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Nov 2020 · 133
Natasha Nov 2020
I've lost a piece of myself today
I've left pieces of me here and there
and maybe everywhere.
Can I rebuild myself?

A jagged piece is all that's left of me
It has sharp edges and cuts deeply
Don't mean for it to happen
Just trying to guard this last piece of me.

If I collect all the pieces I've lost of mine
Can I rebuild this broken heart in time?
Or I could leave every ripped off piece of me
and just guard the last, sharp, jagged piece and fly free?
Thought I'd repost my poem, as a memory, and to remind myself that things indeed did get better after I wrote this.
May 2019 · 180
Natasha May 2019
I hate your style
I now hate brown
I hate your smile
I hate how you make me feel down.

I hate your mannerisms
I now hate wine
I hate your euphemisms
I hate how you make me feel lost in time.

I hate your tattoos
I now hate the park
I hate your cool shoes
I hate how you make me feel so dark.

I hate that I cant hate you truly.
I hate that I'll love you forever
I hate that you love me so cruelly.
I hate that I still love you however.
May 2019 · 166
Floundering thoughts
Natasha May 2019
If I give this to you,
tell me what would you do?
Would you treat it like a treasure,
love it beyond any scope or any measure?
Would you cradle it gently,
keep guard like a knightly sentry?
Can you nurture it slowly,
patch up each peace that's holy?
Could you keep my heart beating,
or are you also fleeting?
May 2019 · 147
Fragile content
Natasha May 2019
Cried my heart out from your brashness.
Wiped my teardrops from my glasses.
Stitched my bruised heart back together,
harsh words hurt now until forever.

Marked now in big red letters as fragile content,
wrapped in cotton, placed in storage,
will one day brush away the cobwebs
right now though,
heart of mine,
stay fragile content,
protected by a thorny vine.
May 2019 · 587
Need someone
Natasha May 2019
I need someone to tell me that I'll be okay.
I feel like I'm drowning and spiralling and I'm losing everything.
I need someone to tell me I'm strong enough, because I'm breaking and I dont know what to do.
I need someone to tell me that it's okay to be me, and want different things in my life.

I just need someone
Mar 2019 · 170
Untitled...for now...
Natasha Mar 2019
The fear, its numbing
my hands are clammy,
can hear my blood, rushing,
with my heart accelerating
keeping in beat with

I'm scared
my thoughts an endless maze,
have too much on

Am I making the right choice?

Can't listen to my inner voice,
my heart kinda made that clear,
it misses you, even when you are

The fear, its numbing
but oh the heart stopping joy you bring me
is truly a thing of
Mar 2019 · 449
Free hug
Natasha Mar 2019
Want to walk around with a "free hug" sign
so that someone would hug me back.
Today I am in a place with so many people around me, yet I have never felt more alone.
Mar 2019 · 353
Im still strong
Natasha Mar 2019
I'm here for you, you say,
yet when I needed you,
you walked away.

A good thing I would discover,
I've learnt, I'm still strong
on my own, alone,
and will make it through this day
without you, my lover.
When people you love most, disappoint you.
Like I have said, i am still strong on my own (even if support would have been nice)
Mar 2019 · 201
Concrete Jungle
Natasha Mar 2019
My mind travels
So fast my world unravels
Into threads that can be
placed on a weavers beam.

Imagining my future
realising I am now mature
but my soul yearns for the child
Who used to walk out in the wild.

This concrete jungle I find myself in
Has kild the wild child
Who used to live within.
I miss nature, specifically the forests...need to go hiking soon
Mar 2019 · 134
Heart beat
Natasha Mar 2019
Can you feel my pulse beat
Can you feel my heart drum in my chest
*** da dum

Can you hear my blood flow
Through my vains as you listen to my
Bada *** da dum

Can you feel my soul reach for yours
Can feel this flame inside
Tell me something...
Do I make your heart beat fast?
Mar 2019 · 208
Taking a walk
Natasha Mar 2019
Walk with me
as the sun sets over the park
the rays stroking the willow bark
sunset glinting in the water
while the crickets start
to make themselves heard
as the sky goes darker.

Walk with me
as the moon peaks out from a cloud,
illuminating the soft grass
hearing the toads
the soft hoot of an owl
listen to the music of it around us.

Walk with me
in all these moments
Please just say
You'll stay
and never walk away
Mar 2019 · 372
Afterthought to you
Natasha Mar 2019
Do you think half as often
about me, as what I
think of you,

I'm taking up less of a place  
in your arms,
my favourite space,
as you slowly pull away.

Feeling as though our paths will split soon,
hoping for one last kiss under our moon,
until that wanes away too
and I become just another
Afterthought to you.
When you know you are about to lose someone. If you have read my poem called Blue, you will have more of an idea of who I'm describing that on losing..
Mar 2019 · 232
Natasha Mar 2019
Swing so high
Look up blue sky
Spread your arms
You have wings
a magical place these swings

Smell freshly mowed grass
With eyes closed and smiling
Feel the wind in your hair
Troubles forgotten as you climbing
Higher, higher, fly!
Feb 2019 · 1.8k
Lego Blocks
Natasha Feb 2019
Fits in piece by piece
more pieces more strength
You can build anything with...
Lego Blocks

Then break what you built
reshape and construct it
as you remake what once was
into something new with...
Lego Blocks

Build a plane
Build a dragon
Build whatever you can imagine with...
Lego Blocks

Excrutiatingly painful
stepping on a single one
hop hop hopping around
shouts filling around with...
"Lego Blocks!!!"
I stepped on Lego and cursed for days
Feb 2019 · 193
Natasha Feb 2019
Pink and red, the bruises start to form
a colorful rainbow in this thunder storm
Blue and dark purple, the older ones hurt more
as my Mommy covers them with make-up
so the police don't show up at her door.

Pale green, some of them starts to fade
I can still feel the belt buckle in my skin engraved
it has faded by now, to a yellow and brown
as Mommy looks on through an alcohol haze
to the bruises she placed all over my face

I scream out in terror
wondering what was my error
and when she is sober
make-up again gets painted on me all over.
Sometimes, mothers are the horrors that scare us the most. Abuse is not okay, if you are suffering fro it, please get help as soon as you possibly can.
Feb 2019 · 296
Silence no more
Natasha Feb 2019
Sitting alone in silence
It's peacufull, quiet, serene

Feeling it, free
My thoughts running away from me
My daydream time
Love these silent moments of mine.

No laughter, no squeels, no screams
No shouts of what has become my name,
"Mommy, Mommy!" comes a knock on my door
Guess my bathtime is over
Now there is silence no more..
Feb 2019 · 116
Natasha Feb 2019
Baby Love you make me smile
my sunshine in this living mile
Lion eyes that watch me with awe
engraving my features with a stroke of a pencil you draw
as i stroke your face
in our hidden place
with euphoria surrounding our world

Tingling, goosebumps and breathless
**** Baby Girl without you I'm restless
Love your energy, your cay-cray and darkness
as we walk through this life hand in hand as partners

You see the world through the eyes of an artist
the colors in your paintings has no starkness
The brightness of each color you mix is breathtaking
surprised to see the red in your art is flaky
its mixed from your own blood, from your veins,
now each creation of yours carries a piece of you
this the only way your art stays true
you cray-cray
Feb 2019 · 938
Natasha Feb 2019
I've lost a piece of myself today
I've left pieces of me here and there
and maybe everywhere.
Can I rebuild myself?

A jagged piece is all that's left of me
It has sharp edges and cuts deeply
Don't mean for it to happen
Just trying to guard this last piece of me.

If I collect all the pieces I've lost of mine
Can I rebuild this broken heart in time?
Or I could leave every ripped off piece of me
and just guard the last, sharp, jagged piece and fly free?
Today is a bad day. Get up again and try tomorrow. It might be better then
Feb 2019 · 144
These Pills
Natasha Feb 2019
These pills aren't working no more
I feel my sadness breaking down my door
want to rip out my hair
or scream, cry and rant in despair.

Leave me alone world
I don't want to be part of you anymore
I need to drown out this feeling
the high from alcohol and **** has become too fleeting.

I don't want to feel so much anymore
I bang my head on the bedroom door
I need to up my dosage on my pills
the thought of loosing my grip further in life gives me chills.

Too scared to end it myself right now, a pity
need to up my dosage
as that fear is starting to seem quite silly
maybe eternal darkness won't be such a bad voyage.
Feb 2019 · 121
Two to One
Natasha Feb 2019
Two babies carried to term
Two babies in my arms to squirm
Two mouths to feed
Two ******* that bleed
Two identical faces
Two cots as resting places
Two months have gone by
Two babies that hardly cry
Two smiles are just forming
Two pairs of eyes that look like they storming
Two months have passed again
Two weeks followed them
One baby only
One baby lost and the other now lonely
One baby in my arms to squirm
One mouth to feed
One ****** that bleed
One face
One cot as a resting place
One casket lowered into a grave
One baby that wont stop crying
One baby that just stopped smiling
One pair of eyes that look forlorn
One baby I have left, who will always feel torn
Feb 2019 · 131
Around the next bend
Natasha Feb 2019
Not feeling, yet feeling too much
with the screams of happiness
breaking down my door
shove them out, they don't belong
I prefer the nothingness of a silent song

Don't want to be here
Don't want to raise
a happy brood of chicks
that just **** out all of my grace.

Gulping water, treading air
my body floats, my mind in despair
responsibilities crushing my soul
just walk away away away RUN!

Dying one day and cant remember
why i was scared of it.
Not feeling anyway so why
carry on with aplomb?

Run Run Run as fast as I can
smack into a wall of my own making
trapped in my own incompetence of life
Screaming that i want out out OUT

Don't do it it's selfish
you just hurt those around you.
Cant you see i don't care
don't wanna go out with fanfare

Just stop stop STOP
I cant take anymore
passed out half gone on the bathroom floor
smiles are getting harder to fake
as my essence pours out in my dying wake

Run stop Run stop RUN
I can't feel enough to have fun
when does it End?
Maybe take another road
just around the next bend.
My first poem in almost 8 years

— The End —