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4.1k · Jan 2015
The Unspoken Jan 2015
Rejection seems to kick in from Left Right Centre.
My heart is aching.
But I want to TRUST the Process.

I have seeked the face of God through this, asking why
The pain is much
Its hard to breathe now
The memories are making it even more difficult for me.
But I want to TRUST the Process.

I just pray for sanity.
For Peace and Joy to feel my life.
For the purpose for all these aches to finally be revealed to me.
For I choose to TRUST the Process.

So I try to breath.
Look to the skies and in silence feel the calmness
I will be still, and at the end I will win
I will TRUST the Process.
When you back to that place again...but its all about the process, hope this touches someone in the same situation.
2.3k · Apr 2014
A Butterfly In My Hand...
The Unspoken Apr 2014
1000 words to speak my mind
but amm'a sum it up
in 9
B- Beautiful
U-Utmost superficial
...that is all you are to me. :-)

©The Unspoken
1.6k · Nov 2014
The Unspoken Nov 2014

It’s a huge shame on the men who think its their place to strip women naked.

Shamelessly, they quote the bible, “it’s the temple so it should not be displayed”
If that is the case, why didn’t the “believers” who were present take a leso or kikoi to the lady to cover the temple? Instead you strip her???
You are the most sinful of them all and you deserve to have been thrown at the first stone.

Shame on the men who think that just because you show some skin, you need a touch.
Dressing is done for whatever reason that is personal to a soul.
No dressing is right or wrong.
It’s a shame how ignorance has raided our society and posed as norms and stupid absurd “morals”
How about we pull your trousers down when you sag them to the lowest place your belt can find?

Shame on the men who live in the stone age era of blaming the appearance of women as a push for ***.
Why not long for the ones you see on the soaps, or movies or all???
Why not dress your women in whatever you think  looks appealing and only you, could strip them when you get home for your own pleasures?

Shame on the men who have brought women to the level of slavery!
Could this be insecurity making your head full??
Do women now do better than you? Yes!
Do they stand for themselves without you or even better than you? YES!
Do they have a voice? YES!!

So SHAME on you when you let your face be seen on the camera stripping a woman and shamelessly putting your fingers inside her privates.
SHAME on you for stripping a woman her integrity and dignity and letting the whole world know.
Your Education was a Fail!!!
I recommend you go back to school and learn some more.

Who is our society raising?
Fathers or Defilers?

REMEMBER that this person, next time,
This, could be your sister,
Your mother
Or your wife!!


This piece is inspired by the anger burning inside after a woman was stripped naked because she wore a mini skirt in our City 2 days ago. Its a shame and I will shout it from the rooftops!!!
1.5k · Apr 2014
The Unspoken Apr 2014
She stands at the door, to a house that was beginning to feel like home.
In her hand, a suitcase.
She packed all the memories and her clothes in there
and her mind seemed made up on walking out of my life.
I couldn't stop her.
The tears in my eyes, only that, spoke what I was feeling.
and the most painful part is that, I didn't see hurt or pain in her eyes.

©The Unspoken
1.4k · Nov 2014
To ©Unspoken Ex's...
The Unspoken Nov 2014
Dear Ex,

Been figuring how to write this letter to you.
To you Carol for Helping me be independent
To you Beatrice for making my Trust Grow
To you Tash for teaching me good ***
To you Carol for teaching me that crying is okay
To you Olive for teaching me hangover remedies that actually worked
And To you Beth, for making me stronger than ever.

Its strange sometimes, I sit and reflect
of how it would be if  I hadn't been in your lives as a lover, then.

Would some chunks in my life be missing because I wouldn't have learnt any lessons?

Would I be a Better Lover?
Would I still be innocent because I wouldn't know a painful heartbreak and how it felt to really want to revenge and hold on to Anger?
Would I still be a ******?

The fights, built me.
The tours, made me exposed to races,tribes,religions all specrums of life.
The laughs extended my life
The friendship made me love.

Yes, there was pain
there were tears
But all these, were corners of the road that I journey to, to perfection someday.

You taught me how different love was.
It can't be defined in a single word.
ha ha, I remember, to one of you, foot massages  and a shower together every night meant I Love you
For the other, saying it after every hour meant I Love you.
Its different.

This is a note of gratitude.
Saying THANK YOU, for making me a better Lover.
THANK YOU for making me a better Mother.
THANK YOU for making me The BEST Best Friend
THANK YOU for now, Making me THE BEST WIFE.

I Am Happy.
And unlike a large number that would hate Ex's
and curse
and regret,

I choose the Route of Gratitude,
coz this far,
I will say
You Molded me
To the better person I am now.

I Respect You.

I don't know how many of my ex's will read this, but yeah, I mean every word.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Broken MasterPiece...
The Unspoken Jul 2014
Deep within me I had a song.
But one morning i wake up, and the words are no longer the same
The rhythm has dissapeared and it makes no sense no more.

In my tiny hands I carried a ***.
Inside it Sweet fragrances of promises,hope was overflowing from the mouth of the ***,
But this afternoon, despite all my strength to hold it tight,
it slipped....and fell...Then it broke.

In my eyes, I had a mirror, in it I saw a beautiful reflection..
I saw nothing but flawless skin,
a glowing image, a smile that shone so bright
But this evening, I look back to same mirror
and all i see is shuttered soul.
Broken pieces, all on the floor
patches of the once shimmering beauty, distorted.

I had a soul
a beautiful attracting soul.
See I believed in the blue skies
But tonight, am sleeping under Grey Dark haunting clouds.*

My Heart is shuttered.

Heartache. Is there a need to take a risk anymore?
1.3k · Apr 2014
Fix Me...Jesus, Fix Me.
The Unspoken Apr 2014
I Am Lost.
I hurt all over again.
Because I cannot forgive.
I try, but I still resent those who stubbed me straight through the heart.
My Family.
My ex Lovers.
My Community.
I want to let it all go.

This is a prayer of my hurting, breaking and bleeding heart.
Help me.
Help me LET GO
Of all that cause my tears to soak my pillow most days.
Help me.
Teach Me.
To forgive.
To let go.
To Heal.

I need You.
I can't do asylums no MORE.
I Don't want to cut anymore.
Help Me Jesus.
I know you are out, up there somewhere.
Help  me.

©The Unspoken
This is a prayer, a cry from deep within me.
The Unspoken Jan 2015
Its hard to mend a broken heart.

Its even harder to bring back a smile on the face of the one whose tears drown the pillow every night.
Its sadder when she doesn't know where she went wrong.
Frustrating when she doesn't know how to make it up because she has no idea how it all came crumbling down.

Its scary when she starts to think of the future you planned together.
More scary to look at the house you both picked and wished to someday in silence and hugs sit by the fire place.

Its makes her lose her mind whenever the tune you two used to dance to plays.
It makes her scream and her mind shutters.

Its impossible for the light to shine when she is left in a tunnel with unending darkness.

The final stub goes through her once tender firm but now broken heart when she thinks of another person in you arms, calling you by the same name she referred you to.

Its ever dark when you break her heart.

© TheUnspoken
1.1k · Mar 2014
A-Slave(Alpha Slave)
The Unspoken Mar 2014
They call me The Alpha...
My community calls me the Alpha Female
A-don't care...
A not senstitive soul.
A Hurt-resistant human.

Dating a couple people at the same time they say is my policy
They have a picture of  me in their minds, So they don't mind.
They don't care...
afterall am resistant to pain right?

Here is THE TRUE story.
I Love...I Feel...I hurt
Yes I Do.
Maybe I have to put a brave front so I don't look desperate but No, I Love.
I Do.

eg. There is this particular soul, #sigh
Her beauty caught my eye since that picnic...
Its been a year now...and I still Love her.
I hate admitting it.
It makes me weak.
So weak because we have never gone exclusive.
I Stand firm...stern...composed.
Untill I hear a song by one "JOSHUA RADING" and Like a drunk
I lose my composture
I ran...
I hide...
I cry.
Then I wipe my eyes and come out of the room, all re-created.

Nothing solid has taken place between US, but deep I feel she is the ONE.
Back then, I was ready, she wasn', am not ready, but she is.

I wish I could let her see herself through my eyes...
just to see what she means to me.
But it all goes to the same point, she told her friends "She is way out of my league, I can't afford her"

I Hate the label humans have put on my forehead
That makes it hard to be Loved.
Am just human.
Principled and independent YES, BUT WITH A HEART TOO.

It's pains.

But I will OUTLIVE this mentality.
And someday, SHE WILL BE MINE, AND I, HER'S.

©The Unspoken
Quite in a teary mood as I wrote this down. #sigh
1.0k · Nov 2014
Denied...To Love
The Unspoken Nov 2014
She found me.
I fell for her.
But she, she did not.

Says she Loves Me
but Not In Love with Me.
But she wants me to stay.

Because she is scared.
Scared to fall stupidly in love again.
Scared to get Lost in me.

And I sit at my kitchen counter
With my 7th glass of wine in my hand
And I wonder, WHY?
Why I am denied to be in that place.
That sacred place of fountain of Love with her.

Wondering if its all fair.
To choose the one to Love who wants to Love but with a Piece of her.
But for me to give My All
1.0k · Mar 2015
The Unspoken Mar 2015
I hold the dice tightly in my palm
I shake 'em and roll them on the floor
I shut my eyes,
hoping my desired number takes the day.

3 For dead end, 5 for Hope

She loves me, she loves not
She will take me back , nuh, she wont.

Since when did my life become such a gamble?

I roll All my care into one HUGE ball
OUT the window!!
Its I now.
The light only in MY eyes.

It doesn't go this way
Enough is here
the End has come!

The Unspoken May 2014
I am just so near to losing my mind whenever I hear the statement "So, who wears the pants here?"
It gets me speechless.
I got love for all the brothers out there, but what makes you think that what you wear on the outside really portrays who you are on the inside?
"No she doesn't tell me what to do!" is what you beat your chest on whenever you are in conversation with your "boys".
"No I can't carry the baby outside the grocery store, Instead I'll go park the car"...
"No I can't clean the dishes, what will she be doing?"...
"No I will not pick up her call now, am the one wearing pants, I do it at my time"...
"I can get home whatever time I want, after all she just a woman, am above her!!!!???"...

Honesty, its sad that to this day, this mentality holds.
Well, if I am talking 'bout you here, Let me give you  THE reality check!

You ain't No better. You need a woman.
She came out of your rib yes, but ain't you the one who asked for her in the 1st place?
Ain't she the reason why from 8th grade you have added 30 pounds? Otherwise wouldn't you malnutrition yourself with noodles and coffee night, after night?
Ain't she the reason why you get so cosy and warm after tens of ******* on a cold night?
For some, the car you drive, the very job you got, ain't she the one that worked out connections for you to get there?
Ain't she the reason why there is a baby somewhere that calls you "Daddy?" that you brag to the society about...makes you feel like a "MAN" ey? She had a choice of denying you the child, say its not yours...
But in your selfish Grown up ego you want to show the world "YOU ARE THE ONE WEARING PANTS????"

Would it hurt to show appreciation?
My point, that is what differentiates a man and a boy.

So next time, before you ask her "Who wears the pants?" Think twice.!


© The Unspoken
#sigh. If this gets to you the wrong way, u probably gotta change your ways. And for those who do or atleast try not to use this statement, KEEP IT UP!
996 · Apr 2014
Who Am I?
The Unspoken Apr 2014
A black woman
A sister
A daughter
A graduate
A hustler
A poet
A mess
A hero
A disappointment
A make over
A second choice
A people's opinion
A ******
A Freak
A beauty
A beast*

Name it all.
But all these are me, woven into one neat ball with a face that wears a smile.
I Trip a million times
But a million times too, I Get up
and Once again I am fixed.

Have NO Expectations from me.
For I am only human.
I let people's judgements define me, right from mama calling me dumb,
To my mathematics teacher saying I am hopeless,
To my love thinking she deserves better than me.
But I sit, I remind myself that
I am only human.
So Far from perfect.
But on a journey to Who I Am.
A craft. Work of Hands.
Each day, a part of me is completed, made strong.

©The Unspoken
As I write this, "I Am-Kirk Franklin" is playing on the background. And I am reflecting on the times I have let myself, God and the people around me down. The times I haven been able to achieve even My own goals. Times I was shut out, welcomed, cursed, blessed. But at the end of the day, I am a craft. Work of the hands that mould me each day, through experiences good and bad. I Am Built.
984 · Mar 2014
Have You Ever
The Unspoken Mar 2014
Have you ever downed that bottle, in it the most bitter of drinks that could burn your throat to ashes...
Have you ever taken that blade, watched yourself bleed over and over...
Have you ever snapped and screamed out so loud, the world took you to an asylum...
Have you ever cried, minutes and hours days that your tears stop flowing and only your heart groans...
Have you ever felt so much pain deep inside, that there was Nothing else left to Fear?

...I have been there, am there, often...
But am slowly,
Coming alive again.
My skin is healing.
I  Breath.
©The Unspoken
981 · Dec 2014
With The same Grace
The Unspoken Dec 2014
With the same grace within me like before it all, I stand
with the same grace I choose to hold my head above the waters and breath
With the same grace through the Darkest Hours I walk through
With the same grace in the face of Fear, Anxiety, Shame, Rejection, I thrive
With the same grace in me even through Tears I fight back with a smile
With the same Grace even in the battlefield am confident
With the same grace upon the face of defeat I accept and pat my back
With the same grace,
Through Life, I Be.
I Grow.
I Love.
916 · May 2014
Dear GRACE...Fix me...
The Unspoken May 2014
I wish life had taught me differently.
Much more than pain.
Than the struggles I go through.

Growing up, I always wanted to be an angel.
I never wanted to be the reason why a tear should be shed.
I wanted to live harmless...
But the more good I did, the more the rude universe made a fool out of me.
Failed me.
Made me eat and drink from the tears of my mysery.

So now I sit, and as I listen to a song on my background,
am trying to clean up myself.
From all the dirt the world poured on me.
From all the hate that smeared my once white heart, black.

Am weary, because am not any different now.
I hurt too, when I chose to defend my soul.
I dont mean to.
If only I could go back to a baby again, I'd never wish to grow up.
I'd only be angry for a minute and the next holding your hand to the mall.
I wouldnt want to revenge so bad that my life would stand still.
I'd never be scared to love because of the fear of being rejected one day.
I'd cry when am uncomfortable and know that someone would come to wipe my tears away and comfort me to sleep.

But now am grown.
And Only God's grace can take me back to that place.
The place of joy despite the happenings around me.
The place of peace when someone walks away.

All I need now, is fixing.
Once again, Fix me Jesus...Fix me.*

©The Unspoken
893 · Apr 2014
+ and -
The Unspoken Apr 2014
He puts the "L" in Life
The 'L" in Love
The "R" in Riches
The "J" in joy...

subtracts the "F" in Fear and lets Me listen clear
The "P" in my pride dissapeared and now this ride couldn't be better
For some reason, since HE walked int  o my life, "Im" in my behaviour changed, they call me mature now.

For this reason am Bold no longer Old
Am Flying no longer Lying
Am Bright at he same time so Right.

HE simply changed the whole of me by doing the simplest of things.
Adding and subtracting letters to make me who I am today.

©The Unspoken
hehe...this peiece...Don't even ask. :-)
855 · May 2014
The Unspoken May 2014
My spectacular scene in this life.
Feels like am losing my mind, or you are ******* it instead.
Right from the day you said you liked me...
After your pals told me you had observed me from a distance...
Day after Day...
I simply cant get less of you.

I don't know the new charm you have on me, but it is divine.I swore never to let me fall for anyone after Beth,
But how you do it, I have no idea.
Just the simplest of all I have ever met, known.
Held onto the ground, steady.
The melody...
The care...The support.
How you speak sense to my lost self
Ever insistingly pointing me to the right path.
Your touch when am angry that just calms me.

Mam'...I may not know how to say this face to face now...
But each morning I wake, I wish...that you will make me YOURS
Coz there is no one else I'd rather belong to.*

©The Unspoken
850 · Apr 2014
A dad's Whisper...
The Unspoken Apr 2014
Today I reached for my phone.
Haven't spoke to man who made it possible for my existance on earth in a while.
I have been missing his calls...over and over.
I was scared.
I have been scared...for his Love for me to show.
See, I know he does cherrish me, but since I moved from his house...its been different.
He doesnt ask if I have had dinner, or if I am ready for bed, or to make him his favourite breakfast.
He doesn't come to my room and wake me up in that funny tone "My soldier, wake up"...
Honestly, I Miss that.
My life has not been the same since I moved out.
I have learnt to fend for me and totally rely on me.
This weekend was hard for me.
I got sick, and too broke for life.
I know dad is there, but I don't want to burden him.
So this morning while he whispered a prayer for me, I felt it...from deep inside me.
I called him and when I told him my struggles...
He replied...

I have a million sweet words,
but these ones just flushed tears from my ever strong ducts.
I Am Loved.*
I am my father's daughter.
When its all wrong, or all right...I will go home.
Home to My Father.
The only man I know.

©The Unspoken
I Love You Papa. I will come home. Home to you.
803 · Sep 2015
The Unspoken Sep 2015
Eternity to me is, Boundless Moments, of Lost hearts... yours and Mine.*

©The Unspoken
The Unspoken Oct 2014
In her arms, he lay.
David, all the love he knew,
in her sweet, tender arms she rested, almost all day.
Feeding from the sweetest of milk his 2 year life knew so far.

Rocking. He liked it when Sandra rocked him...felt...

It was then all peaceful.
Like always.
Only this time, no fingers ran through his face.
His eyes, only fixed to the door.
Stretching out his arm towards it.
It go too quiet.
So silent, it felt nervous.
He began to cry,
Cry for attention from beloved Sandra. But beloved mother Sandra, could not respond to anymore.

Eyes shut.
But still, in her arms, like she vowed,
was still holding  on tight.
To the promise she made.
To hold him close.

All, to her Final breath.*
786 · Mar 2014
My Eminado...
The Unspoken Mar 2014
My Sweet Pumkana, (Beth)
the most beautiful woman in the world.
You truly swept me away.
So Cultured, rooted in her traditions.
Natural hair flowing to her shoulder.
Aremis, the oil that makes her skin glow.
No Make-up.
Super natural.

Without you, it seems so hard
But i know the secret, I will never laugh at you when you fall
Trip on your face.
Your innocence turns me on,
Oh most beautiful of them all.
I want to come meet your parents...
so we may get their blessings as we kneel right before them
To sanctify...
That you may be mine, and I, Yours.

See, meeting you was a favor, a blessing.
I still am trying to figure out what you did to me...
But I will not Leave, am determined to stay
because you, and only you, are my Eminado.*

©The Unspoken
Cheers to the woman of my dreams* Wish she knew this was my eventual Goal!!! Just wish she could read this. #sigh
758 · Mar 2014
The Unspoken Mar 2014
Come back to me, Gongyla, here tonight,
You, my rose, with your Lydian lyre.
There hovers forever around you delight:
A beauty desired.

Even your garment plunders my eyes.
I am enchanted: I who once
Complained to the Cyprus-born goddess,
Whom I now beseech

Never to let this lose me grace
But rather bring you back to me:
Amongst all mortal women the one
I most wish to see.
My fav piece...lyrisist
The Unspoken Jan 2015
You know that moment when you wake up in the morning and all you want to do is check on your computer see if she sent you a mail while you were asleep?

You know that moment when your boss passes by your desk and you quickly minimize your window screen because you have been chatting at ever single break?

You know that time when you hear a song and all you can think of is her although she is so far away.

That moment when you smile like a fool and make excuses to busk out in the sun alone because you want your mind to only think about her and your conversations?

That moment when you don't know what your mind is really speaking but you don't want it to stop?

That moment when you realize that all these happenings are as a result of some stranger you have never met Face to Face yet and you know when you speak of it, It may sound silly?*

.....Well... Let's say am Sorta-kinda heading there.
Nuh, not heading, am there. lol
The Unspoken May 2014
For so long now, I have been trying to understand God's will.
So sometimes I ask HIM for silver, then I get a bronze instead.
Then I decide am going to stoop a lil' low and ask for a Vitz, then instead, HE gives me a Range Rover.
Yeah, am human, sometimes  just throw tantrums at HIM, I mean HE is my FATHER right?
I am persuaded to think that sometime HE just sits on the THRONE and just laughs at me....(i get silly with my requests sometimes)hehe

I don't know what plans HE has for me, so the best I can do is actually keep asking....random requests.
"Daddy I want a double door steel refrigirator"..."No daddy wait, there is this other Television set I saw, and you know what, I would like to have it"...
It goes on, and on, and on....from Closet to electronics, to partners...#sigh
HE really hears a lot from me lol.

But I know HE has my best interest at heart yes?
I look at it from an angle of a baby.
When the baby is born, and still growing up, they  can't actually feed on anything yet, steak and corn and all...because they aren't at the stage to eat it yet...however much they whine cry for that meal, they can't get it yet. Not to  mean that at some point when they are fully grown they won't eat.

So sometimes I think God denies me some things so I can actually reach the level where I  can handle 'em.

I mean, if I pray for a life long partner and am still inexperienced in loving and nurturing, why should HE give me the partner, won't I just ***** it up??? That's why sometimes however insane it may sound, I thank God for Break ups. They are lessons...each of them and I grow and learn.

With all said and done, I pray wisely now. For HIS will.
However painful it is, HE is My FATHER.

©The Unspoken
Just thoughts in my head...more of a realization.
689 · Aug 2015
The Name is Love
The Unspoken Aug 2015
They say when you find something that changes your life for the best, keep it
They say when you see a Rainbow in the sky, stop and look for a minute, it doesn't appear everyday
The say when you walk down a road full of dust and it starts to drizzle, for a few minutes don't run, let it wash over you

Many a times I come by souls that make me smile
But you, make me Glow
Souls that help me up, but you, carry me in your arms
Souls that sing songs for me, but you, create the rythmn of it

Beauty can be defined by many adjectives and verbs,
but the Beauty of a soul like you, no human invented letter can explain.

You've taught me to stand on my feet
Taught me that crying is okay, but wiping them off and building a bridge over it is a step
You've taught me that maybe, I may not be there today, but soon enough, with a little effort everyday, I will get to where I want to be.

And each morning, I wake up feeling better than the day before.
Though we have our bad times, its nature of life, you have loved me through it all.
Never gave up on me.

And I,
will forever be grateful, to you. My beloved.

670 · Feb 2017
In the silence
The Unspoken Feb 2017
I sat down in slence...
I felt the wind blow on my face...
I felt goose bumps build up on my skin...
I saw the darkness setting in...
I closed my eyes....
I, held my breath
and in the silence,
I heard my heart rip...
I felt it sinking, deeper and deeper.
I felt my heart break. I knew it was broken now for sure
and I let the pain wash over me.
The Unspoken Nov 2014
There comes a time...
a time in everyone's life, that you sit down at your most peaceful place
listening to every key of your favorite melody
and reflect on every minute lived on this earth.

A time when fears encompasses you
and uncertainty of tomorrow fills your thoughts.

I am at that point now.
Wondering if today was my last breath,
if I touched as enough hearts
If I gave a single soul hope to live
If There will be a soul on earth whose my departure will touch.
If there is someone who will weep for me
If there is someone who will celebrate my little life.

See, up to this far, I am not a millionaire.
I don't drive a posh car or live in a mansion,
But I am surrounded with souls.
Souls that need to be encouraged,
souls that need a simple hug.
And despite not all material things
Did I make a Difference...However tiny?

If this was my final breath, which songs will remind the people around me of Me.

So, however late it may be
I choose to put down, down in my heart,
Every memory
every touch
every smile.

And to the Holder of my life I pray.
That in Life, or In Death,
HE shall Abide With Me.

Listening to Emeli Sande - Abide With Me.
637 · Mar 2014
The my hand...
The Unspoken Mar 2014
The pen on my hands, as she strutted through my open door...
Her hair, black, free flowing as it filled her shoulder on one side, like a river
Flowing down to her chest.
Her dress, red, betraying the shy but passionate model she is...
As she gazed into my eyes, like she was seeking an answer...
The pen on my hand.
With one effortless pull of the strings on her dress, it slowly fell to the ground.
A master piece.
The Work of Art wondrous than the Babel Towers she was...
Slowly she lay on the couch...with a pose that froze my flow.
I couldn’t sketch a mark...
The pen on my hand.
I could feel the pull, from her seat to my aisle...
For a moment, I felt her breathe, and mine indrawn as her fingers stroked my hand...
Her left arm passed through my t shirt, goosebumps, chills...
All over my body.
Her black eyes, staring at my canvas, as if to see the sketch...
Then with a voice, softly whispered “I like it.”
I blink, then only do I realise,
She was right in front of me, as always, on the couch, with a pose
And my canvas had these words  on it instead....

The pen, on my hand.
©The Unspoken
617 · Mar 2014
Woman Lover...NO apologies
The Unspoken Mar 2014
Am a Woman.
An African Woman.

Am drawn by simplicity, outstanding features of them all.
I Love Butterflies.
I Love eyes. I Am taken by looking deep into someone's eyes.

I was brought up to mingle with Tom Harry and Dickson.
I did it...and it was fun, until they asked something from me, and that's when I knew it was different.

I would sit down, and for minutes, stare at Beth or Lydia Or Yvonne as they played.
Going round the field as they let out the shrill giggles.
The smiles on their faces, irreplaceable.

Girls to me, were the most beautiful creatures on earth, after butterflies.
And I adored them even more each day.
That's where I felt happy, peaceful and pure, in their midst...women.
Till date, I adore a woman.
The touch, so gentle, can't compare it to anything.
The voice, so melodious.
The care, we clean together, cook then massage each other after a long day at work.
Even the fights, we know we are always going to get through, after shedding a tear or two, then kiss and make up.

People in the world may call me weird, or whatever they wish.
But am happy, this is WHAT IS NORMAL for me.
This is who I am.
A Woman Lover.
No apologies, because I haven't done anything wrong.
Love, CAN NEVER be wrong.

©The Unspoken
The Unspoken Mar 2014
We break make up
Or do we make up to break up?
Babe whisper the answer in my ear
or shout it right on my face.
Sometimes I feel I have the strength in this fight
BUT Sometimes I feel weary and resigned.
I won't lie, yes I Love you...
Carol I adore you.
But you ain't My one.

I am selfish now
or am i just guilt stroked
I can't keep coming back....because behind your back, I cannot keep my hands to myself.
I text, I call, I flirt, I kiss, gently...and all that not with you...but her.

I won't lie and say its me not you
or its you not me
No...Its everything.
When we met, it wasn't in my canvas to make you mine...
or maybe just for a little while.
it was all a joke...a hoax to me...then I fell deep
But I want out now
I want the truth.
Its you...and is me too.

That is how I plan to walk out of her life...
Cant do circles no more...
Let me get caught up in the escape.

©The Unspoken
597 · Mar 2014
The "All Of Me Love"...
The Unspoken Mar 2014
This type of Love makes me
This type of Love breaks me..
It lifts Me...
It shutters Me.
It Finds Me, It loses me.
The All Of Me Kind of Love.

This type of Love Kills me...
This type of Love brings me back to life
This type of Love brings joyful tears in my eyes,
It brings me sorrow and tears of pain.
The All of Me kind of Love.

This type of Love souls profess in the dark night
This type of Love they break in the daylight.
The All of Me Kind of Love.

This type of Love I only hear of in music lyrics
This type of Love I only see in Movies.
The All of Me type of Love,
I wanna know so bad.
I wanna feel so deep.
But far like the 8 planets is from me.

The All Of Me type of Love.

©The Unspoken
Just got me wondering after listening to one John Legend-ALL OF ME hit...and in my current status...I seek answers. If this kind of Love really exists on the phase of the Universe.
The Unspoken Mar 2015
Most times in movies, I always heard what the doctors said.
"You have 3 months at most" and the subject would freak.

Being on  the same shoe leads to denial, pain, bitterness.
But when I chose joy, its because I know,
That I have Ran the Race, This is my Finish Line and I have kept the faith.

And ach day I wake in the morning, I wonder how many hearts I have touched so far?
Do I still have time to make up for all the mistakes I did?

But i cant live with regrets any more.
I have Lived, I was here. I made a Difference and I know, even if not many, I touched A Soul.

Tears cant fall from my eyes no more, because that means I am sad.
So I smile and take as many pictures, because Life is A Gift.
I celebrate mine, each day since until the day.
#resigned #peace #love #missing
589 · Mar 2014
My Heaven...
The Unspoken Mar 2014
Is it made of street of gold...NO
Is it full of angels roaming around...NO
Is it flowing of milk, of honey...NO

Because my shoes are worn out from the dust around
Because the ones roaming around mug me and giggle behind my back
Because sometimes, I just sleep hungry.

But this is the heaven I know.
When I wake up in the morning and my neighbor is playing loud music...
When the kids in the block run to me to say hello and I have candy in my purse to share
When my friends invite me out and they drink silly and just be happy
When I do my laundry then it rains and the following day I know am all at home having some "me" time...
When I go to work and my nagging colleague is always stopping by to say "hello"...
When I try to catwalk the streets in my heels and i trip and get up and laugh at myself as someone tries to wipe my skirt for me...

When life gives you a 2nd chance, you learn.
To be thankful....for every passing minute
It's not ordinary
Its my Heaven.

©The Unspoken
Am just thankful... :-)
The Unspoken Apr 2014

Am being judged
am being threatened
am being alienated
am called an outcast
All these because I Love.
I was taught to love in my home growing up
I was taught to Love by the good book
I was taught to Love by my church.
But now I Love, and they throw stones  at me.

They drag me in the middle of the streets and tear down all my clothes..
All in the name of correcting me??
Am in pain.
I hurt.

I was taught to love.
Is It wrong because it is NOT your kind of Love?
Am innocent, my soul Is pure.
I did not choose to be hated by the society, nobody chooses to.
Don't you think I always wanted to be my father's pride?
Don't you think I had dreams for a future too?
Why shut me down?
Why so much hatred?
Just because I do not conform to your definition of Love?
I Hurt.
I cry.

Am a soul that just loved and accepted to be loved back.
Am HAPPIEST this way.
You **** me, try to correct me? But in the morning I wake up and hate myself so much because of the filth you put inside me.
And you call that LOVE???
Am In Pain, I hurt, I Cry.

Am not asking for a million dollars.
Am not asking you be my lover, you keep all your relations away if you think am a threat.
All am asking is LET ME BE.
You did not chose to be straight.
Its the way of life that you know.
And to me, being gay is how I know and define my Love.

Accept me.
Just as I am.
I will never change, no matter how hard you try, just as you, can never change to be like me.
So instead of fighting me, reach out for my hand.

©The Unspoken
This is a letter, a piece I address to one of my country's MP's following the bill discussed in parliament against the LGBT Community's rights. I cried in the process of putting down these words. I Pray it touches someone.
575 · Jun 2016
Dear Lover;
The Unspoken Jun 2016
One day I will refuse to prepare your meal and you will come home to an empty fridge because my hands won't have the strength to hold on to a cooking spoon no more.
One Day you will get so late to work because I shall not be able to wake you up in the morning because I slept late, sobbing all night while you were busy dreaming of Natasha and Amina.
One Day you will have to reach home and do all errands to the market and back and office and back because my feet won't be able to stand and do **** for you no more.
One Day you will show up for family events alone and get questioned about me by your relatives who are so fond of me and you will have nothing to say because I had to be at the hospital to nurse my black eye,broken thumb and swollen mouth and knees.
One Day you will be so sick in bed and need your soup or a helper but my spirit will be dead alongside my body in the other room of all the pains you inflicted one me.
One Day, Just one sweet day, I will get up from that bed, dress up, leave the door and I will never come back. You will wait for me, but I shall not show.
572 · Nov 2015
It was The First Time...
The Unspoken Nov 2015
Place: Balcony, Home
Time: 6am

Its a busy neighborhood. Everyone is carrying on their lives, some jogging around, buses hooting, busy people heading to work. Important stuff you know.
But Leila, without feeling contrite, holds her last glass of wine, its almost done. Am sure she lost count after her first glass. She was up by the first bird, way before the darkest of the hours. It looks chilly but she was on nothing but The t shirt, her favourite one with the words printed DEVOUR ME IF YOU DARE. Her nerves somehow went numb a while back, the only part that seemed to play its role in her system was her brain.

Why was she out here?
See, she didnt don't know.
But last thing she remember, she was on their couch. She'd  just prepared dinner waiting on her person to come. It had been a rough three weeks, but she was willing to try you know.

The door bell rang, and she rushed to open to welcome "bae", atleast take the coat or was always warm but this time.

She was met a flying bag on her face that sent her sprawling on the coffee table. At that point you'd ask what went through her mind? NOTHING.
She just lay there, like a paralysis spell was cast on her.
"You will know who I am today" "bae" said

"...Wh..."she stuttered word could come out of her mouth.

The worst thing ever is to be caught off guard by a situation and your defense knowledge shuts down with your brain. No  ***** at that point is willing to co-ordinate with the other body part to defend itself. You are just a log for a moment.

"So now you just hop into people's cars when you leave the house in the morning" "bae" screamt as the heaviest slap ever received, landed on Leila's face.
It got all echo-ey...she placed both her hands on her face as blows rained on her till she finally  managed to push "bae" away and try run out the house, it was locked.

She couldn't scream, this was the first time.

She hadn't  the slightest of ideas of what "bae" was talking about. She just held tightly onto the balcony bars.
For A second, she wanted to jump off. She wished to.

They lived at the 2nd floor, so it wasn't so far off the ground. She was pulled back and dropped to the floor  like some shoe.

She wailed for her mother who she hadn't seen in months.
She recalled wishing to live on the streets than the torture she went through that night.
One side of her face, let's say would need a tone of concealer the following morning when she went to work,because that morning, she had to call in sick. I mean, she couldn't use the "yeah right" statement of "I hit a window or door", c'mon, who you kidding sis!

So she left at night while "bae was asleep. That was after she cried a river plus all its tributaries and "bae" felt "remorse" of some sort, held her and begged her to stop crying offering to hold her through the night, but fell asleep barely 10 minutes after.

Leila crept outside the house at our balcony, with the bottle of wine that she had bought for them to have the previous night and decided to numb her pain by drowning myself in it.
She couldn't account for the hours she stayed out in the dark and the cold and getting drunk at the balcony...but the darkness felt like that point heaven, the cold floor was her street of gold.

...This, was the first time.

This is a true account of a healing journey for a particular soul.
560 · Nov 2014
Let's Pray Pt I & II
The Unspoken Nov 2014
Let Us Pray…
These are the words I said on the onset of a meeting with a group of queer friends during one of our monthly gatherings.

To me, It was just a plain statement, not like I had ever said it before in these meetings
But this time, the angel in me (read conscience) pushed me to do so.
Until Ma’ , one of my  good friends and the leader of the team turned right to me and smiled.
Slowly held my hand and as if asking for permission to carry on, looked around the room and asked, “Shall we”?....
“To whom are we praying?”
..then that’s when the relevance of the question hit me.
I would’av promised if this was a stranger, it would have taken a whole day for me to figure out why, she actually said that.

It was like everyone in the room was waiting for this simple question to get an opportunity to contribute.(it was more easier to contribute to fun conversations like ***, relationships family and all, but religion, this was a first).

And so the heated debate began.


"Make sure you include my god ***(no names mentioning)
"No you should also remember my god ***
...voices kept being thrown around the room until Ma shushed everyone then turned and gave me this look..
Then I realized and the question started hitting me.

When you are in a gathering and feel the urge to pray, like you always do befor beginning any task of your own, should you pray?
Should you invite everyone to pray to your particular "god"...
Should you also put into consideration other people's belief's and pray to their "god" too despite you not believing in their deities.?
Or should you just shut the heaven up and carry on?

Will tell you on how the meeting went.
But what are your thoughts on the same?
PS: I Am a Believer.

Opinions on this piece are HIGHLY welcomed.
554 · Nov 2017
The Unspoken Nov 2017
Until you fall in Love with someone who your heart knows doesn't deserve it but still do, You have NOT experienced Unconditional Love.
554 · Sep 2015
Cry of a Bandaged Heart
The Unspoken Sep 2015
Maureen G. Karimi·Monday, 28 September 2015
Deflated, pounced, torn, crushed...
This is the condition of this bandaged heart.
A once glowing eyes, shut, as black river flows from it.
Shuttered dreams...
Deafening screams...
Dried streams...Dull & faded beams.
The warm stretched arms of love,
now turned into clenched fists of bitterness..
A once warm breath turned into fiery fumes of anger...
A once calm voice of hospitality, turned into disturbing screams n shouts of agony.
...All changed by an ***** so small...
A part she wishes could be engulfed in the hot flames of hell...
A portion of life that desired a reality turned into a myth
The myth that caused tears from the bandaged heart...
...the MYTH called LOVE.

©The Unspoken
The Unspoken Mar 2014
I never knew the ugliness of pain,
I never felt the pinch of a hole in my heart
I never knew the emptiness of life...Till you left my life.
If I would, a break up would be easy, because I would know that somehow, you moved on the phase of earth,
Somehow, I would find an excuse to drop you a "wrong text"
Somehow, I would find myself at your door, and convince you "I was in the neighbor hood" so decided to come say hello.

But the miles between me and you now is infinite...
The hollow and gap in my soul is deep than the pits of hell.

I'd have sworn four years with you would multiply to 8, then 16 then 24...
Time stole you away too soon.
As I watch my shadow upon your grave, in this sunset, my tears flow..
Just as fresh as when I received that call from your doctor that you wanted to see me.
Then slowly I walked by your bedside, but you NEVER said a word, just a smile on your face with your black eyes shut.
Then the words that pierced my soul as never before "Shee, has left Us"...

I hate it when people leave!!..
It scares me when someone leaves.
You knew that, but you still left.
With that note by your side, that I am your forever.
That You had honored your promise and stayed with me to death.

As I write this, I cry...I sob like a little girl...just like the first time.
But since you gone, just remember, we only not in the physical...
but my heart, shall never forget you...
My first...My true.

Your Forever
©The Unspoken
March 5th...the day my day turned into night and all the songs I knew faded...
Its never been the same...
I Try.
In Memory of My Forever, Jaqy Shee.
Sleep well, Mpenzi wangu.
485 · Jan 2015
While am away...
The Unspoken Jan 2015
I send my kisses through the wind
that may the stars carry the warmth of Cherish
the hills whisper my silent voice
And always remind you that you're adored.
Sometimes simple messages hit the deepest depths.
476 · Jun 2015
My Princess, Mamushka.
The Unspoken Jun 2015
Thou art the gorgeous princess that graces the presence of multitudes...
Men women, every human creation will give anything to worship the ground you step on...
They will exchange their loyalty for you to warm their beds...
Your beauty is beyond the first creation.
...but beloved, I can not love you.
Not this way.
For I don't have A Heart to.
She, the meekest of all that ever existed has clenched it in her hands.
And she, cannot let it go.
©The Unspoken
This is how I know I truly love my one. Fortune, fame n precious stones couldn't take her place.
474 · Dec 2014
See Through...
The Unspoken Dec 2014
Humans are created with only a PAIR of eyes.
They can only function together at the same time,
so that they can only see what is around them,
but for the other person to see through, u,
what u cant make of yourself,
no matter how long and hard u look into the mirror.
So today I pray
that the soul's whose eyes I see the reflection of the deepest Me
Will be nothing, But Bliss
A thought that made me want to see myself through only the eyes of people who see the best in me.
444 · Mar 2014
A minute...
The Unspoken Mar 2014
Shimmers, shutters, clutters, boomers...
Sounds of a wrecked soul.

My boat, on the green sea sailed, no swirls, a clean sails.
Then i hit the log...I didn’t see it, I promise.
It was all clear, I was sure about it.
Then like a curse the wind blew across, strongly, my boat swayed.
I couldn’t row...
NO...I forgot how to swim...because smooth was all I knew longest time.
My boat over turned...capsized
My body, gravity could not spare.
I fought for breath...Gasped...panted
All to bring my body to float, but the waters were too heavy for me..
As my eyes shut, too weak to fight anymore...I let go and let the light gates open for me...My body, light now
As i appear at the surface.
...that is how it felt...
Just a minute...when You walked out of my door.

© The Unspoken
426 · May 2014
Find me A Home...
The Unspoken May 2014
A Home.
A place not defined by the furniture inside.
A place, not defined by the neighborhood around it.
A place, where its only definition is souls.
Souls that reflect the rays of the sun through their eyes and the glow,
the glow makes as smile.

Find me a home where when i trip from the shower naked, hands will help me up instead of mocking laughter...
Find me a home when am not hungry, it wouldn't be the pleasure of others if I don't eat, instead, they will make porridge to get my appetite back.

Find me a home where my lover doesnt feel like I am the woman so I should cook, clean, and make babies, quit my job and my passions all in the name of "Love"...Really now??

Find me a home where I will sleep and put my feet up and instead of thoughts like "this girl is so lazy"..they would get that am from work and am dead tired.

Don't find me a building with ten bedrooms and 7 bathrooms and call it a mansion for me, that is a HOUSE...
While ALL I Need is a HOME.
A safe Haven.
However Tiny, in the tiniest of em' villages.
Just Find me a HOME.

©The Unspoken
405 · Mar 2014
Then What...?
The Unspoken Mar 2014
After you have your perfect job,
Drive the Best car,
Get the world's most amazing spouse
Live the Perfect Life...
What Next then?....

Does The Story END?

©The Unspoken
377 · Oct 2015
The Unspoken Oct 2015
The Sound Of Her Voice...
Touches Me... Tortures Me.
The Scent Of Her Perfume... Entices Me... Suffocates Me.
The Rythmn From The Strings Of Her Guitar... Moves Me... Hypnotizes Me.
The Mention Of Her Name... Excites Me... Breaks Me.

The One I Could Never Have.
Always Having Visions Of Her And I... But Like Smoke, It Escapes Too Soon. Before I Could Even Hold It.
Forcing A Smile, Whenever She Tells Me About Her...but Inside, Like A Lifeless Flower, I Wither. The Words, Too Heavy To Leave My Lips... Always Hoping She Sees It In My Eyes. ... But Her Love For The Other Has Blindfolded Her. She Is Blind Now.
My Arm, Always Stretched out, For A Dream I Can Never Live.
Just A Wish In The Sea.
My Dream,
My Torture,
My Nightmare.
...She ,Who Can Never Be Mine.

©The Unspoken
364 · Mar 2014
The Unspoken Mar 2014
Here she stands, she can see my reflection in this river
Black continent, black society, black Love
I hold my breath...
I let go
...then she falls inside. Alone.

©The Unspoken
364 · Apr 2014
The Unspoken Apr 2014
Letting Go of someone is the hardest scariest thing
because when you sit down and begin thinking,
that you might not be able to get somebody better
Your world shutters.
But how true is this really?
Is there someone out there who is always better after who you thought was your BEST?
The one you hang and hold on to so much?
Is there?

©The Unspoken
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