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 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
Got a letter on a rainy day
Can't open a wet envelope
So, I wait for it to dry
Don't want the rain to steal away your words.

By the time I read your thoughts
And felt you pour your heart to me
I know now how turns for you
And how you sealed the dried promise with a kiss.

Quickly, I mean to catch it
But the winds shift it away.

Now all I hold twixt my hands
Is this letter on a rainy day.

And it still rains.

S T, 20 April 2013
Yes, and it's raining.....still :)

Well, actually.....yesterday, it was! Lol

 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
Sweet love
Oh, such sweet love.

Stick into the pincushion of hope
Gentle pins of far-off dreams,
Holding wispy threads of desire
For which time (as a heading) is never enough.

Push down and drown all thought
Which beckon expectation -
And trust to want less.... or nothing;
Thus reduced, we get no fails.

All up to the sky
We cry,
Agonising -
That waiting of footfall.

Lovely flow.
Yes, let's dare to increase
Irregular patterns of abdicated pain.
To fulfill what is so held back.

Because of you
Three days can last a lifetime
Full of affection and delicious warmth
Within the bearings of your arms.

Dreams in the coffee whorls
Willing spindles now
Turn as they happy tidings
All around my head.

Dreamscapes thrive
In dulcet whirls inside our core.

No shipwrecks here,
No abandoning of esperance.

No deserting,
No dereliction of love.

No grief,
No castaways on hopeless coast.

These proffered crumbs on palm
Become sought-after......and precious gifts.

Sweet love garnered over time
Poured slowly.....into sacred cup.
Where phantoms run to hide away
No abode for wicked despair.

Oh, for lovelorn hearts and broken dreams
To find such gladness in a cup
We hold hope, ever deep in heart
And sink away in woven bliss.

Capsule of infinity.....

Come, let us drink
From our coffee-cup.....
Of love.

Oh, come......

Time to kneel and give thanks
Place forgiving wafer on tongue.
Take none in haste
Accept only when ready.

Drink sweetness of sky's nectar.

Of pastures plain
And meadow green
Swift do echoes fall
As moments slip clouds.

Oh, and....

One sugar....
(No analogy needed, surely :)

(Nor here!)

And BLACK, please.

S T,  11 April 2013
Love in the coffee.....oh, yeah.

Don't spill now, guys!    lol

You never know what marvelous tales and fabulous moments await....all inside that small cup.

Could well be a hopeful taste of some swell luuurrrrve!
He he

A somewhat (semi-facetious) version of a modern Grail-tale......whatevr, man., please do keep yer hair on, dear chaps!
Not intended for anyone to be offended, I ask ye on bended knee...


Have a cuppa, then?
 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
liv hart
 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
The rose in vase can't see snow outside
for the rose in the vase...
however radiant,
Is still dead.
 Apr 2013 Tanika Lee
Don't judge a book by its cover.
It could be hollowed out
In the shape of a gun
To hold one
On an old man's bookshelf
Still the hollow shape
Of a gun
Filled with wrapped candy
A stash
Protected from his wife
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