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I want to write a masterpiece,
that puts my ego and drive to peace,
I want to make something that gets the masses to stammer and quake,
feeling oot the true humanity and delivering nothing fake,
something to make them feel love and heartache,
to give them a rise,
by building them up with beautiful lies,
and tearing them down at their peak,
making their own head and heart something deep inside,
they have to seek,
but brick by brick I'll build them back up to my side,
they will feel consciousness spread across the great divide,
when I do this master work,
I'll give them each a piece of my soul to lend,
and then the poem will end.
Long title that I thought would sound cool...I think this poem is a badass one...hopefully you will too
I have to close this chapter in the book,
it doesnt matter how it will read or how it will look,
because even the worst memories get brighter,
as age gets dimmer like a dying lighter,
right meow it will be looked at as a year for hate,
a year to commiserate,
maybe a year to accept the growth in me,
or a time I was most free,
it was a year for love,
or maybe it was just all of the above,
but that's every year I suppose,
just like every poet rhymes,
and has pros,
every year makes me happy,
and every year makes me feel down in the dumps,
its a just a game,
"Of streaks and slumps"
so here's to the next year
of happiness and fear,
love and anger,
thrashing and quiet,
raises up glass to my friends I have and havnt met yet
Lets all make a bet,
to be have good days and bad,
so that next New Years,
there will be something to be a had
I'm pretty terrible with themed poems, and I usually try to avoid them...the streaks and slumps is in quotation marks because its something my father(sjr1000, his stuff puts my stuff in a cannon and blows it oot of the water) says for everything from life to basketball...Happy New Years everybody, I wish I could actually have a drink with all of you, instead of a vitual one...
what the hell, this is good enough right?
More I write,
aboot her,
it might make her real.
When I write I feel closer to someone who doesn't exist.
I saw her in an open field,
a stick sword I saw her wield,
screaming and waving the stick around,
but there was no sound,
just a rustling of leaves in the wind,
that's when her eyes shot like a pin,
at mine,
and she smiled so shyly, so fine,
I was awkward and fell when I started towards her,
the wind stopped and electricity started to stir,
I asked her if we could someday be in love in French,
she smiled shyly again and punched my arm,
and called me a maiden *****,
I picked up a stick and told her to duel,
for the fire was getting fuel,
she threw down her stick,
and I went for a kiss but my nose she decided to lick,
staring with an awkward smile she pushed my cheeks,
and kissed me as I could feel my heart peaks,
awkward and my hand started to sweat,
I awoke with the feeling of winning a bet,
I will wait till tonight,
because you may not be real or in sight,
but that just means I havnt met you yet.
I have dreams of my Naru some nights, I can never see her face but I know she's there
I guess this was needed,
to get over feeling defeated,
and start the rebuilding,
might change my mind tomorrow,
but today I am smiling through the sorrow,
and realizing I had gold,
that everyone was telling me, including the jewler, that it was fools,
that I should fold,
I walked around with you in my pocket and in my head,
always remembering the kindly evil words you said,
evil now because they its me they haunt,
but kindly because its the words I want,
I would  have asked for another dance,
but its too late and the band has left and were no longer in the right stance,
we dont even talk and thats fine,
because I can walk around with my memories,
and know you were once mine,
but I threw the gold in the river bed,
and both our phones are dead,
I'll smile for today,
and I'll smile towards yesterday's way,
ask me tomorrow night if I am fine,
I'll tell you to it was a journey and not a line,
we all have to reach the end point some before some,
I'll take a step towards the left,
and follow a second rising sun.
I'm terrible at letting go, my first girlfriend to the last, but every now and then I smile because a rose in your pocket that dies after not being watered...was still a rose in your pocket.
I first met God when from me he bummed a cigarette,
I asked him how I can win this bet,
and to let go of her and be ok,
he asked which girl with a smile in a way,
I said all of them because I just want to hear all of them say,
you were alright,
he took a drag and said we had met before,
when I was again in Florida I was feeling this down and poor,
we had a drink,
you asked what this life was all about,
and with a smile with shades of a pout,
I told you that only you could figure that out,
his cigarette was done and so was mine,
I asked again if this was just a waiting line,
or just a road covered with dust,
he flicked it and said that I always will have my lust,
for the future,
for the present,
for the past,
and I may feel like in the line I am last,
but really there is no line or road,
and this isnt a secret code,
he said I was ok,
then asked for another cigarette.
Staring at empty screens and pages,
I must have read this ******* sentence through multiple ages,
but my mind drifts away,
they used to call me Holden,
I dont have half a head of grey hair I would say,
jumbled in my jaw,
and feeling bare and raw,
I need to do something aboot this,
but why cant I just attain a certain degree of bliss?
Is it because I want my life to be a sad poem,
at least that's what she said on the phone,
maybe she was right?
I'm in love with being a tragedy at the end of the night,
need a reason to be in my room,
to shake this feeling I might have till I am dead,
then I noticed,
I forgot to make my bed.
this is kinda scatterbrained I know, not very coherently put together, more just a bunch of lines that kinda have a semblance of order, I might go back and make it two poems...let me know if I should keep this way or try to break it down into other ones.
When did I become so bitter?
Used to be the guy seeing a bag and pick up the litter,
now I watch it blow by,
less of a smile and more of a sigh,
my kid, my teenage self would never want to be this guy,
singing loudly used to be a habit,
now I just write sad poems on a laptop or tablet,
not the type you come to,
because all my colors are gone cept for blue,
what happened to you?
when did I become so sad?
instead of always seeing good,
now its just all bad,
not optimistic nor real,
just writing to make me feel,
but it doesnt help like i need it,
I used to finish a poem and sigh off the ****,
but now I'm consumed bit by bit,
by this world,
by my life,
by my past,
used to smile while finishing last,
dreaming was a hobby and I would want to sleep,
now I run away from dreams and stay awake till the alarm goes beep
when did I get so bitter?
used to take care of drunk friends like a sitter,
now the days are gone and I'm drinking alone,
waiting by the phone,
but not answering the call,
I used to see girls and feel my heart stall,
and smile when they looked my way,
now their eyes look and say,
what happened to you?
Why am I so bitter?
Just oot of it tonight I guess.
Dec 2013 · 574
10 w
Christmas Eve gets easier,
to go to bed,
every year
I'm becoming my parents and Christmas is meaning less and less every year.
I used to love this holiday, and now its just another day, I'll go to bed without smiling, and tomorrow will be the 26th, but you could have told me yesterday was.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Christmas Truce
In my trench and freezing cold,
saw a guy get his helmet shot when he stood up a bit feeling bold,
still alive but has a  wound,
I should be back in hometown with mum and pop,
eating turkey,
but instead I get this slop,
My adrenaline has been going for two weeks and its starting to wear,
but sleep I do not dare,
no man's land is all I will see,
and my dead friends welcoming me,
I start to nod into sleeping fright,
but again I fight,
I start to hear singing from across the field,
delusions I yield,
but again I hear,
and every now and then a cheer,
all drained of fear,
I pop my head up and see the Germans singing,
Christmas carols ringing?
A mate next to me starts to sing the same tunes,
so I pick it up and more do,
we must be loons,
but the singing together goes all through the night,
British and Germans, ever the hard ***** are singing too,
in the morning a brave chap gets out of the trench,
walks across the field that has the death stench,
no fire comes upon him nor gas,
but a man from the otherside gets up and rushes to meet him fast,
I dont see what they are saying but they exchange cigarettes and matches,
then the peace hatches,
we all get up on both sides and go talk with our enemies from yesterday,
we only smile because there is nothing to say,
except today is Christmas and we both want to go home,
but tomorrow we will both be firing at each other alone,
a football game break out and our commanders are even smiling,
no order to pour into filing,
just smoking pipes and waiting for it to end,
we show each other pictures of our girls and what they send,
no longer two side,
but two humans that needed someone in to confide,
we shake hands and go back to our trenches,
sit on our poorly built benches,
and wait till tomorrow when we are no longer a son,
but enemies trying to **** each one.
One of my favorite stories of ww1, the two sides actually stopped for more than a day and the captains had to say fight or its considered mutiny, because how these guys couldnt fight someone they knew was a someone, and not just the enemy.
I cant deny it,
another night of a lonesome fit,
craving to be in love with someone all over again,
but to craven to talk to a girl even then,
just wanting to not go through the steps,
at the same time I do,
I guess I am just a mess,
and fall in love with every girl that shows me the least bit of kindness,
or attention,
so I'll sit in my isolation detention,
dreaming of a girl who's face is gone every time I wake,
chasing an invisible girl for chasing's sake,
and this ****** big bed has teeth,
I just need some beautiful thief,
to steal some covers.
I feel like this one has too much self pity, ******.  She has to come sometime, right...right? ******.
Going back to that empty house is my biggest fear,
walk in the door and everything gone,
and no cigarette smoke to make everything clear,
with no best friend and no running water, this isnt real its a con,
it has to be,
I'll pack as fast as I can just to get out to sea,
leave my small town and just leave,
but its never so simple for packing takes time,
and I'll tell myself everything will be fine,
but this anxiety is a stone in the bottom of my stomach,
that never stops rolling,
this is no home anymore just a doorway,
to a place that I can not stay,
so I'll run away as far as I can,
and all the memories from the past month from my mind I'll ban,
look back someday and think they wore better,
but by then happiness will hopefully be in my grasp or in within reach,
because I'll be serenading girls who dont know what I'm saying,
at the beach.
I'll take off and look on my biggest small town and feel sad.  Just because nostalgia is a hell off a drug.
You kept changing from one door to the next,
I couldn’t reach you in time like every ex,
You’d step through a door and I would try to fallow,
But every room had been cleared and hallow,
I reached finally and grabbed your arm and looked in the eyes,
And you were beautiful,
But you said you need to go,
With eyes of hate and anger was now all you could show,
And to let to let go of her arm,
I begged you to please don’t,
And you said you wont,
My satellite ran into your semi in the sky,
And we both flew down to earth,
So I let go of your arm.
but even after the morning this dream is still here.
A spontaneous creation unmatched,
to create a conversation is not a  plan that can be hatched,
it happens without you know it had began,
and it ends and rebirths without knowing it can,
like a different show but all the actors the same,
it cant be loud nor tame,
but afterwords you feel proud,
because it happened,
and something inside of you was tapped in,
to be able to share something that is hard to do,
a spontaneous creation in lieu,
of you being human.
Lets have a conversation dear reader? oh  and here's this-
Any Random seemingly unexplained connection(s) between two people who are disconnected, ties that person to the other in a mathematical world infinitely. They become forever connected in their disconnectedness.
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Half lives
He walks down a street in the teenage wasteland,
Listening to a no named band,
Everyone loves,
A cold smile and watered eyes,
The wind is showing him the way,
He feels an empty pack of cigarettes and feels their comforting lies,
And tries to keep ahead of his own,
He feels the wind blown,
In his hoodie and his hair,
So he forces to stare,
At oncoming cars and pries into their life,
A young couple laughing that cuts through the cold like a dulled knife.

She cant believe she’s here,
But amidst the guilt and fear,
He grabs her hand,
And feels it all blow away like sand,
She starts to laugh,
As he does in their little car,
A moment she cant let go,
So she holds his larger than life hand,
Laughing with the band, laughing with the music,
She sees a man walking down the street in the snow,
And once again she is sick.
She leans her head against the window and looks at an old man in the next car.

Memories fading but always the more clear,
There used to be a swingset at that park shaped like a deer,
We had been there with the kids,
Smiling like the young couple in the car next to me,
They were laughing a second ago,
But like all good memories and shows, I suppose too that had to go,
Shake it away old man like you can do so well,
Its not their fault you’re living in a museum hell.
A man walking down the street smiles at me,
Or is that just what I wanted to see?

He realizes who she is,
From an old life,
Turning his head he sees an old man stare him down so he shoots a smile,
No one notices and the snow is beginning to make things cold and wet,
He says he should go home he bets,
And as the ghost stops laughing and puts her head on the glass in front of him,
The prideful son,
Takes over and he makes a left,
It wasn’t her besides you were the theft,
That took her for granted in everyway,
Some words come out and he hears himself say,
Ill just go this way.

Her head is making the glass fog around as it starts to go numb,
So she lifts it off the glass and stares at the fog,
Draws a cartoon dog,
And smiles in admiration of her work,
It starts to disappear,
And again she starts to feel the fear,
Fear he will leave her again,
Fear she will leave him to do protectin’
Our lives are not our own,
Like changing songs on the radio,
Everyone has a time when they need to go,
He’s rubbing her hand with his thumb to ease the anxiety.
The light turns green.

He feels it worse than the cold,
He says he should pull out his phone and make a call,
But hes not that bold,
She looked happy anyway,
They deserve to be this way,
Like a radio station changing’ a song,
This life forever too short always feeling long,
He punches the walk button to make it go quicker,
As if he could outrun her.

My muesum is too crrouded with ghosts,
I walk into it too often to make made up toasts,
“may the Gods keep the wolves in the hills and the women in our beds!”
Ill exclaim and hold up a glass to the shadows,
A tar black hand looses bit of shadow on me as it says it loves me,
The shadow keeps it hand on it till I shake out of the museum,
A car honking and a *******, yeah I can see them,
The light is green.

Was it a shade?
She turns up the music to drown her thoughts,
But it turns back to late nights on his ****** moth eaten cots,
Forces it to the man by her side,
He hasn’t lied,
He has only made her feel like it on the night she cried,
The man next to her is quiet,
But that happens after you make the music hurt,
That was my fault in the end,
Always is.
“I’m sorry.”
She reaches her phone and types the words but doesn’t hit send,
Changes it some new word blend.

Where to go when all there is snow?
And no money to show,
Or else he’d have spent it on more smokes,
The snow soaks,
Need to follow my feet,
And keep walking down the street,
Anywhere is fine to get the sublime,
To feel warm and at home,
Again he tries to pull out his phone,
But the words slink and slide on his mind,
“I’ll be fine.”
He should delete that ******* text.
First attempt at a long poem, hopefully add more but would love to have feedback on if I should or scrap it and start a new one
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Hello again James
Hello jealousy,
why are you calling me so profusely?
I needed to ask how are things,
you cant let me just stay away?
you cant deny my timings,
well now things are different and I said goodbye with better rhymings?
I have someone new now,
we both cant move on so just admit I am tall, dark, and handsome,
no answer and she is taking away the fun,
is he here for you in the end?
yes, with a smile in her voice, he's my new boyfriend.
I tell her I'll say something sweet but the words dont come,
a beautiful end of with a dial tone sun,
it tastes bitter sweet,
yet blinding and no simple feat,
I text her saying needing her to know she will be fine,
no response,
like the first time a butterfly came and said hello,
The feeling wont go.
so yes I have to point oot the obvious, I was talking to a girl and she is my jealousy because of the new boyfriend...I read the first line and it just seemed like I was talking with myself..
Dec 2013 · 519
a ring
It won't stop in my ear,
a ring and no one is answering,
no one will pick up,
a stupid cause with no end,
take care I send,
but to no response,
this is the end.
Dec 2013 · 468
i asked
She told me to go away,
when all I wanted was to have her stay,
to run is easy,
and I'll take her heartbreak,
as long as I have a stake,
in hher life and her heart,
but she ran from the start,
and I'm just staying at still.
I tried.
Dec 2013 · 383
up late
I asked,
why up so late?
begging myself to ask for a date,
falling asleep in a drunken dream,
everything is what it may seem,
asked a random girl for a date,
never did and I guess that is what I hate,
leaving soon and should have done it sooner,
unanswered phone and I'm loosing my religion.
keep writing till the end of the bin,
this being that is my greatest sin.
Dec 2013 · 441
in less than a month.
Telling myself to start afresh,
but change and I could never mesh,
who can? I say alloud,
to shake this and I need to feel proud,
to my parents and my ghosts,
I need to be the host,
instead of being just another guest,
start afresh,
leaving before I know,
but still feeling stupidly low,
what to do when you need to start anew?
guess I'll pack my bags.
Dec 2013 · 578
damnit, i need to stop.
Dance with me,
so baby maybe you'll see,
my bright points,
and my poorly rolled joints,
dance with me in every way,
I can hope with your eyes,
and I want you to stay,
going through a beautiful loop,
we try not to,
take your hand and dance in lieu,
the fact I never could stay,
but in the end I'm just a child,
and I'll always be this way.
Marry me.
Dec 2013 · 516
writing too much.
Its academic in a way,
to recross what we say,
a dance for the time,
because at least I know you were mine,
a museum in my mind,
that I retreat to to avoid the line,
they aren't coming and neither am I,
so watch the end of a movie and try to sleep,
the hero loves to die.
Pouring oot through fingers on fire.
Dec 2013 · 450
A jacket I used to keep her warm,
clothes that I have worn,
too many in a box,
sitting at her house with locks,
I sent the message,
**** it I tried.
*takes a shot*
Dec 2013 · 526
a dance
I said marry me,
in sly tones and a sense of decency,
she said I was drunk and needed a nights rest,
so I said she out of all my friends was best,
eating pancakes she had to go,
I'll sit here and watch the snow,
I hate this show,
my life and every song,
so I texted her and asked, "why does it feel so wrong?"
no one has an answer because they feel it too,
I guess I'll see it,
when the snow falls anew.
I'll ask her again.
Dec 2013 · 444
10 w(again)
Who deems a life a tragedy,
God or The Poet.
A criss cross,
forever remembering and always forgetting what we loss,
a forever skating of our lives,
a distant memory of a lie,
the strings that twist our lives and hearts,
we look back to the pages that are blanked,
we look back with a panic,
and people call us manic,
"just move on" they say with a sly tone,
but they don't realize,
is we want them to answer their ******* phone,
I'll flip the pages to read tomorrow,
because I pray there is less sorrow
Dec 2013 · 430
it's lame
She is gone,
I should have stayed with the song,
but i couldn't love so long ago,
now I hear ******* and go,
why do networks exist?
if not to feel bad for our sins o' list?
I am falling asleep to your picture,
but like a useless lecture,
you will ignore it,
so **** this ****,
I'll send messages saying I am sorry,
but I would have better luck turning air into gold in a quarry,
a simple line,
that my life depends on the line,
it's ok
I'm sorry.
Dec 2013 · 520
10 w
I loved that smile,
no one inside,
inside is beckoning.
Dec 2013 · 2.7k
I ask how she's been,
like a villain,
she says she can smile,
without me and for a while,
I'll believe,
but I'm running too,
to a place that is new,
where I can serenade girls that dont know what I say,
with poems of beauty and they will stay,
smiling and I'll kiss them,
she knows what I am saying,
but ignores the flaying,
of my muse and myself,
I guess it is for my own health,
I tell her that she is a badass,
along with all that I loved when a lass,
but she is my past,
and I am running to my future
She told me I irritated her and to delete her I did and told her I am glad she is irritated because at least she is feeling something
Stepping oot into the air,
and it burns your lungs so you question your dare,
in particular there is no where,
that is pushing you oot there,
but a when,
the dark street adds and takes away,
as film reels play blue memories from brighter days,
were they really that great?
because you were still walking late,
when it was still cold,
but the reels dont stop,
and the nostalgia makes you check the clock,
to make sure your still in the right tight time
turn off the films, put 'em back in the corner of your mind
where they always reside,
and just go back inside.
It published it aboot half way through by accident which totally threw me off so it ends kinda wonky
Phone a ringing,
first time since yesterday as the day  was a gleaming,
my life isn't straight,
and I don't want to wait,
but keeping me here isn't a house,
its a girl that laughs like a mouse,
wishing to take it all away,
I choke and say,
goodbye and hang it up,
bags a packed and cant burn no fire,
I'm a terrible liar,
when I say goodbye,
because how can one be good,
the word is used and misunderstood,
you called in a time of need,
and I was to tired to say what was right,
phone a ring, first time since yesterday,
when all you wanted me to say,
was **** them, and you are the one that makes me ok.
Dec 2013 · 797
Got to see the irony.
"Outside fat snowflakes are falling on slanted roofs"
an end of early times whiskey,
with a name that is too perfect,
is at its last shot,
my last cigarette in hand,
I take my time to enjoy both.
The sun is rising.
Not much of a pros guy, but lets see how it works :)
Dec 2013 · 612
No death is simple.
I see a door,
not closing like before,
opening with grandeur and grace,
inside a beautiful place,
that I have seen a million times but never laid my eyes on it,
so I wait and sit,
surrounded by black,
till a hand reaches oot and gives my face a smack,
"we are all waiting and you keep us hung up like you always do,"
a warm touch on my now red cheek,
its my Naru and she's smiling bright,
begging me to come into the warm light,
I take the steps to go through the doorway,
a perfect end to a tragic play,
everyone I see is smiling at me,
with drinks and cigarettes that dont ****,
this is my death, my thrill,
"do you believe in an afterlife?"
I believe in a door opening to the loves of my life.
Kinda ripped off from cloud atlas, but so far its my favorite thought of death.
Im dropping my phone slow, no where to go, a provocative photo to, a dance in the snow, a kiss without ending, a night with a show, a shoulder with out crying, and gone to fast but forever slow, I'll hold you until our forever sunrise, and kiss away our rapture lies, you will hold onto me tight, and we'll holds until the end of the night
For my Naru that will never be...
Dec 2013 · 284
My sins are following me,
wherever I may go.
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
I used to be handsome.
What's in store, For the used up *****, Washed up with no dignity to show, But there was no way to know, Because they started brilliant and bright, But now, its clawing in darkness searching for a scrap of light, They had the world at the ready, With a dream that's forever and steady, But courses change from time to time, Go back a few years and see the sign, They never had a chance, Their life deemed a tragedy in a hypnotist trance, They had all the tools, To make art and words again cool, who's to know if they will turn around again, But It might be too late to make things right, So check on me again tomorrow night.
Stupidly depressing but this was a night a few months ago my badassery failed me and had to write it down.. almost considered not posting it or changing the title...but ***** it right?
You sell your paintings on the street,

I sell my writing on the black market,

we will keep at it till we meet,

I will sing my lyrics on an old carpet,

you will paint until your pictures bleed,

I will write with such a need,

you paint to make things real,

I write just to feel,

we will keep at it even if there is no meal,

you paint to scream,

I write to forget my nightmare, my dream

You paint with colors dark and bright

I write to make things right,

you paint with emotion,

I write what is in sight,

we will keep at it till this festival is revealed to light,

you paint what you see,

I write to see me,

you paint in the parts of this screaming town,

I write to make a lover wear a wedding gown,

we will keep at it till there is no sound.

You paint about me in this dizzy trance,

and I will write about you in advance,

we will keep at it till the end of our dance

and show each other what we have done.
One of the few I have edited after sure I repeat myself in a way, but I think it keeps it simpler but gives it a better rhythm
Dec 2013 · 786
I'm smiling too.
Bella donna are you smiling?
let me hold you tight,
and take away your pain tonight,
as friends is fine,
I'm so **** cheesy I know you don't know what side of the line,
you are leaning towards today,
because I'll always chase you,
a hopeless romantic born this way
even if you aren't mine,
just smile,
I'll stay longer than the expected while,
run from me for you,
but don't run because you have to,
there is no protecting me with your back,
so smile,
because kid I swear by the moon and the sun,
you look so much better with one
Alright so yea...kinda lame..but I do hope whoever is reading this one does smile, because even though I dont know you...I know you do look better with one, and just for kicks..I'll smile too.
Dec 2013 · 962
Simple yet elegant.
Sing me something sweet,

play a nice a beat on repeat,

simple yet elegant,

take my mind off the rant,

take my mind off the day,

do it in some crazy way,

make it spontaneous,

my soul wants it instantaneous,

take me a place in a universe,

dont need any verse,

dont need any burst,

do it in some easy way,

remind me of May,

sunny and in tune,

play it till noon,

take me over like a wave,

something to nod to in my grave,

simple yet intoxicating,

to stop my minds debating,

make it easy and to keep,

into my head to creep.

Sing me something sweet,

play a nice beat on repeat.
Probably in my top 3 favorites I have ever wrote, just love the idea that not everything elegant has to be complicated so I tried to come up with stupidly simple rhymes and I think it turned oot pretty badass

I plant a kiss that rolls of her lips,


I want to chug this drink of love, but she is only giving sips,


Sad eyes meet each other,


But a hicky staring at me is from another,


I plant one more,


Hoping to make her lips sore,


A rip in the real,


The dance on the dead,


She says she needs to walk away


Or at least thats what I thought she said,


I can't change the past,


Cant change anyway.


There is nothing either of us can say,


This is the end of my day.


She did end up driving away,Wrote when 20 (now 23), didn't like it too much back then but now I like the simplicity of it and the Bing from car door still haunts me.
A person alone,
standing somewhere unknown,
a parking garage's top floor,
looking on people at the movies and casinos in score,
every one looking forward while one stares down,
at all that inhabit this big city small town,
the families and singles alike,
trying to escape their stationary bike,
hearing barely intelligible dreams and bemoans,
no one notices the person above alone,
the mountains mingling with skyscrapers and skylines,
all looking no one searching for something to take off their minds,
there's a cool chill,
and the person soon drunk enough of the scene to have their fill,
but doesn't back even when it starts to snow,
for they have no where to go,
cept stare at the scene of beauty down below,
the pull their phone out and write this poem,
still no one looks up and sees the person alone.
There is a stump with a lawn chair on top in a yard with dirt,

no one knows how it got there, like a cheesy line insert,

some say the Gods struck it down upon yonder tree stump,

other folks say the lawn chair was dipped in the same stuff as Achilles,

that was some reason left at the dump,

but lock in a bond they are,

through wind and winter,

they locked tight as if holding hands in a ***** bar,

you may ask me what I think in some way or another,

but I think they are lovers frozen in bodies that never feel the sacrifice of weather,

holding onto what they can that stay still,

you may ask once again,

and I both despise and love their will.
Wrote in '10 had to put a chair on a stump my dog would jump onto, and somehow it stayed up there for a year surviving the elements of Nevada, wrote this in month 9 of that beautiful image.
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
A typical poker night.
Lady Gaga's poker face is off,

While I hear Dr.Frankenstein maniacal cough,

Marlyn's eyes pacing and keeping with her anxieties,

with Bob Dylan telling her about his newest sobrieties,

Bunch a ******* cards says Loretta Lynn,

I'm all in says he with the masochistic words written on his chin,

Gaga throws her dark shades on her slave Popculture,

he bows and tries to back out the door,

When Elvis and Kerry Grant grab his collar,

and tell him to earn his dollar.

My hand is nothing but missed connections,

and different lives I might have lived.

I fold.
Read it, She says with sly eyes and a caring voice, There is my choice, Be fine, pack your briefcase, hat, and pen, There is never a place to go, only a when, Don't walk up to the house and knock, You'll see only the girl with saddness in her little walk, You have choice, put away the pen, walk away with prideful sin, And never come back, But your tied to her heart and the type, So sit down and see what you write, But there is nothing. You stand in the doorway of other people's memories, Watching them sing and close your fist at the sight of weak knees, Grit your teeth and curse inside, But never let them see you cry, Old man you have too much pride, Take your notes and move onto the next room, Things I'll never do, always and forever, Stare with trivial eyes at a place I thought I had hidden. This is madness.
Dec 2013 · 642
By: The Poet.
News feeds and nose bleeds,

staring back through the screen,

shouting, and screaming,

everyone is doing fine if you catch my meaning,

photographers and band members,

but the poet, no one remembers,

singers are showing their songs,

and painters are filling their bongs,

messengers going on benders,

but the poet, no one remembers,

they are burning up the page,

with their eyes filled with ambitious rage,

saying things that have meanings to another,

everyone likes,

everyone acts like future lenders,

but the poet, no one remembers,

everything is great,

in the pictures they take,

doing something that matters to the rest of the Earth,

people heralding what they have done since their birth,

born into ambition,

showing another used up rendition,

to them, it is but just the beginning of soon to be embers,

but the poet, no one remembers
This is my usual format so if you look at my other poems not like this you can get a better idea of what they should look like
Think of her as the pills go down the hatch, ask for a cigarette and strike the match, think of her as take a drag, try to hide that your mad, mad at you and yourself, take a drag think of her and cry over your degrading health, breed the pity, and walk with a crutch, old man you can't take much, before you wind up here, stare at dying the dying cigarette with fear, two more doesn't matter, when its all that's left.
Follow the commas and get the breaks
I should have run to Japan, to be the writer that I can, to sing folk to girls who are smiling because they can, I should have road the rails, staring at the never ending cities with hearts ablaze, ducking down into a dreamland maze of alley ways, give my poems to hobos and gays, and find any naru to sing karaoke, go into dens and clubs that traded air for smoking, I'd be the talk of toast, and the **** of the island, or I'd get drunk with samurais on a foam pylon, I'd ask a geisha to dance, but get nervous and spill my drink all over my pants, I'd go with malcontents and roughdy otakus as we hit the arcades on speed, I'd stay at a hotel and get married married in the states, I'd fall in love with a girl for a weekend and shed tell me she hates fancy dinners but loves dates, I would end up sleeping in the hills, high and full of chills, I'll tell school children what the stars mean, even though they can't be seen, I'll write a poem about my sin, of wanting my right, my right of a writing man, in Japan.
The title is suppose to be about Naru, a fictional character(who has green eyes)  but represents that true love
Nov 2013 · 424
I said I'm sorry in a tone,
I always feel alone,
but you know the right words,
a humming to rival birds,
as you clean the dishes,
I proclaimed I'll make you proud,
in a voice so loud,
even rocks thought it was true,
no resentment no grudge,
even though you'll never budge,
on seeing me better than what I am,
so as I know I can call once the day is done,
every hero was a son,
I couldn't ask more and I hope my own sees me like I see you,
no other words can be my hero my father,
but I love you.
My padre is sjr1000 and I look up to his writing and I felt I never have done him justice...hopefully this is a start.
Ive seen the end, a  beautiful end to rival summer, transforming into fall, a heart stall, as another word is said, I fall and smile to the dance of the dead, I don't fear what may come, because every moon has a sun, a dance with dragons, and a simple song gone with the wagons, I don't fear what you surmise, because even with doomsday there is still a beautiful sunrise, don't be scared of what may come, because every moon needs a sun, I'm scared I might be trying, and with your smile I'm scared you are losing, there are many to say they loved me and I attempting to return the favor but will never do, just know as friends or less...ill never forget or leave ..
Nov 2013 · 460
She has a boyfriend.
I watched myself die, a gunshot to the heart, as tears began to poor from the sky. Tears cut rivers into my stone cold face, as I drift backwards, I feel like a disgrace, for this is the moment when I feel like running away, but I have no where to go, so I want her to know, that I watched myself die. She puts up a smile and kisses her new love, as the rain pours from above, as all fades to black, she turns her back, and walks away. I heard her say, I love you to me, but as I drift, no love I can see. I can feel the pain from the lie, as I watch myself die. it will be just a faded memory, of what nots, and to be's. You'll find someone James, they will speak, but as I fall backwards, I feel cold, and weak, because I dont have the energy to seek, another in my life, for I dreamt of this girl of being my wife. No real gun or knife, used in this death in anyway. I watched my self die today. The shot still rings my ears, and awakens all those very real fears, because my guess was right, and now my day is a everlasting night. The heavens cried with rain as they witnessed the end of the play. I watched myself die today
Written when I was 18(now 23) havnt changed it or edited it, hell even kept the title, once again format is lazy, just follow the commas and you'll know my breaks
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