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1.1k · Nov 2014
Just Browsing
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
click click click
Do something
click click click
Click click click
No now
click click click
click click click
Yes now
click click click
If I don’t do something now I won’t
Click click click click click click click click click click click click click
464 · Nov 2014
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
Turn it on
Switch it over
Where is all the effort?
Frittered into dark corners of the glowing light
The imperative is stolen
Thought yielding to entertainment
Our abilities squandered
Reason hammered and hampered
by our addiction to mindlessness
The warm blanket of comfort
Turn it on
Switch it over
I can’t be bothered
I don’t want to think
I just like the noise.
Is it different
From finding others who make noises like you
and mooing together?
Lifting your tongue, raising your voice
As you join the cacophony of the voiceless
Chattering their way
Through the daylit midnight hours.
In the crowded room no one is listening
Except those who want to hear.
Turn it on
Switch it over
380 · Nov 2014
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
No one listens.
We are all waiting our turn

Spin the bottle of conversation.

Watch for re-action.

Deciding to respond

Construct witty reply.

Or not
Miss your queue
Save your response for another conversation

I think they are blagging it better than I,
Their conversational repertoire seems encyclopedic,

If they speak much longer my response might require knowledge,
Or even some insight,
oh my!
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
There is a Dragon
I see him peer through the mist
There is a dragon at the bottom of my garden
I see the smoke puffing from his nostrils
There is a dragon at the bottom of my garden
I can see his tail green and glimmering snaking behind the shed
There is a dragon at the bottom of my garden
I see his shining scales of grey
Cascade across his back
There is a dragon at the bottom of my garden
I see him lying there so still
I am not sure if he would eat me
I hope he never will
351 · Nov 2014
Expression Of Love
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
a man of words,
can find no words to express my love for you,
but I can take out the trash.
342 · Nov 2014
A Rocket to The Moon
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
If I built a rocket and flew it to the moon
Would that make me happy
I do not think so
If I was doing it to make myself happy then
I don’t think so
My thoughts would be
Maybe it will make me happy
Can it make me happy
Building a Rocket is HARD
Am I happy
Flying a Rocket is Terrifying
Why am I not happy yet
Here I am on the moon
not Happy
If I really
wanted to see the moon
And I had dreamed all my life of how GLORIOUS it wold be
To fly a rocket
Then maybe
just maybe

though the spectacle of the earth
spinning in its atmosphere,
and the wonder of stars
s c a t t e r e d across the vacuum
clinging to each other
with strands of gravity,
would spark emotions impossible to speculate on
I would be thinking
‘I flew to the MOON on a ROCKET’
And would have smiles from top to toe.

Do not do things to be happy
Do them to DO them and then BE
And sometimes you will be happy.
320 · Nov 2014
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
It’s funny
When you think about it
I mean when you really give it All
Of your attention
You have to laugh
I mean that bit
Yeah that bit in particular
Doesn’t it just reek of Surrealism
Or whatever
Just Imagine
I mean honestly give it some thought,
Chew it over…

You see what I mean?
It is funny.
267 · Nov 2014
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
Where you are concerned all is true
And black is white
and nothings new

— The End —