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 Dec 2012 Toni Cezeal
Tom Orr
She took my hand and followed me
through the trees,
under the archway made of ivy
(flanked by pristinely carved hedges)
into the vast, open field
which met the ethereal red sun
on the horizon.

We sat in the fresh grass,
cool in the evening air.
All the while we stayed silent,
just admiring the untouched space.
Each blade of grass before us
swayed gently,

Time had stopped
but everything was still living.
Still moving.
As if this place were not included
in Time's perseverance.  
I didn't want it to be,
it was too important to me.

It occurred to me then
that it wasn't this place
that I valued the most at all
It was this moment.

And I captured it.
 Dec 2012 Toni Cezeal
Tom Orr
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
and that
art is never finished only abandone--
 Dec 2012 Toni Cezeal
Tom Orr
 Dec 2012 Toni Cezeal
Tom Orr
She makes the sand,
the sand seep away.
Little locket on her chest,
with her steps a gentle sway.
Though her eyes cast
a tender gaze,
her fiery heart sets the sky ablaze.

Dry rain and dry puddles,
never will she stop.
'Til she stumbles to her knees,
the dusty ground, fiercely hot.
She cries out in pain
and laughs through tears,
a withered smile
of withered years.

She sees me.

Her faces relaxes,
her lungs give out,
her limbs betray her
and with one final strain she says:
*I can't hate.
So you'd like to date my daughter,
This I can tell,
So line up behind the others,
And I'll see if you suit her well,

Now come here boy,
Just one to one,
Man to man,
It's okay, I may look stern, But I love to have fun,

So, son, what do you like,
Oh come on, you know what I mean,
What's your favorite curve on a woman's body?
Like *******, legs, thighs, ****, and do you like em thick or like em lean?

Oh ******* you say?
I see... I see...
Get out of my sight!
If you still want her, you will have to **** me!

Ah, you look like a nice chap,
what's your pleasure?
What's your favorite curve on a woman's body?
On which does her beauty measure?

Oh you like her rear?
Oh, well I do hope you like my daughter's,
For that's all you'll see as she walks away with me from you,
Sickening, disgusting, these gentlemen, not gentle but marauders,

Oh so it's legs?
Don't leave now and I'll break yours,
Oh so it's thighs?
Get out of my way! I'll find one who'll make her heart soar!

Last but not least...
Will I find no peace...?
So young man, I will ask you the same,
What of a woman has your testosterone release?

Well good sir,
Your daughter's attractive,
I cannot put this in ample words,
But it is not of that that she has my heart held captive,

I've heard you've asked of her body,
And my sir, if I may have the nerve,
For it is her smile, it is any woman's best curve,

Treat her well son.
Two brothers march
off to war

To win a battle
to settle scores

They keep in step

Drums, not hearts
their minds bereft

Through the fog
the 'enemy' lies

While back at home
their mother cries

Drums beat faster
as fog clears

Programmed to ****
for many years

Brothers see demonic eyes
fear screams- BOOM!

Who shot first
no time- assume

Two brothers aim
and shoot across

They've missed their mark
the guns, they toss

Dash together with
great speed

First to stab
and first to bleed

They lie together
attached by blade

Victory is lost
to a sick masquerade
Written quickly. Had it on my mind.
I lie my head
Atop your words
And fall into a sweet sleep
For your words find their way
Into my soul
They barrel their way into my mind
And play over and over
Filling me with sweetness
Your words lull me to sleep
As they bring joy to my dreams.

As they bring you to my dreams.
God my savior
Hear my prayer,
I have sinned a thousand times,
Took that which wasn't mine,
God my savior
My path has gone askew
So I beg on my knees
I ask you
Take my hand
Guide me from these unknown lands
God my savior
I have fallen at a crossroads
I look each way,
But I'm not sure which to go
God my savior
My tears are fresh
Damp on my cheeks
I feel foolish
God my savior
I feel so lost
I have wondered this same road
Looking for a place to call home
A place of my own
I've wandered alone
God my savior
I have broken bones
Broken by sticks and stones
Tossed from hates hands
Their words make me feel bland
God my savior
Save my soul
Torn and shredded
By their black stained claws
I felt the pressure of hells
Heated jaws
Across my neck so close to my end
I try to forget
Act like its pretend
God my savior
I hold myself up by my bloodied hands
God my savior
Please understand
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