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Feb 2013 · 645
Teagan Feb 2013
Struggling all her life it strangles and overwhelms her every existence
a constant tug a war, walking the tip rope
moderation a foreign concept
desire runs deep in her veins
to let go
to lose your mind
but the consequences WILL hold her back
she knows fine well it will be her demise and only fear will save her.
May 2012 · 1.1k
Im Happy For You
Teagan May 2012
I’m happy for you I really am,

Her perfect blond curls, her sweet façade of innocents,you done well for yourself my love

We have moved on now,

Yes that includes me too

I get drunk and have “fun”,

Even if it is with my eyes closed and strictly no kissing

But the truth is I love you just never realised it until it was too late,

Or maybe I’m just the stereotype of the girl who only wants what she can’t have

Now I’ll never have you the way I want,

But she will

I’m not perfect, not in your eyes anymore,

I’m *****, contaminated,******

Pity I don’t live up to your standards of a “nice girl”,

You told me before to stop, that i’m a nice girl and nice girls don’t want to get ******

Sorry I can’t play the game,

I have more integrity to act like a FAKE little doll, a shadow of a human being for your contentment

I have never in my life wanted to be perfect,

Perfect always equalled dull and boring in my eyes

I want to be perfect for you,

you deserve only the best my love

But I never will be because you know me too well.
its bitter sweet when someone you love moves on and you know they will be happier with them then you
Apr 2012 · 675
Just don’t kiss me
Teagan Apr 2012
Yah sure we can **** if you want
But just don’t kiss me while your fat **** thrusts inside of me
Tearing me apart
please please stop trying to kiss me

Just don’t kiss me because that would be too personal
Apr 2012 · 700
Teagan Apr 2012
Paralysed by a facade of perfectness
I walk the town with upturned pink stained lips and Fluttering mascara eyes
I’m sorry that’s not who I really am
I’m sorry that you didn’t get what you bargained for
Teagan Apr 2012
I’m a hypocrite fighting the wrong battle
On a vicious cycle of repetitive behaviour
It’s shameful to admit that nothing in my life has evoked such passion in me as jealousy

I’m a logical person but love is insanity and insanity knows no logic
I see her hands on him and before i know it im ripping that ***** ******* ****** hair out
Yes jealousy is a ***** emotion,but its power should never be underestimated.
Feb 2012 · 820
Teagan Feb 2012
it’s crazy how I’m waiting again
just can’t get my head around it
i’m no longer anxiously chewing my lip
no more nauseating  summer saults in my stomach
i no longer kid myself that i won’t answer your call
i am resigned to my faith
pathetic girl so silly so needy
i am defeated just sadly tired accepting that i’m waiting again
routinely checking my phone.
Feb 2012 · 656
Teagan Feb 2012
No I don’t want a kiss
A sickly formality
Nauseating to the stomach

I want to feel your rage
Intense, primal, magnificent
Oh the thrills I get to feel your fist upon my cheek

Your harsh words are music to my ears
Your jealousy is my source of power
Oh how i bask in it

Until the rooms a blurr
Until I can no longer see your face peculiar, twisted with rage
Until I can no longer feel the sensation of gushing blood from my nose

Finally, I can sleep
Sweet, unconscious, dreamless sleep
Drifting drifting content in the knowledge that you care
you are mine and i am yours.
Feb 2012 · 562
love is strange
Teagan Feb 2012
I miss you.
Your not perfect far from it in fact,
your kiss was an acquired taste of alcohol and stale tobacco,
strange how I came to love that taste,
strange how its the taste I miss most now,
strange how now I would die for you, **** for you my love.

Uno I still dream of you each night,
remember how scared I was when i dreamed of killing you ?
suffocating you in your sleep,
how strange that was,
but now I only dream sweet things,passionate *** and happy endings

You used to hurt me,
i didn't  understand ,
why hurt the one you love so much,
make my face ugly,putrid,purple,
i still don't understand you my dear love,
all i know it that love it strange,
and the pain of your hands wrapped around my neck is nothing compared to the pain I feel now.
Jan 2012 · 873
Teagan Jan 2012
Sick, twisted ***** ***,
Building and building to sweet release,
too hot showers scouring skin,
The stench of regret is not so easy to cleanse.

Dreams are for the foolish
A soft touch,
A sweet word,
A tender kiss,
How the day comes fast
dragging back 2 reality.

Then there was him,
The boy who seen right through me,
so softly he kissed me, tears fell from my eyes.

But dreams are for the foolish
Too good to be true,
silly little girl don’t you know you’re a ****
silly little girl you only get ******.
Jan 2012 · 1.1k
Teagan Jan 2012
How boredom grows and wraps like vines around you, suffocating in its nature,
restricting my every movement.

My thoughts become disturbing
darkness becomes terrifying
so I sleep with the light on.

I know I’m stuck,
bonded to nothingness
I need to gather the strength pull myself out

but for the moment I won’t
I’ll just carry on nice and safe
safe from the world.
Jan 2012 · 1.5k
Teagan Jan 2012
I want to feel your body on mine so that were moulded together,
One becomes two,
You’re every breath, every heartbeat,
Your presence is ecstasy .

How perfect every movement you make,
How I’m mesmerised by each motion,

And I no love is a drug because I’m addicted ,
And I’m vaguely aware I’m heading for disaster
But,I don’t care I’m at your mercy.

I don’t try to fight,
I don’t want to fight.

— The End —