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Taylor Sep 2012
I don't know how it started--
the warmth slowly sinking into my hands again
the shock from cold to warm
was the difference in the creases of your smile
I knew, that if it stayed too long
I could possibly freeze to death
I knew that if it stayed too long
Your smile would freeze and find it's way into my brain
and never leave
I don't know how it all ended--
I don't know where you left me,
why you left me
all I know
is that the warmth has made it's way into my hands again
your smile has melted from my brain
just as my hands are now unfrozen
my entire body
Taylor Sep 2012
I wonder if you bite your nails
and I wonder if you curse
I debate if I should talk to you
I'd rather mask this hurt
I constantly sit and ponder
I never know what to do
To be encompassed in this galaxy
Is to immerse myself in you.
Taylor Sep 2012
You tried to kiss away my chill bumps

but you only made them worse,

because your lips were laced with lies

and your tongue was poisoned with deceit

I convinced myself that your kisses could cure my coldness,

*when they only did the opposite.

— The End —