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Jul 2014 · 855
thrcy Jul 2014
twelve am - those conversations worth staying up start to flow
one am -  another sleepless night, with thoughts featuring you
two am - the demons come out at night to haunt you
three am - i'm starting to miss you again, missing you more than i should
four am - making up scenarios in my head, of things that we could be
five am - time where I hate myself most & sadness starts to kick in
six am - sunrise is coming, heavy eyes, where sleep is awaiting
seven am - another morning with fake smiles & laughter, pretending to be happy
eight am - only looking forward to seeing you
nine am - a real smile comes along with the thought of you
ten am - telling myself to not break down & cry
eleven am - wandering off having daydreams

tick tock tick tock

ten pm - in my bed, ready to sleep
eleven pm - tossing & turning, just like the usual
twelve am - the same routine everyday
Jul 2014 · 872
A part of me
thrcy Jul 2014
All I want is to make you happy
Turning all your tears & sadness into shooting stars & galaxies
And the times you'll feel like you're drowning, I'll risk my life & pull you back to shore, despite the fact that I can't swim
And when you feel like darkness has took over you, I'll be the moonlight that guides you through
I'll be the sunrise to help you get up & remind you a new day is coming
To make you look forward for the sunset, to see how lovely it is just like you

I'll do these all for you because you are my sun on which my world gravitates to
You're my whole night sky & the whole reason why I'm twinkling all the time because of how much you make me happy
You're that sunflower that makes my day a whole light brighter
You're my whole **** ocean, the deeper you swim is knowing how much I adore you
You're that beautiful rainbow I always look forward to see after the bad rainy days I'm having
And you are that shooting star that only comes once in a life time, because I was blessed you came into my life & that is a wish I'd never regret wishing

But all these things just weren't enough
Because it seems it were all the reason to make you leave
For you have found someone who's presence you can't describe in any of the alphabet
Someone who's voice reminds you of the peaceful serene sound the ocean makes
A girl who gives you tingles all over your body, while I was the wasps you have mistaken for butterflies
Someone who's got you thinking of metaphors about love and got you singing all these love songs

So now here I am a hurricane mess
A tornado of destruction
The girl who used to have stars in her lungs, but I've burned them with all the cigarettes I was smoking
And those flowers that were growing in the bottom of stomach are long gone, because you can't water flowers with *****
For I had the sky in my brain, but I've been shattered apart the day you said you were leaving & now it's just a stormy weather up there
And I had the ocean in my eyelids to show you that we could sail together through this cruel world, but now I'm just left crying a river for you
That taste of fresh picked strawberries in my lips, now tastes like broken promises & wrecked expectations
And my hands that used to fit with yours, are just plain empty just like every **** part of me
All the beautiful things that were in my life are gone in that instance just like how you left just like that
Jul 2014 · 940
Thoughts of you.
thrcy Jul 2014
I like how you make me laugh
and like the way you smile
I like it when you're around
It's bearable when you're there
And when I see sunsets I think of you
Because it makes me feel some type of way just like how you give me feels
When I look up at the night sky to see the stars it reminds me of that twinkle in your eyes
I can't lie you give me butterflies whenever I see you around
I like the comfortable silences we have & you not minding me not talking most of the time
I like the way you tell stories & hearing everything that you've been through
I just really like it when you're around
Because everything's better and nicer and I feel much safer
I like it when you talk about your favourite things & things you're passionate about
I like the way you gaze at me & I know that I don't have to impress you because you accept me for who I am
I like the moments when we're together & the funny bizarre things we'd do & talk about
I like how you talk about life & how it's all about perspective
I like your mentality & how you put words into a sentimental advice

I don't like it when you aren't there
Because it seems like my world would fall apart & really start to miss you
I don't like the thought of you leaving ever, it just brings a tear to my heart & I know I'll be missing you
I don't like the thought of never speaking to you ever again because life would be a bore without me hearing your voice
I don't like the thought of not seeing you
I don't like it when you're sad because someone amazing as you deserve happiness
I don't like it when you say "I'm no good for you" because you don't get to be the judge of that

These are things I can never seem to utter out of my mouth because I'm scare I'll scare you away & I probably will & it might also sound too cheesy
But that's what I think and every part of it is true
For my feelings are real & I just hope that you know that
I appreciate all the things you've done for me & I just want you to know how much I care
I just put it into a poem since I can never say these things to you properly.
Please don't hate me.
Jul 2014 · 893
left & forgotten.
thrcy Jul 2014
I stare at the moon & the stars
Wondering if you are too
But then I say to myself
You're probably out with someone new
A girl who's got the scent
Of cherry blossoms
And tastes like fresh picked berries

So you're probably gonna distract yourself & try to get the thought of me out of your mind
Trying to concentrate on her but the twinkle in her eyes reminds you of me & so you rush out the door, slap yourself & bang your head on the wall & spit out the words you could never say to me & while you immerse yourself in things I shouldn't even bother to care about I'm here looking at the moon & the stars telling them how much I miss you

And if you do take her out to your favourite place just like you did to me, the moonlight & twinkle of the stars will follow you throughout the night & you'll look over the sky remembering the first time you took me there too, how we shared secrets & stories, & how I almost told you that you were my night sky

So I wish that the light catches your attention instead of her & you'll remember that daisies were my favourite flowers & that you can't get your eyes off the moon

But isn't it funny how empty I am right now because I swear months ago I had the whole galaxy within me  and now I've cried a **** ocean in my body & now I'm drowning
And that volcano inside my chest corrupted when you told me you were leaving and the lavas have
bursted throughout my whole veins
And I had the whole planet within the back of my hand to guide & show you the world
But all that is nothing now because you left & you're never coming back and I'm here a big mess of stormy weather who's gloomy all the time, waiting for a rainbow to come along & see the bright side of things again
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
after effect
thrcy Jun 2014
Don't fall in love with that somebody
He'll take you to parks, coffee shops, & to the ocean shore
He'll kiss you & lift you up with an embrace
At the most unexpected time in the most beautiful places
So you can never go back to those places without tasting a mouthful of him
He'll wreck you in the most lovely way possible
& now you'll know why storms were named after people
Jun 2014 · 939
thrcy Jun 2014
When you left a part of me was gone, so I looked for it in cigarettes & boys who didn't know my name
2. I still lay on my bed reminiscing the good memories & questioning myself where did I go wrong
3. I thought I saw you from across the field, heart started beating so fast, then I realized it wasn't you, for that boy had wore sneakers that you completed hated
4. I hear the sound of your voice all the time, replaying all the things you've said to me, my favourite one has got to be "I'll never leave" which was the biggest lie
5. I can't speak your name without feeling like I'm choking
6. I shouldn't have mistaken wasps for butterflies.
7. I still feel your embrace linger all over me
8. I crave your touch especially the nights where I feel most lonely
9. I miss you but I'm going to keep pretending that I don't.
10. Wide awake all night, contemplating if I should text you, but then again you'll probably think I'm insane for not moving on
11. I've burned all the pictures & things you've given me, instead I'm entertained of the burning flakes it makes
12. This time I swear I saw you. I knew it was you, because you looked right through me.
13. I think I'm moving on, waking up each day is starting to get easier & every thought of you is just burned into ashes
14. I'll still be there for you, even if you don't want me anymore.
15. I'm begginning to be happy again & got someone new to kiss me good night.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Taking Chances
thrcy Jun 2014
Don't let yourself fall in love with him
When a boy who gives you chills every time he holds you close, shows you his favourite place, don't remember the route on how to get there because when he's gone, you'll only find yourself going back there to get a glimpse of him one more time
Don't listen to his favourite song, for that melody will stay permanent with you wherever you go & the day he leaves you, you won't be able to listen to it without choking
Don't tell him to let go of his bad habits,  for you got your own too
Just because he got this positive mentality about life, doesn't mean he'll be good for you
And just because you two like the same bizarre things, does not make him your soulmate
And when the day comes where he stops putting as much effort like before, don't be expecting so much from him for you'll just be left hanging
Don't watch the stars with him, he'll contaminate it & you won't be able to look at the sky again without swallowing a mouthful of him
Don't let him enraptured you with his lovely compliments, just remember when he's no longer there, that you are beautiful too before he ever came into your life
Just because he promised & tells you that he loves you, doesn't mean he'll stay
Don't let the embrace of his arms be your comfort place, for when he leaves you everywhere you go will just be cold & chilly
Don't let him break your heart, but you're going to let him anyways
And when he does break your heart, you'll feel like you're dying. And it will feel like someone just ripped out your lungs & you won't be able to breathe. But just remember you will find someone better, because you deserve better
You shouldn't have fallen in love with him
Apr 2014 · 976
My last I miss you
thrcy Apr 2014
I was going to write about you again
Then I remembered you already left
and no longer care about me

I shouldn't look back at the past
For it has nothing good in store for me
Yet I seem to be reminiscing all our memories
But I should be over that cause they'll fade throughout time

This feeling, telling me write one more
and after that no more
It's really not for you though
Mostly for me, to pour out my pain
That I've been keeping all this time

But after everything
I want you to know
I still think you're as glowing as a star
beautiful as a sunset
Your smile still shines bright like the sun
somehow you still give me butterflies
And you're lovely as the ocean shore

I wanted to give it to you all
Just to see those gleam in your eyes
Just to give you the happiness
Because your eyes didn't touch the smile on your face
And I hoped for so bad to make you happy

But it wasn't enough
Here's a true fact though
I hope you're truly happy
But if I could
And had another chance
I would give you the moon
and the whole **** galaxy
Even if you wanted to share it with her instead of me
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
thrcy Mar 2014
Knowing you is serendipity
I knew deep inside I couldn't get enough of your beauty
the effort and courage it took you to willingly
to say "hey" to me
got me smiling so happily
stomach starts to get giddy
always making my mood fantastically
you have this sort of ability
to get me believing to the positivity
instead of the negativity
and I've got to admit
that you're sometimes very witty
there's something about you
that brings out my curiosity
for once I actually like living in reality
because you're not like the others
you have morality
and doesn't treat people poorly
really digging your mentality
for ever since
I've learned to keep my sanity
and been treating myself more equally
because you showed me of how chivalry
still exists
so I'm amazingly
grateful for meeting you, my greatest serendipity
A happy poem I guess?
Feb 2014 · 791
something new
thrcy Feb 2014
This different new kind of feeling
  is really quite appealing
  deep within it wants it to be revealing
  for later I'll have to be dealing

With these thoughts and emotions
  right now my head is like an ocean
  over thinking going back and forth motion
  I'll explode and cause a big destruction

Is this fate?
  and will it be worth the wait?
  thoughts like a foreign language and feelings I can't seem to translate
  but these feelings feels so great
  I'll make my own path and go straight
to you

So I'll take a chance
  with this brand new romance
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
I love you anyways, he said.
thrcy Feb 2014
I told you to not fall in love with me, I said.

Because who would love a girl
who would rather spend time writing poetry about you
than acknowledging your existence

Why would you spend your time loving a girl
whose hobbies are pushing people away
and wavering opportunities as they pass by

And why would anyone want to love a girl like me
who leaves you behind just to be in her own little world
and completely forgets to bring you along with her adventures

For why on earth a boy like you love a girl
who'll constantly go on journeys all by herself
leaving you behind without any notice
and just randomly comes in to of your life again

How dare you fall in love with somebody like me
who can't even face her own demons and can't
admit to herself that she's scared of getting hurt
and doesn't want anybody getting close to knowing the real her
for they'll know how mess up and broken she is

To why would someone amazing as you love someone
who leaves you hanging all the time
with one word replies and wrecked expectations

So why bother to love a girl like me
even if hurts me so bad to do this so
I'll be the first to run away you
no matter how great I think you are
for I don't want to damage you as much as I have damaged myself

I am not like those other girls you speak of
who seems normal and very beautiful
so why love me instead?

Now why would you love me
when I can't even love myself and can't see beauty in me
a girl who is so indecisive about every single thing
and can't even go up to tell you how much shes cares
but rather admires you from a far

Please, don't waste your time loving me
because the time we share together
will just became a faded memory
made into a tragic poem
and you'll never know why it ended that way

It's worth it, he said.

You fell in love with a girl like me anyways
solving me like I'm this big mystery game
constantly trying to figure every part of me
to why I became this way
trying to fix me and help me become who I once was

So I let you fall in love with me, deeply into love
because you are the closest thing to happiness for me
and for once in my life
I can make a poetry filled with joy
for you have showed me true self love
and believed in me that I could get better
Feb 2014 · 1.7k
"hidden message"
thrcy Feb 2014
(You) are a beautiful human being
And I swear you were made to (make) me ecstatic
For when I start think about (me) and you being together
(All) of my systems start to get nervous
Feeling awe, bliss, and (giddy)
And because of you I start to get tingles (inside ) my stomach
Feb 2014 · 889
thrcy Feb 2014
That time of the year again
where I feel the most vulnerable
and very lonely
but boy this year
I want to spend it with you

I promise it'd be a day filled with laughter
we'd stroll down the street holding hands
like we've known each other for years
we'll go on various of adventures
just for you to see how much I really love you

We'd go watch a sappy movie
and buy some Chinese food
and I assure you
I'd give you a meaningful card
a list of the things I love about you
with a hint of cheesy pick up lines
and some poem with it too

For this day will bring you joy
while we share our secrets
spill out our problems
reminisce some old memories
and I hope one day
this memory will be something
you'll truly enjoy

And as it comes night time
where we both go different ways
a hug will be given
and a goodnight kiss

For this day I won't let it pass by
so darling,
will you be my one and only
Feb 2014 · 866
thrcy Feb 2014
Why do we strive for perfection
only to be told we're like an infection
and afterwards feel the rejection
that leads us to have depression
then being told we only want attention
them saying being depressed is our main obsession
the same people who only looked at our flaws & imperfection
for what we want was just to feel admiration
and for our parents showing a little love & affection
what we need is some communication
and connection
and not be treated like an objection
for them to show us to the right direction
so we could look at our reflection
and accept ourselves with adoration
cause after all our genetic information
isn't made of perfection
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
thrcy Jan 2014
The late night conversations
filled with admiration
fast replies & long paragraphs
that's typed with dedication
showing loads of affection

Now it's just one word replies
my heart sort of cries
soul kind of dies
then you took me by surprise
leaving me hanging just like that is that so wise?

But there isn't any new messages
my heart carrying this baggage
really broken and damage
realizing I was being taking advantage
of, this is an outrage

Miss those type of nights
leaving me with a great delight
those feelings seemed so right
remembering how you'd always hold me tight
making a smile on my face that's so bright

Wishing that we'd talk again
wondering how it all began
these thoughts I have to restrain
for those talks bring me now so much pain
and these feelings I can't ever explain

For you're gone
and you're just another person I can't count on
saying how I miss how we used to kick it but you're such a *****
and I'll never like staying up dawn
for those memories will never be gone
and you didn't even say goodbye
Jan 2014 · 954
thrcy Jan 2014
I never really liked my name
until I heard you say it
with genuine & care
the way it flows through your mouth
leaves me breathless

You speak it like it's your own language
a code only you can decipher
like an inside joke just for you
the way you whisper it in my ears
filled with love & certainty

The way you pronounce it
every syllable like a music to my soul
the way you caress it
to convey conversations
makes my heart skip a beat

Whenever you mumble my name
I know only good things
comes out of it
for you want to
leave a mark, which is a smile on my face

You once said that if you could
you would make a poem
a song, a rap out of it
to show your appreciation & affection
of the wonder of my name

You used to express it
with lots of pride & integrity
you'd yell it out loud
until your out of breath
to tell others how my name
is so beautiful
that deserves to make a big deal out of itself

Until now I never really liked my name
because it reminds me you used to worship it
with loads of care & sincerity
now it just makes me feel broken
for I'll always remember
how you spoke my name
with your low husky soothing voice
that will always leave me breathless
Jan 2014 · 777
if you were an ocean
thrcy Jan 2014
If you were an ocean
I'd be by your shoreline everyday
To swim through your thoughts
No matter how cold or warm
It gets in there

I'd learn about how much you love
The  sea creatures that lives within you
Hoping one day I'd get to live with you too
Cause I wouldn't mind waking up everyday to your tides

I'd ask about your new adventures
Of how others pollute and litter all over you
This hurts you so much, but I'll try
my best to clean you up and take away your pain
And make you brand new again

You ask to take me somewhere
To the other side of the water
As you take me there, I know that you trust me enough to let me know about your past
And you've opened up a whole new world

I'd float anywhere
As long as it's with you
Doesn't matter where
Underneath the water, to the other side
I'd still be following

If you were an ocean
I'd be looking forward to your waves as you smile
I'd lie down on you, as you are my safe haven
I'd treasure everytime water hits me, as it locks upon my lips with your kiss

If you were an ocean
I wouldn't mind drowning in you
Nov 2013 · 3.3k
I wish you were a book
thrcy Nov 2013
I wish you were a book
my book
so that I could keep and read you
anytime I wanted to
and depart from the real world
for a while with you

I could take care of your cover
especially your spine
I promise not to judge
the cover, summary, and your story

I could flip through your pages
in able for me to
know your past
live in your present
and know what your future beholds

In your story if I stumble upon your
flaws, secrets, past, memories
no matter how awful it maybe
I'd still highlight all of the things
I admire about you

I would share your stories
how you've got a great adventure
with the best plot twists
and how you've overcome your fears
reached your goals
and made it through your struggles

I promise to put you on a special spot
in a bookshelf of all of my other books
you'd be my favorite one

I swear I could reread you over
and over and over
and over and over
and over and over
like you were the only book
that ever existed

I'd take you everywhere and anywhere
to also tell my story
and together we could make new memories
share the sunsets, sunrise, and watch the stars
because with you
I am truly happy

I wish you were a book
my book
how gently you let the ink flow
through your pages
for every word of each page
I've got it memorized
each phrase, line and quote
has got me hooked
with all the sweet things you've said
Nov 2013 · 690
if you were a library
thrcy Nov 2013
If you were a library
I'd spent all my time there
Finding a favorite spot
and sit there for hours
reading all the possible books I could read
so that I would have
more time with you
I'd tell my friends
how wonderful you are
and how you are
my safe haven
I would visit everyday
to check out the new books
you've got and
see how you're doing
I'd even clean off  
every dust I'd find
just to keep you
clean my dear
I've got every inch of you memorized
pile every book and get it organized
back to your shelves
by your comfort I am hypnotized
If I could own this library
I promise to take care
and cherish you
For I could honor
other places
but I've got myself
coming back to you
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
her, she is better
thrcy Nov 2013
Three letters can some up so much
Someone I can't compare myself to
Someone who'll always be better than me
The smarter
The prettier
The skinnier
The cheerful
The loveable
The thoughtful
Whom everyone wants around
Someone people will never get tired of
The one with a pretty smile
A flawless beauty
A simple personality
The girl
The one
Who's got the heart
Of the boy that I truly desire
Nov 2013 · 754
heart breaks
thrcy Nov 2013
I really do like you a lot and sometimes (it makes me sad)
Why can't you just see and look around for once
How I want us to be together but (your heart beats for another)
To her I cannot compare myself, (she's so beautiful now I know why)
You've chosen her and that's why (you're always happy because of her)
You never seem to notice when I'm around, (and that makes my heart break)
Read it once through, then without the brackets, then only the brackets.
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
not anyone can depict me
thrcy Nov 2013
The saddest fictional character won't know
A novel so doleful can't understand
An author can't write the melancholy feelings
The most pessimistic person can't relate
Poems can't describe how wistful I am
Poets don't even know how heartbroken I feel
Painters can't even illustrate a sad painting
Depressing songs can't interpret
Even my own self sometimes can't express all of this

The most comforting words can't characterize these emotions
Nobody could outline the sadness in me
Not the word "sadness" can even define me
No one on this planet can specify the ambience loneliness of sorrows within me
Cannot distinguish my broken soul
They don't know how scared I am
To love once again
For they also don't know bitterness it had made me

Even if anybody tried
To understand me
They still can't tell every detail
Of all these distress in my life
They can never portray
How dysfunctional
And broken
I am
Oct 2013 · 632
thoughts and feelings
thrcy Oct 2013
How could such girl like me
Who's future is ahead of her
Feel so much misery already
Pain that will never go away
Who could do a perfect fake smile
Be so broken and torn apart
And feel such self-loathe towards herself
How someone like me
Could ever have thought of killing her own self?
Have such emotional breakdowns all the time
Who just simply hates everyone around her
For vanishing herself would be the only cure
To all her dilemmas in life
Who thinks it's better to end it all
Instead of having anxieties and depression
Killing her softly
Pieces by pieces
Until there's basically nothing left of her
Until she's empty and can't turn to anyone
For it might be too late
But it is already too late
For she is still physically alive
But emotionally dead
Oct 2013 · 780
left behind
thrcy Oct 2013
You left me, but parts of you are still here
That smile of yours stuck in my head
Your scent is the air I breathe
Twinkling eyes still shine bright in mine
Your embrace all over my skin
The hands that still could fit into my hands
Your lips touching mine permanently yours only
The favorite things you say, is the one that I can only utter
All these things about you, I've got it memorized
Just in case one day you'll leave me
And of course you did
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
originality no more
thrcy Oct 2013
What happened to originality?
Why you trying to have somebody else's personality?
Can't you get your own speciality?
Don't you feel guilty about doing that?
Just stop it you brat.
Doing that so
Makes you so low
For your true feelings you can't show
Because it isn't your work
And what you're doing is acting like a ****
Taking credits for something you didn't do
It's making you look like a fool and you just have no clue
For you're not really real, but a fake
Taking a poem you didn't even make
What a stupid mistake
Makes my head shake
And my whole body ache
Heartless and mean this may sound
But I hope karma gets you around
thrcy Oct 2013
I write poems about life
People, lovers
My surroundings
And for this special boy

I hope that one day though
Somebody, anybody
Would care enough
To write about me

Let me the subject
To their writing
Each line delicately
Written with love, care, & sincerity

For they don't have to rhyme all the time
Or have some cheesy pick up line
Just hand picked words
That could make me mesmerized

But for now
I'll be the one writing
For the one to write
A poem for me

To someday
I wish to be the topic
Written with passion
Admiration & dedication
Oct 2013 · 850
abundant of love
thrcy Oct 2013
She was not satisfied with herself
thought she was not too skinny
not so smart
and was never good enough

But she did not know of how he saw her through his own eyes
he thought about her magnificent beauty
of how passionate she was when she talked about her favourite things
the sparks in her eyes when the littlest things could make her happy
he fell in love of how she could make others smile, when she was sad
how she doesn't sometimes try her best, but could still look so stunning
her giggly laugh
that song she would constantly repeat
about how she has the need to quote from her favourite books
having to re-watch a movie that explained her life
her bad habits, ****** expressions
he knows all of that like it's his favourite song
and has got it all memorized

So he told her about all that
and taught her
to love herself more
just like how much he loves her
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
sun to the moon;
thrcy Oct 2013
Sun to the moon*

They said you were worse with your constant phases
And I cannot keep up with every month
They told me you would never get together with me
And it makes me sad, because you're up there happy with the stars
They said you weren't so fond of things that appeared to be very bright
But you admire the twinkles the starts would make
They said you don't like the hotness during the day
Main reason why you would only appear during the night
For it brought you coldness and comforted you somehow

But I know better, I know all about your scars
And how you wished it would just fade away
I have seen your creases and dirt all over you
And how you say that stars can't help you cover it up permanently
I know about how many times you have been hurt and stepped on before
Of how you would only show a part of you to others
But I have seen the perfect roundness of your curves
For I cherish every moment of this when an eclipse occurs

If loving you means dying every night
Just to let you breathe
Then I would do it every time
And if you had enough of the stars
That the wishes you wished were a big disappointment
You know you could always come to me
And I promise, I will do my best to make you smile
One day when you get tired of wanting to shine for others through the night
I could be the one to brighten up things for you.
Oct 2013 · 737
he said
thrcy Oct 2013
You say you like me
But I see you falling for her
You say I make you smile
For she can make you happy
I can make your day
She can make your life
You say I'm great
We both know she's way better
You say I can make you better
But she can change you
You say I'm the newest chapter in your life
Her, she's the **** whole book
You say I'm no nightmare to you
But she's your dream girl
You say you think about me sometimes
But I know she preoccupies your thoughts all the time
You keep saying I'm the one
But really she's your only one
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
thrcy Oct 2013
I'm deeply very jealous of others girls
with such profound beauty
the ones that can make everyone twirl
that girl who others want to be around with
a best friend everybody wants to have
with just one look at her, she'll leave you breathless
who could overcome any struggles that life has given
ones with a natural giggly laugh
who could pull off any make up
who could make you laugh so hard, that everyone else already stopped
that perfect smile, that could turn your frown upside down
with a unique style for clothes
having such a magnificent personality
smirk on their face, making you believe everything would be fine
ones that could cheer you up and take your sadness away
the girl who could fight the monsters in her head and fight for your sorrows

But I am sorry

That I am not good enough
like those other girls
who could possibly make you happy

I apologize

For being just me
clumsy, annoying, clingy, insecure, imperfect girl
and for loving you that much

and  I  am  sorry

for being so jealous of other girls
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
thrcy Oct 2013
An ordinary boy
who's got that killer smile
eyes that could be brighter than the stars
mouth that could say the kindest words
a mind that has the best lullabies
lips that would whisper "you're beautiful" to cheer you up

An ordinary boy
who's got a secret of his own
who's too naive to trust anybody
who gets sad when he cannot make you smile
who gets angry at the little things
who is also scared

An ordinary boy
but he isn't really one
for he is poetry
he is a golden piece of literature
the protagonist of my story
the greatest adventure I have found

An ordinary boy
through his misfits and complications
he is the boy I've grown to love
the one that my heart screams for
who got me having sleepless nights
making me excited for the next day to come

An ordinary boy
that should belong to *me
ewww boys, this poem is definitely weird haha.
Oct 2013 · 794
thrcy Oct 2013
It was then I had realized
why people listened to sad songs
stayed up all night waiting for late replies
they would get insecure when they see their person with another
how their world would stop when they see them
would get the butterflies whenever their lips touched
their day incomplete when they don't see each other
couldn't sleep when a big argument comes up
but become lovers again the very next day
how down they would be if they can't cheer them up
get all giddy when they hold hands
smiling like a fool when a thought of them comes up
how their life is complete when they are together
it was then I noticed
this silly and delirious emotions
are the great effect of loving someone
Oct 2013 · 944
thrcy Oct 2013
There was a boy
willing to give her all the joy
discreetly trying his best to change for her
and make her feel secure
but deep inside he was weak
his feelings he cannot speak
but he did his best
and held her in his chest
he knew that she was out of his league
doing all he can just to keep her intrigue
but the boy had his own predicament
helplessly couldn't give her all the encouragement
for he cannot prevent
instead he went for it and gave her all the reassurement

Through all their laughs
hardships and humiliating moments

The girl
that didn't know she could make that boy twirl
eventually also couldn't resist
wanting to give him her very first kiss
forgetting about her cruel past
and giving him all her trust
for she had evolved into loving him
thinking her chance were very slim
telling him nothing about her feelings
only if she knew that he thought she was so appealing
she is giving him the silent treatment
thinking this a test for some sort of commitment
now she is constantly ignoring his presence
giving him one word sentence

Both are feeling doubt and insecure
saying how they're not so sure
anymore about their feelings for each other
and how they can't ever be lovers

Now they're back to being strangers
thinking they are better off without one another
their paths never converging
for there are just another unrequited lovers
Oct 2013 · 3.9k
thrcy Oct 2013
Don't make decisions
when you've got a broken heart
for an unattached individual
with forgotten promises
abandoned memories
rejected phone calls
wrecked expectations
deserted arrangements
dreadful lies
forsaken mixed signals
slowly it will **** you
ripping the heart to pieces
soon you'll be
crept up to loneliness
regretting all your dumbfounded decisions
left with an empty feeling
with happiness never coming your way
for this will ruin you
and tear you apart
Sep 2013 · 3.3k
eye contact
thrcy Sep 2013
That eye contact
when our eyes meet
still sends chills through my spine
blanking out my mind
getting my eyes lost
from such a beautiful sight
legs get a little wobbly
toes get all tingly
arms wanting to embrace you
hands wanting the touch of your skin
lips calling out for yours
our breaths coming as one
the nose liking your wonderful smell
for it is like home

That eye contact
when our eyes are locked
for I know that our paths have converged
at least I knew that for a moment
you were looking for me too
it only lasted for a second
but you don't seem to know
how a second can last for a lifetime
it's like time froze
as I look at you
the flashback of old memories comes running through
the good and the bad
but boy
onto this brief encounter
our eyes coming together
that twinkle in your eyes
makes everything worth while

That eye contact
when the eyes are telling me to move on
and let it go
come back to reality
before I get trapped again
by your magical spell
that gets me lost every single time
those eyes that got me disappointed
from all the hopes, dreams, expectations,
and heartaches
leaving me out of breath
and shaky for why it only lasted that long

That eye contact
that I'll always remember
when I should be forgetting

That eye contact
brought us closer
but now we're distance apart

That eye contact
that will always capture my heart
making my entire body smiling in an awe
Sep 2013 · 12.7k
thrcy Sep 2013
I'm in great depression
in life that is my main obsession
it holds me like I am their own possession
wants me to say "I'm fine" instead of my real emotion
keeps my feelings with succession
comes out of nowhere & attacks me with such aggression
only leads me to one direction
sadness, madness,  numbness, & no other kind of expression
I tried to say my confession
of how it goes through progression
at times it gives me an impression
that I'll be better soon, instead I am left with its *******
also tells my mind to have some session
speaks to me all about my imperfection
it gets scary in there with all the tension
saying I am some sort of infection
that needs to be a suspension
eternally telling me a suggestion
for all it wants to mention
is to end it all & leave everyone out with no some sort of connection
so it will leave me hanging with no protection
to vanish myself in front of a mirror & see my own reflection
of how I'm not such a great exception
and I'm not at all a perfection
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
maybe, possibly
thrcy Aug 2013
She made you her priority
all she wanted was your honesty
you could have also shown your loyalty
but you missed the opportunity
now she's gone for good for treating her so ******
the girl just wanted a little consistency
could have been more heartily
boy all you showed was just atrocity
and you thinking it was some sort of comedy?
that girl has no more patience and generosity
at least what you could do is give her an apology
treat her more equally
act more responsibly
show her some harmony
stop showing her hypocrisy
and maybe, possibly
she'll considerably
forgive you for your cruelty
but this time, treat her more like royalty
she'll be yours significantly
Aug 2013 · 582
the question
thrcy Aug 2013
The question that comes up often to my mind is,
when will I be good enough?
the answer to this is quite tough
for everyone is always leaving
and the heart aches I'd have to be dealing
sobbing for hours to finally releasing
the agony it's causing

When will I be good enough?
for someone to stay by my side
and somebody I could confide
to wipe away all my tears
from all the tears that I cried
who's got their arms open wide
and embrace me tightly as I sigh

When will I be good enough?
for someone to love me as much as I love them
to take me for who I truly am
face all the mayhem
and stays ups with me until the AM

When will I be good enough?
for a person to accept me from all the things from my past
while they can share my present & future, to have a blast
have memories made that can outlast
reminisce it one day so it can surpass

When will I be good enough?
where my flaws are something that'll make them love me more
where my worst days will be the days they want to stay & listen to know what's wrong
where the happy days would be days we could treasure together
where my mean attitude is not the reason for them to go away
where my dark side isn't just an excuse to leave me astray

When will I be good enough?
for  *you
Aug 2013 · 868
loved & lost
thrcy Aug 2013
For there was a girl
who was dearly in love with a boy so much
that she'd do anything for him, anytime
for she 'loved' him so
more than the band she liked for years
than the great pleasure of books
poems she wrote about him
sweet tunes of throwback songs
serene sound of the oceans
boarding to her favorite place
pictures of her in her childhood days
laughter she shares with her friends when I good joke is told
the rare bond moments she has with her family

For there was a girl
who was dearly in love with a boy so much
that she'd do anything for him, anytime
and the things that used to mean so much to her
were so distant from her now
and she could barely recognize the amazing feels
she had with those wonderful things

For there was a girl
who was dearly in love with a boy so much
that she'd do anything for him, anytime
was willing to give him everything she had
to hope it will change him in anyway
for the better, she said

For there was a girl
who was dearly in love with a boy so much
that she'd do anything for him, anytime
that there's one thing she forgot to do
has forgotten to love herself too
Aug 2013 · 875
you're my poetry
thrcy Aug 2013
Poems I write
things I say
stories I make
books I read
quotes I quote
lyrics of songs I hum
is just another combination of 26 letters
of ways to make you fall for me

And I hope
that someday
I'll find
the right words
a flawless sequence
to say such
serene, sensual, splendid
delightful, amazing, and intriguing
things to you

For it will blosson a smile in your face
give you goosebumps
echoes in your mind
makes your heart skip a beat
tingles all over your body
to get you thinking through the twilight
until the sunset kicks in
and think of
every sappy
hopeless romantic movies
it will be like a movie you'll watch over and over
your favorite quote
the song that gets stuck in your head for days
poems that make you go awe
stories that makes you want to know more
books that you can't stay from
and these sweet things I'll say
will only be for you
Aug 2013 · 462
thrcy Aug 2013
   are just so
      beautiful &
     don't ever let
      them tell you
            never change who you are
                   for what        they might      say about you
             you              are worth            it &
              being            true to your       -self is
                just              the most           unique
                 person          you could          ever be
                 don't          be ashamed       to show
               off             to others how      great
                 your            talents are           for you
               will             go very far           in life
             & to             those who            has
            judged          and wronged       you
                   will          come
                  to            their
                    senses,       to see
                        how          amazing
                ­       you've        become
                        & how          you got
                          stronger       each day
                         for all              the
                             criticisms     ­     they have
                            said                   just
                                  made                you, who
                                 you                   truly are
                          which                     is
                                 b e a u t i f u l

An original of this was "disappear" but I tried to make it with my own way  "beautiful"
Aug 2013 · 958
my darling
thrcy Aug 2013
You are my love while (I am not yours)
I am left brokenhearted and darling
you're out there having a great time (and here I am lonely as ever)
hoping from time to time you would have a thought of me, (I wish the best for you)
everyday I wish you'd just come right out & say it to me (so please)
darling (give me a chance)

Please, read it once through, then without the brackets, then only the brackets.
Aug 2013 · 947
relinquishing you,
thrcy Aug 2013
For I should surrender
The memories that we made
For someday it will fade
As we are slowly drifting apart
But why can't I just let go
Why oh why is it hard do so
You already moved on
And I am left here to reminisce
While you're having a bliss

Everyday I pray
That you'll find your way back to me
And everyday I am left broken
Cause you aren't coming back
For I will have to go on with life too
Start life anew
But I know in my heart
I'll always remember you

I am now giving up
Letting myself free
And letting you be
Aug 2013 · 1.5k
left unnoticed
thrcy Aug 2013
I am forgotten
my existence is rotten
no one bothers to notice
me and the pain it's causing
feels like I've been erased
out of everybody's mind
for I am like a past
that's supposed to be unremembered
and never to be spoken ever again
I am ignored
for it seems like my voice has never been heard
I am lost
and no one wants me to be found
I am excluded
my whole life I've been mistreated
and always feeling rejected
I am nothing
no special meaning to anybody
for I am
always left unnoticed
Aug 2013 · 755
temporary lasts forever
thrcy Aug 2013
In this world we live in
everything is temporary
nothing really last for a lifetime
friends, happiness, problems, love
even our existence
and pretty much everything else in this world
it all ends anyway

We may think it will last for eternity
but eventually friends becomes a stranger once again
happiness turns into pain
problems will go away
love turns into hate
us, we'll rot
and this world we live in
will nothing but be a dead place someday

So  why?

Why do we try so hard for these things?
for it may be taken away from us
Aug 2013 · 2.1k
thrcy Aug 2013
Everyone craves for happiness
They want to feel it, share it, and live it
For it is the source of feeling great and overwhelmed
With happiness everything feels like worth living
But being so happy gets a little bit frightening
Cause you already know what's coming
Everything just goes downhill all of a sudden
With no sign or reason for the event that had happened
So why do people want happiness?
For they know sadness comes along next
Aug 2013 · 524
thrcy Aug 2013
The constant battle
the heart and the mind

My heart says,
go follow your mind,
it doesn't make poor decisions
unlike me

The mind says,
your heart will lead you
to the rightful path
of your true happiness

But my heart
keeps pushing me towards the mind
for it is where I don't have to experience
misery and pain

My mind continually shrugs me off
tells me that the heart
understands better of the real meaning of love

The heart still beats and tells me,
go before you're torn part
little by little
until there's none left of you

My mind thinks quite the opposite
and wants me to experience
every feeling possible
so I don't regret anything

For you are the heart
and I am the mind

You told me to leave
before anything gets worse
and tense

But I refused and stayed
for I want to be there
and capture every single moment with you

But you the heart
had warned me by the complications
and tragedy of the outcome

I the mind
should have listened
but didn't
cause I only wanted to experience such things
with you
Aug 2013 · 745
crippled inside
thrcy Aug 2013
I'm broken
shattered into pieces
never will be full again
torn apart
crushed so deeply

Everyday I try to be happy
but my day always ends up ******

Still can't let some things go
so I end up feeling low
but I try my best though
to not let my feelings show

With unanswered questions
consistently looking for suggestions
of why I'm in depression

There's no hope
I can't even cope
of my own self
this is no good for my health

Really got to stop feeling down
maybe I should just go away for awhile & get out of town
before I let myself drown
with all my thoughts that'll just make me frown

I should start fresh
and forget about how my life's a mess
dismiss myself from all that stress
but be grateful instead of how I'm truly bless
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
thrcy Jul 2013
he's funny
smart as hell
and can be a pain in the neck
he can be a **** at times
but makes up for it with his smile
he can see right through me
and can be oblivious with my emotions
he argues
and is completely stubborn
he makes my day
and leaves me astray
but he's the boy
my heart chose to like
Jul 2013 · 3.4k
outer space
thrcy Jul 2013
I wonder what it is like in outer space
would it be a wonderful place?
does it take all our problems out
or do we have to scream & shout
is it somewhere we can be free
where there's nothing to worry
all these thoughts I cannot fathom
oh what have I become
my curious self is slowing showing
all these facts are always growing
please someone just take me there
to have new memories I can share
outer space is where I belong
I've just realized that all night long
so take me there
to save me from my despair

— The End —