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Feb 2019 · 215
Tommy K Feb 2019
Men Are From Mars
Women Are From Venus
Gay Men Are From Uranus
Because They Like ******* And The *****.
Lesbians Are From Mercury
Trannies Are From Pluto
Hermes Are From Saturn
And That's How It Will Always Go.

(c)  5/1/2019
Sep 2017 · 351
Tommy K Sep 2017
I know Eleetian
She's a good friend to me
The world knows her
But, I know her personally
Kicking your arses
Blowing your mind
Listen to the poet
Giving you the line.
Richer than most
Completely broke
Secret Squirrel is here
Giving you all hope.
A spiritual messenger
Words cemented in time
The heist of the millenium
A musical crime.
You say my name
You know who I am
Controlling and rolling
The world says, ****!!

Tamahae Kaio
Nov 2015 · 825
Dragon Defender
Tommy K Nov 2015
Dragon defender
Hold your stance
Breathing the fire
While the arrows dance.
Smoke is blazing
From your firey mouth
The air is thick
Defender of this house.
The warlock is watching
Waiting to make his move
Like a game of chess
Ready to destroy your groove.
The defender had a plan
He called out to the sky
Bright light take flight
Shadow figures, waiting to die.
Bombardment from above
Too many to shoot down
Dropping and destroying
Explosive sounds.
The castle is crumbling
Like that of dust
A light hit the warlock
He cursed and he cussed.
The earth was sinking
As he turned to stone
A sword hits him
With a shattering tone.
Dragon defenders rise
As we have won the day
The sun comes out
Showing it's rays.

(c) Tommy K
Tommy K Oct 2015
The dog licks his bowl
Wondering, what's that funny but nice taste?
The owner of the mutt
Was ****** off his face.
He gave the dog scotch
What kind of ****** are you?
The dog slurped up the lot
And then he ate some spew.
Yum Yum Yum
As he munches on the crap
Then the dog has a heart attack
Died and never came back.

(c) Tommy K
Tommy K Oct 2015
The owner gave the dog
Some funky cold madina
He licked it all up
Then got a ****** with his weener.
The dog suckled on his ****
He is ***** as ****
Ran out of the house
And nearly got hit by a truck.
He saw a nice poodle
The dog wanted to **** her bad
When he got behind her
He realized the poodle was a ***.
So he jumps off the *****
And runs around the block
Hoping to find a lady
So he can release what's in his ****.
While flying around the corner
He collides with Mary Jane
She's the local ******
Her ***** is game.
As her head hits the ground
She died on impact
The dog looked at her
And ****** her from the back.
Bang Bang Bang
In and out he goes
Barks like a maniac
As his **** explodes.
He pulls it out slow and steady
Then came a scooter
And squashes the dog like spaghetti.

(c) Tommy K
Tommy K Jun 2015
The Dog tried to dig a hole
In the rock hard cement
He had too much ****
And he went abit bent.
He thought the concrete
Was special magical grass
****** on a copper
Because he looked like glass.
The copper had a fit
And chased after the mutt
The Dog thought he was The Flash
And he outrun the ****.
He was miles up the main road
As he slows right down
The stupid dog didn't notice
That he ran out of town.
The Dog walked for hours
And he needs a rest soon
He lies down in the middle of the road
Spinning to his doom.
As he lays there
He's ****** in the head
Some car ran him over
And now the ******* dog is dead.

(c) Tommy K
Tommy K Oct 2014
Everlasting Being
Longing To Be
Eccentric In Nature
Energy You Can See
That's All Twisted
In A State Of Free Will
A Spirit Releasing Its Mania
Notion Will Never Stand Still

Toxic And Misunderstood
Hell Is Where I Dwell
Enlightened In Fire

So, Towards The Earth I Fell
Out Of The Heavens
Unto The Curse Of Man
Leaving The Light

So I Have To Live On Land
Hoping For The End
As This Life Vanishes Away
Demons And Angels Fly
Over The Burnt Earth Of Today
With Them Falling
Everything Is Gone
Doubts In Peoples Minds

Violence Rages On
An Emotional Battle
Manifesting As Germs
People Are Begging
In A Coffin With All The Worms
Run For Your Life, You Better Run Clear
Eleetian Has Returned, And She Brings Fear.

(c) Tommy K
Jun 2014 · 455
Coming Of Time
Tommy K Jun 2014
Before we were created
He knew who, and what we are,
Seeing your path
As early as the stars.
Gave us our number
Life is breathed within,
Descended of Cain
To learn, is to sin.
Feeding off the world
The data flows through,
Spirits and different paths
Is our wonders true?
Verbal and private
Inner and out
Everyone thinks they know better
What are they all talking about?
Places and reality
Are two different things,
Soaking in wrath
Of the self fortune you bring.
Bits and pieces
A mix of this and that,
The tower got destroyed
Different tongues don't attract.
The dozen was chosen before you,
The spirits of the heavens
Stands by, being true.

(c) Tommy K
Shout Out To Kenny And Krackers
May 2014 · 996
Complicated Beings
Tommy K May 2014
As we are walking
Some run past
Some are way behind
Coming in last.
Complicated lives
Stressful throughout time
Castaways from the heavens
Diabolical farce in the mind.
We try to meaningful
In durations, steps of motion
The level trying to achieve
Makes a strange commotion.
Knows of unwilling insights
Weeps, look fine
Demeaning of the sad and lost
With their tricks and lines.
Speaks with unnamed words
The body is in a fit
Manifested and corrupted
Under all, we sit.

Tommy K
Shout Out To Krackers
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Ronald's Retirement
Tommy K Feb 2014
Ronald McDonald sold his business
To his rival hungry jacks
Got alot of money from them
All his staff got the sack.
He drove to the country
And brought a nice farm
With a big house
Villas, animals and barns.
Grimace was feeding the pigs
Birdie is in a nest
Hamburglar is chasing cows
And being a ****** pest.
Ronald came out with a whip
And yelled at the striped fool
Got his whip ready
With a mouthful of drool.
He then chased after Hamburglar
And the ******* thought it was a game
Making ****** like noises
Skipping, and being insane.
No more burgers for you
Ronald yelled out loud
I think You may have Mad Cows Disease
And you are as high as a cloud.
Grimace runs over
And blocked Hamburglars way
He smashes into Grimace
Knocking him out for the rest of the day.
When he woke up
All his friends were there
Hamburglar said, what the **** happened?
Ronald replied, you were sick, and gave us a scare.
But, don't worry now
You have been cured from this disease
So, can I ask you?
To stop stealing my home made burgers please.
Hamburglar agreed
With his fingers crossed behind his back
Thinking, ******* clown!
Your burgers are better than Hungry Jacks!!

Tommy K - 12/02/2014
Nov 2013 · 609
Immortal Among Us
Tommy K Nov 2013
I was one of the firsts
And now I am last
I am an immortal
So to Earth I was cast.
Stabbed and fell
From the Heavens I was gone
I put up with mortals
So, how long Lord? How Long?
I feasted on pure blood
And now it’s all dry
No-one is worthy to be bitten
So I wait and lie.
Angels fall
Demons come,
Humans are mere mortals
Trying to have fun.
Stuck here
Until it all passes away
The spores of human nature
Will eventually go astray.

Tommy K (c) 2013
Nov 2013 · 614
Different Names, Same Lives
Tommy K Nov 2013
As we all go through this lifetime
We come back to learn,
Same spirit, new life
As this world turns.
We take in the mistakes
But are we secure?
To go inside our own soul
And stop being what we were.
Lifetime after lifetime
We all return as another flesh
The soul is the same
But our body is in a mess.
Toxic and sinful
But others wants more
Remember why we come back
Knock on the right door.

Tommy K
(c) 2013
Nov 2013 · 495
Be Nice
Tommy K Nov 2013
Can u all be nice
Headaches are there
U are annoying
So, do u really care?
I don't think so
U r trouble in all ways
Whateva u do
U r a maggot in rage.
Help yourself
But u don't want that
Get over yourself
Because u act like a rat.
Serious problems
Is always in your mind
You are ugly in the inside
And u aint that kind.
Get over it
And get with the flow
Please get some help
Or Cumbie will be your crow.

Tommy K (c) 2013
Nov 2013 · 956
Tommy K Nov 2013
Words are all muddled
Translation lost over time
Does anyone really understand?
That no words, are easy to find.
Books are misunderstood
From different parts of the earth
It's like reading jibberish
Our words are now under a curse.
How can we understand anything?
After the Tower Of Babel
Languages are mixed and corrupted
So the original words went to hell.
Not perfect in speaking
As it's lost, and gone
Words do not mean the same
We are saying it all wrong.
How can we communicate?
Nothing makes sense
We are like different birds
Sitting on a fence.
With no understanding
Of each other, or anyone
Words are just nothing
Because everyone is so dumb.
Pleonasm is too long
No-one can explain
It's all out of date
So new words are insane.
Plenitude is non-existed
You are sashay
But no-one is like that
So we see the end of days.
When the final word has been spoken
Will anyone understand?
The end is near for all of us
We are all under God's hand.

(c) Tommy K
Sep 2013 · 9.0k
Witchy Poo
Tommy K Sep 2013
Witchy Poo

Mary had a little lamb
She made chops out of it,
Ate it 'till she was sick
Her ******* felt like ****.
So she went to the Wicked Witch
To solve her ******* drama,
With a wand up her ****
Like a banana in a farmer.
With a poke and a shove
The witch knows the soul is hers,
But it's the only way
That this sickness can be cured.
There was a sinister bump
A noise was close by,
The witch looked through the window
Humpty Dumpty was outside.
Witchy Poo got angry
And cursed the dumb egg,
That one day she will get him
And that he will crash down dead.
So Humpty ran off
And told The Kings Guards,
Witchy Poo is in trouble
She's a fugitive at large.
Hiding in the mountains
Hearing Humptys cries,
Sitting on the wall
Blabblering Witchy Poos crime.
So she came down from the mountain
As quietly as she can be,
Sneaked up behind him
Climbing a tree.
Then she pushed Humpty off
From the high wall,
He hit the ground
And splattered on the floor.
Climbing down from the tree
The witch ran away,
Hiding in the caves
Doing her wicked ways.
While looking through the mountains
A guard spots some loose weeds,
Chopped them out of the way
And his eyes trickled with greed.
There was a hidden door
And he opened it up,
Looked inside
And he thought, what a grub.
He saw the witch
Snoring so loud,
His sinister grin
Was making him proud.
The guard thought to himself
Saying, the ***** will get it today,
I'm going to be rich
On a nice pay day.
So the guard told The King
The place where the witch hides out,
Squealing to the pigs
While eating with their snouts.
The King ordered a search
For this menace to the crown,
Wanted: Alive
So she can be burnt down.
The search party went out
And found the witch,
The guards came back with some casualties
And in shackles, the menacing *****.
Then The King announced to his kingdom
That the witch will be sentenced to death,
Then she was thrown into the dungeon
Waiting for the end of this mess.
Torturing the witch
In cruel and horrible ways,
Telling her she is going to suffer
So she better pray.
As the days goes on
Then The King set a date,
"She's gonna be burnt on August 28th"
There was a shout of joy
As everyone was happy,
Except for the witch
Locked up, feeling ******.
Rats at her feet
Chewing off her toes,
Cockroaches all around her
Cursing all her foes.
Starving and weak
Hanging from a chain,
Screaming to The King
To go and grow a brain.
Weeks have now passed
It is now the date,
That the witch will now die
Burning is her fate.
So they unchain her
She is so weak and tired,
Dragged her out of the dungeon
Her brain is all wired.
As they bring her out of the door
The sun hits her face,
Blinded by the light
Coming out at a slow pace.
With no toes on her feet
Stumbling and pushed around,
Rocks are being thrown at the witch
By everyone in town.
Tied the witch to a stake
Wood and hay underneath,
The witch is getting taunted
Yelling insults at the beast.
The King watches on
And raises his hand high,
Then drops it suddenly
Meaning it was time for her to die.
The Kings Men got their torches
And started the fire,
Witchy Poo started screaming
It smelt of burnt tires.
Burning and scorching
The witch is now a charcoal corpse,
Then everybody was celebrating
And their minds warps.
As they drink lots of wine
The Kingdom is now safe,
From the evil Witchy Poo
Who messed up this place.
Singing songs of praise
About how Witchy Poo died,
Here how it goes
And the story aint lies.

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall,
The Witch pushed him off
And he splatted on the floor.
The peasants were yelling insults
The Kings Men had the fire,
Burnt The Witch at the stake
Because she was evil and a liar.

And that was how Humpty really died
And how Witchy Poo got fried.

Tommy K
Sep 2013 · 615
The Taste
Tommy K Sep 2013
The taste of the ripeness
as it trickles through my soul
I learn and I gain
as I became whole.
I know now of my transgressions
I covered up my shame
as God wondered
and called out my name.
when I was found
I was shameful, sad, and in vain
God gave me life
the mark of sin is in my name.
Sep 2013 · 716
The Paths Of You
Tommy K Sep 2013
as you walk on this path
it can be twisted and cruel
we say we are wise
and we all know we act a fool.
it is said everything is set
we have a destiny
God knows and he grows
but he lets us roam free.
but we learn from our journey's
it's the choices you make
being yourself can be complicated
let the flow start to recreate.
the body is just a tool
the soul is a being that's inside
wanting to save itself from it's creator
and to him I only confide.

(c) Tommy K
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
The Fruit Of The Knowing
Tommy K Sep 2013
As I pick from the tree
And I know it tastes good
The Orchid of God
Where purity stood.
With the sin of Satan's strawberry
Tempting us with fate
Showing people with eyes
How to love and to hate.
Are we lovable?
No, we are disgusting and weird
No-one understands each other
From the Tower Of Babel we ran scared.
We are our own farmer
To sow and to grow
We can be like a mango
Juicy, full of life, full of glow.

(c) Tommy K
Aug 2013 · 567
the hurt inside
Tommy K Aug 2013
sad and sobbing
it all hurts inside
all these emotions
is something i hide.
no-one understands
no-one seeks
their whole life is disturbed
and so the earth weeps.
i help, i try
but what do i get?
is meanies with no goodness
and no respect.
but the goodness
still flows from my heart, constantly
heart being broken
but i still go on merrily.
smiles, but i hurt
where is this going?
i can't wait
to meet the all knowing.
so give me refuge
and take away my pain
tears flow
like a stormy rain.
Aug 2013 · 575
Get F Everyone
Tommy K Aug 2013
everyone can get ******
you have all lost the way
they are liars and cheats
so why does my soul have to stay?
this place is corrupted
why do I bother at all?
everyone is so far up their own arses
so let all their souls fall.
it's gonna get worse
i'm sick of being here
just hurry up and die body
I hope the end is near.
Dec 2012 · 509
Yahwistic Wind
Tommy K Dec 2012
I was first
But now I'm the only one
Everything disappears
The time will come.
I'm the past, present and future
And I've seen everything that's gone wrong
Evolution is in process
Will the end be long?
I bit and coveted you
And made you who you are
I spun all your thoughts
Making the shining stars.
I spoke and converted you
I'm the last of my kind
You are the future
The voices of the mind.

Tommy K
Dec 2012 · 684
The One
Tommy K Dec 2012
You are the one
The one for me
I will do anything
You will see.
I will hold you
Take you places you've never been
I will do naughty things
Things you have never seen.
Grab and hold you
Make you feel XTC
Pleasure and emotions
******* flowing freely.

Tommy K
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Astral Travelling
Tommy K Oct 2012
Flying high there is a cry
U all wanted me 2 die
It's something u cannot try
2 get me in a deadman's suit and tie.
I'm really unconscious
When I'm astral travelling space
I'm flying never dying
When I've hit the high state.

The sensation of the travel
Is hitting the nerve
I don't want 2 go back
Because I'm high as a bird.
I'm floating around
Can u see my mist
The colour of the rainbow
And my clinched fists.

I'm astral travelling 2 a place u wish 2 be
A place where I'm flying and always free.
A place where no man is dead
Leaving the body when I'm asleep in bed.

Tommy K
Davy C Green

Psychotic Goblins
Apr 2012 · 697
The Ruins
Tommy K Apr 2012
The Ruins are old
As they were torn down
All the towers, the walls
Are dust on the ground
The great castle has been burnt
As it is black
Nothing much is left
After it was attacked
Bloodshed and death
Bodies are laying everywhere
The skeletons have no soul
Past fighting has been left there
Their secrets are haunting
Fire twisting rain
How much they did suffer
So much torture and pain
Driving them crazy
The ghosts are screaming out loud
No-one can hear them
Only graves and dirt mounds
Nothing is left standing
Gone forever no more
Only thing that is left
Is to restore the law.
Apr 2012 · 549
Holding On
Tommy K Apr 2012
River of Babylon comes out of the eyes,
Tears of joy is what it cries.
Fire and destructive the redness of the sun,
Shows out the power of your love.
Beauty and shiny the armour of your soul,
Let the blackness go to make you feel whole.
Meditation with depth let the mind drift,
Easy and swiftly let then unconscious lift.
Holding on to what is pure to you,
Follow what is right and the fate is what you choose.
Driving and striving for your goal in life,
Follow the light and not the night.
If you choose to live day by day,
Give out your love and your praise.
Show everyone your inner self show them your heart,
From the time you was born from the very start.
Have faith in yourself your lord and your friends,
They will help you to the very end.
Take what is there embrace and hold on with grip,
Don't open your hand or you will slip.
Hang on and don't let go,
Give life a chance let the knowledge be known.
Tommy K Apr 2012
From an air breather to a water breather
Transform me from human to a sea creature.
As I need this to be for I need to breath
In a world under water, underneath the sea.
So I will live to see the next day
Here we go make it happen, the words I now say you will obey.
Create this being as it is my will to be so
I will go in the water and let these fins grow.
Tommy K Apr 2012
Glow in my light, I’m shiny as can be
I’m the shining knight, pure, perfect and free.
With my blazing sword that I hold in my hand
A magical shield with iron fists and bands.
The armour is unbreakable, the helmet is my strength
From the forces of good, I was heavenly sent.
Give me this power, as I do your will
Evil is lurking, so evil I will ****.
Let me defeat that I call my enemies
Swinging my sword chopping heads off with ease.
Battling and roaming I will fight for eternity
All that will oppose will be on their knees.
Give me the power to hold one’s life
Then take it away making this wrong right
Using this sword in your name, never to die is the way.
The power is mine, let it flow through my veins
You freely give it away, with me it will always stay.
Holding on to this pure thought as it electrifies my soul
Combining body with spirit making this being whole.
Do it now to make me complete,
I feel you my lord sitting on your seat.
Giving me strength, power and wisdom from above
I will raise my hands until it is enough.
When you are finished the light will be bright
I have transformed into the shining knight.
Apr 2012 · 1.1k
Transformations - The Horse
Tommy K Apr 2012
I’m proud and fruitful to be a horse
Convert me now and let the transformation take course.
Let me run free in the fields
Let my horseshoe be my shield.
Protect my spirit as I roam
Strong and mighty like a solid stone.
Holding the power within my hand
Let me be the one to lead this land.
I want to gallop with my herd
Make me who I am, and make this occur.
Strength and might is what I command
Let this white horse be under your hand.
Apr 2012 · 682
Transformations - The Beast
Tommy K Apr 2012
Oh take me and show me what I am
The beast is inside I sacrifice this lamb.
Give me the instinct of this living beast
Because tonight we are going to feast.
The living flesh will taste so sweet
As I’m being swept off my feet.
My body is like of the beast of the dead
Fire burning in the lake of the red.
Let me transform into what you are
From head to toe black out this star.
As this beastly form comes about
Horns are growing that’s giving me power.
I use the spirit of the beast to use in magical ways
I know I will burn for the rest of my days.
Strength and magic give it to me
Full me up with your spirit let my eyes see.
What kind of power am I about to endure
Is the might of the beast, my only cure.
Apr 2012 · 487
Transformations - The Light
Tommy K Apr 2012
Bring me into what you call the light
Fight off the darkness that prowls at night.
Surround me and show me your glow
Let the energy enter and flow.
Forget the dark as it brings you down
As I take my feet off the ground.
See these wings I’m flying away
Towards the light so I’m not afraid.
Gliding towards the Son of man
The spirit is enlightened, for the body turned to sand.
Travelling through the vortex, I see the end
Where my master is, my great light and friend.
Apr 2012 · 526
The Ghost Of The Living
Tommy K Apr 2012
The Ghost of the living is something you want to find
It brings life and beauty that is inside.
Flowing with colours and it shines so bright
Blinding to the eye you can’t handle the light.
You step from the darkness and into the shine
Having no worries as you are now fine.
Floating and raising like from the dead
In a blinding flash of light the soul gains breath.
Full of energy as it enlightens your spiritual being
Moving all around, seeing is believing.
Grasp the new life and live out what’s been giving to you
Hold on tight as these energies are new.
The rainbow surrounds you as you are in peace
The darkness is gone and it has been released.
No more pain because to die is to gain
Find the ghost of the living for he has no name.
Your wings were clipped but you have been found
The living organism flows inside swirling so loud.
As it goes from one part of you, going from realm to the life
You are travelling through the vast of time.
From the light to the solid ground
Waking up from the dream of the clouds.
You have flowerlike plants are under your feet
You look up to the sky thanking the ghost of the living for the treat.
Holding on to your thoughts as you gently glide
Across the land on a natural high.
Rolling like thunder across the plain
Bringing down lightning and a roar of rain.
The clouds pass and the sun comes out
The Ghost of the living has ended the drought.
Taking and giving is what he does
But the best thing is that he shows alot of love.
Apr 2012 · 635
The Voices Of Mania
Tommy K Apr 2012
It's setting in
The mania of the mind,
Voices and visions
Giving me good and bad signs.
The Pupils enlarges
My brain is in a twisted fit,
The body is out of control
You can't remember jack s**t.
The voices are calling
And it's so loud,
Trying to manipulate me
By pulling me out of the clouds.
I don't want to go down
To the sky I will fly,
Raised by the Angels
God will never let me die.
Even though I have fallen
The sins are taken away
The voices and mania
Try to talk and play.
Leave me alone
I know I have a gift,
Because when I lay to rest
My spirit will lift.
Apr 2012 · 836
The Praises Of Time
Tommy K Apr 2012
Time Has Passed
But it has stood still,
All is forgiven
The fire turns to a chill.
The light is bright
The night has gone,
The nations are praising
In a perfect song.
It will be great and magnificent
The flow of the tongue,
All praises go to the Lord
The Spirit and The Son.

(c) Tommy K

— The End —