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 Feb 2014 The nonconformist
I hate having to hide
What I feel inside
I am crazy
But the best people are
All I want is you next to me
I just want to be let inside
 Apr 2013 The nonconformist
The travelling man,
Oh, the travelling man.

Oh, on the journey, he has grown tired
The travelling man is weary of these memories....

The travelling man,
Oh, the travelling man.

The travelling man has folded up his dreams
He keeps them in his pocket with all his other things...
The travelling man,
Oh, the travelling man.

Oh, on the journey, he has grown so tired
The traveling man is carrying all his gems inside.

The travelling man,
Oh, the travelling man.

The rivers he crosses, the mountains he climbs
The roads that he follows, they tell him the ti-i-i-ime!

The travelling man,
Oh, the travelling man.

Refrain 2:
The travelling man has got to travel light
Nobody can guess the longing in his heart.

The travelling man,
Oh, the travelling man.

S T, 04 April 2013
Written so, so long ago....along the travels of me

The travelling man is somewhat likened to that olden-times view of that travelling salesman who bundles all his wares in a wagon....

Just a funny ditty, is all :)
It's a song, hence the repetition.
Please don't go, I love you so, I'll eat you whole.

Makes my hips sway.

It's too cold for you here now so let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater.

Sticks to my brain.

Before the yearning song of flesh on flesh
Young hearts burst open, wounds bleed fresh

Kisses my soul.
Not so much a poem. Just some of the music that keeps me sane.
Slow down
Take a minute
You’re running us ragged
As you jump and leap forward
And we can’t seem to escape your recklessness
You’re dragging us behind you on the strings that we can’t cut
Do you ever stop and see what you’re leaving behind in your hurry?
The scenes of life that go by too fast are like the scenery
Outside of the train as we watch everything go by
At some point, we have all tried to hold on
We have all had those little moments
That we wanted to keep
We reached out
Because, regardless
You pulled us forward
We all carry our memories on our hands
By the scars they gave us as we left them in the dust
The sharp corners of their images digging into our palms
And leaving drops of heartbreak red blood in our lonely wake
You will **** yourself going on at this breakneck speed
Our myths would have you as an old man
And if you have always been here
That would well make sense
Are not you so exhausted?
Jaded by all you’ve seen?
I would weep
If I were you
I would escape
I would have wings
I could go to any time I wanted
I could run away from all the responsibility
That your running onslaught is dragging us toward
Is that all you are trying to do, run away from your demons?
I would be able to forgive you, if I knew you weren’t doing it to hurt us
Promise me that that is all it is, that time itself is running away from memories
I will know then that we have not been forsaken by god
For you see, you are our god with complete control
Our lives are in your hands and you seem
To not care much about them at all
It’s okay with all of us
You are only
When we think about the choices in our lives
When we fight and we bicker and become bitter
When we think there is only power or powerlessness

If we can realize that there is power and powerlessness
Then haven't we began to acquire consciousness
In that instance haven't we began the process of choice

That there is those who have not have given birth to this consciousness
To those who have only lived powerlessness
And know nothing else
Haven't you owed them part of your consciousness
That you have ceased to be one of them
Or your mere power has denied one of them

That there is no choice for them
Because they haven't birthed that consciousness
And if you choose power they'll remain powerless
Because within you there is no loyalty, right?
It is a choice predicated by an erroneous concept of self-preservation

It is a treacherous dichotomy; doesn't make sense
This is not an indictment of your desire not to suffer
Because surely to hold power would cease your suffering
But it is this type of power that thrives on the proliferation of powerlessness
This conceptual understanding of what it means to have power
That is not what we've come learn, but readily ascribe to

That a mind and body can cultivate power
That can be harvested, shared, communal
For the sole purpose of the survival of the other, not the self

That that can survive in this world is impossible
Its antithetical to the modes of production
In which our societies operate and thrive

How can workers begin to derive power from their collective efforts
How can workers' purchasing power equal the power of the production of their labor

How can any community in any corner of the world escape
The misanthropic missions of first world free trade capitalism

When will we reclaim our escaping humanity
When will we cease to keep feeding the system with our minds, our bodies, our labor

How much longer can we become fodder, scraps, waste feeding the machine
And don't think that you are safe when you have made it
When you have entered the circle of dominance
Because it is then when you will loose your humanity or die

It is at that apex of power that your presence becomes
Just as dispensable as that of the powerless
Because to maintain that circle of dominance
Requires a total conversion to misanthropy

The rigor with which your power will be required
To keep proliferating powerlessness will give no break
And when you become useless, it will replace you

So that we must realize that the modes of production
That we allow to exploit us
In powerlessness, or the semblance of power
Can never safeguard our humanity

How much further will we allow power to be concentrated
So that soon we ourselves, or our children won't have a choice
Won't have the consciousness of power just powerlessness
March 31, 2013
Speak to me with your naughty tone,
Take me to that place,
Where all your nouns and all your verbs,
Are fingertips that trace...

Around my wants, desires, needs,
My secrets seldom shared,
Trace my lips with your adjectives,
My tongue with your savoir faire...

Let your words graze my *******,
****** me with your phrase,
Speak them down my stomach,
Lead them through my maze...

Move them lower, let them roam,
My rounded hips and softest thighs,
Stoke the fire of my lust,
And receive the ultimate prize...

Silent thoughts, no more speaking,
Hushed moans and quiet weeps remain,
Giving of ourselves completely,
We become whole once again.
So far, so good
A lovely start
So far, we should
Open our hearts

Looking deep
Longing for
Patience will tell
If this could be more

Wanting your touch
Your breath on my skin
I really can't think of
A much sweeter sin

Smiles for miles
Echoes of laughter
Your taste on my lips
Is this ever after

So far, so far, so far
So good...
That much needed release
After your breath has been taken
 Mar 2013 The nonconformist
Floating high away
Breathing's sure a burden at times.

Heart is still beating
You can hear it pounding in your ears.

But you're not breathing
You just feel release in your head.

Wanna feel that way again
(You know you can't feel too much)
Wanna feel that way again
(Can't feel that crazy again!)

What do I need to do?
(Well, there is nothing to do)
What do I need to do?
(Nothing at all....)

What do I need to do?

My desire is......

Floating high away.....

Star Toucher, 30 March 2013
Written circa 2008.
Panic attacks can sure ****.
Cover me, please
With the warmth that is you
Gaze into my eyes
Brown fading into blue

Whisper your kisses
Across the silk of my lips
As able hands explore
From my neck to my hips

Lips wish to wander
Slowly dancing south
Calling flesh to rise to
A truly talented mouth

Paying careful attention
To every dip and curve
Fingers, tongue, lips and teeth
Awaken every nerve

Getting closer to the sweetness
Ever still remaining calm
Carefully testing out the waters
The heat and wetness on your palm

You release a moan of satisfaction
The curve of your smile against my skin
I vibrate from your energy
And we're ready to begin
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