time; then again perhaps the exogamy of homogeny will produce the ultimate successor. Under our political system the privilege of freedom is inalienably granted to all unless abridged by due process of law. If you attempt to unlawfully abridge my freedom I will file a prejudice against you. I am more wholly concerned for my anonymity than I am with the ideology of your evangelist. I know I would rather be self sufficient than deterred by the ulterior motives of political impetus. Though I know I am is more than I may ever be I like to think I could. Through extrapolation one can enhance their vision of the realms of possibility.
Wanton wayward warranty waylay!!  Trajectory extant's totally tangential, exponentially extemporaneous objectified's manifest.  How do you intend to receive your gambits of alluvium aloof impunity if you forget immunity is Epicurean absurdity.  Astral projection's mystic symbiotic.  It's enough to give one the Martian warlord blues on the mule kit.  Exotic trollwood harlotry and, transcendent nimbus nimiety's exorcist.  It's a perplexing paradox my friend.  Ringball tea!
Treacherously torrid torrential tempestuous
The warrior on the mountain confessed to us
Sordid sully suborn salacious
Only the worst will ever keep pace with us
In extremis extremity exigence exodus
Is the answer clear to all of us
Intuitional intrepid impetus intrigue
Spontaneity's tortoise trauma fatigue
Heuristic horizon hornswoggle huckster
Or just another cauldron muck stir
Mystical magical manumission mandate
That only the good would ever relate date
Fornicating fecund finite's fate
I can only hope it will be I rate
Tirade treatise's transpicuous treachery
Adjunct juxtaposition may get the best of me
Estranged ensemble's ethereal expletive
Won't be contained, like water in a sieve
Wanton wayward warrantee wrangled
And all of that surreal newfangled
Omnipresent omnificent omniscient omnipotence
How I wish I could float its boat sense
Misty mountain heights
too precipitous and craggy to tread.
We imagine infinite possibilities
and traverse the talus instead.
Wandering through frost bitten landscapes
the macabre gruesome of yore.
Sentience breeds visions of panacea
entreating us to ask for more.
But enigma is a treacherous tirade
and the berserker is at the door.
Revulsions list toward recompense
reality seems a *****
The wanton wayward gist of pith
is diabolical dementia.
How to accomplish bailiff’s rake
while preserving in-absentia.
There is no more impunity
for those who live with sooth.
And yet our souls would long for grace
and try to call it truth.
Perhaps everything that has ever existed will exist forever in the psychic clarity of God.  Retrospectively retroactive's omniscient ubiquity.  Objectified manifest's infinite possibilities exponentially
extemporaneous eidetic prospectus perpetrates incorporeity ideology's perfectible ontology.    

Imagination's immaturities would seem to purvey that these things are irrefragably inevitable in the light of noumenal sentience's semantic regalia.  Astral projection's distance traveled time spent's dynamic progressiveness to clairaudience clairvoyance existential extremity.  

Spatiotemporal telemetry tactician's trajectory extant is totally tangential.  Extravagantly exorbitant's flirtatious flamboyance to flippantly flighty flit-ness.  Down here at the bizarre  bazaar we all believe in the blasphemous farcical fugue-ness estranged ensemble orchestrations and all.  Some of us are even into the various assorted forms of related stranger weirdness, similar states of analogous collusion and ancillary subordinateness.  Laboriously beleaguering hypercritically meticulous tedium, excruciating exacerbations of autonomous avarice.  

I'd like to think that these arguments have leverage on the reconnaissance reconnoiter.  Mentality's osteopathic prescience is an empirical substance.  Psychokinesis is an art.  Eclectic synectics's social contiguities zoomorphic zoolatry to demagoguery could raise us all to new heights of enigmatism and leave our corporeally preternatural finiteness endowed with a fidelity that exceeds itself, foreshadowing life's mysteries.  No more dour droll dreary ochlocracy of an oligarchy.  Stolid stoic bailiff's rake-ness rails, vicarious recalcitrance for all!
I raven submit this crowbar in hopes of bolstering the constitutional fortitudes of our political institution's inalienable rights.  A riotously raucous and joyous rebellion against the mundane.  
PS: A fulham is a loaded die.
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