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Oct 2017 · 716
Yell Fire
Tessa F Oct 2017
You light yourself on fire
Trying to destroy the darkness that’s your reality
And your whole community comes to put it out.
Family, friends, everyone cares when the fire alarm goes off.
The hospital assesses the damage
Stamps out the flames
Then tosses you to the wind.
Now you’re just a pile of ash
Empty and barren and scorched,
People have stopped bringing water buckets these days
And yet you still choke on the smoke.
People who don’t have depression are obsessed with the Phoenix metaphor:
That from these embers you will rise again anew
But your depression is an ugly beast
That at full strength can even consume a Phoenix.
The truth is that you stay a pile of ashes for a long time
While you try to rebuild.
I just wish everyone would stick around and help with this burned and shaky structure of me.
I hate having to yell “fire”
Just to get someone to turn the sprinklers on.
Tessa F Oct 2015
I wanna write
but I'm afraid of what I'll say.
Its like the letters
are scared to be strung together.
Sep 2015 · 727
I Didn't Want to Know
Tessa F Sep 2015
You make knots in my throat
So big I can't breathe.
At least treat her better than me.
Aug 2015 · 530
Close Call (10w)
Tessa F Aug 2015
That girl dragging the knife,
Is she really still me?
Not this time.
Aug 2015 · 618
From Me to You
Tessa F Aug 2015
They're in the quiet whispers,
The fingertip brushes,
Edge of your smile,
Bags under my eyes,
Photos we keep,
Sponge on your back,
The exhaust of your car
that drove away this morning:
Fragments of my heart
That are yours now.
*I wouldn't mind if you kept them forever.
Jul 2015 · 499
Stop Coming Back (10wx2)
Tessa F Jul 2015
If a thousand wrongs aren't making it right,
Why do you still seek my forgiveness?
And then characteristically disappear again, as soon as you receive it.
Jul 2015 · 756
Too Far (10w)
Tessa F Jul 2015
If your arms are home,
I'm on a different planet.
I need to come back to you.
Jul 2015 · 580
Up From Muddy Waters
Tessa F Jul 2015
Come now dear,
There is no shame in asking for what you need.
This "handle with care" sign
Tentatively worn on your sleeve
Is your battle cry
As you once again bloom tall
With your gentle hands wide open
Ready to be filled up with as much of this life
As your lotus flower heart can bare.
Jul 2015 · 376
Common Ground (15w)
Tessa F Jul 2015
Like a tree swept up in a hurricane,
I'm trying to find my roots again.
Jul 2015 · 391
Get Help (10w)
Tessa F Jul 2015
Sending up smoke signals
Attempting to choke out the madness.
Jun 2015 · 507
Tessa F Jun 2015
This recovery is like a bruising.
My depression didn't quite pierce the surface and **** me,
But still I bleed on the inside
With the damage contained but still visible.
First my recovery was red and swollen,
A tender lump raised from battle
Still too wounded to accept the name "recovery."
But as red became purple
And my blues began to set in,
I leaked back into myself
Now a flood rather than a mountain
My depression slowly beginning to drown.
Green felt like a turning point,
New growth that didn't hurt as much when I poked it
(When my depression poked it.)
The flood seems to have run its course now,
Replaced by yellows and finally browns
As this burnt battlefield turned into new soil that settled back down again.
Recovery is slow, painful, and has many shades
However, our need for it is as consistent as a bruise,
And just as dependable to come to an end with time.
May 2015 · 427
Tessa F May 2015
We are the 3am mourners
Bad dream insomniacs
The wailing you shut out with your window
As we continuously search for hope
amongst the darkness.
We are a chorus of lost, deranged, damaged wolves
Howling for a moon
We just can't seem to find.
Mar 2015 · 954
Flower Pot
Tessa F Mar 2015
You say that your body
Is like a cracked ***.
I know that on bad days,
These are the gaps
Where the darkness leaks in.
But come with me darling,
We can fill you up with soil once more.
Plant deep and unshakable roots
That bloom bright yellow daffodils
Who can withstand even the cloudiest days,
Reminding you to keep growing
(Keep going darling)
Up towards the sunlight.
Mar 2015 · 304
Be Free (10w)
Tessa F Mar 2015
Sometimes we must break our heart
Until it opens up.
Mar 2015 · 2.3k
Tessa F Mar 2015
Maybe its a midnight drive
Reminding you of an escape route
Listening to the wind
Wind through your hair
Wind through your lungs
Airing out between your ribcage
The worries weighing down your spine
Falling like wind chimes making music to dance to
Or maybe its just you.
Breathing life into me
Driving that car to the edge of nowhere and still driving
Dragging wind chimes behind us as we go
A galaxy of sounds
Melting the demons away.
Feb 2015 · 527
Empty Home
Tessa F Feb 2015
Wooden walls or heart chambers
Door frames or your mouth
Ribcages or staircases
These empty chairs like my collarbones.
Now I'm breathing in this dusty air
Instead of your honeysuckle kiss.
I know better than one should
That you can be more homesick for a person
Than for a house.
Dec 2014 · 888
Tessa F Dec 2014
Nights spent with cold feet
Staring into nothing
Ripping up old photos
Of who you used to be.
Now you're an evicted house
A hollowed out ribcage
Heart amputee
With the only way of filling the empty
A daily dose of pills.
What have you become?
Oct 2014 · 355
Tessa F Oct 2014
On nights like these my bones ache
Quivering, swollen ribcage,
Sometimes my insides can't be contained.
Sometimes my hands
Reach out into the darkness
Grasping for god knows what
Maybe you know what
Maybe you are the one part of my past that I need to keep.
Maybe you are the steam from my tea,
My favorite socks,
That perfect song on the radio.
Too many times nowadays
I see you crossing the street.
I see you getting a coffee,
Running by as often as I feel the wind on my face.
Too many times I want to say something
But it catches in my throat
It catches in the webs we always weave
Most days I stop myself before I start.
My head, my heart, it's all a mess
I always put us in the position for drowning.
I can't keep my head above water anymore
I can't find you anymore
If I knew that 3am was the only time you would appear
Maybe I would try harder to swim
But now I get lost in poems
That never have the right ending
Maybe because we never have the right ending
Whenever you pass by the window
I want to throw out a paper plane
To somehow send you a warm smile
I get so cold.
All I do is write because we never get to talk
And god I miss your voice.
I wish I wasn't so confusing
And that we weren't an undefined word
Because maybe then I could know what to say to you.
You are the one part of my past
That I don't want to let go
But I still don't know just how I can hold you.
These sorts of poems
Are the kind I hide under my bed sheets
But on nights like these my bones are aching
And the shaking won't stop
So this time
I will throw the paper plane out of the window
Even if you don't catch it.
Sep 2014 · 378
Stand Up
Tessa F Sep 2014
I'll try to explain it.
Sometimes you just feel breathless,
Like you're in the middle of the ocean
And when you put your feet down
Expecting to feel sand
There's just nothingness.
It takes your breath away.
Do you know that feeling?
*It's like trying to get out of bed every day.
Sep 2014 · 501
Flying Away
Tessa F Sep 2014
The sadness has lifted up
No longer dragging me down
By my cracking collarbones
But as it lifts lifts lifts
I feel those broken pieces lifting too
*Am I still me without them?
Perhaps these broken arms will fall off
And grow back as wings.
Sep 2014 · 477
Getting Lost
Tessa F Sep 2014
I need an explanation,
For the sad morning toast
For the warmth in the sunshine
The mid afternoon tears
And the 3am cups of tea.
When's the last time
I actually decided something?
Why can't I choose?
Sometimes I just
Want to be certain about myself.
Sep 2014 · 462
Bathroom Floor
Tessa F Sep 2014
At the bottom of the ocean
Crushing crying
I'm choking
But I can see everyone up there
*They're breathing just fine.
Aug 2014 · 447
Trembling Change
Tessa F Aug 2014
I need a plan.
The consistency,
Something dependable.
The earth is on a schedule
The moon waxing and waning
The tides coming in and out
It's slow rotation
And oncoming seasons
The things I have come to rely on.
Today was an earthquake.
The planet shook in it's boots
As ceilings crumbled
And pipes burst
And lives snapped.
It was like the world stopped turning.
In the grand scheme of things,
Fault lines have shifted
Relieved of their tension
Regardless of my plans
Something needed to change.
It never comes when you want it to.
But no matter what happens,
The tides will continue to
Breathe in
And breathe out
Right on schedule
As we pick up the pieces again.
Aug 2014 · 531
Tessa F Aug 2014
As the tide comes in and out without fail,
A dependable, life-giving force,
Such is how I will learn to love.
Aug 2014 · 319
My Turn
Tessa F Aug 2014
I loved you so hard.
So fiercely.
So much it hurt sometimes.
You taught me
I was worth loving.
My next lesson,
Without you here,
Is how to aim
All the love I had for you
At myself this time.
Aug 2014 · 424
Not Your Fish Anymore
Tessa F Aug 2014
Still hooked on you
Like a fish on a line
Being dragged through the water
My lungs crushed by the weight
It's exhausting surviving this way.
You forgot to reel me in one day
A fish (a love) not worth saving.
I wish I could set myself free
Release this painful hook
And learn how to swim alone again.
Aug 2014 · 538
Stitching Back Up
Tessa F Aug 2014
I am certain I heard
My heart break that day.
Physically ripped in two pieces
By the same hands
That once held me close.
Every day I fight.
Every new stitch I make,
In an attempt to pull myself
Back together,
Is a piercing hole in my side.
I tell myself over and over,
Even painful progress
Is a step in the right direction.
In pain there is healing.
I will find myself again,
*And I won't need your help this time.
Aug 2014 · 415
Letting Go
Tessa F Aug 2014
You've been gone so long
I can sleep at night
I can hear our songs
*Maybe I can actually move on.
Jul 2014 · 328
Down Here Again
Tessa F Jul 2014
The worst part
Is that I can feel it happening.
I can see it coming.
The aching, scratching, crawling beneath my skin
My gut dragging itself up and out
Through my lungs
I can't breathe like this for long.
I know by now the limited time
My tired spine can hold me
This hollowed-out version of myself.
*I just wish I didn't feel so at home here.
Jul 2014 · 413
Tessa F Jul 2014
I try to keep things natural.
No makeup
Not too much maintenance
No tight clothing
No scales in the house.
I was asked if I thought
I was better than everyone else.
If I thought makeup was a bad thing.
But when every day
Is a battle to love myself,
I strip down to the basics
To get used to what's me.
To make the blows of my reflection
In the mirror easier to take.
I'd rather love myself when I wake up
And love myself when I go to bed
Without worrying about how society
Sees me in between,
How you judge me in between,
If I can some day soon
Love myself in between too.
Jun 2014 · 894
Tessa F Jun 2014
I pull my seatbelt a little tighter -
It feels good to be held.
Jun 2014 · 590
Tessa F Jun 2014
Everyone tells you it happens at 3am
When the walls close in
And you hug your pillow too hard
Hoping it will keep you from falling apart
Without him there to hold you together
When really it happens at 8:30
On a Tuesday morning
Light pouring through the kitchen windows
You brush your hip on the counter
And it feels like his fingers
You drop your cup of tea
And forget what to do with your own hands.
Jun 2014 · 363
Too Much Love
Tessa F Jun 2014
Maybe the reason you love whales so much,
Is because they are the only creature
With a heart as big as yours.
Jun 2014 · 295
Fill the Empty
Tessa F Jun 2014
You have fallen apart
Over and over and over again
But you have picked up the pieces
Just as many times.
The world may be shattered now
In sharper shards than ever before
But this time fill your cracks with dirt.
Not only will you heal faster,
You will find growth in your wounds.
Jun 2014 · 378
Raw but Real
Tessa F Jun 2014
Everything about us was raw.
Raw longing.
Raw anger.
Raw love.
Our souls were exposed.
At least mine was.
Now my heart is raw too.
Who knew pain ran this deep in your veins.
But I do know that we were real.
Because it isn't really love
If it can't break your heart.
Jun 2014 · 294
Let The Light In (10wx2)
Tessa F Jun 2014
Our hearts are fragile gifts;
They can't be open
Without being broken.
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
I hate that I love you
Tessa F Jun 2014
I can hate blue eyes
That catch my green ones on the street.
I can hate love songs
That make me turn off the radio.
I can hate seeing fire fighter symbols
That remind me of you.
I can hate that I still wear the bracelet
The one that you made me.
I can hate your shirts
That fill my closet with your scent.
I can hate crying
The kind that knocks me over.
I can hate that bench
Because we used to kiss on it.
I can hate cuddling
Because no one else's arms feel right.
I can hate blankets
That give me a false sense of security.
I can hate sleeping
When it only brings more bad dreams.
(What's the point in sleeping
When my waking hours are nightmares too?)

I can hate knives
And the fact that there are so **** many in this too small house.
I can hate breathing
Because I know it's something we both do.
I can hate myself
For not being enough for you.
The only thing I can't seem to hate
Is you.
I wish I could hate you.
I feel like it would hurt so much less
Than loving someone
Who is no longer here.
May 2014 · 592
Stay Here With Me
Tessa F May 2014
Some days I am convinced
That you are right here with me.
As I sit at my desk
Reading sad poetry
The window blinds are swaying.
The window isn't open.
I sit here letting tears leak out
To the beat of sad music.
I tried to stop the blinds from swinging.
These days I can't focus at all.
The rhythmic swaying starts right back up again.
The light moves
And dances over my fingers.
The blinds occasionally tap against the window.
It's as if they are reminding me
That I am not alone.
That you are still here.
I find myself right back in your garage
Slowly dancing
And swaying in your arms
My forehead resting on your collarbone.
It's funny the things that take me back here.
But no matter what I'm doing,
All I can think about is how
Light dances across your lips
The way these window blinds are dancing with the sun.
May 2014 · 1.3k
Our Cabin
Tessa F May 2014
When going through hell,
We'd always look forward.
God do I look forward to our cabin.
That one place where we pretend
Everything will get better.
You haven't mentioned it in a while,
But it feels like I visit it every day.
A warm fire to dry the tears.
Trees to listen to the broken singing.
Even though it isn't real,
This is my home base.
Our cabin.
I sit on our couch and breathe
With my face in my hands
I swear I can feel you
Rubbing my back.
I always pretend you're here.
It's the only place I can find you anymore.
But at least in this imaginary place
There is an imaginary chance
That things might still turn out okay.
May 2014 · 735
I Am A Plant
Tessa F May 2014
I once read
That if you think of yourself as a plant,
It might be easier to love one's self.
We are sprouting, growing, changing,
And require delicate care.
We need lots of water
And to feel sunlight daily.
We may need a trim sometimes.
Think of yourself as a plant
In the way that on some days,
You are blossoming.
And on other days
You may be wilting.
But when have you ever heard a person say
That one flower is more beautiful than another?
Plants just are.
To stay healthy,
Every now and again parts of ourselves
Need to fall off.
They will grow back eventually.
But we need to keep ourselves rooted, grounded.
Be ever mindful of the health of your soil.
Remember that plants are strong and unstoppable.
When cut down they always grow right back up.
Everyone needs a new start sometimes.
Stand tall in your body and breathe.
Take care of yourself.
You deserve it.
You make the whole world more beautiful,
Just by being you.
Apr 2014 · 368
Waiting for the Future
Tessa F Apr 2014
I was wearing your shirt
My hair half falling out
And you stood behind me
In half of your tuxedo
With the gentlest hands
Slowly pulling the pins
Out of my hair.
I'm still not sure why
I found this moment so breathtaking.
Maybe it was the stillness
Or the stripping of beauty.
All I know is that
In that moment
I felt how wonderful
A real life with you
Might be like.
Apr 2014 · 489
Sofa Thoughts
Tessa F Apr 2014
This is how I like it.
A tangle of limbs and clothing,
Exactly like this.
Unsure of where I start
And where you finish.
Loving stillness.
You are my favorite
State of being.
Apr 2014 · 477
A Letter To Myself
Tessa F Apr 2014
Oh my darling.
My beautiful, tearing-at-the-seams darling.
You're still breathing.
You still have every shaking gasping breath,
Willing you to stay alive.
You don't have to choke.
These tears making a salty ocean on your face,
Just lie back.
Don't fight it.
You won't drown this way.
The rivers and streams of precious blood
Pumping through your body
Pumping liquid hope,
Every pint of your blood can save three people.
You are a walking miracle,
A crawling savior,
Don't let the blood leak from your wrists tonight.
Take a deep breath
Even if it trembles.
Find reasons to live.
Reasons to love yourself.
Even if you hate
Every single ******* pore in your body right now.
You are allowed to be a no-show
At the holding-it-together parade.
Fall apart tonight
And get stitched back up.
I'm praying that the stitches
Will be holding together your hope,
Not your wrists.
Not tonight.
Apr 2014 · 359
Run To You
Tessa F Apr 2014
Darling if I could run distances
As far as you make my heart pound,
Every night
I would sleep next to you.
Tessa F Mar 2014
Don't obsess over
the decision you made.
The important thing
is that you changed your mind.
Focus on that.
**You are your own hero.
I told myself I wouldn't eat today.
But I did eat today.
And I'm proud of myself.
Mar 2014 · 593
Thawing Out
Tessa F Mar 2014
Let me mold myself into you.
As I sit in your lap
Kissing your forehead
I want to freeze.
Breathe on my neck until it melts
Break down this cold wall between us.
I know why it's there.
A coping mechanism
An attempt not to feel
While we were so far apart.
It's time for us to warm up again.
We could take it fast
And melt by vigorous friction
Or we could take it slow.
I want to drip,
Blend the puddles between ourselves
Become one again.
Through long-distance letters we built a snowman,
He welcomed us home.
Let's steal his scarf
And watch the sun come out.
I'll hold your hand until we can feel each other again.
Tessa F Mar 2014
We have been apart longer
Than we have been together.
Mastered the distance,
We know what it's worth.
But baby,
I think we forgot
How to be together again.
Having you stand next to me
Was so surreal
I was at a loss for words.
We got it back though baby,
As soon as I sat down
With your arms perfectly around me
My world healed itself again.
No need for small talk
Just your sweet kisses
And our breathing in synch.
We can do this baby.
I know we can.
Just a few more months.
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Tessa F Feb 2014
I am always growing stronger.
I crack and I build
I crack and I build
Welding back together parts of myself
To strengthen.
Not all cracks heal seamlessly.
I am always crumbling.
Breaking at the fissions
Falling a few feet
Always climbing back up again.
Always growing stronger.
I crack and I build.
*I just wish I didn't crack so often.
Feb 2014 · 434
Wash It Away (10w)
Tessa F Feb 2014
It's easier when my teardrops
Wash down the shower drain.
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
Stop Apologizing
Tessa F Feb 2014
You took a piece of me
I thought I had got back by now.
When you showed up again
Emptiness followed
As the part you stole shattered
All over again
I'm reminded of who you
Once made me.

Since you showed up again
Every one of my sentences
Has contained the word
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