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Taylor Dec 2012
your chainsaw eyes cut into my core
                                                            ­          they have sliced through me
        i've tried to cover up the cut that you have left with kisses from lovers
they have kindled only sparks
           i am unvarnished
*i am split into
Taylor Dec 2012
With every sinew of my anatomy, I want you

Taylor Nov 2012
one lip    
two lips

red lips
blue lip

when your lips left mine they became numb

i want your lips back in my mouth
Taylor Nov 2012
Sitting in my room, I found a certain peace,
From the bones that were shattering outside my window crease
Not shaken nor stirred, not frightened in the least
I realized that my limbs might really be a beast’s

I heard the screams in dreams, which all were in my head
I knew how they were feeling, they all wanted me dead
And though I tried to drown them out, they wouldn’t go away
They lingered there, in deep despair; they sat and cried all day

They come back and they haunt me, without a daunt or dare
But then I wake up suddenly, and realize they weren’t there
Now I shake and shiver, I fear I’m going mad
I do believe this worry is the worst I’ve ever had

I hear noises out my window, once again I hear the screams
I throw my curtains o’er the chair, they have fallen off their beams
And just as the curtains fell, with them I fell dead
The monsters they had come for me, they found me in my head.
Taylor Sep 2012
We sat there in silence.
I thought he might hear my heart beating.
We stood up and he caressed me in his arms.
We were at our favorite spot, right on the edge of the mountain, where, with one step, we would fall.
And so we did. Our bodies falling through the air, we were still holding tightly to one another.
As we fell, the wind choked me and I couldn't speak,
I couldn't tell you all the things I had wanted to say for so long.
We fell onto the rocky stones and sand.

I felt like we were sea glass.

Being overwhelmed by our feelings, just as the sea glass becomes overwhelmed by the waves.
It gets crushed and broken and never gets a chance to be more than that.
We laid there, and as I felt my heart weakening and my lungs collapsing, I thought to myself.
I didn't want to tell you all of those things that I wished to tell you as we were falling.
As I look at you lying there, short of breath, I know that they wouldn't mean anything to you. You have your eyes closed and you’re shouting someone’s name that isn't mine. And so I lie there and let my body shut down.

*Feeling as broken as sea glass might not be so bad.
Taylor Sep 2012
I’m wondering which will go first. Will my lungs explode from the incapability of breathing? Or will my heart burst from the longing of something that isn’t there anymore? I’m not sure which will happen first, but, I know that both are inevitable. I went back to the place where you and I went for our 1st date today. It’s been nearly eight years now. I miss everything about you. The disease has become worse for me. The pain in my chest is excruciating. I feel as if no one understands the extent of pain that I’m going through.
Everything is slowly blurring from my mind. I hope that one day the sickness and lonely desertion will go away. I hope that time heals my wounds. But for now I hope that this day will end soon. I pray for a change. I wish you were here. I need you to make my pain go away. I wish you could caress me in your arms. I walked around the desolate town today. I only saw shadows of where you had been.
Suddenly, I am falling, although I’m not sure as to where I’m going. Things turn from color to black and white. And then, all at once, I feel a sharp pain in my ribs. I realize, then, that I am falling forward onto gray concrete. I scream out “Help” but all I hear are faint voices in the distance. I feel nothing. I see nothing. I hear nothing. Time has passed now, I feel as if I’m a ghost inside my own mind.
Then, out of no where, comes your hand. I know it is yours because your veins are distinct. You have one on the left side of your right hand that protrudes through your skin. Then, I see your eyes, bright & enchanting green with specks of brown in them. I can see the brown now because we’re in the sunlight. The sun gets bigger & the sky becomes bluer. You’re pulling me up from the concrete. I don’t know how or why this is happening. What I do know is that it feels like a dream. Maybe it is. I can’t be sure. But then I feel your hand intertwine with mine & you say “Are you okay, Margaret? I’ve missed you terribly.”
I know that this is all in my head. I know that I’m dead and that you are, as well. I’m happy that the pain is gone, though. I’m glad we’re together once more. I never thought that such a place was real. That the flowers are blooming and the trees are swaying in the gentle breeze. You have my hand and we are walking down this path. I don’t know where we’re going. I do know that it is so beautiful here. To be happy is to be in a place that brings you happiness. I know that this is true. Being here for an eternity is much better than the pain I felt while existing without you.
Taylor Sep 2012
parents hit kids, thinking it will teach them a lesson
kids hit walls because they want to rid themselves of the pain
walls crush under the pressure
the crushing causes the kids to cave in
just as the wall did
the parents are left to pick up the remains
the floor is left with the broken pieces
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