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world, expect not to much
from me today great will just hum
along other's music...

world ask not to much
from me great tree
of wisdom....just perhaps
one sage leaf.....

today world i will not ask
much of you.....a little sun....some exercise...and love...a smile or two...and some blessed quietude....

and when we come to the
sunset.....we can both know
that not all days have to be
big adventures.....
some days can just be small
walks......  on well worn paths.....and there is much in
what is hate?
if not a toddler's tantrum,
wearing hobnailed boots....
and stomping about.
Facing the reality that I can, at any given moment, lose everything
       Finally forced me to accept
That I had to allow myself to, once and for all, be truly free.

With eyes wide shut, fearlessly I had no choice but to dive in
      Creating my own eternal ripple
Instead of complacently watching still water just be.

So many silenced words have sustained the cconfinment
      Of who I genuinely am
Often escaping through moments sadly swept away by time.

Like an imperfection of a mis-shapened candle I refined this art
      Of surpressing my light
The rythme left only to long for the remminants of my hearts rhyme.

Blinded by the beautiful brilliance of this magnificent darkness
       Full of fears inhibitions
The horizon teased with ideas,  brought about by acceptance of a  new way.

It was vulnerability that lead me to receive the notion
     That the less I resist the embrace of the unknown
The further from the norm I will stray.
With so much chaos in the world around me I had to return to the one place that allows me to be me and accepts plain old Mercie B. Thank you all.
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