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tom krutilla Sep 2015
spread out, oh, blacken canopy
let the twinkles of design shapes
and mysteries
capture my thoughts on this night
wintry night
the helpless branches, reach for the earth
as if to find the radiant glow of warmth
but the ground is in a sleepy slumber
in winters months
the slightest wind leaves me in a shivering
the numbing of fingers, non blinking eyes
a caution
enter your abode to warm
winters whiteness paints the earth pure
once more
let the sprinkle of green, encourage our hearts
the newness of spring,the rebirth it brings
finds your happy melody,you can once
again sing
tom krutilla Sep 2015
If I could find a way to turn the page
continue to read what my author wrote
I would
I thought I was over you
but like a recurring nightmare
your hold on me is relentless
my mind set adrift, when your sensual
voice calls
your sense of love for me, like a robber in the night
silently and deftly, you take all of me
leave no trace
I am left helpless, covers strewn upon the bed
my eyes half open, as you softly close the door
tom krutilla Sep 2015
shall I cleanse the soul to find hope
and with hope, I shall find clarity
with clarity, there's a sense of being
and with a sense of being, I will finally

let the dust of life that accumulates
collect and hitch a ride on the winds
and then the shiny new me, will challenge
the sun
for their are no more shadows for me to follow
tom krutilla Sep 2015
her lonely silhouette, beneath that dim lite
pacing back and forth, counting cracks
I wonder what she's thinking, or waiting for

I can feel her glances, yet her pace unbroken
shall I step from my perch, offer what I can
no, I shall keep my distance, as her pace quickens

will my whisper thoughts reach her through thicken fog
as her shadows recede, passing in front of indented doors
why, I ask, my obsession of her, perhaps I see a rerun of me

the loneliness of despair, can be relentless
one's failure of being, tormenting
mistakes and accomplishment, neutralize the heart
the strength of one's soul, defines us
even in the dense fog of one's mind
tom krutilla Sep 2015
the twilight of life that has set upon you
will never dim your radiant glow
those rays you emit, have touched us all
and always turned our gray skies blue
those flowers you planted, the seeds from you
have grown strong and mature
their roots grounded firmly
such a testament of your beautiful hue
the coldness of life, only warmed your heart more
there was never an exit sign in your mind
your loving touch, always a constant flow
if ever the thought of abandoning us showed up
your resolve grew stronger,your love even more
and now the flowers understand, your man's message
has reached you
" come join me now, the flowers will be alright
I have a place for us,I'm sure you'd like
I've had a long time to tidy it up"
with that said, you can resume your love affair
forever and a night
you can watch your flowers bloom so bright
they will always be in your sights
you can still nurture them from afar
everyday and everynight
tom krutilla Aug 2015
shall I cast my line from this pristine sight
let the flow take my bait, rid myself of blight
the serentity of the water. can hypnotize the mind
quiet trickles smooth the stones, daydreams I find
little creatures that scurry past my feet
such a roadblock wont keep them from their destiny
their sense of being, an amazing thing
and the wonderment that they bring
as the breeze and the suns wink fades deep
the moon reflects at me, from this steady stream
Its smile talks to me in silent conversation
saying, the line of hope resides in your
own revelation
tom krutilla Aug 2015
can we begin all over again
but this time at the end
not a rewind of the past
only the unvailing of our masks
may I  start
if I can only be your hero
from sunrise to sunset
and the night has it's touch
to sooth your heart from it's unrest
and now you
your persuasion over me, has it's limits
the free spirit in me, is a constant
and this void I have, is not because of you
shall I say it's part genetics
we both start
may we agree that the verses
that lead to the bridge
somehow flow to the chorus of our perfect melody
perhaps the notes can be tweaked just enough
that we will one day, be in perfect harmony
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