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Apr 2017 · 423
My mother
Tommy Allen Apr 2017
Children and parents
all caught in sorrow
Angery siblings
forgetting tomorrow
But thru mom's faith
and loving design
All together
as we now find
The true colors of fate
darkening this day
And the lack of love
fake as we pray
But love won out
as we cried in hand
My father and i
together we stand
A sister and me
a warm, kind touch
she shared it with me
changing so much
dropping a wall
remembering our mom
crying all day
and reading from psalm
so it could be right
that mom is now
giving us a chance
to heal somehow
The powers that be
maybe foriegn to me
maybe mom had it rite
with this honesty
thank you mom
for lighting my way
and bringing me here
on your final day
i love you always
inspite of the pain
the hurt we had
was all in vien
What you were
a kind loving wife
A mother to give
for the rest of your life
For these two
the rewards were great
A beautiful life
gifting me this trait
My mother and father
reaching lifes end
entering heaven
to do it all again
I wrote this after attending my mothers funeral on Jan 6, 2017
Apr 2017 · 295
Life and pain
Tommy Allen Apr 2017
Open your soul
and share your thoughts
communicate with others
******* in knots

empty and dry
and be so fake
cook it all up
giving heartache

telling me this
we love you so
but we refuse to respond
and say hello

it just happens now
with the phone in your face
i'm to busy with it
for the human race

so as we sit with you
and wish you well
we will ignore your hurt
and put you in hell

because its not at all
about being humane
rather how selfish
as i go insane

the greed it shows
hurts many others
he would sell your soul
even your mothers

i have no more room
for that kind of hate
so if you express it
its really to late

for all of those
who are different than you
compassion and kindness
you never knew

the doctor who now
saves your life
with darken skin
under his knife

how dare you judge
and not understand
what he has been thru
and how he was banned

jesus shared love
all thru his life
perhaps you will see
in your afterlife

just how very much
hurt you gave
to others so different
you tried to enslave

they give you a warning
now be so afraid
of offering help
or foreign aide

but dont fear it here
right in your face
shooting that man
because of his race

my message for all
be humane
it might be you one day
experiencing pain
Jan 2017 · 391
Mt. Lassen
Tommy Allen Jan 2017
If you climb to the top
 Mt. Lassen at nite
You can see right straight
 To heaven so bright
I can see forever,
 without a sound
A piece of heaven,
 a treasure found
Alone on this mountain
 God's work of art
He reached out to me,
 touching my heart
So i ask God, please
  How can this be
So close to heaven
 Can I really see
In this mountain
  the Secrets in me
One of his gifts
  A mystery
I close my eyes
  Feel the touch
God’s little finger
  Loving me so much
A tear starts to fall
  Upon my face
Touching my eyes
  looking into space
I ask again
 Why am I
So much emotion
 whenever I cry
My eyes now open
  I see it fast
A star that glows
  shoots by so fast
Viewing the stars
 Now fading away
As this mountain of love
 Begins a new day
My greatest gift
 this new sunrise
Over this mountain
  & In your eyes
I was lonely and cold
 continued to write
As the sun comes up
 So sweet and bright
The night soon ends
 I now safely find
This mountain of love
 Is all on my mind
Its time to leave
 Home to bed
Don’t ever forget
 To me God said
Treasure these secrets
 You learned up here
And this mountain of love
 Will always be near
Jan 2017 · 827
Tommy Allen Jan 2017
Ever changing
  the world that we know
Always evolving
  as we tune in the show
The kaleidoscope of life
  right in your eyes
Tuning out those
  who only tell lies
This circle of life
  we now go thru
Stepping on stones
  & other things we do
The turning scope
  first offers you red
Bringing to life
  the things in your head
The turning scope
  orange as you see
Fear is the lock
  your heart is the key
The turning scope
  now turns to blue
& some more wonderful things
  come out of you
The turning scope
  now yellow so bright
Filling your heart
  as day turns to night
The turning scope
  suddenly turns black
Exposing your fears
   all that you lack
Empty inside
  it just isn’t fair
A turning scope
  colors everywhere
With each offering yet
  a different view
Of what’s always been
  inside of you
Jan 2017 · 370
Tommy Allen Jan 2017
I stumble thru insanity
  Trying to be sane
So lost in this jungle
  with nothing to gain
In this very cruel world
  They keep taking from me
All of my thoughts
  And honesty
They don’t ever ask
  If doing is right
As they get away with hurt
   we can’t even fight
They steal our freedom
  Take it away
With each new law
  They pass today
For letting money
  And all that greed
The absolute power
  A corrupted seed
Dropping these seeds
  Watching them grow
Into a forest
  with nothing to show
This is our state
  the land of the free
Its just a simple cover
  so we don’t really see
This powerful machine
  now out of control
Wearing us down
  taking its toll
Living this way
  without a choice to make
But I walk on the stones
  my life to take
As I wait for a time
  A warm sunny day
Where I am free as a bird
   in just this way
Sitting on a beach
  in the warm white sand
I am finally free
  in this far away land
Jan 2017 · 291
Tommy Allen Jan 2017
I cried so hard  
When my children arrived
Made me so glad  
to be alive
Precious little feet
soon running around
loving them so much
  without a sound
look into their eyes
   what did I see
so simple and fun
  just let them be
A child does wrong
   teach them new
holding them close
   loving them too
going to school
   with innocence and fear
making new friends  
year after year
suddenly they change
   lifes little trick
caught up in worry
   making us sick
some try drugs
  drinking their way
to wrecking the car
  what can you say
but blessed with good luck
   after they fall
watch them get up
  and stand real tall
making me so proud
  to be their dad
as I remember all the fun
  we’ve always had
so blessings such as this
  hold nice and tight
cherish forever
   with all of your might
soon their day will come
  and without any fear
they see it too
  oh so clear
the birth of their child
  Gods own creation
Miracle of life
  Filled with sensation
Coming full circle
  Yet once again
Watching them go
  and remembering when
I love both of you
With all my heart
As I have done always
  Right from the start
Jan 2017 · 717
Tommy Allen Jan 2017
Dreaming of this,
Dreaming of that
Does the world even care
where you’re at
Lost somewhere
a dreamer may find
The best part of life,
is in their mind
Dreaming of love
in a faraway land
He dreams of peace,
whenever he can
Snow in the mountains,
makes a nice dream
Watching it fall
or so it would seem
Dreaming of sports,
says the athlete
Just give me a chance,
let me compete
Some dream of money,
fortune and fame
Others dream of God,
that eternal flame
What about the girl
without eyesight
Dreaming of colors,
the world so bright
Then there are those
who dream of greed
They just don’t realize
what they need
A man knows,
he soon must die
Dreaming of better things,
he now wonders why
As God now takes him
to a better place
Entering those gates,
a smile on his face
A man who can’t walk,
does anyone care
Dreaming of life
without that chair
Now I just dream
making you smile
As I write my poems,
all the while
Your dreams can come true,
as you may find
That the best part of life
is in your mind
Jan 2017 · 250
Tommy Allen Jan 2017
I stare at the mirror
  reflecting in my mind
And I swear I’m  perfect
  until I look behind
And see them so wild
   wondering if I’ll ever be
Able to quiet the voices
  screaming inside of me
Creating this evil scar
   so difficult to heal
A mark upon my soul
   my ability to feel
But as I contemplate my fate
  chase those demons down
Forgetting all I have
  the love that’s all around
Suddenly I see it
   as they speak their evil lies
The demons are clearing up
   I see it in my eyes
A secret to be kind
  can i now share with you
So you may one day find
   the mirror was so true
Looking in the eyes
   the one you stare at now
Showing the evil demons
   swirling around somehow
Are just the devils only way
  of cheating out of you
Happiness and love
  what we hold to be so true
Now as you look into your eyes
   and see your inner peace
Your  happiness and love
  the demons will finally cease
A smile upon your face
  this poem now complete
All you see is the good
  in everyone you meet
Jan 2017 · 255
Another day
Tommy Allen Jan 2017
As the world now seems
to pass me by
Sadly, I can’t help
but wonder why
Another sunset
I’ll never see
Another night
I won’t be free
Another smile
without a face
Another day here
gone to waste
Another sleep  
dreaming about tomorrow
Another morning
waking with sorrow
Another meal
surrounded by hate
Another part of me
owned by the state
Another fence
I can’t walk through
Another tear I’ve shed
just no clue

So one day God
touches my heart
Saying to me,
'make a new start'
Be grateful for my gifts
& have some fun
As I bestow my love
on everyone
Even though life has me
pinned to the wall
I’ve now learned to see
the wonder of it all

Another sunrise
to share with you
Another daybreak
from a different view
Another bedtime
with prayers to say
Another night
to dream this way
Another opportunity
to learn something new
Another chance
to write for you
Another meal
to feed myself
Another day
to better my health
Another day
my kids have a dad
Another way
for me to be glad
Another love song
for us to hear
Another day
to love you dear
Another feeling
for a new sensation
Another way
to see God's creation

I’ve now learned to be grateful
for what I have
And the natural way
I make others laugh
Gods little gift
to see life this way
Each morning I wake
is a brand new day
If I begin each morning
by reading this poem
Forever in my heart
I’ll always be home
I wrote this during a stint in jail, it was an unfortunate situation, and i was very depressed.  The poem reflects my sudden ability to see the light instead of darkness.  Please feel free to comment. thank you for reading.
Jan 2017 · 367
Vision Quest
Tommy Allen Jan 2017
A Magic Treasure chest
  For each of you
Locked up tight
  With secrets all true
A magic treasure chest
  All polished & shined
Sprinkled with love
  As you now find
The treasure you have
  All locked inside
For mysteries of life
  Both far and wide
You wake up one day
  To find the key
That opens this box
  Of mystery
So you stand over the box
  And prepare to hold
Many secrets in life
  The truth unfolds
As the key unlocks
  The magic treasure chest
You now realize
  You’ve been given a test
To reach out to others
  And make them smile
Feeling so good
  All the while
The chest now opens
  So very slow
And lights up forever
  Letting you know
That you have a purpose
  So simple and free
To open your heart
  And let others see
How to feel so good
  As you learn to live
In this special way
  With all that you give
Accepting of others
  In a world so cruel
You’ve found this treasure
  This precious jewel
You can plainly see
  As you pass the test
That this precious jewel
  Was your vision quest
Nov 2014 · 326
Peaceful painting
Tommy Allen Nov 2014
A Flowing river
   In the mountain air
I see the girl
  See her stare
Painting on a rock
  Now please be still
Is all that she says
  Up on that hill
I don’t understand
  What’s inside of me
She asks in thoughts
  ‘let me see’
all of your love
  emotions inside
allow me to feel
  in my mind
share these things
  and open your heart
so I can finish this painting
  my work of art
A peaceful feeling
  Like never before
Fills me with warmth
  Temperatures soar
She smiles at me
  As she strokes her brush
The river rolls by
  In no rush
Smiling now
  Blowing in the breeze
As she views her painting
  Down on her knees
She invites me over
  Gives me a clue
Prepare for this
  What I see in  you
I look at the painting
  And what do I see
She painted all the feelings
  Inside of me
Nov 2014 · 621
Princess and Kings
Tommy Allen Nov 2014
Princes and Kings

Let me tell you
about Princes and Kings
Traveling thru time
In search of gold dust rings
They sprinkle their rings,
on broken hearts
Granting a wish,
for a brand new start
Their gold dust lights up,
the darkest nites
With glitters of love,
oh so bright
A lonely heart,
needs gold dust rings
As they offer this gift,
wrapped in strings
These Princes and Kings,
are everywhere you go
Setting up these rings,
watching them grow
But their works not done,
until you see
All the gold dust rings,
inside of me
These gold dust rings,
I put in my rhyme
Will watch over your heart,
every time
What makes them so precious,
priceless & true
Is these Princes and kings,
live inside of you
Nov 2014 · 337
One Wish
Tommy Allen Nov 2014
One Wish

As you stare at the snow,
  beginning to fall
You wish for  strength,
  to finally tell all
In the middle of the forest,
so lonely and cold
Wishing for someone,
to have and to hold
Close your eyes,
set your love free
And  now find out,
  what's meant to be
On a rock near by,
  sits a friend to hear
All your thoughts,
once such a fear
You begin to tell,
  pain in your heart
Hoping for a way,
  to make a new start
The friend just listens,
  as good friends should
Wanting to do more,
  if only he could
You open your eyes,
and feel brand new
And feel the change,
  that has happened to you
Your wish has come true,
  you can now freely share
Feelings so deep,
  with someone who care's
But others have wishes,
  as you find out too
That the friend near by,
  had a wish like you
In your feelings,
his wish was found
As the snow starts to melt,
  all around
If  you know what it was,
the friend wished  for
You may understand this poem,
  and so much more
This was written many years ago, one of the first i ever wrote and saved.

— The End —