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I'm a not-so-hopeless romantic,
I sealed a date,

I flirted I thought
but I knew that I ought
to cut back on my perilous prowl.

My absolute closest best friend,
is in love with this girl,
it would seem.

I told him I like her
but he really likes her
and I can't help but feel mean.

(The girl) We've been friends for a while,
and I've always fancied her style,
but only recently text
(completely unvexed)
and decided to spark up a trial.

Now judge if you must,
but in Molly I trust,
and this girl wants to know how she feels.

So coated in sugar
her words without quiver
request that we share her appeal.

Alone in her room,
four hours and soon,
confused, tired and worn.
There's always the chance,
that our flirting advanced,
our careful responses
and cheekier choices,
will stump this chaotic lovelorn.
"Molly" is a common street name for the "love drug" MDMA
 May 2012 Terri Dinninger
I sat on my bed
staring at the floor
Face blank, mind racing, searching
Till I got this urge,
This shiver down my spine
this clawing at my insides
these whispers in my head
So I went to my window
Tore off the screen
Sticking my head out in the summer breeze
Stared at the trees and the birds and the leaves
And tried to imagine what flying would be like
What crashing would feel like
What my head would look like
After I jump face first out my window
Into the rock garden down below.
I sat there, on my window sill
One foot dangling over the edge,
the other touching my carpeted floor
Trying to decide whether or not tomorrow was worth living for.
If I am to stop and actually think,
why I spill this indelible ink.
Why I allow my heart to be opened,
to fill other minds with a yellowish pink.
I come to conclude that I can't help but try
to poison your minds with love such as mine.
I have too much, I'm trying to share.
To prevent overfilling a venomous care.

I can not sleep because reality's better.
She's still in my mind.
I still can't forget her.
I'd rather not judge for imaginary's nicer.
I know she's quite quirky
but that's why I love her.
I still can not know because guessing is sweeter.
We talk less than I'd like,
I'm just happy to meet her.

Pick the one who's just out of reach.
Pick the one where your chances are mythical.
Pick the one that you know you can't breach.
Pick her just right and your heart will go critical.
You couldn't tear me apart
Couldn't block my sunshine
If all I have left is my happiness
Then I still have everything.

You couldn't break me
Couldn't fold my wings
I fly away from your black hole
You couldn't **** me in.

It's not about the letters, calls or late nights
You kept me chained in your basement
But I broke free of your hold
My freedom is your silence.

My light may have faded
But out of your shadows I shine
I am everything bright
Darkness can't touch me now.
You are an illness,
my infection, my lie.
I think I might love you
but hate, still I try.

You are my poison,
my escape, my release.
I ask you to take me
for at last I'm at peace.

You blinded my heart
with both hate and corruption!
Why say that you love me?
Why face such destruction.

But no I can't have you,
you're not mine to take.
Yet still as I see you;
it's but my heart that does ache.
My first poem I ever wrote, ever. This was actually a homework my English teacher set on a whim, she told us all to write a love poem and bring it the next lesson to read it out, just for the hell of it. Needless to say people arrived and read out their poems about how fantastically beautiful someone was or how deeply they were in love with them, so I wrote this, I focused on the darker side of love. People really liked it though, so I decided to keep writing and this is where my poetry story begins, I was either late 15 or early 16 at the time of writing.
what does it mean to be lonely
is it based off of you having no one to love
or is it based off of your minds perception
is being lonely a curse
or is it merely something that is temporary
is to be lonely to be without love
or is it to be alone in order to learn
is this something we all must face
or is it something we choose to be
for me to be lonely can be a curse
it can also be something to learn by
i have yet to find one to love
i have yet learned my possible lesson
i am lonely until both of these are complete
so until then even with my friends
i must truly face this fact
that i must be alone and *lonely
The clock doesn't stop ticking
My heart won't stop to beat
I will not stop breathing
Because you stopped being sweet
I won't let you hurt me
This is where it ends
because we're only lying
because we aren't friends
We've always been more
But you didn't know
You were my love
but now you're a foe
*But I'm still alive
I think of you so often
But I could never tell
Because I know of course you don’t
Think of me as well.
I think of you so fondly
Such a perfect memory
I think of you just wishing
That you would think of me.
But I know it’s useless
I’ve never crossed your mind
Because while I’m thinking about you
You’re just leaving me behind.
SNW April 28th "Thoughts and thinking"
 May 2012 Terri Dinninger
What if tomorrow you wake up and I'm not here anymore
If the person you turned to couldn't turn to you
And became just a memory
Fading faster and faster.
In a few months you can't hear my laugh anymore
In a year my voice is gone
And years after you won't even remember my face.
I'll just be that girl who said see you tomorrow
Even though I knew tomorrow would never come

— The End —