I wish you were a book
my book
so that I could keep and read you
anytime I wanted to
and depart from the real world
for a while with you
I could take care of your cover
especially your spine
I promise not to judge
the cover, summary, and your story
I could flip through your pages
in able for me to
know your past
live in your present
and know what your future beholds
In your story if I stumble upon your
flaws, secrets, past, memories
no matter how awful it maybe
I'd still highlight all of the things
I admire about you
I would share your stories
how you've got a great adventure
with the best plot twists
and how you've overcome your fears
reached your goals
and made it through your struggles
I promise to put you on a special spot
in a bookshelf of all of my other books
you'd be my favorite one
I swear I could reread you over
and over and over
and over and over
and over and over
like you were the only book
that ever existed
I'd take you everywhere and anywhere
to also tell my story
and together we could make new memories
share the sunsets, sunrise, and watch the stars
because with you
I am truly happy
I wish you were a book
my book
how gently you let the ink flow
through your pages
for every word of each page
I've got it memorized
each phrase, line and quote
has got me hooked
with all the sweet things you've said