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Feb 2016 · 476
No one.
Tania Crocker Feb 2016
The world is finite with human,
But you only truly care bout a handful of those human,
And within those amount of handful people,
You have like about three or four best friends,
And only one you really thought was your perfect fit,
The one you pour out your heart and soul,
You fears and virtue,
Your hopes and dreams,
Your ***** secret,
But trust no one,
I mean it; no one,
Because eventually all will fail,
Even that one person you pour your heart out,
Will fail,
So trust no one,
Only yourself.
Feb 2016 · 503
Not a poetry.
Tania Crocker Feb 2016
When Benjamin Franklin left independence hall just after the second drafting.
He was approach by a woman on the street and the woman said;
"Mr. Franklin, what manner of government have you bequip us?"
And Franklin said;
"A republic ma'am. If you can keep it."
The responsibility of a country is not in the hands of a privilege few.
We are strong. We are free from ternary as long as each one of us remember his or her duty as a citizen. Whether its to report a *** hole at the top of the street or lies in the state of union address.
Speak up!! Ask those questions!!
Demand that truth.
Democracy is not a free ride man, I'm here to tell you.
But this is where we live.
And if we do our jobs, this is where our children will live.
God bless it.
Jan 2016 · 805
Dear soulmates,
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
Sometimes I wonder what the person;
I will spend the rest of my life with,
my soulmate,
is doing at that very moment.

What are they like?
Where do they live?
When will I meet them?
How old are they?
Who do they hangout with?
What do they look like?
Are they happy?

And in these moments I can understand the magnitude of fate.

Jan 2016 · 370
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
The love I once had for you, never went away.
I still remembered all the feelings I had;
The butterflies in my stomach when you walked by,
The awkward smiles when our eyes met,
The dreamy enchanted stares that happen as I gush about you to my friends,
The detail of your face, your skin, your touch, your lips.
The way you dribbled the ball across the court, so strong, so light, so flawless,
The way you read a book so intensely when we were 12,
The moment your hand move swiftly yet ferociously when playing chess,
The day you looked at me for the first time and smiled,
But after all these years and now we're 20,
You still dont really know me,
You still dont know who I am,
Just my name,
A name that pops by every 25th of December in your phone,
Sometimes I wonder what goes through your mind when you see my name.

Jan 2016 · 347
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
When home isn't;
a place,
but a person,
that's true love.

Jan 2016 · 310
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
Dont fail me now; feet,
Bring me to the finishing line.
And that's when we'll celebrate.

Jan 2016 · 309
Looking back.
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
If you look back;
On life,
On your life,
You're not the same person,
You'll never be of yesterday,
Never will you be;
You're constantly changing,
Every moment,
Every season,

Jan 2016 · 331
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
People do not decide to become extraordinary,
They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.

Jan 2016 · 263
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
A dog can never tell you what she knows from the smells of the world,
but you know,
watching her,
that you know almost nothing.

Jan 2016 · 330
The examined life
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
We lose ourselves,
We find ourselves too.

Jan 2016 · 412
Dear Girls
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
Dear girls,

We like you for your brains,
not your body.


Jan 2016 · 325
That hole, that space.
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
Some do drugs,
Others go for a run,
But at the end we're all searching for that tiny space,
Perhaps a hole,
That gives shelter from the terrible reality of the world.
Jan 2016 · 776
To the doctors out there.
Tania Crocker Jan 2016

What are doctors? Doctors are people who make the most important decision of their lives to truly choose to dedicate themselves to the care of others. A humble and honest creature that knows in this world full of love it is up to them to recognize that love.  Doctors are not Gods nor healers. They are care givers willing to spare an unbearable amount of time to help solve ones heath problems by finding solutions that will truly be able to help a person in need. However, to finding solution, to finding cures and bearing the pain that they see in every patient that they meet, they find a remarkable vast amount of joy. So what make them choose to become caregivers??
It's simply because they know that their job brings sheer of benefit and transformation to genuinely shaping their own life as they find the true meaning of life when they help others get better from a deadly disease or from a fractured bone to removing a malignant tumor from a brain. That is why they do this. They do this because they want not to be acknowledge when finding a cure but, they understand that, giving makes them feel like they're living and that every human's life is worth the same and worth saving.
Jan 2016 · 264
To live.
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
To actually live is courageous.
Most people only exist, that is all.

-Oscar Wilde.
Jan 2016 · 681
Tania Crocker Jan 2016
Calm your mind,
Change the world.

Dec 2015 · 282
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
A new year,
An age older.

To new beginnings,
And great endings.

The snow melts,
And winter ends.

Spring breathes in,
And all the bees be buzzin'.

So untie the knots that came with yesterday,
And plunge forward into thee unknown.

Assume that life would be brilliant,
As this is the start of something new.

Dec 2015 · 329
To new hopes.
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
Take this fainted heart,
Take this tainted hand,
Wash me in your love,
And come like grace again.

Dec 2015 · 711
Time Machine
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
Time Machine really did'nt exist,
Cause if it existed,
We would be;
Standing there,
Closing our eyes,
Reversing time,
To make life seems so perfect,
But, life isn't suppose to be perfect,
It's meant to be messy,
We were build for imperfections,
Perfect imperfections.

Dec 2015 · 291
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
starts with a wet nose,
And ends with a tail,
She's my person,
My best friend,
The love of my life,
She's the person I take on
adventures with.

To many more great years ahead.
Dec 2015 · 291
To books and movies
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
I've live so many lives,
through books and movies.
Dec 2015 · 248
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
The thing about politics is;
Everybody wants to be a hero,
But nobody wants to get their hands *****.
Dec 2015 · 286
When two becomes one.
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
As our eyes make love to each others soul,
My body caresses unto yours,
My spine tingles as your fingers wavers,
Our lips touch,
For the first time I'm out of breath,
And the sun, the stars, the sky,
never tasted so **** good.

- tc
Dec 2015 · 403
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
Light of my life,
Fire of my *****,
my sin,
my soul,
my everything.

Dec 2015 · 263
Our routine.
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
It's late at night,
And you creep in,
The lights all off,
You gave me a kiss.

The sun shines,
And the wind blows in,
I feel your warmth,
I smell your perfume.

I turn to the side,
You're still asleep,
I touch your skin,
I gave you a kiss.
Dec 2015 · 250
The Highs and Lows
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
We're all withstanding the lows,
To get a taste of the highs,
They're that good.

Dec 2015 · 330
To travel.
Tania Crocker Dec 2015
To travel is to live,
To see,
To feel,
To fall in love,
To experience,
Everything that is new.

So no matter where you are,
And where you're from,
Breaking night,
Or trying to survive,
Life's not meant to be live at one place,
So Travel.
Nov 2015 · 350
Tania Crocker Nov 2015
When trouble comes,
To hit you down,
You fight like hell,
To hold your grounds.

Nov 2015 · 286
Tania Crocker Nov 2015
I'm hurting, but tears wont roll down.
Sep 2015 · 320
I love you.
Tania Crocker Sep 2015
She said:
"Why don't we just go back to the way things were?"
" We'll hang out and have fun and pretend that nothing's change."

He said:
"I can't do that."

She said:
"Why not?"

He said:*
" Because I love you"
Sep 2015 · 247
I will.
Tania Crocker Sep 2015
"I'll always come back."
   "What if you don't?"

"I will."
Sep 2015 · 286
Wait for him.
Tania Crocker Sep 2015
No matter how long it is;

Wait for him,
Wait for the right person,
Because you only get married once.

So, wait.
Wait for him.
Aug 2015 · 545
Tania Crocker Aug 2015
I prefer to be alone,
To be in solitude.

Dont get me wrong,
Its not that I hate the prospect of socializing,
It's just that; being alone,
Comes with less baggage,
Less mess,
And it uncomplicates my life.

I love being alone,
By myself,
Strolling the park with no other than your own company,
Besides, being solitude is where creativity creeps in.
Aug 2015 · 507
By Angela Montenagro.
Tania Crocker Aug 2015
I hope you find something that changes the entire notion of what it means to be human.
Aug 2015 · 338
One year
Tania Crocker Aug 2015
One year from today,
we meet at the reflecting pool,
on the mall,
right by the coffee cart.

One year from today.
Aug 2015 · 415
High School.
Tania Crocker Aug 2015
Looking back at high school,
It was not a happy time,
People didn't seem to like me,
High school ***** for anybody;
That was different.

But you have to get through high school,
But then there's college,
But there, in the real world,
You'll find where you fit in,
Some place you call home,
Some friends you call family.
Jul 2015 · 484
Life is short.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
I was sitting in the train,
A young boy sat next to me,
Started crying,
I asked ,
He said he was cancer free,
For the first time.

But in a few moments,
A tremor,
An earthquake,
An accident,
He was gone,
Before my eyes.

So take chances,
Take risk,
Take a leap,
**Go Ye Forth and live life to the fullest.
Jul 2015 · 482
I do.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
Dating should'nt end just because you said " I do",
Dating is a timeline of learning someone in a special way,
Why would'nt you want that to ever stop?
It should'nt.
Jul 2015 · 301
The 3C`s
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
The 3C's in life:
Choice, Chance and Change.

You must make the choice,
To take the chance,
If you want anything in life to change.
Jul 2015 · 337
Plant that Garden.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
So plant your own garden,
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
Jul 2015 · 518
Walk away.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
If he doesn't chase you,
after you walk away,
keep walking.
Jul 2015 · 576
Live in the moment.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
It's not wrong to look in the future,
But always,
live in the moment.
Jul 2015 · 413
Love me like you do.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
You've got to find people who love like you do.
Jul 2015 · 325
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
I wish I could tell you it gets better.
But it doesn't get better.
You get better.
Jul 2015 · 412
Sweetness in the air.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
She wasn't just beautiful,
She was filled with heavenly sweetness,
She was like coming up for fresh air.
Jul 2015 · 626
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
Love me.
Choose me.
Pick me.
Jul 2015 · 326
Love me.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
"Do you love me?" she asked.
"Do you want me to prove it?" he asked.
"Yes, if you're not too sleepy." She said.
Jul 2015 · 265
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
If I fall for you, would you  fall too?
Jul 2015 · 985
By Ed Sheeran
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
Settle down with me,
Cover me up,
Cuddle me in,
Lie down with me,
Hold me in your arms.
Jul 2015 · 276
A nobody.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
He was a nobody,
He had nothing to offer,
But one day,
On my way home from work,
He took me by surprise,
A written cardboard hung in the air,
were the words " You look nice today." ,
And I smiled.
Jul 2015 · 611
She, the empowerment.
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
when she speaks,
we listen,
when she moves,
we watch,
where she goes,
we follow.

she controls.
she masters.
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