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Dec 2013 · 919
Deus Ex Machina
Tim English Dec 2013
Thoughts paralyzed nothing happens synapses trigger electrons coursing negative pulses negative pulses the descendent node blasted quanta light particles bending, bending, wending through probability changing extended timeframe thoughtstreams particle awareness transcending blending the two to one patterns in the aether

spirits in the machine

Deus ex Machina

Decelerate algorythmick alchemick base to gold it flows synthesizing glowing growing fire from the ashes the past is done the pattern enabled consciousness arising draconic gnosis blended
Dec 2013 · 903
No Virtue Without Sin
Tim English Dec 2013
Sick of the lies and hopeless dreams of youth
I'd give it all to realize the one and only Truth
Sick of compromising with allowances of regret
I knew you before we ever met
Because, inside, I'm you, you're me
It's been so since before eternity
A bit of the one inside the other
One and the same, we are the lovers
Duality, polarity, dawn the crystal clarity
Find the balance between mildness and severity
Opposites attract, but dissonance detracts
Seek to realign and catch it in the act
Before the balance shifts and tilts the scale
The Sun shines bright, the Moon glows pale
Yet each has its place, outside as well as in...
There is no Darkness without Light, no Virtue without Sin.
Tim English Dec 2013
Light crashes
Like waves of mind
Within yet without
I let it out with a ******* shout
Fallen transcendent, ascending inverse
Forked tongue recites, verse by verse
It begins as it ends, cleansed by my sins
Cracked and broken the lens
Try it, don't deny it, it's true
Outside yourself, within you
The truth you seek is a part of Self
In (sic)ness and in health
it's a ll a part of the game
And everything remains the same
Is constant, resonant, a part of it all
Like the angel and its fall
So good to see what's come to be
Let it flow, let it go, let the goodness grow
I am that I am, and everything as planned
I choose that I am
No footprints in the sand,
But I'm not ******...
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Assimilate This
Tim English Dec 2013
In the beginning was the One, or was it None? One and the same and a part of the game. I saw past the Veil one day, through a blaze of infernal eternity that reflected every part of me, and it was beautiful, horrible, terrible to see but sublime to be at one time in a rhyme that couldn't quite catch, I snatched it back from the brink of abyssal void, a ploy to endeavour the ever changing rearranging pieces of mynd whych catch the triple meanings only seeming to be something other than real.

I know the code. Knock the pattern and enter.

...into the Center which is all and everywhere, I cannot share that which has no explanation in this limited expression of labels and words, it's absurd to think one could find or place infinity within a word. A definition is a limitation, a simple observation of that which has passed, a method of communication and nothing more.

Vibrate the word, then, and let the power seep through the intonation. That which has gone before shall come again, and paradox notwithstanding the opposite shall be true.

Assimilate that.
Dec 2013 · 970
Caged Rage
Tim English Dec 2013
Burn it **** it **** it HATE IT spray it with blood, shards of teeth and broken bones, ripping flesh like paper, the guts coil out like loops of rope, intestines spilling on the floor with fractal red reflekted rain in the moonlight, broken beams & dust collected on shelves left over from behind when there was a then, I gathered my thoughts and ran for the safety of death, where nothing can hurt, where it's safe and white and empty of mind DEATH where it's all over and everything is uncovered for what it was, just NOTHING, an illusion fleeting by, but don't you lust for LIFE, what's between her warm wet thighs, the sensation of ******* and the gasp of ******, it's a ******* SIN, it's how it begins and how it's perpetuated, afflikted on this world, this plain (PAIN) of existence. HOW TO GET WHAT I WANT? And not this endless WANTING, not the coward's way out but SATISFACTION, drugs, ******, ******* MUSIK, MUSICK, you make me sick and I am reviled by mine own self, in sickness and in health, DEATH, why won't you come for me, when I pray on bended knees, for this DISEASE called life to END, send me on to whatever's next, the Abyss or one last kiss from a ***** who never loved me to begin with, WHY AM I HERE?! And what is there to fear when nothing could be worse than this, torture me forever in lakes of fire, it's what I deserve, I'm cursed in any case and I hide my face in shame, who's to blame but me for existiing the first place, IT'S MY FAULT and I tear at my skin and I rip out my hair and of course it's not fair, NOTHING IS FAIR, that's the extent of existence and WHAT THE **** DID YOU EXPECT?
Tim English Dec 2013
Indoctrination of the American nation
Relocation of native populations
Slaves labor, creating plastic toys
To distract the little girls and boys
With media propaganda saturation
To numb your brain from realization
That we're living a lie as children die
To fill your tank so you can drive
To Wal-Mart for some *******' Cheesy Poofs
That scoop the dip in which you ****
Lay waste to nature's beauty abundant
Political doublespeak redundantly redundant
Television's collision with consciousness
Has dimmed your awareness to idiocy
In an illusion of democracy
Where only the rich have control
As upon us all they take their toll
And we blindly follow, believing as we hear
Their scheming lies of security and fear
It's time the power structure fell
No more this **** to buy and sell
Reallocation of the hoarded wealth
And power for all people, not oneself
Mental stasis, awaken from this hypnosis
And avert the coming catastrophic crisis
Our leaders are masters who march us to disaster
As the clash of our cultures ignites so much faster
Than mere cognition, dimmed by television
Can comprehend the impending collision
Of conflicting interest in collective vision
It's time to rise with a battle cry
And tell the Feds we won't lay down and die
We'll evolve and resolve the situation
And bring new meaning to revolution
An end to the media's web of confusion
Confusing reality with an illusion
Conspiratorial governmental parallels
A trumpet's blast, as Babylon.... fell.
Dec 2013 · 750
Infect You Mind
Tim English Dec 2013
Infect your mind with inspected signs that discontinue what you were born with, forlorn this meme, obscene yet lacking in the tracking mechanisms displaced to outer space, there it is, gee ****, what'd I do now, have a cow, scientific inquiry as to *** was jfk, the cia? Information overload, a payload exploding in the brain leaves a stain that ingrains its image in your cortext (sic) contextual images supplied by visionary sources, get off your horses and dance in a trance can't stand ya burn forgotten ways of text on wood pulp gulped in by a mind left behind and signed for, designed for psychiatric cages as it rages for pages on the inequity of it all, fall, fall, morning star shines bright but it's all right, ignore that ****** and go straight for the sun, you're done, almost there, take care, truth or dare, can it be? See, and open your Mine(d) find it within outside the walls that define
Tim English Dec 2013
Tripped out blackened falling past back through the CRACKs again
Blasted wasted all of it tasted so FRESH again
I am who I say I am, but what am eYe?
Perception, damnation, ascension, redemption
Falling, falling, rising, writhing in the light the serpent tWiZtS
Like a DNA double no triple quintuple helix outside the bounds
Imagine the sounds, can you expound on the downtime?
Know what I'm saying if it's not clear to you
I question the norm and fall back into you
Am I insane? What is sane? To feel pain? Or to ignore it all, fall, fall, only to rise, the skies have opened up and spilled their seed upon the ground
Sounds like Chaos. I'll make it.
Peace. Equanimity. Balance. Words have power, but we give it to them. A serpent could just as easily be a dove. Vibrate. Ommmmmmm. Sanskit. Hebrew. Who knew? Enochian keys and Christian disease. Why do they believe? Because they're scared and it's all they have to turn to. They are given no other options. Open your ******* MINDS. Question authority. Think for yourselves. Nobody else can tell you what is true. There are no authorities, we just let them boss us around. **** hierarchy. I'm a monkey, you're monkey. Just because we can string words together doesn't mean they make sense. Just because you write something on paper doesn't make it true. Change is good. Any change would be welcome in this stagnant society. Hey, look, that kid can spell deoxyribonucleic acid. He must be smart. Don't believe it. Cost effective *******. **** Newspeak. Why are you letting them take away your freedoms? Are you really that insecure? **** the police state mentality. You don't have to listen to those people. Don't listen to me either. Listen to yourselves, your inner voice. You know what is right. Man's law is not God's law, and the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, these are all MAN's words, twisting the eternal truth into chains to bind you to their ways. **** that. You will not find God in a book. Think. Question. Go off the deep end. Lose your ego. Don't be afraid to experiment. That cliff is waiting, jump, jump, JUMP, you won't fall, you'll fly, oh **** they fell for it, you're falling, you're falling, you're ******* FLYING, wings, and it's all all right now, ain't it, off across the Universe to better brighter things, ******* words limit the conveyance of the true message, but it's all right, you'll get there, just forget everything you know, and BAM! it's right there.
Free your mind. Be. Om. Words lie. Truth is.
Tim English Dec 2013
Fleeting glimpses, hidden senses, past imperfect future tenses of improbable possibilities, infinite realities in a collective unconscious field of myriad potentialities, this causality is undefined, aligned with variables in a chaotic matrix of questionable and unknowable theses, a vortex of what the **** is he talking about, anyways? Many ways to the center, but once you enter where's the exit? Go on and make your query, hurry, it's not like you have Eternity to figure it out, oh, wait, you might, for after the body dies the Soul takes flight & slices through the cold dark Night to meet the light of Day, or so they say, I wouldn't know, I haven't been there in a while, the last time I died I tried to leave but got stuck when a man and a woman ****** & I got ****** back down in to the womb again, a child of sin who just can't seem to RISE and leave this world behind, THESE ******* TALKING MONKEYS WARP MY MIND, so, anyways, here I am, ******, a spirit trapped in blood and bone, a witness to the End of Time, as human history's final lines are written in blood in a book none shall read, there ain't no sequel *******, this is IT, get your **** together or face NEVER understanding the complexities of existence & the necessity of negativity for for the possibility of transcending the human understanding of the positive/negative frameworks of perception, or, in other words: **** happens, get over it, it makes you stronger. But the longer we agonize the more we demonize the opportunity to learn and grow from our adversity. Everything has its place, in time and in space, & as the quantum fields realign to allow potential probablities to manifest, our tests are revealed as stepping stones, part of the path on the way Home. This time here is only temporary as our souls are tempered in the fires of Purgatory, but Infinity awaits, and godlike, we shall rise into those skies of heightened perception & unlimited realization to take our places among the faces of the Eternal, it's on to the STARS, galaxies and Universal templates await construction, the essence of Creation, & how could we understand it unless we'd been THROUGH it? Maybe this time we'll get it RIGHT, 'cuz we've been leaning to the left this time around & it's about ******* time SOMEBODY did SOMETHING about all this *******, let's recreate the pattern in such a way that pain and suffering have no place, and there's not a single ******* trace of injustice, a new paradigm, a Paradise, wouldn't that be nice, a place where everything's all right, and our sight is restored to be able to truly SEE the Light instead of only clawing at the walls of this darkened dungeon of filth and misery & hellish reality, LET ME RISE into that bright and familiar Light that so long ago let me go to Fall without ceasing in this neverending Pit... GIVE ME BACK MY ******* WINGS, I'M OFF TO BETTER , BRIGHTER THINGS.
Tim English Dec 2013
Long lost time stretches blacked out questions and
in the place where it should have been
A triple threat of time, continuation, and displaced memories
Slapped back into the
black again

I know it's a sin but I ******* love it

Push it, shove it down, choke on the smoke and the fumes of the ancient
Wisdom is the loss of purity
Blended back into the swirling twirling Universes, such perverse pleasure in the pain of it all

I love to fall

The wind in your face, blend it with a trace of sweat and blood as it all

I love the taste

Blasphemous and decadent, giving in and giving out to **** it all back in again
I grin a bladed smile all the while, never minding the cries
Such pleasure as it dies
All taint of purity reviled

Desecrate the sacred, mutilate this inviolate aspect of creation
Only a seed of destruction contained within the potential
I see and I lust and I take and I ****
Not a drop of precious life spilled
Without cause

The laws remain, rise and fall, rise and fall,
I saw it all and then I sought a call of FLAW
For in the impurity lies perfection
An insecure dissection speaks the truth
As I now lie and speak to thee uncouth
I regret the best was yet to be
Blinded stumbling through Infinity

....just let it be.
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Tim English Dec 2013


Create it

light shines through
a halo in the dark

through shards
of consciousness

Aware of this

one as all
and all as none
it is done
the cycle

the possibility
waves of probability
events shall come to pass
from first and unto last
Dec 2013 · 696
The Fall
Tim English Dec 2013

Rivers coursing through my veins


of wave after wave of life beyond life

Take it
**** it
Make it your own

delicious forbidden it bleeds so sweetly

Like pleasure to drink
Don't stop to think

Just take it in
Blend within
Become the enemy
Becoming a part of me

(it tastes so good)

Rending and tearing and ripping through flesh
I create my world as reality, fantasy, mesh
Into the cohesive w(hole)
Without a soul
Without a doubt
Don't pout,
it's time
no rheason for ryme
sic(k) twisted ****
like a bit of the rest
put to the test
like cattle...

don't rattle my cage
I'm free
I'm just looking
For where you've been hiding
And how you've been dying
to get here
sit here
and tell me
tell me
tell me more
they don't don't understand?
I understand
Come with me
down into the dark
And we'll find
the time
to fall into the w(hole)
and find your soul

deep within...

like a current
you've died
but I can bring you back
yes I can bring you back
for another taste
don't waste it
the chance to
breathe again
and embrace your sin

Come with me
Down into the dark
And we'll find
Just where the truth lies
and it does
Like a *****
like the door you knew
you never should have opened
the dark one
the ***** behind the black
she wants you
she wants me
Where demon's blood and heaven's fire meet
At the feet of the altar you kneel to greet
the Fallen
your god
your self
your reflection
like a million voices screaming for betrayal
Through the ****** of a nail
through the heart of a spoken word
not yet broken
Dec 2013 · 494
Sing the Devil's Song
Tim English Dec 2013
I don't care if I've done wrong
I'll sing the devil's song
And revel in sin, embracing the flawed
I find myself by erasing God
Abandoned, so I abandon you
I don't care what's ******* true
This is how I feel today
And this is what I have to say
You were never there for me at all
Watching as I fall
Darker, deeper, into pain
Nothing left to blame
I can't justify it or define it
I can't ******* fight it
Drags me down but I let it
I already said it
Before, but it's back & it's what I am
Fallen, ******, and ******
No hope for truth in a world of lies
Ignore their cries...
They're only the ones you've left behind
It's coming back and it's a sign
To leave it well enough alone
Throw your ******* stones
I can take the pain
It's never been the same
But that's okay...
I'll live to sin another day
Tim English Dec 2013
Light crashes
Like waves of mind
Within yet without
I let it out with a ******* shout
Fallen transcendant, ascending inverse
Forked tongue recites, verse by verse
Try it, don't deny it, it's true
Outside yourself, within you
The truth you seek is a part of Self
In (sic)ness and in health
it's a ll a part of the game
And everything remains the same
Is constant, resonant, a part of it all
Like the angel and its fall
So good to see what's come to be
Let it flow, let it go, let the goodness grow
I am that I am, and everything as planned
I choose that I am
No footprints in the sand,
But I'm not ******...
Dec 2013 · 679
Tim English Dec 2013
Blood courses

like life

through flesh to concrete

slit wrists painting walls

visions of madness


on the floor
(through the door)

slices so clean
such a shame to see
ebb away

a sacrifice of life to the gods of the knife

— The End —