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TWO loves had I. Now both are dead,
And both are marked by tombstones white.
The one stands in the churchyard near,
The other hid from mortal sight.

The name on one all men may read,        
And learn who lies beneath the stone;
The other name is written where
No eyes can read it but my own.

On one I plant a living flower,
And cherish it with loving hands;      
I shun the single withered leaf
That tells me where the other stands.

To that white tombstone on the hill
In summer days I often go;
From this white stone that nearer lies
I turn me with unuttered woe.

O God, I pray, if love must die,
And make no more of life a part,
Let witness be where all can see,
And not within a living heart.
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Camree Adams
time will spare but the love and fond we share
is slowly segregating,
slowly ripping,
slowly disappearing off the face of earth
As much as it hurts words
murdered us the most
lies, deceits was common,
but all trust was lost
but both of us were at fault
Lets shed our tears
the more the better
tear after tear represents
drop of  love that was put into our heart
but it's now draining
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Natalie B
Have you ever had a moment,
When you can't do anything but cry?

Have you ever had that moment,
When you really wish you'd die?

Have you ever had a boyfriend,
Who had *** with your "best friend"?

Have you ever had that though,
When you wish your life would end?
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Wang Wei
In the slant of the sun on the country-side,
Cattle and sheep trail home along the lane;
And a rugged old man in a thatch door
Leans on a staff and thinks of his son, the herdboy.
There are whirring pheasants, full wheat-ears,
Silk-worms asleep, pared mulberry-leaves.
And the farmers, returning with hoes on their shoulders,
Hail one another familiarly.
...No wonder I long for the simple life
And am sighing the old song, Oh, to go Back Again.
Do not stand at my grave and weep..
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry..
I am not there. I did not die.
The shattered remains of this broken heart,
Are scattered on the floor.
Be careful not to step on them,
As you rush out through the door.
For if a shard should pierce your skin,
It will taint you with the memories.
The memories of when that place within
Was on the outside, for all to see.
The love only shared 'tween you and me.
The love thrown away, so painful to look at,
Buried in the wreckage of your emotions.
Now when you lay there on the mat,
The cut like a slash through your devotions
To the new man next to you.
You'll remember where your heart truly lies....
And to your heart be true....
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Ronnie Smith
As my whole world comes crashing down on top of me
I wonder if anyone will come and rescue me
I’m falling to pieces with no one to put me back together
So I try to spill my feeling out like a newly written love letter
But I swear I got nobody to read it
I walk around the world feeling so alone
Wonder where my so-called friends have gone
My dad once told me never let them see you cry
Now my heart slowly turns into stone
And now I catch myself waiting for these feeling to die
Trapped inside my own mind, venture deep into the unknown
Talking to the moon so beautifully in the sky
Trying to find someone listing, but even it won’t

So what do you do when no one has the time for you?
What do you do when everyone’s ears are shut?
And you’re stuck in the same rut?
All of the sudden I’m losing all of my friends
So I just end up talking to myself, talking to myself

I find myself emotionally standing at a cliff
I’ve got two options either jump or take a step back
I find myself changing as my heart turns pitch black
I’m losing myself; I know I’m on the wrong track
Hoping I can relieve my stress and pain soon
So now its **** the world, I’d rather be on the moon
Feel my loved ones no longer wanna stay
But how can they be close when I’m the one pushing them away?
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
BB Tyler
In summation
I am a tribute.
A sacrifice to the all-beast.
the great vibrational being
with a fractal face,
and fingers,
and feet.
with a frayed tongue
it eats me;

We are examples
of the persistence
of existence.
All of us flickering like fire,
than rising like smoke,
higher and higher,
breath from the stoke.

No joke, but still funny.
Like bees making honey.
I like my yolks runny,
liquid and lovely,
like motions in space.

It's no race to beat
the all-beast,
feasting its face with its own fingers.
nothing left to waste,
nothing left to linger.

We all have a place,
As the song and the singer.
Haven't you heard?
YOU are the word!

All that you have
give it away
all that you know
thrown into the flay
all that you've been
has been today
all of your silence
has something to say
give it away

We are gifts
to the all-beast
and all of our love,
and all our attention,
is its.
in summation,
it's all we truly have to give.
In summation,
it's all we are.
 Nov 2013 Taylor B
Mark Akenside
To-night retired, the queen of heaven
  With young Endymion stays;
And now to Hesper it is given
Awhile to rule the vacant sky,
Till she shall to her lamp supply
  A stream of brighter rays.

Propitious send thy golden ray,
  Thou purest light above!
Let no false flame ****** to stray
Where gulf or steep lie hid for harm;
But lead where music’s healing charm
  May soothe afflicted love.

To them, by many a grateful song
  In happier seasons vow’d,
These lawns, Olympia’s haunts, belong:
Oft by yon silver stream we walk’d,
Or fix’d, while Philomela talk’d,
  Beneath yon copses stood.

Nor seldom, where the beechen boughs
  That roofless tower invade,
We came, while her enchanting Muse
The radiant moon above us held:
Till, by a clamorous owl compell’d,
  She fled the solemn shade.

But hark! I hear her liquid tone!
  Now Hesper guide my feet!
Down the red marl with moss o’ergrown,
Through yon wild thicket next the plain,
Whose hawthorns choke the winding lane
  Which leads to her retreat.

See the green space: on either hand
  Enlarged it spreads around:
See, in the midst she takes her stand,
Where one old oak his awful shade
Extends o’er half the level mead,
  Enclosed in woods profound.

Hark! how through many a melting note
  She now prolongs her lays:
How sweetly down the void they float!
The breeze their magic path attends;
The stars shine out; the forest bends;
  The wakeful heifers graze.

Whoe’er thou art whom chance may bring
  To this sequester’d spot,
If then the plaintive Siren sing,
O softly tread beneath her bower
And think of Heaven’s disposing power,
  Of man’s uncertain lot.

O think, o’er all this mortal stage
  What mournful scenes arise:
What ruin waits on kingly rage;
How often virtue dwells with woe;
How many griefs from knowledge flow;
  How swiftly pleasure flies!

O sacred bird! let me at eve,
  Thus wandering all alone,
Thy tender counsel oft receive,
Bear witness to thy pensive airs,
And pity Nature’s common cares,
  Till I forget my own.
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