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Alex Mar 2020
I've always had the biggest dreams
the biggest goals
ever since i was a little kid
everyone always told me i set the bar too high
but  i know i did
still they continued to tell me the same thing

silly little dreamer
they tell me
don't you know,
you're aiming much too high?
if you're not careful, they tell me
you just might find
while you've sat there and dreamt
your silly little dreams
the whole world has passed you by

and yet, while they stand there
and rebuke me
laughing all the while
silently i sit here listening
as they call me ridiculous
with naught on my face but a smile

don't you know, i say
i know i might never
reach all of those bars
but when i aim for the moon
and somehow fall short
i'll still land among the stars?

so i'll dream as big as i want to
there's no such thing as too high or far
there's never an end to what you can achieve
if you continue to raise the bar
silly little dreamers aren't silly at all
Alex Mar 2020
Corona! Corona!
We hate you! You stink!
We all try to wash you away in the sink,
If you were a drug,
I'm sure we'd all quit,
Corona! Corona!
You're a real piece of st!

We'd rather go out
and buy tons of food
or buy the last pack of tp
(which is really rude),
buy clorox and lysol,
and clean till it hurts ,
than risk catching you
'cause F
K, you're the worst!!

Corona! Corona!
you're last on our list,
we simply can't see
why you even exist,
if you just disappeared
you'd tickle us pink...
Corona! Corona!
we hate you! You stink!
a parody of the poem homework oh homework by :Jack Prelutsky
hope you like :)
Alex Mar 2020
I– I don’t know…

I just need something.

I don’t know what it is

all I know is something’s missing

like there’s a part of me that’s gone,

like there’s this empty space,

like there’s a little piece of me,

I somehow just misplaced…

I– I don’t know

I’m not sure what to do.

I know I’m missing SOMETHING

but as to what, I have no clue…

there’s just this voice inside of me

that urges me to look

to do my best to find something

to fit the piece that someone took

I just feel this ache in my heart

I just want to be held tight

by someone who loves me

and can tell me it’s alright…

and maybe… they could help me…

heal my scars before they bleed…

maybe they can help me figure out

what it is that I need…
sometimes... you just need something and maybe you dont know what it is.. but you know somethings missing.. you know?
Alex Mar 2020

in my head, they’re racing

while in my heart

the demons are pacing

rattling my bones

now my back is aching

from the battles, I’ve fought

when there was no escaping

I pushed and pulled my way through

stitching myself up

when I ran out of glue

always without choice

never had a say

when you have no voice

how can things be okay?
Alex Mar 2020
to feel happy...
2. to feel loved...
3. to feel free...
4. to get a good night's sleep...
5. to not worry as much...
6. to feel beautiful... not look in a mirror and immediately look away because I hate the way I look...
8. to feel like my existence matters...
9. to help change the world...
10. to feel happy...

Seems simple enough, right?...

It's not.
Then again, nothing ever is...
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