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 May 2013 Tessa F
Let me be the razor blade
you glide across your wrist
let me be the bottle
when you long to get ******
let me be the cigarette
you smoke through trembling lips
let me be the calories
You fear upon your hips
let me be the mirror dear
that lies when you undress
let me be the meds you take
when your minds a mess
let me be the phone call
unanswered by a friend
let me be the tear drops
you shed at each days end
let me be whatever
it is you feel you need
coz I will NEVER let you be...

I'll always intercede
Whatever whenever remember you've always got friends on hp.
 May 2013 Tessa F
NATO confiscated my calculator as a weapon of math destruction


Matches to a pyrotechnic cartographer are weapons of map destruction


Moth eggs in the wardrobe are weapons of mac destruction


Nuclear bombs used in warfare are weapons of mans destruction
Three comical one serious
 May 2013 Tessa F
 May 2013 Tessa F
Wanted: her words!
Her inspired, breathless,
Sighing words
Needed for motivation
Desired for an elixir
Of broken hearts and corrupt minds

Wanted: her words!
Her mellifluous panacea
Breathing life into the inanimate
Defining the undefinable
And finding felicity in the fugacious

Wanted: her words!
Her intransigent, sagacious,
And judicious lyrics
Publicly educating and passionate
Privately  life's denouement
Her words are wanted
 May 2013 Tessa F
Lily Gabrielle
Unsteady pedestal,
wall of thin glass
as fragile as skin fluorescent.
An exhibit to contemplate;
ponder and pick apart.
Take an ax,
spare my flesh.
Break in on a starless night
and liberate me
from haunting glares,
intoxicating gasps
as if you've never seen a lost girl before.
"Look at her arms scared black and blue"
"And beneath those bandages is a heart never fully healed."
The whispers accumulate as they remove magnifying glasses from their pockets
and gaze upon streaks and stains
that never fully washed off.
What is it that they love to tear apart and analyze?
Maybe it's the lies.
Squint your eyes and read between every line;
you'll still never understand,
too many pages have been torn out;
Scribbles cover missing words like
I love you
I miss you
I hate you
these windows serve their purpose,
of creating a show from a fragile spectacle
about the girl who never seemed to feel enough
or at the wrong times, felt too much.
But even the strongest glass can crack,
and a pedestal won't hold her weight forever.
 May 2013 Tessa F
 May 2013 Tessa F
I saw him. I saw him there.
I saw him again, standing there.
I knew then, the feeling didn't really go away.
It's still there... was always there.
I guess it will always be there....
here... here inside my heart...
where I keep all the memories we had,
the laughter we shared,
those conversations when I knew that he cared,
the tears I shed for the pain I felt,
those nights I spent for remembering him,
the days I knew I've spent loving him
while hurt
feeling the pain
knowing that I won't ever feel him
beside me again.
He was there, I know, he was there.
I saw him standing there.
He's still here in my heart.
But in my life, I know,
he'll no longer be a part...
There will always come a time when you come to see a person again, or just hear his name from a stranger or friend, or simply remember him because you're in "that" place again, and you just don't understand why you still feel the same way. Nothing has changed. You're still hurt, but nothing has changed...
 May 2013 Tessa F
the first time
you came over
changed right in front of you
told you not to peek,
but my mischievous soul
didn't cared when you did.
the first time you came over
laid in the attic bed,
you held your ear to my chest
as you listened
to my heart fluttering for you.
the first time you came over
whispered for you to kiss me,
you were too innocent
and scared to taste
lips sweet like blackberries.
the first time you came over
we were fifteen
and my darling,
i loved you so long before

that first time
you came over.
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