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 Mar 2014 Delaney
Rhea Berry
Sweet, kind, bubbly
These are words I’ve heard to describe me
But I always blush when they come

I say it’s because I’m shy
And I’m not used to hearing them
But, to be honest,
It’s because I know they aren’t true

I always say thanks
And try to brush them off,
But it still hurts to know
That they’re believing lies

I’m a mess
And I always will be
One wrong move away from breaking
Yet people still stay

I do everything I can
To swiftly pull away
Leave before I can find hope that something will last

Because happy things don’t stay for me
And people always leave
They stay until I think I’m safe
Then watch me cry alone

I hate the way I feel,
Like I can never see the sun
It’s a heavy crushing feeling
To not be good enough for anyone

I want to close my eyes
And just give up the fight
But the shred of hope that lingers
Forces me to stay alive

I hate that hope,
It keeps me from being at peace
I know that I don’t deserve love
So why won’t it let me be?
I can try all I want
To be good for you
To be what you want
To be what you’d love

But I can’t
I can’t be what you want because it’s impossible
I’m too disgusting
Too broken
Too fat
Too lost

You’d never be happy with me
You just don’t see that
You think you want me
You’re deceiving yourself

That’s why I’m leaving
Not even taking a chance
I want to be safe
I don’t want another piece of my heart to disappear when you leave

Which you will,
It’s inevitable
Don’t tell me it’s not
You’re beautiful sweet and kind
I’m just a mess

Leave me alone
To drown in my hate
Because if you try and stay
I just might completely break

I’m standing at the edge,
Contemplating life’s miseries
And I realize,
All of this stems from a single misplaced compliment
 Oct 2012 Delaney
Kiss me like it'll be the last time
Because it might be
Hold me in your arms like I'm already slipping
Because I am
Find me in these bottomless depths
Because I'm lost
Show me a reason to live
Because I can't find one
Look into my eyes for as long as stars are old
Because the light is dying
Pick up the pieces of me I left behind
Because I don't know where they are
Plaster a smile onto my face
Because I want to feel how I look
Wipe the tears from my eyes
Because I can't see anymore
Tell me everything will be okay
Because I honestly want to believe it
What happened to me?
Who am I?
 Oct 2012 Delaney
Carly Two
I'd like the skin of my teeth to bleed from straining, thank you.

My jaw lies broken open from the punches
and if I'd have been tied to a chair,
it would have been more fun.

All your dreams were screaming kids in a car wreck on fire.
So, **** the ******* gun already.

I'm a flying high dive broken vertebrae disaster
go ahead and try to take my marrow out.

I made my bed I'll lie in it.
I made my bed I'll die in it.
Copyright, C. Heiser 2012
 Aug 2012 Delaney
Carly Two
 Aug 2012 Delaney
Carly Two
I paused the movie to hear the couple fighting outside.
She said "You haven't talked to me at all tonight!"
and he said "What?"

But I know what they really meant to say was "I get stupid when I see you and I don't know what to do about it."
Then she slapped him and ran back inside crying.
It was an awkward moment for me in someone else's life.

It made me think about the video on how penguins mate forever.
And about how we're not penguins and how monogamy makes promises like traps
And how the only thing we have in common with penguins
is that we give each other rocks
and that means I love you until the sun explodes.

And how?

How come penguins can get it more right than us?
They can't even fly.

And when I watched this kid clutch his face as he wondered what he did wrong,
I can't help but ******* hate
all the happy penguins for him.

You stupid penguins,
you all look like you're going to a fancy party all the time
you stupid penguins
you run like your pants are down
you stupid penguins
you're gonna have someone to sit on the couch with forever
and you can't even fly!

What happens when you realize your penguin lover is immature
and he overeats the fish
and he's always late to things?

What happens when you realize your she-penguin has really bad penguin depression and you don't know how to deal with it?

What happens when you realize you both met too early and now you're different penguins?

I'll tell you what happens.
They stay together.
You know why?
Because he gave her a ROCK.
That's why.
Because, to penguins
rocks mean more than mortgages
and wanting to go to Hawaii
and step children
and sprinklers
and school districts.
They can keep a marriage alive with some instincts
and a ******* egg to sit on.
Stay together longer than 50% of any couple you've ever met

And they can't even fly!

But maybe a bird
that knows how to fall in love better than us
doesn't need to know how to do that.
Copyright C. Heiser, 2012
This is the story of
the boys who loved you. The ones who
stole you and the ones who
disowned you.
Their paths diverge
like spider webs winding
away from you,
left in the center
alone, waiting for
your next meal.

This is the story of
your absent father.
The one who taught you
not to bother.
To love the ghosts and the
masked superheros.
To follow monsters
into the dark gap
under your bed.

This is the story of your
patchwork skin
sewn together by your
reckless abandon.
Each seem pulled tight to keep
the outside world
from coming in.
Skin that reminds you
of the mistakes that
cannot be forgotten.

This is the story of
the boys who loved you.
Some were kind and some
stole pieces of you.
Took your bones
and picked apart your brain.
Each walked away
with their favorite tooth
from your smile.
 May 2012 Delaney
Ashe L Bennett
I don't remember, any more,
The exact shape of your hands
As I held them in mine,
Caressed them,
Memorized the length of your fingers,
The depth of your calluses.

I don't remember, any more,
Exactly your height, how much
Taller than me
You were, where
My head rested on your chest
When you held me tightly close.

I don't remember, any more,
Your scent, when we lay together
Creating our own
Magic rhythm,
Matching our heartbeats as we
Touched the sky, together.

I don't remember, any more,
The sound of your voice, calling
My name as though
It were a song
Within itself, a precious treasure
You valued with all your being.

And I don't remember, any more,
The color of your eyes, the shape
Of your lips,
How your eyes crinkled at the corners
And your laugh, as you told me,

"I love you."
Copyright by Ash L. Bennett, 2011
 May 2012 Delaney
Matt Walsh
 May 2012 Delaney
Matt Walsh
I wish there was something I could say
To take your breath away
But there isn’t.
I wish there was something I could do to hold you up
But you’re already there.
Your floating above me and I wish I was there
With your love, tried and true.

I’m your biggest kept secret
If only you knew the right place to keep it
There’s more to me and you
You know what you have to do
Keep our love tried and true.

Just last with me until the light
We’ll fight together to make it right
Grab my hand and we’ll both take flight
Destroy this preventer, this keeper
Time, which only gets steeper
And pulls on our love, tried and true.

Finding no cure, seeing He has won
We scramble as the shards fired from His gun
Keep pushing and pulling and morphing our one
Love, tried and true.

As day comes up we vanish with the night,
Its as if there was never that flight,
Time to heal and become anew,
Washed away with the morning dew,
Forever our love, tried and true.
Any suggestions are welcome!
 May 2012 Delaney
Carly Two
I climbed up your arms and had a fight in your collar bones
because I wanted to taste what you thought of me.

So, when I wake you up don't be mad
because I wanna feel your breath on me,
your smile against my face,
and in that moment I feel I'm growing again
instead of dying.
And can you please, please
be at least half of what I think you are
instead of me being me
and wrong.

Don't be mad when I put the crown on you,
I wanna see if it fits
and if it sits right, or at all
I'm fine.
Copyright, C. Heiser 2012
 Apr 2012 Delaney
Carly Two
It’s all right, zombie husband.
I didn’t like the dog.
Or the twins.
Seriously, all they did was cry.
It’s like, “shut up, already”,
You know?
Copyright C. Heiser, 2010

— The End —