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tom krutilla Feb 2016
first your created
then born
then you see
then you talk
then you experience
then you experience
then you experience
then you break down
I don't know, I forgot
who are you, there waiting
for me
take your place in the
night sky
I'll always say goodnight
sweet dreams
tom krutilla Feb 2016
a bottle of wine and the music so fine
the notes and the melody, tantilze the mind
the lyrics flow, from a voice so strong
close the eyes, lead me were I belong
in between the layers, as the song progress
confusion battles, is it love or distress
let it ****** senses with moment of caress
that leads to questions, to address
such is the sprit of a forgotten song
that creeps and haunts,a love gone wrong
tom krutilla Feb 2016
happy valentines day, my heart
the wounds are almost healed
the scars are nicely sealed
are you ready for a new start
the eyes have glanced again
oh my. the brain says yes
lets put you to another test
you can't win, till you begin
it sounds sappy, when you
talk to your heart
can they put you away for that?
tom krutilla Jan 2016
Lost in confusion of life
I shall feel particles of lite
warming my soul, to delight
forgetting the day, embrace
the night
for there I can be, in shadow
hugging a wall, silently watching
the hunched humans,wallow
dreading the morning
as they feel the familiar fan breeze
going round and round, a routine
their hopes and dreams, it seems
dispersed in nightmares of sleep
tom krutilla Jan 2016
I was hoping today would have ended yesterday
and that today was in the past
as you back me against this wall, say what you say
as you hope your seduction might last
at times I can barely walk or talk, your voice to strong
and everything I do seems wrong
yet I can only give up my sanity for so long
so depression allow me to bid you a final, adieu
tom krutilla Jan 2016
through these misty eyes, I feel content
a calm has taken my emotions
there will be no more heartaches
just goodbye with my last kiss

they say time heals all wounds
but my stitches burst without you
shall I gather all that leaks out
knowing, as I sip, I'll see you soon

I'll wait for the clear night to begin
searching for that twinkling light
I'll smile and know that your there
as I catch all the memories in the wind
tom krutilla Jan 2016
tears fall down your sculpted cheeks
I'll catch them in my waiting lips
and with my kiss, I'll give them back
so there won't be a repeat

your touch I feel, what you seek
absent of pain, that holds your heart
my words enter your ears, decipher
for they are heartfelt,to give some relief

let the corners of your mouth crinkle with life
the fullness of that smile, a beholden sight
my shoulders your pillow, my arms a blanket tight
close your eyes, your past a final goodbye
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