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I want so much to say goodbye to you
let my soul forget what it felt like having you near
let the feeling fade like the sense of my dreams when I wake up
and let the scent of you vanish into air like the smell after rain
when the sun starts shining again
I wish that I could let the sound of your voice die down
and there'll be only pure silence like when I'm awake at night
I'll try to forget the way our hands parted when we parted,
that day when you said your last goodbye
but I can't seem to erase the feeling of your presence,
every single time I recall it feels like the opposite
of the wounding feeling of being alone
and the neverending fear of never falling in love again
the way I fell in love with you
and it makes me crawl back to the comforting
feeling of having you near

My soul hurts so badly tonight
I'm in a state between
dreaming and hurting
all by myself
Our encounters are so transient
that the only way I can stop myself from hurting
just by the thought of your being
is to daydream
the bittersweet grief away.
The fact that I'm enchanted by thought of you
makes me wonder whether it's caused by
some kind of escapism or simply fascination
in its most enchanting way.

There's this person. I don't even know her and she doesn't even know me and yet it feels as if the sun rises inside of me everytime I see her -  not in that way but in a completely innocent and joyful way.
*** var som himmelen
Aldrig det samme skær udstrålede ***
Som dagene før
Nogle dage udstrålede *** intet,
Og andre dage, svor jeg, at *** kunne
Være forår for de, som var omkring hende
*** kunne få enhver blomst til, at blomstre,
Og redde dem fra den kolde frostige vinter,
Som *** nogle dage selv blev opslugt af
Mest af alt, var *** mit forår
Og én blomst står stadig i min have,
Den som *** plantede
Selv gennem tiden, de år vi har været
På hver vores sti i livet, som aldrig vil
Krydse hinanden igen - har den stået
Smukt og prægtig i min have,
Aldrig vil den visne, for *** vil
holde den i live, aldrig vil den visne
og jeg håber, at ej heller *** visner,
jeg håber *** finder sit forår
og jeg vil i mit stille sind
sørge over, at jeg ikke kunne
være hendes forår dengang
tilbage i tiden, for der fandtes intet,
jeg hellere ville dengang
eller nu.
She was like the sky
never radiating the same gleam
as before
Some days she didn't radiate anything at all,
and some days I swear that she could've
been spring to those surrounding her
She could make every flower blossom
and save them from the cold frosty winter
that was inside of herself
Most of all she was my spring
And one flower is still blossoming in my garden
the one that she planted
Even through the time, those years we've been
on each path in life, paths that would never
cross each other - it is the most
beautiful and magnificent flower in my garden
I pray that it won't wither, and for her not to wither
I hope that she'll find her spring
and in secrecy I'll mourn at the thought of
not being able to be her spring
back in time for it was the only thing
I ever wanted to be at that time.
I'm so drawn by it
that I can't even manage to
control it anymore
it's so poor
and so fantastic
I guess I'm standing
in quicksand
but at least I'm free
ain't I?
The trace of your kiss is safely kept on my lips. Never to disappear.*

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