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Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
These Furies that laugh in their sleep
are the last to be reached
in a chasm.
To repel from oblivion's lip
and Have at 'em As atoms have
Nothing to cling too
And That Matters.

These Furies that die in their sleep
Are polite to at least keep the last spasm -
Hapless as a Trivial list Of Mad Pattern...
Though that Lantern Has Nothing to shine through -
And light scatters.

These wounds that laugh at sleep
They weep in a Keep Where the Night gathers.
Shelves of elaborate Script
Of a Myth of " Had Happened "

These eyes that dine on Sleep
They reap the breach Discretely Haggard...
The last gasp of Ice Nip
A tad Sadder...And That Saturn
has Ice Lanterns
More dark gladly
As Had
Jan 2013 · 598
Trenchcoat Reverie
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
Soft rain has fallen
And tiny jewels are fastened to the landscape.
Succulent prisms lay strewn about
And the night sky hums.
Fumbling branches, the North Wind has apples
Falling to the damp earth -
A 'thud' becomes a murmur in the lush,
A blanket of dead leaves
Absorb ripe fruit
And clouds part, revealing the full moon
A blush of white lights
Sparkle in the wet eyes of stray dogs.
The Milky Way... gilding creation
With Giants the size of pinholes
In a black melon.
Between low hanging clouds, a billion worlds burn.
And earthworms, born without eyes...
Look up.

To marvel at the Heavens as they drown
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
i'm in love with slow things. you are not so.
and i love you still. yes.
this is another poem. yes.
on your doorstep.
the minotaur
in your gazette
the back page
of Spring.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
a bit faded, i cruise through loose threads in my argument.
i recoil from dimwits that flip wigs and false coin.
i join the null set of lost clubs on main street, discreetly -
but strut like a peacock in leather feathers,
for non -boys...
so many

i'm in two worlds,
but **** if she don't fit in, pro bono.
she knows what i don't know, like a book spout of lovely.
my bones lend juice to the stew of her gifts, when she'll have me.
but luck gets cut and what not, and better fellas
rob joy from so
many worlds

they're Cuckoo.

i snip pearls
for this

my intentions are
if not

a friend of mine is in love with a lawyer. he asked me to write a poem about it, 45 mins ago. i came through.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
my love is that love
swerving in novas, gobsmacked and gibbering...
a funky cuss of lust
oblong in the short run
sprinting to horizons of forgotten doves;
cooling heel and grind-
in peat moss
of mauve thoughts; so lurid you could find them
in pitch dark.

my love is the love
that chinks your armor.
the  soft clang of a raging Kismet
port of your starboard !
i am in love with you
and this thing

is  "mostly harmless "
Jan 2013 · 844
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
are those lips for me ? how my hope is so. my lust love is furnace lovely and you are so you.
bring both and be done. be done with roaming the geometries of lonely and the pith of stone fruit.
be glued to my all. attach your splendor to my wheels of joy and surround my demise
with renewal.

do this for me
and i'll be
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
why do we stumble through the rude Klute of our drama ?
what's the frequency, Kiefer ?
do you want to go bonkers in Yonkers by way of Midwest,
and an all false promise ?
are we dead
comets ?
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
i might give you this. but you won't change. we have new ways of getting the pain in.
are you aware of the practical agony of our bliss-less gloom ? our two rooms a-jumblerumpskin ?
we live in the crease of at least two invalids. but you steal cake and i witness. ****, i've been this
nitwit who had a mind but squandered the perils of success in a losing myth. i was a shut in
over the moon of my misadventures. tucked into jupiter sugar with my hair clean.
but my fear out.
Jan 2013 · 873
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
cold duck luck. the fat of the lamb on the lean.
your off chill in the summer of your spring... your walking doom.
our entire thing.
your baritone four letter word for ******.
you grab. your elaborate hoax is the norm and the wyrm.
the reveal is apart. a part of your madness is my heart
but we love to regret.

i'll forgive you when you're next.
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
i will never be one of you
if you are false. i have changed. forgive me.
i am not you and,
have ever been the other -
but my love is true.
the kind of true that gathers at your heel.
the sleepy one that wakes you, dream-scamp.
i am alive in the way of my father.
a new thing; Anubis and falling.
you are the herd.
and i'm not

just in love with you.
and that's my

winter is an ice peach. a nice drink of bitter stalling.
a sip of forget with a remembrance.
a tall dwarf star fawning
over wonders -
but no wonderment.
a ginger snap in crisp air bleeding.
a June with two moons.
one for the *****.
another for the ***** in you.
the American dream
you can't sleep through.
but wish

the wish
can't see,
but seem

my anonymous
to be

and the rift.
Jan 2013 · 535
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
the rain
is falling from a great height
and i might get cancer in
my transcontinental
you might be Wednesday. but who the hell are you ?
are you the last thing in my room for improvement ?
why do you Thursday
on a Friday
that i can't
remove ?

why do you
Life ?
Jan 2013 · 960
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
riddle me this and you might repent your sphinx.
or rethink your possible.
you might sink ships to repeat poesidan's wavelength
when your frequency's finished. you may horde minutes
for hours.
your towers aspire
and the roof of the earth implodes.
the blue is real.
but the black behind; the black behind the blue is swollen with stars,
and a dream.
that means

don't be coy.

be god's companion. ramble
through the wonderful and be glad at it.
get comfortable.
you have the advantage. slant your voodoo askew
of the mundane lamps
and ashes
of our daily

make love and bandit.

adore the floating hum
of your every peace. for
the engines of yes are absurd.
they are the last word
when the first has
said you.

it's the new forever; glaring from the underbrush of our dire hope.

be the wind.
be at least the wind.
and i will teach you
how to read lips
for a blind

with your

and no runes.

and no
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
a dead trumpet, resting on the desiccated lips of a fallen angel, a desolate scorch of hemispheres
blasted and puerile...
primal dross from the furnace of all agonies and heaps of time, hoarding hours in pain to multiply the bias to ill fates as a happiness, her madness has never known
[ on the inside ]

a dread comet, branding the optic nerve of a blank stare
into oblivion
in a closed loop of integrals of self hatred
outlasting the venom of god's scorn, by an order of magnitude
her blight, dwarfing the locust swarm of dead suns
bleeding black ink in journals that document her heart's delirium, in crude states -of silent rage at a billion decibels
[ on the white page ]

a barn door, torn from the hinges of a tempest and marble goats, chiseled from a monolith of dark thoughts
to be sacrificed on the altar of pitch dark
there are sigils that burn in the dense fog, and everywhere a banshee of rogue hope and a siren of fine dreams....
and here there be oceans
[ and no map ]

legions of invisible hornets living in every atom of two red lips

lips that would kiss and be kissed
but seldom disembark from tar pits and windswept tragedies
and fell words that plunder her true thoughts for anything
toxic enough to **** the conversation with a lost god...
bilious fountains of lost joy
sterilize a pregnant pause. and yes
aborts the spirit

[ from no throne ]
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
i was born on the last day of my birthday's life.

i pull the finger, now.
i never wait to fly. i'm already gone.
i am six steps from oblivion
and a long time from
life has taught me how to be astounded
and there's no going back
to unpulled fingers.

that would be stupid.
Jan 2013 · 2.7k
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
Flecks of violet, patch-quilt  loofah skin of  sponge-green iris, gold dusted
Emerald  eyes... wet stones in flesh tone, parachute baskets; paratroop lids
Descend... thin paradigms slip ; adrift upon a Seam of Tears. A saline Sea - with
Glass floor; lensing starlight over mint pink trampolines
covered in tiny copper filings,

And two Black Pools that Expand.
Two Sunbathing Night Blossoms -

Dead center. Unmanned...

Her cheekbones encroach upon Cataracts of Vacancy.
Lipid lathes of Lethe ; lips departed... red zeppelins, moist and mute . pontoons
Plump and mindless. Bee stung -

Soft mimes, glide
Over bleach and stain; over -
bone white; glide
Over Nicotine sigils, hiding -
in off-white

like anonymous petroglyphs for Dentists.
or Rosetta Stones for a lethargic Tongue.


Theta-wave turbines, throw rods and spark nods ... as others speak.
She resembles a dream-catcher’s mitt.
Words hiss now, and solid mist, twist the tell o' gram.
Into Fable's Armada !

Fog.... fog rolls in...   She rolls in, Beneath  a New Between. of Chasms
Hazardous grammar spasms, stammering -
Deaf tones of Diction -
All This ....In the Good Ear.
An Ear Of Cornucopias Delete.... The Dry Cob
Of  Annulled
Speech. [ but Morphine ]

Maybe a half-dozen kernels of distinct cream ; velveteen vague...
Or vivid - pleats in pure radiation.
Perhaps,  varicose inanities are expiation enough to drown a Kraken ?  Maybe God Happens ?

Let Ampule be the Judge.  Let Pack Mules be Priests.

As Others speak, Our Lily,  decrypts languidly left of linear... dislodged -
from Lexicons ....with long Odds, Against...
She Relents, Relentlessly-  And Utterly

Utterly Regardless...

She aborts pregnant ( .... )

All this Fog rolls in... Agnostic.
She Robs
The Cuckoo... She De-bones the Soup
with Disjoint Comments.
And Scuttles
The Broth.

She's all Starlings and Polaroids.... Savage Pinwheels  and Aurora Vandals.

She's  All Plasma...
And Rapture -
with No Handles ...

She's Both Ends ... Burning
NOooo Candle .

A Wee Atlas; Shouldering A Loss
Ever Since Her World  
Was  Dismantled ..  A  Burden ( ... )

And Random Drugs..Atlantis.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
the doom puke treacle of our dim sum sundays, asunderous.
the bluff of our taurus. the trim thumb, green on the terrace
of our epiphanies; wondrous.
the crease in the pleat of our borealis. the allusive chalice
of our majesty. the dead kingdoms we relinquish to the roiling unjoy.
the thunder of our feet to the heel of a shadow. our peter pan in the fire.
our kettles black.
the opposable lovelies. the lovelies that preen jewels. the extreme youth of our gods
now at the hour of our foolishness. our funny bone. and the fracture.
the actual damage to our heaven. and the near after.
the gross bloom of our anguish
and parade.

and the bells. and the comma. and the laughter.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
I do
but i dim switches
Jilling Jack and much else
smelting the river
of black nectar
your heaving *******
have rest

Ooze the Unforgivable night
a shade less bleak
than a Season
Of open

Sell me your secrets;  and I'll be the one
to arrive, electric
tripping on your

like a moth
to a blink
Jan 2013 · 968
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
i used to love...
but now i grouse about it
i stammer in the wake of my oblivion and suffer bliss no more.
i'm grounded. you are far  too keen a villain.
you are dead last in haste
to revenge my unkempt village.
i hate your name
but praise it.
at least
i use

now watch my heart unclaim it.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2013
a quatrain is not a tomb. it's an altar of cellulose and low merchants chanting.
we sell the individual curses of our seldom mirth. songs sting as they must -
for they must not !  if they will not hurt...
if they will not be beautiful, for the asking.
a poesy is a feast.
a revenant of our choosing, unless you had no choice.
i am the receptacle of This voice; and solve ridicule with ranting,
just because.
i fuzzy the logic to inspire the haggard hopes of our refrain; unrestrained.
remaining on vigil,
i mark the stars passing in a waking slumber -
with a fool's mask. and a talent's masking.
i am the urge.
how my mind works is my heart's domain.  a wrench in the parsley we hardly; i daily.
i parsnip the rube barbs of a bards assemblage.  i revisit Atlantis.  Polaroid pics -
with graining.  with irony
i photo

a quatrain is not a tomb, but a rarity,
as we say new the old things
that make us
for i, for one
am one.
i continue
from no sum
and eventually
add up
to something
because -

why not ?
Dec 2012 · 807
your beauty un-dwindles
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
your day begins and the meter ticks in the hiss-clink
you drink lead stars with scotch; you invite mauve.
you get sunset and howling dogs. your grog slogs
through a barrage of failing day. your beauty un-dwindles
and all is love for most days
you invade the empathy of my village with your soft pillage.
but it's the miracles that settle
for idiots
the rouge
on a break
in the

or your

your beauty un-dwindles. and i

all at once.
Dec 2012 · 2.2k
acid bath begonia
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
pour your aneurysm into my palm and i will love you so hard
be glad. this love is nothing more than tremendous, however
you might have Doric columns, where i have Ficus
but you're a ***** stone, a-swarm with ivy
a mind reading astronaut
i ought

and a
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
the scream come from daffodils and parchment wrapped around dead fish
and demi-loaves of lunacy at new moon
succulent remedies to what not
and whatever... you remain altogether opulent in your nonchalance
whatever you wanted is dust; but you're not in France
you're maimed in false lies
of the ripple...
you're the noose garnet
swinging from the harpy's tongue
an impolite brigand
in the hate place
of your

and for what ?
Dec 2012 · 4.2k
Black Cab Charybdis
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
a bottle of scotch had bad dreams.
bullets twitch, junk sick
in 3 inch thick
mustard ****.
toe nails clipped from yeti  
lay strewn about the **** stained corpse
of a motel six dixie cup -
root canal trophy,
next to
a black fez
with scab tassel
down in it. belching apnea
and belladonna
waiting for curious george
to find a shotgun
and a yellow

and a brick banana.

blowflies inhale the rank damp
of a fresh ****.
the odd dog whines
like a clown in -
a blender.
[ the ]
house wins
with a marked card; jabbing fat fingers
into acned rosacea
bloated with sleep lack
and mortgage
back stab
chasing twenty ******
with a hollow point
pull from an acid

while hailing a black cab.

tinsel sutures
stitch eyelids as a mercy
shattered bone knit
old glory, at half mast
half wasted
fifty stars, no light
dragging on
the grounds of immunity
to do a line
of coke stock
with a basset hounds'

your taxes at work
in columbia,
hiding from a lost farm
in Idaho

your american dream
turning tricks in shanghai
for a counterfeit
egga roll

your meme, devoid
like an ice cube

your freedom, parking cars
for italian escorts
smoking skin flutes
for ferraris
and white teeth.

your integrity, sold to a hedge fund
for astroglide and a pez dispenser
packed with prozac
pressed by ' Jose the butcher' s abuela
in a narco slum
that ain't seen radio
since cinder blocks
had wings.
A re-posting of a deleted work. please enjoy.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
be sure you haven't locked the cat outside.
you know how much that annoys the cat.
but sometimes you do it on purpose.
and when you burn your toast
aren't you mad ?
it's like a special mad
reserved for burnt toast.
in an hour, if you hurry
you'll already be ten minutes
late. it's like you can't catch up
to what you believe in
at the speed of doubt.
can you hear me?
is this thing on?

I've been there but i can't tell you how to leave.
it's your move.
how many times do i have to tell you
it's your move ?

the mind is a terrible thing
that springs
to mind.

so terribly beautiful.
Dec 2012 · 377
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
why are you so lovely and not mine ?
this, i cannot say;  but you linger.
my love enjoys no one.
but you.

why are you ?
Dec 2012 · 846
how deep our shallows
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
are you the god you believe in ? does this blood soothe you so ?
are you not a bullet ? are you not not mine ? are you serious ?
why so ?
do you cleave to your wicked  grace like uranium chanting Oppenheimer ?
are you safe where you are and can i say " goodbye " really ? for once ?
how deep are your shallows ? can we drown the noise precisely, my love ?
are these questions enough to see me from ?
and where are you gone ?
you're so gone...

am i there ?
Dec 2012 · 1.3k
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
that leather skin beehive humming in the Hamptons
is just like the ziggarat ghettos of Compton
a fob on a boil on the face of your hidden face
and  a stab at your entrails from the inside; commonplace -
Romans demure to your architect
you'll have your symmetries before breakfast...
let no one forget.

gorgeous ****** suns, gallant in emptiness
a horde of unfettered lovelies, spawning petulant ***** to other *****
a lull of ponderous, a bead of serene, swimming in hot pink mist
and peppercorn wavy gravy.
i slay these dragons to form new words
that Oodle your frenzy
and keep you
for mine .
Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Glib De Menthe
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
hello Edvard.  i have no umbrellas for your armaments .
only your conspiracy and the last *******, ink dark thinking.
bright charlatans engrossed in their glib de menthe.
no harm in it.
only your heresy is more beautiful than blinking. wink dark slinking -
into frightful. hooligan moons blast evening. again, we miss.
no heart in it.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
i cracked the code. god'll forgive me. ' you ' shut up ! do not cross
where the scarabs calf their adders
be more black than the last
vast strip of night
across miles and miles
of wide expanse
be more
advanced and
water tight.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
have we met ? seems so. you got them elastic rainbows i know you from
and that outskirts of pure idyll... you throttle the ominous pond of our requited aplomb.
we enjoy beetles.
this is how love chips away at the decade of obscure lesions. the reverse forward to a back-hand eclipse in a blithering idiot of genius. unkempt.
a bone rug.
the skim milk of human kindness, blinds the unicorn and the cabbage lichen
florescent in the mildew parchment of evening's attire.
i'll be here at the met, less attending but haunting the fiberglass whispers of your recent events.
the ones you left. left to their own devices. our every crisis is kind myth, crushing the throat of our adversary. as we pluck shamrocks in the way of our luckless fathers.
we alter the plausible cause with our audible launch
of not rockets.
where the air...
the air don't sing.
but you ain't been there

Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
At Nineteen Miles An Hour, Smoking On A Train

chugging along the lilacs of twilight in the plasma darkening of a stretch
we fetch the improbable road to our destination. we give a ****. but the birds are listening.
and that might lead to luggage. so much, you might sweep the light fantastic
into army hats. you might march a sustained coup on your hopeless epiphanies.
at nineteen miles an hour, on a train... you see your god.
are you too light to darken the right words
to a happy demise?

are your zeroes at odds?
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
the size of you now from way back here my dear
you may not know but let me tell you... how you fill the pavilions with your ether whiskers
and your sumptuous mask. the all night habit of your ring finger's habit.
the flinch of your dashing rabbits.
you might be breathing something from monte carlo.
but your flames flamingo. yooouuuu don't even know the half... but the whole thing reeks of pablum
and bamboo shoots. illustrious pulp. you are not the virtue that you want
as much the virtue that you lack. the size of you now
from way back here, is merely the reticule of god's ******
with the rubber-room bullets and the nice lighting.
you have wind chimes in your wrinkles again.
are you that much gone from nod
as you might seem steam
on a roof of a low owl
atop giant
mouse ?
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
winter has crept from it's cathedral with it's blue loom of white sod
against black crows and over-coats. we awaken in our separate pause
and modify our crumpets with thin icing,
drizzled over moon faced scones -
as golden as your marmoset of port wine
and wrinkled wheels of cheese...
at a moment's notice.
you float through the open window where crescendo the crisp winds and the bacon fats
rendering in the musk of firewood, oaking the nose of the decanted day
the early hearth of heaven, now powder blushed and rustle thrum
with skylarks larking in the luminous icebox
of barely sunrise.
your eyes sparkle and my antlers score the aspen bark
on a lost acre of our thickening plot.

we love a lot.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
those are very sharp apples. bobbing for catheters and chasms have their own parabolas  
or might you think your urchin skin; the pinnacle of passive violence
in the **** kingdom of your vibration
in the valley of our entropy.
the Either Nor'easter
of our zero degrees

Due South of Sound Reason.

the locals call  " the sound "
where the heads pool the dark waters of our consciousness
and eddies abide beneath the radiant dirge
of sweet sweet life, and  singing blue whale pods in the dodgy brush-fires
of our Marianas Trench-coat Lining
the vocals explode the random and un-cloaked , it disappears as phenomenal
and all men seize the kelp beds of our delirium
with bashful wisdom.

I press my lips against your wet yes! and all this is January-nettles for jam.

for all seasons.
Dec 2012 · 1.4k
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
velveteen ruins cluster hush the horizon
smearing dusk and warp across the frog croak fracas
of the outer wilderness, where the buildings disassemble
the domiciles of dank and drab. where no maidens
await rescue. just the desolate hub  
of wilt and bane. towers felled by iron claws
and engines of rake and drain. our progressive diaspora
of un-living things. the faint jewelery of our banshee
before swine.
dead of night prone... while reading  ' Confessions Of A Hope Fiend '
we are leery of our tiny Thames
but dredge our Vistas
for humming
Dec 2012 · 1.0k
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
i used to be like you. now i'm like me. and then some.
been some fun . with only
one sun and
one moon to run from
when the sky
is people
and all steeples
are non-flyers
we have priors
but know
porcelain and sea-foam.
been undone.
dead of Night
of no use
and no fun. on one lung.
for two
thems that be numb be numb ones  and not none that feel some.
they feels none. and not one shuns but
some be done with one love. and then some...
then someone's
the next no one
and then
what ?
I have much more to say. This poem fell from a slow moving truck. I will revisit this title with greater depth and much more angst and hope. Dire hope. I feel it. This poem will morph into a monster in a matter of hours. You won't recognize it in the least.
Dec 2012 · 607
Is Everything Free ?
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
is everything free ? are you not what  you thought cost so much
are you the bard's trumpet ? if nothing is a slave, you are the next plum
hard knocked rival in the brand new menthol hydra, to perplex some
as everything freely unbecomes.
you are everything
but not none.
we have one tongue and no people. we are bling funk and no aspirin
the UN-rational Catherine of your Russian Demi-Glace !
is everything free ? are you not most lost in the odd knot ?
are you not like most people ?
are you not strung out and about, but not south of north people ?
do you love not ?
do ?

do you true passion your abstinent  cabinets of elaborate dreams ?

is everything free ?

and what's

Dec 2012 · 2.1k
Freud and Plato
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
you and i are split skin. split skin in a cave.
shadow craven sparks in the nonplus of our one up
you and i are this djinn, white marble lathe of sparrows ,
ravenous larks upon our  dumb lust,  such
universal slit wind. It's bent in a wave.
hallowed pavilions, susurrus the rhombus
of love's knave
who cuts up.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
my slim limbs are reeds and filaments, with such intimate arms and skin,
you're into it
and nothing is sweat. And nothingness is more wet, it gets anonymous,
but you're into it
you don't mind the millipedes; it's the resistance that you succumb with,
since you're into it

I Love this.
Dec 2012 · 941
Nothing Incarnate
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
This is not the skin
of teeth
or din of bells, frozen in account
the knick-knack tick of keen beetles
clinging to the husk of
unborn eyes

this can't be
the dread of dread
or night's opposable moon-
so clever in the labyrinth
Our random angels

is not the frequency, or -
another hell, without
a mouth
or trip hatch, thick with gaping maw
yawning in the fiendish

and this cannot be
the dread of dread
or night's recant of
so ever in the mist of dreams
Our handsome devils

this is not the preach and preen
of modern life or modesty
and's not the last word of it's kind
to crack the seedling of
the mind

and this
can ill afford a name
that can be writ
or made to

never has it said Itself
and seldom
been a
Dec 2012 · 808
I Said That
Third Eye Candy Dec 2012
opened my mouth and the bigot was laid low-
under the bus;   that ******* fried in the afterglow...
he should read one book, or love someone.
caught off guard, told to explain dumb.
Yes !
I said that. trapped his idiot
in dead last rites.
listened to the spume of rude laws,
to refute his drone,
I said that his lips made words move
and the words hate
the landlord.
Nov 2012 · 1.6k
Pitching Ravens
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
my party hats have been hacking this green ****...
pitching these ill bent ravens and Q-tips
jinxing the midday with famine
and lightning
a brite spot of bother and dead garlands...
hard garters and soft mottoes
murmured in wisdom of dimwits
a false lovely.

needing things kills
and kills often
god ponders yonder as we dismiss...
but taunt.
you gain a third world
to keep your clean mind soiled
in brine
to pickle the pickle

you haven't any sugar
in your tea.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
in a lurch, on a perch of impossible spring
i confessed to a winter
that sent you
to me

i could do
with much less
than the nothing
you bring
if you loved all the blood
that i let you

if you
killed  me, more gently
than leaving
me be...

how to
come back

that a
beautiful curse
on my
is your thing

and an eye
less  evil
is only
i can't
Nov 2012 · 567
I Love You For No Reason
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
in my mind, trilling the ether of your ***
swirling vapid and delicious
O'er the tundra
of my

i love you for no reason

and i find that quite

you are
everything I’m breathing
and i thought I’d let
you know.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
pulling arrows from a quiver in the ink of shadow; clever...
in the foliage of the heather
on the brink
of untamed
meadow    ( downwind... )

bending a hard bow
in soft leathers ~
tanned in the village
for the  price
of a Buck with a Doe

one with a crown

but no throne.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
Green Eggs and Hamlet. i will eat that.
what planet are you from ? at this angle, it seems apostrophes
and blue mint mist... none of those
false gods
you came in here

and a stone plum.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
in speed limits we accelerate
and your picture is in the paper now, but the paper is a screen. We do things.
silly people have dreams while chewing gum
and talking to grandma.
She's on the smartphone; but never in the flesh, lately...
it's a drag she's getting the hang of the ****** thing
and you feel guilty like pink noise
and you wear ear plugs
you found on E-Bay
on purpose.

just everyday,
you might not be there.
you have a knack. we are the virtual celery, snapping at world's end.
burning down the up draft of a wind shear
specks in trouble
just everyday, your cyborg's heart is off center
now the center.
and your picture is never coming back
Nov 2012 · 574
Grip Slipping
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
my grip slipping,
something is just absolutely lovely
by accident.
a lit candle in the dismantled. cute as a button.
i am thumbing a ride from zero. if i show some league of wandering
perhaps, some pity may laugh
and pull over.
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
our bread is broken
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
mill the
and our bread
slack lung
anemone the cavitous

chill complete stars
and oi ! our dead
eternally hap-hazardous.

we are not risen. we are unleavened.

our chevy glistens where the chrome clings to the rust bite.
the light tingles the rods and cones of Time's swipe across narrows,
it's arrow sings. it singes the rind of our fat lips
where it's teeth slide,
where our worlds kiss the pavement
from so much grinding
into gold.
Nov 2012 · 700
Our Day At Arms
Third Eye Candy Nov 2012
Feign no special arch to heart
you bring me flowers, our day at arms
To-wit we gather poesy up
into our lungs, the harshest words-

All bother and no brotherhood
today we coil tight lips to kiss
From here i see that distant love
despair with us, our day at arms-

A gorge between two parallel
the rift of beats, no heart exact
We splinter our magnificence
in joust, in play, in retrospect-

To common exits from our own
adjacent to our journey-
we untangle from our flesh, our bone
And nurture ghosts for lonely-

to starve the Love and feed the Fools
that we've become in spite of schools
Our day at arms has come to this.
The war is cold
The Peace
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