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I want my heart to die
I yearn for this pain to cease to exist
Take me away, steal my spirit
Enclose it in a realm beyond my seeing

Let me walk with you
Take one step into the unknown
A labyrinth of your heart
With Shackles that binds me in

The moments I want to forget
Every step I go deeper in your  debt
Let me be, set me free
Take your being out of my entity

I hope you shed a tear for me
A single act of sanctity
Pull me back into humanity
For once even for a second you have loved me
 May 2013 Tavia Robshaw
Luna waxes, wanes.
Blood. Water. Our passions tide.
Gravity's death grip.
She and He
sittin' in a tree

Her and He
under'n' altar

He and She
here n' there

Her and She
over He

Her and He
holdin' She

She and He
sittin' in a tree
I see the sky and think "I'm free!"
I see my feet, "I'll never be."
I look back up, what do I see?
I see a plane, so itty bitty!
I see to fly, so gaily
I fetch my wallet... double bogey
I see "help wanted" within my city
I see my chance, so happy!
I work all day, live humbly
I see my pay, just barely
I see my goal, I cannot flee
tick-tock tick-tock
I count the years, more than sixty
I see the metal bird, ready for me
I see it fly, I see it's free
I buy my plane, I'm in the air
Wings on my back, no story to share
There's one small thing I wish               the infinite horizon that lies there
                                                   To see
 When you're standing here           there's nothing greater to contemplate
                                             With me
      To feel that brilliant abyss                       across splendid land and sea
                                                     Shining out
      As within those eyes I used                nothing more and simply grand
                                                        To know
Chief grandiose and simplicity                           those eyes I loved so
                                                          To know
  Beauty aqueous and of earth                are feelings of my heart's abyss
                                                  Shining out
Thoughts so constant- effortlessly            you stand close inadvertently  
                                                 ­      With me  
   Be the infinite horizon I want                    I wish too many small things
                                                          ­  To see
Tell me what ya think.
I don't usually like to dictate how to read my poetry... but: The middle words are the end of the line in front and the beginning of the second line. The right side is to be read middle+second after reading the first+middle.  If you read carefully... the words of the lines before the first "to see" and after the second are alike, along with before "with me" and after the second and so on.
(more lyrics than poetry, but whatever)
It scares me so much, the words that she writes,
The pills that she takes, to go to sleep every night,
The things that she says, how she argues and fights,
I just want everything to end up alright,
I’m not gonna say I can’t deal, I try and I will,
I’d fight and i’d ****, and if the beans are being spilled,
I love her so much, and my love’s the brashest, the boldest,  
I hope how much I care is never going unnoticed,
Let it be noted, my feelings are the truest I could ever express,
And I’m thankful everyday she choose me over the rest,
But I just feel useless, unhelpful and stupid,
I know how her pain feels, I swear i’ve been through it,
If I could erase it, I promise I’d do it,
If I could take it, I’d move it, i’d break it,
So next time she smiles, she wont have to fake it
Two brothers march
off to war

To win a battle
to settle scores

They keep in step

Drums, not hearts
their minds bereft

Through the fog
the 'enemy' lies

While back at home
their mother cries

Drums beat faster
as fog clears

Programmed to ****
for many years

Brothers see demonic eyes
fear screams- BOOM!

Who shot first
no time- assume

Two brothers aim
and shoot across

They've missed their mark
the guns, they toss

Dash together with
great speed

First to stab
and first to bleed

They lie together
attached by blade

Victory is lost
to a sick masquerade
Written quickly. Had it on my mind.
She walks along the stone path, cold beneath her feet.
Making her way towards him, carrying her heavy load.
Dragging the blade
He shouldn’t of left her
She met his gaze
Now face to face
Lifts up her sword with all her might
Feeling a pinch in her abdomen
She collapses, left alone again

— The End —