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Tommy Jackson Dec 2015
Take the time
To notice the finer smaller things in life
The smallest things are equal to the largest scales.
181 · Jun 2015
Old me
Tommy Jackson Jun 2015
If a man seduces one
Than what does that make him?
What does it take him?
To give all he has left
Just to find his old self back
178 · Jan 2016
Maybe a write will
Tommy Jackson Jan 2016
Maybe the reason I can't sleep is that
The problems of my country have kept me
Up to a countless pendulum.
Or maybe my own .
Maybe the reason I haven't slept since
9 am is the fact I work hard for a little.
Little isn't enough to make ends.
Maybe, maybe.
Maybe won't put me back in resting sleep,
Maybe a write will.
Tommy Jackson Oct 2015
I never thought I could
Love anyone this much
As much, as I, love you.
Love always <3
Love forever<3.
your husband.
So true.
Just learned from a nice ******* here how to make heart's on this thank you to her.
173 · Jul 2015
Bitter better
Tommy Jackson Jul 2015
Sometimes the bitter
Is extremely bitter
And they love to bitter
Not better,
There selves.
171 · Aug 2015
Whats important to me
Tommy Jackson Aug 2015
We forget what's most important to us
Being caught up in life's fast faced cycle
What's important to you? Is what I must ask
But I seem to forget what's important until
Sometimes it's dead and gone
Or just gone in other more simple words
So really'
What's important to me.
Been thinking alot on this subject
162 · Nov 2015
Gave nothing
Tommy Jackson Nov 2015
We count our sorrows
Spew our hate
Goodbye planet nothing
It's far to late.
We landed our fate
A date with the bad
We forgot the good
Became horrible moms and dads
We taught our children nothing
Thought we gave them something
Nothing is for nothing
When we gave nothing.
161 · Jul 2015
Tommy Jackson Jul 2015
Making a riot in a Gothic city
159 · Dec 2015
Tommy Jackson Dec 2015
To stand out as an artist
You got to stand different.
Or your just the same
As others.
151 · Dec 2015
Learn slow or fast
Tommy Jackson Dec 2015
The world  is much
Ado about nothing.

Much ado about

Frustrating it
Seems when love is
The key
Ingredient to get by in our one life on earth
Until the next.

When will we learn?
139 · Jun 2015
Title man
Tommy Jackson Jun 2015
I'm not a title
I'm a man
Little more pricey than some title

— The End —