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 Aug 2013 Theia Eos
Mike Hauser
I am birth and memory maker

I am death and his undertaker

I am peace brought on in life

I am war from pain and strife

I am love that comfort brings

I am hate by any means

I am first before the last

I am the die that has been cast

I am beauty in the morning dew

I am ugly inside of you

I am shelter inside the storm

I am the closet where turmoil is born

I am the sweet taste in the air

I am the bitter that doesn't care

I am the battle from the start of time

*Between the heart, Between the mind
I tried to run away
But despite my best efforts
I couldn't avoid the truth
That in life, and in love
All of my paths, lead to you
 Aug 2013 Theia Eos
Nick Durbin
We are married to the Earth in an endless dance,
Floating through the abyss of life,
Imagining adventures with the stars -
Using the universe as our stage.
"Cratered with imperfections. We are the moon." - Lacus Crystalthorn
She inspired this poem with her words. :)
 Aug 2013 Theia Eos
Nick Durbin
I sit, perched upon this star -
Watching the world change; evolve,
Sculpted in time, as if by the hands of Michelangelo,
Morphing this vacant, plain stone - into a beautifully crafted masterpiece.
 Aug 2013 Theia Eos
Nick Durbin
Tonight, shall we dance on the beach under a moonlit sky –
Cool sand between our toes, and the tide kissing our feet.
Swaying our hips to the sound of the crashing ocean,
Our stage is the illuminated sea spreading in all direction –
The entire world encapsulated as our audience,
We have captured the concept of being infinite.
 Aug 2013 Theia Eos
Mike Hauser
This is my prayer Lord
I raise to you on each new morning
If you'll just carry me
Throughout these many days

For I am weak and I am tired
Life can be a beast of burden
More than ever I need the strength
Of your Amazing Grace

Your going to have to do this
For I am no longer able
My spirit's weakened
My wills the same

I need your hand
In all that I am doing
Lord, please hold and guide me
In your Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace
A sound that's never sweeter
Amazing Love
You've set aside for me
Taking my place
That love is ever deeper
Amazing Love, Amazing Grace
 Aug 2013 Theia Eos
Mike Hauser
This is God and...

I see you straddling the fence
I see you with one foot in the stream
I see you calling me your Master
With the attitude of what's in it for me

I see you praise only when there's blessing
I see you with no mark upon your knees
I see you turning from your brother
When your brother is desperately in need

I see the dust that's on your Bible
I see you yawning in the pew
I see you passing judgment on my people
When your attitude is what is judging you

This is how the world views you as Christians
This is how you represent my name
How can you expect a dying world to listen
When they look at you and then themselves
And you appear to be one and the same
 Aug 2013 Theia Eos
Mike Hauser
What It Is
That Has Me Flustered

What It Is
That Beats The Drum

What It Is
Has The Strength Of Many

But The Tinder Heart Of One

What It Is
That Gives Me Comfort

What It Is
That Brings Me Down

What It Is
Is What It Is

When No One Is Around

What It Is
Is At Face Value

What It Is
Reads Between The Lines

Silence Is The Sound It Makes

As What It Is
Makes The Sacrifice

What It Is
Begs To Differ

What It Is
Can Not Be Seen

What It Is
At This Very Moment

Is The Space Between You And Me
 Aug 2013 Theia Eos
Nick Durbin
It is in those broken moments we find ourselves,

Torn to pieces, with no explanation –

A dark crevasse molded to fit our shape,

Holding our deepest thoughts, encasing our forgotten spirit,

We tend to allow ourselves to be encompassed by this abyss –

Explaining to ourselves the need to dwell on the darkened past,

Swallowed by its projection of memories,

Sprayed upon the walls of our mind like murals –

An endless catacomb of images, seemingly permanent in their manifestation…

It is in those broken moments, that we find ourselves.

Seemingly unbearable days, leading to sleepless nights,

Dreading the thoughts that creep their way to our dreams –

Resting in an endless adaptation of our subconscious,

Playing out their roles, as if upon a Shakespearian stage…

Each thought, acting its part with tragic precision,

Layer upon layer, scene upon scene…

Reaching back to grasp our inception of reality –

Griping its contents, and strangling the ideas to exhaustion; gasping…

It was in those broken moments, that we found ourselves,

With a weighted world pressed firmly upon our chest,

The ebbing soil began to crumble –

Giving light to the somber path traversed…

Filling the now hollow crevasse with purpose and meaning,

Each memory defined by the silver lining expressed in love –

The fleeting darkness, swallowed by the over-whelming feeling of home…

Finding it in the simplicity of a kiss, and the certainty of an embrace,

It is here that we find ourselves,

In the intricate details and delicate idiosyncrasies –
A poem written from experience - from the darkened hole to the anticipation of a kiss. I hope that if you have found yourself immersed in the darkness, you find light. Dedicated to the beautiful woman, Jing.
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