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A picture unfolds with a child running around the table

The light from the window hits her just right

You can see the sparkle in her eyes and the natural highlights

Proud looks come from granny and mom

as her grandpa picks her up, and carries her in his arms

Granny says

I was  always under the impression
when I was young , that if I didn't do it

It would not have been done

If someone did it better, look out because here  I come

Now your dad on the other hand Was all about the chill

Nonchalant even balance he never expresses much fear

Quiet strength which I grew to depend on so much

He will always reign me in, when I get out of touch

I always thought you were more like me

But now that your a mom, your more like your dad definitely

The daughter sighed with relief and with a turned up smile

She said good because  my three other siblings
convinced me
that I was the milk man's child
Like a dull knife that cuts into the flash, is the rejection that I face.

The despite wanting of love, is a dream that's constantly being erased.

I sit on the ground and cry because  I will never be loved in your eyes. 

I'm tired of trying to prove myself worthy.

It's time to say goodbye.
I don't deserve your grace!
I don't deserve your Mercy.

I'm the lowest of the low,
I know that I am  just not worth it !

There is a special place for me !
I'm bound and determined to hit .

A place of loneliness, and sorrow, that deep dark pit.
I used to think everyone was crazy be me .
Now things lately!   have me questioning my own sanity.
I use to be the victim !

I use to be the innocent child.
But now I've done so much wrong !

I could not claim denial .
Shall I confess my wrongs and ruin my life ?

Shall I stay strong and lie , and fight!  fight ! fight ?
There's no peace at either one of those bends.

I'm destin to be alone!
I'll crawl back in the pit again!
I try to imagine your reaction as you tuck my hair behind my ear.

I tried imagining what it would be like when you tried to calm all my fears.

I tried to imagine the hurt, the pain, the self-doubt, and shame that you went through.

Why would you walk away from someone, who  would love you the most?

Who doesn't really know you, I just known I was born.

A Picture is all I have of who you used to be.

Thank you for your sacrifice!

An giving me to a good family!
It was the perfect storm

It was thundering and lightning that night when you left .

I was sitting at are bay window watching your back grow smaller and smaller.

It was that night that I first felt depressed.

Asking myself when will you come back ?

When will you realize that you love me enough to come back and save me!

Come back and say you're sorry but it never happened .

It was the perfect storm and the thunder kept clapping.
I finally got my ring !

I finally got my man !

I finally got what I thought was the perfect wedding band !

It was game night and my family was over.
He surprised me, by coming over .

Only one hand was visible .
The other was behind his back , and he quickly pulled out a box with a ring attached.

I snatched that ring!

I hugged him tight !

I put the ring on to make sure it fit just right !

Without a word I ran to the den.

I was so proud !

I was going to show all my kin .

He tried to stop me, he said hey! Let's not do this right now!
You silly goose ! I love to show it off !
Because I was extremely proud.

I walked through the door practically squealing like a pig, shocking anyone around.

Boy my ring  is beautiful!

Ma, pa, aunties, and uncles, gave that boy a hand.

He started to turn pale, and I didn't understand.
Caught up in the moment,
I didn't catch the signs.

Looking back in retrospect ,
I should have been kicked in the behind.

When we finally got a moment alone,
he picked up my hand softly and gently he turned it over quickly.

He pointed out that there was an adjustable band,  and how the silver was starting to fade.
It was a ring that he got out of a bubble gum machine, for fifty cents his ma and sister got the same.

He said he didn't mean to hurt me .

He said, I shouldn't have shown my folks .

He thought it would be funny, to pull such a joke.

That night there were no carrots , that night there was no salad .

I had a large 44oz cup of something and a large Philly cheese steak sandwich. Lol
I wake up before dawn to put my makeup on. Comb all the knots out of my hair, place it in a  perfect bun. Breakfast will be waiting with oj. I'm invision  that engagement ring anyday. When we go to the hardware store ,I'm in heels . When I tell my friend's they ask me, are you for real! Dress to the nine, when were at the grocery store,my clothes are so tight, please don't let this be sample night. I don't have room to spare. If I do get my man , it will be a year before I show my real hand. Lol
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