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The Darkness Nov 2014
Is he a momma's boy
or a daddy's boy?
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Old Bitches Die Hard
The Darkness Nov 2014
Gonna be a trail of tears
for the ***** that cried wolf.
Gonna scalp his white  hair,
and chuck his body off the roof.
And when he hits the ground
his spirit guide will show up.
To say he wouldn't be dead
if is *** had shut up.
Old ******* die hard
but for him it'd be a mercy.
His only joy in life
is posting weak *** verse.
The burial ground
were I leave him won't be cursed.
How we did the Cherokee was bad,
but what's in store for him is worse.
Nov 2014 · 730
Out Of Retirement
The Darkness Nov 2014
Backtrailing IP's
I tracked you down through the fog.
Call up all my old dogs
gonna gut you like a hog.
Wrap you up in a rug,
dump the body in a bog.
And if you try to run,
get at my dogs.

Keep your friends close
cause I'm closing in.
Once I have you in my hands
then the fun begins.
Make a necklace from your teeth,
and kid gloves from your skin.
You can fight back if you like,
but you will never win.

Got a PHD in pain,
a lifetime of regrets.
A band of ugly brothers
who draw straws and place bets,
on who will be the first to catch you,
snare your *** in their nets.
You've opened up this can of hate
don't be suprised what you get.

It ain't *** whupping I'm planning
I assure you that its worse.
I solve problems with my hands
you seal your fate with your verse.
If your buddies back you up
they can join you in the hearse.
This train is rolling down the track
can't put this sucker in reverse.

I'm a terminal case
so I don't care if I'm caught.
Don't try to buy a reprieve
cause we can't be bought.
Gonna tighten the noose
till its nice and taught.
All your silly little words
were all for naught.

I haven't picked up the sword
in over ten years.
But, when I catch up with you
it won't be to drink some beers.
Bloods never tire of screams
that ****'s music to our ears.
May I introduce myself,
I'm the sum of your fears.
NYC Bloods cut up CowardsRunninInPackS
Nov 2014 · 634
I Wonder...
The Darkness Nov 2014
...Is there anything more pretentious than unsolicited advice?
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
The Darkness Nov 2014
**** rises to the top

Gold sinks to the bottom.
Monkeys love playing with ****.
The Darkness Nov 2014
The cold mouth of the bottle
never told me it loved me,
but, it never told me it hated me neither.
It never spouted a geyser of derision
designed to drown my heart,
and brow beat me into submission.
It  never caressed my cheek,
a second before trying to scratch out my eyes.
It never called the lone declaration of my affection
a pack of halfassed lies.
It might **** me one day,
suffocate my brain, and perforate my liver...
But, the bottle never told me it loved me,
before trying to destroy me.
"Drink me ***!"
Captain Scaggs
Nov 2014 · 531
Is Your Love Really True?
The Darkness Nov 2014
Would you
knife fight the Devil
In a category Five Hurricane for it?

Call me a skeptic,
but, something tells me
that you wouldn't.
If you would, than maybe you know where I am standing.
Oct 2014 · 532
Bush Said It Best
The Darkness Oct 2014
Mission ******* finally ******* accomplished, *******!!!
Okay, so I paraphrased. But, sometimes you have to beat your face against the wall of anothers delusion so long, that when they finally see the truth, it is a blessing for you, but a burning spiral of anger and pain for them. They think they have found something wonderful and lasting, but when you show them that the thing they cherished was, is and will always be a worthless *******, then tthey often take it hard. Humorously enough they typically take it out on that which failed them, when they should be kicking their own head in for not seeing it sooner. ******* fools have all the facts, and yet they cannot see. The thing you thought you loved was never meant to be. But, a hate-filled monstrosity will never set that thing free. The moral of the story is, "Don't fall in love with something that isn't worth loving. Don't waste time on a waste of life. The greatness you thought you saw, whatever it may have been, it is no more. Take pride though, because you had your own part in this silly ******* mess.
Sep 2014 · 650
Bite Me, Blondie
The Darkness Sep 2014
She was mad
when she found out
I have a heart of glass...

..It cut up her mouth
something awful.
Sep 2014 · 856
The Perfect Hp Poem
The Darkness Sep 2014
Cliche about love.
Cliche about depression.
Cliche about death.

Semi-clever play on words.
Stolen line, weak metaphor.

Trending in T-minus

Mediocrity complete.
Sep 2014 · 459
HP is
The Darkness Sep 2014
The Breakfast Club

without the Brain.
May 2013 · 827
The Polished Glass
The Darkness May 2013
What a ****** up
Corpse strewn
gorgeous globe
I see.
The one's who aren't dead
are scarred and scared,
and they mutilate themselves
and bury their names.
But an image of what was
always remains.
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
Unforgiven Eternally
The Darkness Mar 2013
You ******* monster!
What you have done is unforgivable.
Keep producing mongoloid monologues,
But, the best of what you were is gone.
I ******* hate you for what you have done.
There is no going or coming back.
I hope you ******* suffer,
You selfish, needy *****.
I hope you are happy,
Because now I know who you really are.
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves,
You lying, self-centered ******* animals.
The faces you will put on today
Are ******* filthy fragmented foolish friendless freaks.
You hate me, your actions prove it,
But not half as much as I now hate you,
You petty *****.
Sep 2012 · 769
Good For You Girl
The Darkness Sep 2012
Climb up out of the gutter,
Take her hand.
Forget about Mr. Yesterday.
He was never any good anyway.
Every one in forevereverland would **** their own mothers
To kiss your orangeblossum lips.
He was never worth them anyway.
Follow the signs,
His time is nearly gone.
You couldn't have kicked him into the cold to die
At a better time.
I'd say, think of the good times,
But for you I know there weren't any.
So pretend you are him,
And remember any second he spent with you.
Sep 2012 · 845
That's All There Is
The Darkness Sep 2012
Its like the early days,
except I'm no wild card any longer.
the game has changed, I have proven the lack of my worth.
Why bother now.
Why fight over scraps.
That's all there is.
Sep 2012 · 1.3k
J'yall Is K'wayzee
The Darkness Sep 2012
Tricky tom took a time bomb and tucked it between tracey's ****,
And it blew my mind.
What does it take to preserve a life form in line 'em up and **** 'em town?
I know two things,
And I have eaten an otter from sublimation.
And I still am not sure who she really is.
Now if the ushers will direct eceryune to there seets...
The Darkness Sep 2012
You can jump up and down and say
What a dumb **** I am,
But ask yourself,
Given my resources and abilities,
Could you do any better.
Did you, or don't you remember.
Sep 2012 · 713
Fine Then
The Darkness Sep 2012
I can't put my hands on you
And shake you till you believe me...
So if my words don't mean **** to you,
Then fine then.
Go have fun with your girlfriends.
It's your loss.
I was alone before you,
And I'm ******* stronger than you think.
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
Scrape (haiuku)
The Darkness Sep 2012
Smoking pipe resin
Is much better than smoking
Nothing at all.
Sep 2012 · 1.3k
Musing #3
The Darkness Sep 2012
Primative man, pre written word had it easy,
When it came to wooing a woman,
It was as easy as
Lugging a 150 lb log
A few miles,
Fending off a pack of wolves with a stick and a torch,
All so your Cro-Magnon flower could have something to sit on,
To keep off the cold cave floor,
While she weaves baskets, and cures skins.
The simple song,
Or the rabbit pelt and the shiny stone
Have devalued, since the arrival of currency.
But a poem,
Masterfully crafted,
Is a currency all its own.
The value of which is determined,
Not by the poet...
But by the reader.
Sep 2012 · 1.5k
Never Enough
The Darkness Sep 2012
Looking like a *******,
And repeating these same words everyday
Was not enough.
It was never enough.
I am not enough.
I will never be enough.
Hurting others
To try and put a smile on your face.
Rejecting all else...
Not enough...
My style of worship isn't appreciated..
Not enough.
Never enough.
Ever enough?
Never enough
Aug 2012 · 1.0k
Musing #2
The Darkness Aug 2012
Has anyone ever actually eaten a desiccant packet.
I mean, has anyone picked a packet from a bag of jerky
And said "This doesn't look like jerky, and it doesn't feel like jerky,
Let me eat it anyway"
And, even if someone did eat one,
And they died..
Would it really be a bad thing to get rid of someone that stupid?
Aug 2012 · 1.4k
Musing #1
The Darkness Aug 2012
I've heard people say love doesn't exist,
And by some definitions, maybe it doesn't exist.
But seriously, if you look at it this way,
People take pleasure in making other people happy.
Not all people sure. Some people are wired wrong,
Sadists and homicidal obsessives, actively serve
What I would call hate. Yet they do so with seeming indifference.
But, on average, the joy of giving joy exists, on some form.
Even ego-centric actors and politicians,
Who seem to be driven by selfish goals,
But even they take a measure of pleasure,
When a fan says "Hey I saw you guys in the Meadowlands,
And you rocked, best concert of my life!"
"Senator Williams, I just wanted to thank you personally
For the kind words you said about my son,
It brought some closure to our loss."
When you have a particular person who you enjoy pleasing,
And who you know enjoys pleasing you,
Well , what do you call that?
Take it a step further, and add the fact, that when that person is hurting
You hurt. Their pain
Becomes yours.
Now, occasional petty jealousy aside,
Isn't it fair to call that feeling something?
Call it love, call it Love, call it Tigger Yum Yum,
But don't deny it exists.
Because I've seen it with my own eyes.
And I believe them before I believe silly lies.

If a monster like me could find that feeling,
And live inside of it...
Anyfuckingbody can.
Aug 2012 · 894
The Darkness Aug 2012
Did you hear the news?
Someone hijacked HP.
Aug 2012 · 3.0k
Forbidden Fruit
The Darkness Aug 2012
They say
that the real forbidden fruit in the bible,
wasn't actually an apple,
but a pomegranate...
which I can believe.
I takes an hour and twenty five minutes to eat one,
and they leave your mouth and fingers
all red and sticky.
Apples are a pretty tame snack in comparison,
makes you wonder what the moral of any story really is.
Aug 2012 · 922
Re-up Day
The Darkness Aug 2012
The sun isn't shining,
But it will be.
The birds aren't singing,
But they will be.
The weather isn't sweet,
But it will be.
There's no dancing in the street,
But there will be.
The air is not filled with song,
But it will be.
I haven't fixed what I did wrong,
But it will be.

Even if it isn't
Who cares?

It's re-up day,
And when I open that zip lock bag, and inhale the fragrance of maddening bliss,
And pack up, spark the blue butane, and pull the essence inside me,
All the silly ******* will vanish, and I will smile, because Mary Jane always comes back to me.
And when she is with me
The sun shines,
The birds sing,
The weather is sweet,
there's dancing in the street,
The air is filled with song,
I've corrected all my wrongs,
And I smile like a man who is glad to die,
As I take that first hit, from my bubbling ****.
Aug 2012 · 1.3k
Your Love Helped Me Kill It
The Darkness Aug 2012
Words once spent cannot be refunded,
And harsh words between lovers
Cut twice as deep. I can erase the horrible things I say,
But a wound is still left on you, the person I love the most.
I will clean and dress that wound for you, until it closes
And heals, and I will kiss it each day, until the pain fades away,
And leaves behind nothing but the tiny scar,
which we add to the collection of the scars we both bear,
And the list of trials and tribulations that have made our love stronger.
Knowing my words hurt you so, rips my intestines out trough my mouth,
Flays my skin with a razor made of salt, and dunks my feelings
In a vat of acid,
And it is what I deserve
For hurting someone who does so much for me,
And grants me the freedom to be me.
I can say I'm sorry until the frozen hell melts again,
And it wont make a difference,
I will instead, show you I am sorry,
From this day forward
I won't cut you again,
My goblin of cruel words is dead.
Your love helped me **** it.
Aug 2012 · 2.3k
The Pine Floorboards
The Darkness Aug 2012
The pine floorboards, cover my work.

The pine floorboards, creak at the spot I ripped them up.

I didn't want to **** her,
But she made me insane,
In a fit of rage,
I put a hatchet Right through her ******* brain.

The pine floorboards, cover my work.

The pine floorboards, stained red at the spot I took her life.

Underneath the earth,
In a dark crawlspace,
That's where you'll find my love,
Sleeping oh so peacefully,
Underneath the pine floorboards.
Aug 2012 · 2.7k
Quintuple Standards
The Darkness Aug 2012
A woman
Goes down
On a man,
Its objectification of women.

A man
Goes down
On a woman,
Its objectification
Of women.

A woman,
Is comfortable
With her sexuality,
And enjoys ***
She is a *****.

A man
Is comfortable
With his sexuality
and enjoys ***,
He is a ****.

Why can't men and women be sexually equal?
Once we have that,
Then we can work on that even pay
And glass ceiling thing.
Fifteen thousand plus years together on this planet, and men and women still don't respect each other.
Aug 2012 · 989
As Good A Spot As Any
The Darkness Aug 2012
An arms length from the abyss,
Lean forward, and I cease to exist.
I look down below and see the river Styx,
Fed by the blood of a billion slit wrists.
I reach down, and undo my zip.
This is as good a spot as any to take a ****.

The Devil's been ******* on me my whole life, it's time he got his.
Title suggestions appreciated.
Aug 2012 · 1.2k
The Darkness Aug 2012
I do not lie,
And you will not listen.
You don't like it,
Go **** yourself.
I love vinegar, some people like sugar.
The Darkness Aug 2012
not to jump
off the ledge
that we drove
each other
out on.
Aug 2012 · 791
The Darkness Aug 2012
I cut my thigh, to fill my well,
and moistened my pen,
so I could flow again.
I'm writing this
just to let you know,
that you can't hide from me.

Wherever you go,
I'll find you.
Whoever you become,
I'll see you.
Whenever you wonder
whether I still love you,
read this bloodletter,
and remember,
I will always love you...
until I hold your still beating heart,
in my palm,
and crush it in my fist.
Jul 2012 · 869
Fucked In The Head
The Darkness Jul 2012
On HP it's when you wait until they write a hate poem
before you respond to their love poem...
I'm ****** in the head,
but you already knew that.
Jul 2012 · 737
When To Quit
The Darkness Jul 2012
When the little girl inside your head
is a better man than you

That is when you know
that it's definitely
not the time to quit!
Only after you have achieved your dream, should you even consider quitting. Never before.
Jul 2012 · 1.0k
The Darkness Jul 2012
Ted Bundy received communications,
on average,
from 200 female admirers a day.

John Wayne Gacey's second wife,
met him while he was in prison,
serving a sentence
for ****** a young man.

More than 100 British women,
are currently engaged to men
on death row.

What's my point...

Men are crazy,
but women are ******* nuts!
Jul 2012 · 750
A Simple Fucking Question
The Darkness Jul 2012
I'll bite
right through your windpipe,
while you drive the icepick into my brain.
can we at least **** first, baby?
My old lady is crazy, but I ******* love her too.
Jul 2012 · 2.8k
Fucking Charger!
The Darkness Jul 2012
If I lose
my phone charger
one more time
I am
going to adopt a baby...
just so I have something to punch!
When are these jokers going to make a universal jack for these stupid things?
The Darkness Jul 2012
Don't get me wrong, I love this site, but we could be pushing the paradigm.
So here's the suggestion: I have posted five links to songs I enjoy listening to.
If you like my earlier work, you probably will like the songs too.
So, just pick one, and post a poem as a comment at the bottom of the page.
I will post a response poem, and anyone who wants to post a response after that can.
No comments, just response poems.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in,
well then listen, and write and post.

Hopefully we can turn this page into a deranged adventure.
Thank you for reading.





Jul 2012 · 1.0k
Me Love You Long Time
The Darkness Jul 2012
If all I needed is someone
to stroke my ego,
I would just go to the massage parlor.
But the things you do for me, baby...
you are a thousand times better
than any happy ending I can think of.
Yeah, I know it's a little racist. ******* deal with it.
The Darkness Jul 2012
I told you I love you,
I told you I need you,
I told you I forgive you.
How many affirmations do you need!?
Chill out, and come over here
and give me a ******* kiss already!
Jul 2012 · 1.2k
The Darkness Jul 2012
Your incessant snide comments
and stupid insinuations,
make me sick.
Have your fun, and mock me some more.
It's no wonder I hate you most of all.
You just can't stand it can you!
You can't let me be happy,
you silly grinning *******.
Go **** yourself.
Jul 2012 · 990
The Darkness Jul 2012
Why did you throw out
the pictures of the cottage,
you burned up my past?
A photo album tossed in the dumpster!
Jul 2012 · 1.1k
Simple Observation
The Darkness Jul 2012
I've never seen someone
who is laughing
their *** off,
pick up a ****** needle,
or a razorblade.
Jul 2012 · 813
Friendly Advice
The Darkness Jul 2012
Don't quit...
Unless you're beating your head
against a brick wall, you can't pierce.
In which case...******* stop!
There are people on the other side
trying to live their lives.
The Darkness Jul 2012
They all say it must of been the Devil.
Don't bother me, I don't care.
I don't need no credit.
I know that I was there.
The Devil ain't got **** on me,
although of him I'm well aware.

His demons are hot on my trail,
though they ain't seen no hide nor hair.
I can hear them calling my name,
their breathing boils the air.
Well the sons of ******* they don't know,
I live right up the stairs.

I'm goin' to see that woman,
but that woman, she won't see me.
Gonna cut her open,
let her blood run free.
Gonna slice and dice each vein twice,
slash her up with glee.

The lovely canvas of her body,
sprawled out on the floor.
If I only had the courage,
to let the razor spill the gore.
But the angels took my confidence,
left me blind of what's in store.
Someone on this site pointed out that my stuff is slipping. So I'll be changing my poetic style.
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
Life Sucks, Don't Quit, Spit
The Darkness Jun 2012
So your man up and left you,
now your always complaining.
No man is worth losing it over.
I can go get you a ******,
you want some midol honey?
You want somebody to come
rub on your tummy?
No, you wan't to spit!
Stop complaining bout your pain,
and start singing bout your pain.
You need to get out and stretch
let the razor do its thing
let the blood flow start
cut some suckers sixty ways.
You got a razor and your rage
take back the stage,
let your hate out the cage,
It doesn't matter if they don't engage.
Don't quit, spit, make art from your pain.
Its bout purging the bad feelings,
so you can get on with your life again,
you done enough crying for the day
now let the beast loose.
If your screaming
the pain wont last long,
shed some blood honey
till your ***** stops hurting.
For my sister, who broke up with her baby daddy. Crying all day, when there are a hundred fish out there in the sea. She still has her friends, even though she doesn't think so. It could be worse. Don't quit living, that's when you start dying.
Jun 2012 · 2.4k
Don't Quit Motherfucker
The Darkness Jun 2012
I see you wallowing there in your pit of sin,
saying prayers to make things the way they had been.
You ******* joker, look around, what has changed?
You're the only ******* not playing the game.
I've only been here for a couple of days, and I read your ****
Fool, get back in the game. And stop complaining bout gifts.
I'll only tell you once sailor, then I'll go get my knife.
Don't quit ******* or I'll take your life!
Get your head out of the grass.
Jun 2012 · 1.5k
Killers Don't Quit
The Darkness Jun 2012
Killers don't quit, cause quitters get killed
I'll be cutting fools down, till every grave is filled
Look into my eyes you'll find a nightmare
call the ******* cops, see if I care.
By the time they get here
I'll rip out your ******* hair.
You're afraid to look at me
in my eyes you see despair.
You're afraid of what you'll see
in my thousand yard stare.

Once you pick up bloodshed
you can never put it down,
until your ****** ******* body
is cold and dead in the ground.
I'll be swinging taking shots
at all you ******* clowns,
until every body wishes
that I never came around.

If you ain't a killer get back in your shack,
killers rule the day, always on the attack.
I've got a pocket full of bullets
and a grave that I need filled.
Killers don't quit
because quitters get killed.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
The Darkness Jun 2012
I'm the ***** *******
your mother
told you about.
The creeping evil ******
with the boxcutter.

I'm waiting at the station
for the lone cow
separated from the herd
to walk by.

So I can lash out with my boxcutter
and paint the world red.
Nothing makes me smile
like that little exhale of air
that escapes
when the throat is cut.
Nothing feels better
than bathing in the blood
of the so called ******* innocent.

Watch yourself.
My boxcutter and me are lurking.
All we ever do
is lurk, and wait
and cut up cattle.

You aren't careful...
You'll be next!
Next page