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Taylor May 2014
you are my smile.
Taylor Jul 2014
And now that you have ruined my love of stars, I turn to broken things, (like our relationship) and galaxies, (dead, like our love) instead.
Taylor Jul 2014
Facts: the people who made me happy are no longer here. And they would no longer be interested in making me happy.

Memories are just that. Memories. They will not happen again. They just stay with you, like shards of glass embedded in your brain.

Crying will not make things better. It will not make you feel cleaner. It will only make your eyes hurt and remind you that he is no longer here to wipe your tears. And even if he were here, he wouldn't.
Taylor Aug 2014
just so you know, i spent two days in bed after we gave up on us.
You gave up on me. So did I.
Taylor Apr 2014
soon, i will be sipping coffee with my color-renaming ghost boy, and forgetting tonight's agonies.
Taylor Aug 2014
You're really terrible at being there when I need you.
Taylor Apr 2014
i am sixteen and i want to be gone.
I am too young to feel this way
Taylor Apr 2014
Sitting in math class realizing we are perpendicular lines who will never cross again.
Taylor Dec 2014
Mom says it's teenage hormones. Dad says I'm over-dramatic about it.

But I'm getting worse, not better. I'm anxious constantly, suffering from attacks ranging from small to so severe I grow ill. Thinking I could end my life should any of my fears become real was my only comfort, but even that has abandoned me. For I am a coward who cannot take her own life for fear of the unknown. A craven, afraid of deaths pain but still longing for his freeing slumber.

Apparently this is something all teenagers go through. Wanting to stay in bed all day playing dead and pretending the world can't hurt me when it can break through my windows and torture me to death whenever it pleases. Apparently every teenager sits around, wanting to die but too afraid to end it. We all cry from our pure terror of things we are too afraid to speak of, too afraid to make real with words, too afraid to even think of for too long.

I've been practicing this breathing exercise. I do it in sets of 3, sometimes sets of 5. It's funny, because usually when I do things in sets, it must be 4 or 14 or 24. Move my fingers from pinky to thumb 14 times on both hands in synch. Things like that. I don't like 3, and 5 is iffy. But the breathing exercises that distract me from wanting to rip my own flesh off must be done in 3s or 5s, apparently.

My mind is not my best friend, but sometimes, it pretends to be. It tries to convince me that mother is right. That I'll outgrow suicidal thoughts spanning as long as I can remember and severe anxiety and depression so intense it eats me alive and makes me want to gnaw my skin off, but it makes me want to float to the bottom of the ocean or fly off a cliff and be free in much quieter ways.

Falling from a cliff wouldn't be quiet. It would be messy and the wind would be in my hair and I'd make a splat as I hit the ground. But I imagine drifting down like a feather, my soul leaving my body before the destruction and my body dissolving like dust, scattered to the wind.

I am thinking of flying and vainly wishing my parents are right, that I will outgrow mental illness and that I'm over-dramatizing it somehow, because my feelings and thoughts are overdramatic and counselors and therapists are liars, since according to father they're wrong when they say they're afraid I'm becoming a danger to myself, because mom and dad say they're wrong, mom and dad say I'm not dangerous to myself I'm just stupid and senseless and an attention ***** who is too scared to die, while other, much more vibrant and amazing people are dying and deserve the air in my lungs and aren't getting it.  

This is turning into a mess, like the one I'd make if I threw myself off a cliff. So I'll stop here and wonder if my heart can stop from the empty hopelessness choking it, as well.
Taylor May 2014
i remember how you actually helped this insomniac sleep at night.

(now the hole you left in my chest keeps me awake, burning and aching in a way that makes me afraid to close my tear-misty eyes.)
Taylor Jun 2014
Dr. Pepper and memories of you.
Taylor Apr 2014
the pain inside feels physical.
Taylor Jun 2014
today is the last chance i have to say good bye.
Wish me luck, guys.
Taylor Apr 2014
please stop trying to talk to me like you don't make me wish i was dead.
Taylor May 2014
How can i be okay? When every time i see you....*i want to burn myself alive.
Taylor May 2014
ripping the flesh from my palms because your ***** won't leave me alone..
Taylor Apr 2014
More than a little broken.
Taylor May 2014
the slices down my ribcage are infected, just as you infected my heart.
Taylor Jun 2014
3 a.m. and my demons are dragging me in.
Taylor Apr 2014
i hate you with an intensity that makes me want to rip off every inch of skin you have ever touched.
Taylor May 2014
and i'm afraid that soon, *there will be no one left that i love..
Taylor Apr 2014
stop sitting in the seats i always sit in just to **** with me.
He always sat in the exact same spot all year and then he turned out to be a liar so I moved and now he's trying to sit in the place I always do now and still be glued to her every other moment of the day
Taylor Apr 2014
telling you how you wrecked my heart hurts almost as much as when you trampled on it.
Taylor Jul 2014
As your fingertips traced my freckles into constellations, I wished I could have loved you, instead.
Taylor May 2014
baby, come hold me. *i need the way you rush my senses, let me float into you.
sweetheart, i need the happiness you bring
Taylor Apr 2014
trying to reach for death in the dark, but even the reaper has abandoned me.
Taylor May 2014
it's been over 27 days since you last touched me.

my skin cells are all new now,
like you were never here at all.
Skin cells replace themselves after 27 days. It's been 33.
Taylor Apr 2014
you said you weren't going to be around anymore so why are you everywhere?
Taylor May 2014
god i just want to light the world on fire.

(will you hold my hand as we watch it burn?)
Taylor May 2014
you are not the boy i fell in love with.

*you are just a stranger wearing his face.
Taylor Apr 2014
and i want you to look me in the eyes, read every line, and see exactly what you've done to me.
Taylor Jun 2014
i hate endings and i hate closure. because closure means accepting that it's all over, that it's the end. and seeing the end hurts worse than leaving blank pages.
Taylor Dec 2014
I've craved death as long as I can remember, but God forbid I let anyone else go. And now I'm staying for someone else. Because my heartbeat doesn't mean as much as yours.
Taylor May 2014
please understand.

it isn't that i don't trust you.

it's just, i've been hurt so much and i hold so many things inside my chest, things that i have no idea how to let out of my shut throat.

and i am so very, very afraid sometimes, so very, achingly lonely inside of myself.

please show me how to open up.
for everyone that I have pushed away, and flinched back from in terror. For the friend who reached his hand out to touch my head and I flinched backwards so hard I almost fell and shook.
Taylor Dec 2014
I have this obsession with scratching myself until I bleed. In particular, I scratch my scalp ******. I think it's because the skin is soft and I can dig it out with ease, leaving my fingers red and my hair matted with the crimson liquid. I don't know. I used to scratch my face ****** and raw as a child. Then I got older and did the backs of my hands. Then my arms. Then my ankles. And now my scalp.

My blood and bones and soul want freedom.
Taylor May 2014
i would never ask you to return to the hell that is my mind, but i can't help but resent you for leaving me alone in here.
Taylor May 2014
if i can't accept myself, *who will?
Taylor May 2014
He doesn't even kiss like you.
Taylor Oct 2014
For the people who put me so high up on their ******* pedestals that they thought I was some sort of angel: I'm not. You all can call me perfect and beautiful and dreamy and whatever else you want to spit out. But eventually, a time will come when I peel back my shell and make you see what I am inside. How cruel, how senseless, and how vile I truly am. And you'll be disappointed. You'll see the bitter, broken thing where all your expectations used to be and you'll be *******. How dare I not meet up? How dare I *not ******* care?
Taylor May 2014
everything we made together kept breaking, and now i think it was a sign.
you made a box with a love note and the moment it touched my hands the door broke.
Taylor Apr 2014
Dreams of my dark-eyed, dark-haired, alabaster-skinned boy chased away the pain last night, while the soft morning light and the silence of a house when it is far too early for life soothes me at last.
Calm, for now.
Taylor Nov 2014
Sometimes, my depression and anxiety seem almost manageable.

Other times, they're suffocating. I wake up and immediately wish I hadn't. I don't want to talk, I don't want to move. I almost can't convince myself to do anything at all.

Sometimes, it gets so bad that I just hide under the covers for hours, convinced that if I play dead long enough, I'll finally be safe. Like if I move, or show any sign of life, everything I'm afraid of will crush me all at once.

I am 17 and so scared to live I almost can't stand to.
Taylor May 2014
you don't taste like heartbreak.
i swear i heard him screaming my name.
Taylor Jun 2014
I want to strip us of our skins, the things keeping our hearts apart, and hold you so close the spaces between our ribs are filled by one another's.
Taylor May 2014
and someone else has come and painted happiness on the land you had **scorched.
Taylor Apr 2014
And i can't breathe again.
Taylor Nov 2014
I want to lay down in snow banks and smoke cigarettes and feel the toxin-filled air freeze in my lungs and just die, nicotine and ice inside the void that is my body. I want my empty hands to be open and my eyes facing the sky, the last sunset I will ever witness forever trapped inside them. I want the cold wind to lift my soul from my prison-body and carry me into the clouds. I want to be at peace at last.
Taylor Apr 2014
and i am realizing that i am living my life one push away from self-destruction.
Taylor Jun 2014
and now, you've come back.

with nothing but a ****** apology, and an invitation to your bedroom.
Taylor Apr 2014
trying to pretend that i can't feel my heart *dying.
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