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tom krutilla May 2015
I have'nt the energy, to rearrange the sheets
I'll let your imprint  absorb into my memory
this coffee I sip, seems bittersweet
the soft closing of the door is complete
what we had last night, was lost in the morning
was your secret thought, too much for your longing
does his tantilizing breath capture your senses
the feel of his new touch, leaves you defenseless
wondering? what am I to do, is overwhelming
shall I throw you a rope, grasp at a new beginning
would you catch it, so I can pull you back in
or is the last loop, the final ending?
tom krutilla May 2015
the first hello your said to me
was the whimpered cry
seeming to say, " I was warm in there"
as I teared up and chuckled
at what perfection we made

remember those scary monsters
that haunted your young dreams
needing a warm hug and cuddle
under the comfort of our blanket

and now, this journey we have taken
wrought with uncertanties
may I say that I hope my guidance
has lead you to seek, your own

but always remember, as you tackle
this cruel world, "dad can you help"
but I can only answer those question
you pose to me
and if those answers, dont quell your questions
It is your turn now to find your unique answers
for the strength of my love for you will never
and that life itself, is always a work in progress
tom krutilla Apr 2015
such a delicate soft finger
tingles the skin
touch a lonley cheek
follow the moisture around
a sculptured feature
and breathe
tame eyes decieve, hold a trance
beneath the stare, suspicion hides
blink the eyes, the futures past
wisk into the wind another
minds wandering act
tom krutilla Apr 2015
Into the night, once again
when the moment
the song begins
and the notes bend the emotions
separate the days commotions

all the lyrics take us on a journey
as if its telling our story
seduced by the rhythm, the mind
as the tingling tones, needle the body
close the eyes and the world disappears
till were ready for it to reappear
when the song ends, feeling exhausted
and spent
let it play over again, from beginning
to end
tom krutilla Apr 2015
the pores of my skin secrete love when you touch me
leaving puddles of ****** beneath my feet
as you hold me in my weaken state
your medusa eyes, stone me into place
now sculpt me to your desires
smooth the rough edges to your liken
polish me to your sense of perfection
as long as you love me, feel free to create
tom krutilla Apr 2015
shall I speak to you in the way you want
garnish you with my silly poems
of love and admiration
for the essence of each syllible and rhyme
are truly mine
I am new at this thing, be patient
If my words seem tangled, blame my heart
from being in awe of you to falling somewhere
between like and love
I need to tweak these new feelings
for me to be coherant
but let it be known, it started with
your first hello
tom krutilla Apr 2015
gaze at the chariot clouds
chasing the venus star
her brightness hypnotize
the particles of the night
vaccum them up
into her shining abyss

the black background
are filled with peering eyes
some wink, others stoic
the slow movement wave
from dusk to dawn
intice the mortals
to their wildest dreams

the certain comfort
of the night sky
the temptation that
fools ourseleves
chasing lust
we hide behind
its misgivings
and **** us
with the morning light
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