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Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
you might have to stare into neutrons
to un-bond the Marmaduke con
your large doggerels are farcical in a feline fashion.  
what harm you do  -
fondles the rabid scabies
of our scathing
we are
an affront to the baklava
where the syrup is fierce
and yet the spirit
is amber
locking swift Hymenoptera
into place....

you might have to stare into space

to see me...

but be me,

and you might
gain a wee thing as fabulous
as when we bent knees to no god
but had demons
in our **** larceny.
you polished the rogering,
you foggy bogged
the biscuit.
had your druthers whisk
the cinch a

till we nipped, went.

had our coffee
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
Mark of Cain in my hemoglobin, i'm more open to repast on brains.
to dine on flesh enmeshed in baseball parks and homes restrained
by greed of the same. and the cry of the people takes great pains
to refine the message of a blank stare. a blemish, stark with catacombs
disarranged in harm honey. the ogre of pine. the amber pane
where we bleed. we name nameless, by the by,
to the finish.
but not

up your petticoat with my blind cleaver. my Occam razor to your stain.
a fine mess express in hateful art and boneless jade
we feed on the frame of our reference. skylarking harmonious curves dismayed
by their own mind. they confess it. at the statefair. replenished, they knish in falderal
disengaged from honesty. the poker blind. where the eye staid.
where we need. we need most ... tell ya why.....
to diminish
but not

and so it goes. i erode the continent. sneaky pete in the crease of all strange.
itchy feet. maimed in false lies of the ripple. made fake
to real love. unclaimed. a gangly part of broken promises made
we retreat at last. with our last mimes. we undress. with savoir faire. distinguished in our dashery
ill fated. calamity's bark. hard to define. where the mind misbehaved.
we're complete most where the hole resides...
to imprison
but not
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
the farmgirl with the green flecks in her anime eyes
is snoozing in her van. it's afternoon and she's lost her ruby slippers. she knows not where.
she charms the water fleas with her clean teeth.
she gropes through the ampules of her ample *****. where her heart is like a fox and hound.
in a glass forest. the otherwise, warm porridge is the cruel gruel of her next poem.
she gnaws on the nape of her next unborn. the naked rube of her snipe hunt
on a night with no moon.
she doesn't mind either.
her kites fly, un-flummoxed in the effulgent. unchained in the Quixote of our windmills. distilled
by charcoal fences. a net of screens, nimbly deployed across the hinterlands
of our possibilities.

now " who could that be ? "

agnes is calling and i know she just wants her computer fixed.
Mar 2013 · 558
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
morning slips your beauty in
where i kept my shabby foolishness
and drapes me in such delights, to dim
a nebula of loneliness...
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
four can keep a secret... if three are dead. we have this theory that clearly states -
" stars will eat stars " . let the record show that Irony is the genius of a petulant mirage. an absent god.
nevertheless, we are more.
trod upon, we expand to scale the prism walls
of lost diamonds -
up to a sun that spun it all,
in the kingdom of night. you and i plod through space
to emerge from the chasm
of our graven
like an anonymous fog
on a lens of opaque
and dark cause.
but some nights are
bright as day...

as very many days, are not.
Mar 2013 · 2.5k
Bizarre Foods America
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
your George Klooney appeals to your filter.
you brunch with Tungsten and straight up toxic marriages.
the mob rules the Jupiter, so therefore and ever after
you mop Hell's kitchen while you slideshow
your thumb through the wreckage
of your tender aggressions in the marsh
where the hard sky lobs acid and false globs
of character... we blur the chi chi's and wiz bang
the last dirge
we incur the wrath of our blissful innocence
and sweeten the Lama
with our Lambda,  " all back of the bus, and ****  "
we betwixt the twain.

and that's the grease
in the varmint. the tuft of luscious.
you gob-smack the kiwi and chip away at the porcine thunder
of our pagan banquet.
the lungs you drum with; are even now
less equipped to sermon the mount
where your meek inherits
lengua tacos.

and your life means nothing, really....
Mar 2013 · 2.0k
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
it goes away
and the stain is real... and nothing is perfect so nobody lies....
you might remember to forget, but then you'd have to remember you can't recall... in the slightest
you leave your fingerprints on mars
it does you harm, and that's the atom in the soup of your ridiculous life !
god is that Guy who  panicked
and shot you in
the head

and These
are the tender mercies... and nothing is real so perfection lies...
you might keep the skin of your shadow
but know one
that absolutely no one
gets out a
Mar 2013 · 815
I'm In My Hard January
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
deep fried kool-aid in a purple Intrepid
the scepter of our Grief; falters
the Orion of our Agonies in the Least-ville of our Nova !
i'm about to outshine !
but before i can condemn my most recent assault
on God's little Plan.... I thought i might Jam the Signal
with a volley of Pretension
in the wane Valleys of the Seldom
and the Orange Jews.

i'm in my hard January and your Carnival, rivals my Fantastic...
you'd rather my dark be sunlit travesties, to Parade before the court of Desire
behind  a chain-linked rinse. these snowflakes
are  the ones with teeth.

not the ones you meant.

blue whales can hear us Dying, from Here.
And You still Think i love you

the haggard crags of our elliptical wards against a Pleasant Breakfast
the scuttled broth of  sour tyranny and Nonsense
you abscond with -

the virtue of our wizardry, aligned with Hostile Invalids
From Beyond !

have i said much ?

have i begun to plunder the tripwire epiphany
of the rogue star from the Unknown ?
I'm in my hard January and the Spring in Winter's failing
is a Crossing.

And a Dread
Feb 2013 · 1.5k
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
we stroll the orchard
where grapes prune
and apples dutch
the burgeoning ****
of our memories...

we remain shimmering in true dusk. there
on the cusp of inscrutable lust and the chaste rabies
of a sliver of first bone
with tornado lips
and cotton

we cajole our misfortune,
and rise at noon; without laughing -
we ****** our hags from the raven
that feathered our cap.
we elapse with the dead
in the basement of our rendering.
a little ahead of ourselves
or dead, no matter what.
the orchard glooms a demise
in the calm tourettes
of our syndrome...

both alone in the teeming all-spark
of our glorious sundering...
our Mondays say less than
our Present Day -
and a yarn of plight and sunstroke
gropes at the  barb
of our bee stung

we chide the withering
for all the Withering -
and all the good
it does....


we wrath glide the plum

then have at Life.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
if you were the sun, i'd be surprised.
shocked and a daze in the sheer miracle of how exactly " That " happened.
we might be dumb to the Algebra of Our Taint. you might say it ***** to be us
but you might be right; And we can be Absolutely certain
Our purpose is to Love, and be ****** the Loved !
if you were the moon, i'd be careful.
how would you choose to eclipse without Harmony ? How may I Follow ?
but you might be already gone...who's to say you ain't been right " there " ?
When you never Confess your Absence, but Maintain -
You Dare !
You ! You ! Screen the camels !
Through the Eye of a Needle
In Love's Eye.
You swan in the fury of my wet tongue
yearning for the Desert to quench the Oblivion
of Perfect Love.

if you were the space between stars, I'd buy " That " for a dollar.

but no one
would hear me
at a black

a jaundiced black, to square a color wheel.
a slice of black Pi.
Feb 2013 · 705
Clearing My Throat
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
I found the lost chord
in my Larynx. Now it's
tucked away
safely in a shoebox
of horrors
and saltwater
a friendly re-posting.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
Jupiter is a dead fist. But i am lately disembarked in your parlor. loving farce.
you are twinkling in the chamber ***. you pay rent.
but i am hately, loving instruments of accidental art.
This poison is the only one that loves you.
a superman, afraid of how brittle
your Memory Lane.
Feb 2013 · 573
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
shed a tear into a Grecian urn
then write your name in a drift of salt.
siphon fog from the lip of a needle
and with a lump of coal
draw blood.

tip glaciers into a lake of fire
and dive in.
caste a pinch of deep
into the shallows of your human heart.
tell the truth -
you can't remember
it's name
then be redeemed.

then tell redemption, it never understood you

at all.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
i'm the cinnamon star-struck lotus-eating speck  
on your windshield... driving out the demon
in your blind-spot
guess you can see me too... but you'd rather not yet
that'd be too real... diving like walking
is what  'other people'  do
but we're not... anything less
at all the

kiss me and i'll be fine.
but if i
know you -
and i think
i do
then this
don't mean i love you
( Love You )
it only means
i could fruitcake and the sky
Feb 2013 · 959
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
come fall,
this will all be overgrown.
a wild plot of earth and flushed skin
by then... this will be not like it was
a bramble of hemispheres, moist
in direct light, glistening entangled
in free reign. a ***** display of alien
thought. a monster of perfect joy
an overcome acre of hostile sea
seething annihilation with tendrils
of unfettered need; you'll see
from here
a new kingdom of red leaves
and undulating corridors, throbbing
utopian, come fall, a Saturnalia
on all fronts. a battalion of fireflies
lending a pale glow to a rampage
of silk knots and earthquakes
a teeming fractal of unchecked
ambition. the fission of new stars
but a small spark, come fall...
and come fall, you'll be mine.
Feb 2013 · 2.0k
Yearn Like a Puppet
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
you cannot finish need.
it fiends in wretched globes of dwarf
swelling to tremendous  steam
a Bacchanal of vineyard borscht
a moonlit morsel of demolished dreams...
we serve at the pleasure of the absurd
gilding shadows with clay confetti
and the nictitating membranes of blue crocodiles.
and blank verse.

felling the Yggdrasil, by all means; you maraud the larder
in the night kitchen; nicking blackbird-pies and pinky-russet salamanders
[ the loose farthing ] and the hard liquor... all gone now
your potato sack, rakishly slung from the shoulders of an Atlas, entitled ' Promised Land; betrayed '.

a new map shrugging off old kings from dead valleys
revealing the hour of your worthless estate,
in-lieu of the boundaries of your lost holdings. unhappily -
you inherit the unripe peach
in a hound's mouth.
you slouch rough,  slowly
to your beast
of a couch:

there, to remain unholy and due South.

there, to remain unknowing
by all account.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
the moon is talking to a snail
a sliver of grey love. shimmering in the velvet...
a token of whispers
preening the feathers of absolute night
a gossip of stars

roaring in the vacuum. full of gods yelling whispers

to a shell.
Feb 2013 · 832
Better Sins To love
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
we are not. and that impedes the luscious.

are you one of them ? combing the pantomime of obscure ? are you really that naive ?
do you have what i came here for ?
do you really ?
let's check.

how many temples have you burned to the ground
in the last 24 hours ?
Did you tip a sacred cow when i wasn't looking ?
are those my absolutes
flailing in a sea of ' Could Be ' ?
can i *** a cigarette ? yet ?

there are better sins to love in a crisis. better hurricanes to typhoon the blithering idiocy
of a storm's eye. a direct kink. a direct calm.
there are ways around the fickle shame of honesty;
while being yourself.
it's another room.

and no one is ' one of the boys '
till a woman says "Hello...

I must be going... "

and no one is ' one of the boys '
till a woman says  "Hello...

I must be going. "

and no one is ' one of the boys '
till a woman says "Hello...

I must be going ..."

a lot.
Feb 2013 · 2.3k
To Thrill A Mockingbird
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
all summer in your face
green yes, would suit you, but your brown
unwatered lawn eyes delicious-
a dry wind in a plain

your black hair rising
like a tornado on your scalp
a day at a time

you tease me and ****** my weakness
with all of your summer
my day sweats beneath you

my night and your music
commanding my heartbeat
to make adorable

for a mockingbird.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
Polaris in the eastern sky, intertwined with the gallop of gargantuan and the heathenous whimsy of untired daily life...
the gross note of our chorus, rushed through the tube of time in long haste of a brief reply.
ten feet from each of the deadly sins, we ride. the callous pompadour of our fashionable hate
and the rake in the face gag, with all the right people
to betray you.

an asterisk in the tween of your teeth, with the casserole lights and the marvelous crushtones of your raving denial.
the most goon of your impunity, lewdly. the fresh ruin of your mind in the wrong place for the least why.
ten feet from each of the deadly sins, we ignite ! but yet the breadth of our complete meaning bewilders late
into the hour
of our

by the minute.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
That Kiss In The Alcove
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
cool outside and we glide through the crowd like leather smoke and charm.
arm in arm we stroll. with old souls, younger than ourselves. it's sublime -
as we change our perspective. we shadowbox with our past regrets
but we paddle upstream to our extremely good.
we are two, blushing in the embers
of almost perfect.

then we kissed.
that kiss tumbled from our lips
in languid waves of heat and ' yes '
it torched our comfort zone
and left sage and sandalwood
twixt the tender toes
of our not so snail's pace.
my hand on the side
of your new face.

facing we.
Feb 2013 · 913
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
you stainless steel
a hate-lump of drums, wicked.
stick it too your browbeat
of precise niggling...
ink links -
to kerosene. and scribe farce
for the disabled.
but wrap it up in
' what's up ? ' .
get unstuck
other people.

your grey wolf. and -
leap shins and fair maidens.
skip **** that's too
reel-in your best
for weak wishes
ditch *******

So wish strong;

all day long,
you should rob
and come
it !

the right wrong thing
to catch

most likely.

[ so dig it ]

hide your feather in your cap
where your head
might be.
and your macbeth
has a
for a sequel

and a meaning.

be in-betweening
and lost

[ be these
things ]

but bring the

last about a day
and i got somethin'
fo' ya

still immaculate.

just lean back
a bit.

and that'll be the bit
a friendly, humble re-post, aligned to the left, to improve....
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
Heathens -
in heaven's lobby
to barter
for Magic 'Shrooms
with pop rocks... and pancakes
and leaf-green brownies.
new to the scene;
the Son of Man
holds a motley court,
then wanders off
to fetch Picasso - Lassoed
from his cups, his Love that must Love
his genius... doubtless,
huge pendulous *******
in Elysium; for no one at all.
better Pablo
should tend bars      that set mobs free
than one god's toddler, with long odds
against Bacchus - should ever
to the godless
or worse...

" Better Sins to love.. " The Spaniard once taught...
A Lover's Urge is born in forms of weakness.... adorned in all Might -
bathed in blessed contradiction,
a Lingam for a Yoni's dream of stiff drinks
and pliable men, with strong arms.
a blue fiction  on Calvary -
nailed to the softest

Between thieves,
an honor, double

with bucket seats brimming with moonlight,
and her knickers

Picasso asks for absinthe
to be sent
post haste
and polished off -
by all
his better angels he had guillotined
with dull snails,
and fallen  

ones -  he stole,  to de-tune
a flat fifth of Cuttysark
for a deaf
****,  [but no mute ]
a portrait, ****
and is soon

sleeps then -
with both Eyes;  
Locked on
One of

like a deer
in a Head-light's
now, a Minotaur on the
Autobahn -


in heaven's lobby
recite ' Howl '
as Ginsberg, walks over hot coals
and spicy psalms; glowing wanton
in white grass; with a very
cherry ****.
And a wise throng, cobbles...
****** -
they rob
Peter of his  toga,
leaving nothing wrong.
but no less ' On '
they laugh hard;  and wake the dead
asking  them for new songs
to set    their false alarms
in lofty Tic' Tocks  
of Eternity's
Bible on a snooze bar
for at least that long
or  someone

As if  "Hello."  
Spoke the Whole World into Being -
And " Goodbye."
misspoke, and
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
At the sacred heart
of the profane
Utterly forsaken
in the tranquility of exile
An Unformed prisoner
Prowling dead space
and blue skies
As if
they were
the hearts of Men ~
At the center
Of the Unmade
A Leviathan sleeps
dreaming of

Roaming the Confines
Of Paradise
Sequestered in the throng
Of our savage lives-
Witness to our Miracles !
This One
Through the Parthenon
Of our Ruin
A Rook amid our vapid fictions -
Savoring the daily wisdoms
That Delight
In our

At the naked heart
Of the cloaked Soul
Utterly untarnished,
by the ashes
Of our distant fires...
The Unexpected -
Dominates Reality
Immune to our convictions
The Banished One
Is Lord.
It takes no shape imagined
and remains
Beyond the nimbus
of our Theories.

Feb 2013 · 675
Colette Sun Agency
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
she plots your course but let's you plot your coarse
and  mavericks stammer in the haze-what? of her misadventures...
save those who plus.
if you must know, then you are obsolete... you may repeat the same **** questions
and flee elite. you may squander your whimsy
in shunt courts, and bind your Thoom !
you may chum the waters, some sharks shun
in favor of clear doom
of stayed

you may this all, or remain
or remain,
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
They sell sandwiches and little nightmares with vanity inside.
i glide to a booth and schmooze the next wet group of compromised -
And Charlotte's web
of insular jokes,
snare me from outside my comfort zone...
and i own the green eggs and ham of our sepia tone in the septic lake
of our laughing groan.
We enjoy the view.
I drink to be We and Apart from you.
But the kegs dredge.
They plunder the blunderbuss of our best shot. With Silencer.
We crowd loudly in the Big Easy of our modern strife.
We scrape with dull Lives,
save those with sharp Eyes that see spigots
as unseen Blithe !
We gather in the Hemisphere of our Wanton Anonymity,
as divulged mirrors
in a House
of Cards....

All of my Best Jokes
are Friends
With hearts....
and Then
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
cherry blossom
vintage clothing

You Are These, My Love.

like a fairy
is like a dark-eyed Junco, twitter-pated in snowfall apocalypse
like a painter's palette, engrossed in the notion
of gone from me. like chocolate. a sun down
feathering our bed.
like water and thunder
blasting sand
through the blossom
of my cherished -

clothing the naked risk
of my honest poesy.
like the grass roots of joy
fairly gaming the
opaque eye -
of some rara avis-
blinking outside Caravaggio
deep cocoa
of divine waters,
that flood the ludicrous
of your charms
like austerity
is plush

our heart's are vintage clothing

and we must.

what's a metaphor like ? do you simile -
the way I am a valentine ?

or do you


[ ? ]
Feb 2013 · 951
Sculpting Eros
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
into the plinth
of your

will catch you.
my hands are like all things -
eager to please your
marble nape.

in recline
you hoist heavens.
in love's
Feb 2013 · 706
Not all Pianos. Emily...
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
Not all Pianos dirge a grace
or sworn to fire; come undone with all suffering
a mile and a mile.
You never love enough
the anguish that a blossom pollutes.
you have your vision and a contradiction  
and a smile

and no one.
Feb 2013 · 1.7k
The Serenity of My Tempest
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
docking on the fringe of a dry spot
the rain died in...
i set sail in solemn siroccos, fraught
with endive and lemons...
no chop. flat listing in the leaning theme
impervious to words lost
my ship dips in clean drink
and dark thought.

away, my anchor prods starboard
planks of salt wood...
clangs in a grog of lurching halt
raw *****. mauve tossed - and shriek blind.
a pennant of mock cause.
a scant curl of smoke, seized
in unseasonable Hypnos.
a whimsical Charybdis -
a thing i choke on.
i scoff
cough a terrible pen
my inkwell, topped off
with black pond,
quill qualms
of love's

the serenity of my tempest
and the skipping stone it cracked,
now, white sharks, prowling the yonder
of the nearby,
in debt to a far gone, yawning
concentric to the naked eye, you clothe not.
lest the raiment be
the Emperor's
new lot.

A Stitch of Odyssey In Epic Fail...
to get more gone, but less lost

a journey of a single step
begins because... and
just because
you stop

Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Third Eye Candy Feb 2013
drowning in your absolute **** me.... i'm less alive !
I dive into the waste of our Time misspent on my older youth
to squander the audacity of my bad faith in you.
how long ? Long by two and then some. held for no ransom
my handsome gifts, fetid in the breach of an angel's unsound siege
[ a little late in the day to be  ] but your love kills boys on the cusp
of manly things with a soft heart -
and twice ******. ***** fiend, no more !
more of a joke in the clog of your humid rust agenda
in this war.
my friends call you " ***** "
but you have ever been -
called  " you ".
what creation has installed
into your core, to most corrupt, distinctly more !
a bath of false in a sea
of course chores
for your Herculean
false adore.
i Love less all
the more !

prowling your disconnect, we fret, but you slay best
my dragons at the door.
you strive ! more alive when
this beautiful is more defiled
and your culprit ******, lapsed
in fret and guile.
you amass the serene
into pits of unsworn fealty.
you pledge the wretch
of your false
to the Truth of my Cause
and Defect.
Yes! Yes!

and I find you wanting.

And found  
no one.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
if you **** me with your robots that chant tempests in pottery barns
you might look the fool who vanquished a perfect slave
free to disobey your stupid self hatred.

if you had the use of both lungs, and clung to fathoms of shallow harm
no harm but love's arm
clasping embraceful of your
lost god, would come
to you

if this were the writ that hit veins in your extravagant cairns
stick to your guns; adhere to the wound

damage done.

loving you relentless, maladaptive to dem bones.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
[From Fragments,  The Following...]

... so it was that the Urth bled less. The Birch Moot was becalmed by the Anvil Cloud of Impending Deluge.
The Young Gods made sport of Their Names, and aimed to Oblique the colony of clever flesh
groping at the tender roots of an insipid devastation. The First Ones had vanished.
But Time was born and the Mortal Whirl released the Hounds of Change. Transition fused -
with the Eternal; and the offspring of unloved Spirits, roamed the Tangible. All Suffering was amplified
in the diamond lungs of a divine corpse, dreaming.

... for when the iron heart of The Cast Out was retrieved, the Legion of Heaven poured unseemly Grace upon the Fathoms
and the High King of Doubt, forced his blade ' Nimue '
into the soft palette, of the First Mouth.  The Stars were born and The Void overheard the First Naming.
A solid drizzle of enchantment cloaked the oaken Yggdrasil
and The Pattern unleashed the folly of Pattern
to mask the virtue of succinct Chaos. The Children of The Lower Sky ate their Masters and thereby swollen -
gathered in the underbrush of the Fecund.
They came to Know Regret by Answering Prayers. The Kingdoms of Wane were waning in the fearsome riot of Creation
and not a boy, a man from no woman
and no woman
a man.

... the siege lights of the petty stars, babbled in the wake of yawning eruption and nullification. the ****** theater of blood
was made Holy by way of forcing camels into eyes of needles in constant dystopian joy.

... and that's how the rain gets in.

[ From the ' Kingdoms Of Wane ', a Lost Tome from Antiquity and Dada ]

What ?
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
dog wire fury in the rough hewn sun
and the mild disasters we come from
and the wheels of squarely nowhere,
some of our broken
sinking a  
King's Ransom
in the hard pan
the mud
of a Drought....

in the rain.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
at the cafe on ruby toes and sugar pinch, we consent and reap the valdez of our perpetual cud.
we sip from octagonal spoons. there, we suture the fiend to the deed and the rail
to the runaway train. how else would you explain your dashing about
in the chum of our castanet. we cast our nets in the epibenthic  fumes of our unusual loveliness
and sweat the little things that vanish from the canon our interesting.
hup to it. vie for the offshore drill.
suppose you grow a dead thing and keep it astonished with flashcards
and nobody says a thing ?
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
in the mink pith of our dismal mints and our Charlatan  hearse fights
in the twice dark vice of our daffodils
you linger effervescent  in the marmalade  plans
of mice and gin.
you march men into your womb like pixie dust and Ebola.
there, in the devious whiskers of your manticore
i have found you naked and bereft of kin.
an oodle of gimp where the soul
had been, and the gas lights off the marsh

the vivid hork of your dead albatross, pondering the hink of your discontinued love.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
my codpiece has mobbed the boundaries of good taste
and pickled the tail on the mule of my magnificent waste
and i've coughed up a dime of your tripe in my damage
so leave me the methadone  and please please please

here. hand This to your ludicrous drool.
pool the view from your ***
into the solid miasma
of your shameful

give back the cancerous hustle
of our demented clutch !
and much be the flowers
that curse

for lying, waaaaaaay to ******* much.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
in the valley of our anon
you're not the only... but that's not your  " what ? "
you venture forth of course
with less mad meter but plenty.
you gem your brevity
with terse goiters. you force no order of magnitude
to enforce your oblique corners.... your poetry
has it's druthers.
but alas -
we humans lack the knack to be twice true.
we acknowledge our  acknowledgement
and stake claims we claim
we name true
and I've met you
in the cyber what
of our collective
****. the happy  naked !
we rumpus in the gizzard
of a lost gator.
wrecking the Ruxpin
of our Teddy Rosey

Poets Know Who Hurt Happy and Joy The Next.

we are well met, yes.
I pray no bounds have been betrayed.
Jan 2013 · 1.5k
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
rickety  minutes twitch in wood stained cabinets;
mittens in a bin .  birch tones postpone in mauve
twilight... an unfinished diorama.
clandestine. a small glitch in a good rain... cabbages
smitten in mist.  a thirst groaning; long bones caw
fully reclined...  as timeless Brahmans.

old beams of light stack like gold bricks in a humidor;
mittens in a bin.  black  birds comb rogue stones then.... [ pause ]
triffids... blemish barnacles.
crystalline. a ball of lint in a storm drain... vanishes -
bitten out of sight.  at first, toning old gongs... wind
chimes... earth's most wanted.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
Mark this spot on the sun. Do it now.
You have your east minus west and the dead skin from mummified snow...
you must be one of those
Ancient stones, I skip across the altar.
Would you now be altered -
to call forth the fifth drum, the first fife and the long drone ?
If not, do this... shift your weight
to your better angels
and hum -
Some lung-free dirge
in the Demi-corona
of your obstinate
tongue ?
Your purple transcendental flying cow...bovine divine and howitzer quiet -
Shuns the fundamental hopscotch,
the thatch latch and the Kumquat
So surely
there is time enough to
thumb dots
Where your third eye
was last caught

Mark my words, or become lost. Do it now.

Or Knot.
Jan 2013 · 817
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
there's an alien inside you,
gnawing on the tinsel and the ticket stubs
of forgotten soirees.
it weeps in the basement
of your third
it pounds on the pipes of madness
and stomps
it's tentacles
behind your dreams,
where your eyes
believe in

and everything
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
Javelin Happy
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
in the dark honey, the knees of bees and afterthoughts coagulate in burnt gold and warm blood.
the air is made of dander and random. the dog barks a virus you check for fleas. and the north star -
is violent. in the blemish of symmetry, the ruling class of ravens, flock to your discord,
they adorn your wretched gorgeous. they engorge the zenith
of your curse.
javelin happy, the stab behind the eye that sees too deep is delight's dagger !
the imminent ruse of a persistent Truth and an eternal Lie.
the  Macbeth in your chicken soup.

and the Soup.
Jan 2013 · 3.4k
Trump And Annoy
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
the glockenspiel of our daily raid of sewers in heaven
and our Jovian dwarves appalling the rapturous capacity of forever and ever.
the kooky jingle of our serpents, darning socks for the antichrist
and our elaborate rats. the simple maze of our condition
in the hell were at. the creaking gate to a twilight
and a lost chapter
marooned on an
of undead Librarians.
starving for brains
tardy with the

knife in red breast.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
three hours before i knew i loved you, i loved you.
i was devout moss on the lea of the stone, where the unicorns died of laughter
and the wild things slept. i was unreasonable. god knew i had no you -
now ' there you are ! '
a sprite of brisk cooling hell's beauty where the goth is real enough
you broke the spell of some other heart
and i was all ready there
when you were.

three hours before you knew you loved me, you was me.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
girls are made of glass crickets and sunshine. they eat words that float.
they wear shoes that hate feet. girls talk.
girls are made of dark secrets and kudzu. they seep through your ghost.
they wear moods. they play deep.  
girls are soft.
girls are soft bombs with long nails, painted.
they buy clothes. they wear food on their hips. they impair speech.
girls know that's ironic. girls dance naked to pay for college.
some learn from it.  others tarnish.
girls are made of everything that's wrong with you.
they have eyes
that sing babies
to sleep

that can **** you.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
i pour myself another cup of coffee
as the day begins     to creak
it sounds like everything talking
so i listen             half asleep

the sun has barely crept an inch above the world
and i see headlights      etching steam
slowly rising from the cobblestones
and the ever winding streets.
from the window, in my house shoes
with my tattered robe around me
i'm standing on the brink
of morning's halo... swaying gently

this how the rain gets in
how bones ache to the bone
and stars cave-in
this is how you lose your faith
and keep your sin
paint snowflakes black
so moonbeams crash
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
i am the east of your concerns
the light that seeps first.
i'm the
last thing
eager to burn
as it burns.
the ineffable blathering
of a missed turn...i am
no map in your world
just a place to lose

till it hurts.

east minus west equals zero...
and i was

Jan 2013 · 531
These Feathers Had A Bird
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
these feathers
had a bird, and once
they flew.
as ever i am want
to do.
but on the ground
i stay.
true -
you have no sky
so low; to scoop me up
into it's blue
and yet
i perch... high
in a canopy of words;
where these feathers - used to,
when they had
a bird.
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
School Of Fish Eyes
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
we were older then. you with your horn-rimmed glasses
sleek as Hermes, resting on your button nose; dazzling.
your eyes were smoldering echoes, far off on a quest for
visions. mine
were nowhere
to be seen.
we poured over volumes of antiquity, blazoned with rich
art. Faustian marvels, leather bound and noble.
we traipsed the gallows of Dry Humors, lording it
over the gremlins of our isolation.
we had not been formally introduced and everything
was formal. we haunted the halls; our school of fish eyes
sparkling; weaving like serpents in the heather on ether.
we roamed the hallowed ground on secret missions
without Love.

then i asked you out. and changed the world.
a modest re-posting of a favorite.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
cannot lift the Veil
as long
as we perceive

The Heart of Any Thing
Dwarfs the center
Of Everything.

and Brevity
have together shaped
the contours
our blindness-

we are vexed
we are Mayflies
and forget
we arrived
on fire!

Truth is The Marvelous Mirror.

Do not reflect.

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