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trapped in a ribcage
frail and fretting and fettered
hummingbird heart beats harder and harder
your skeleton fingertips tilling the ground
combing for the catacombs
of all your past lives

look what i have done for you
teeth marks to chart your growth
black red purple sky no stars no light no
for thine is the kingdom, the dead leaf diadem
battle-ready raccoon eyes, scored and scowling
if you do not run you will be left behind.
it is so much easier
to sit here
and pretend
i am the erratic
on this chair
rather than be
the weird
gingerbread cookie
that i am.
It's early
morning hours
before dawn
just me
my coffee
waiting for the
sun to rise
kiss the sky
catch myself
because I'm
thinking of
So I thank
Nothing like watching the sun come up.....
It’s not singly your jubilantly playful smile
Or eyes that instill faith,
Faith that miracles exist in us
And absolutely not independently
The miraculousness that ever so gently
And tenderly
Sleeps on top of a face to which
No being can compare to, it makes such
Euphoric feelings kiss the world
And my heart, now zapped
By a current of life and flare
This miraculousness fabricates an image of
Your benevolent wind, light and sublime
Rolling softly over the waves and hands
Of the ocean, flowy and ecstatic
And the cause of my enamored state
Is not isolated by
The effervescently sanguine blush
Of your adorable cheeks,
Which regularly has exploded
A nervous, yet amazed smile
Upon myself
Although with the fullest probity
I may spew that these angelic virtues
Have spirited me to a place
Where Zeal is my name
And time with you
Has become my heroine,
It’s your energy, your aura
Your vivacious fire
That so happily bombards me
With laughter and excitement
It’s your poison, your wonderful stain
That’s colored my life
And shocked my heart
It’s you;
You are a poem
i love you.
i just really love you.

i love that you are bold and distinct.
(and not completely unlike coffee.)

i love that you are warm and welcoming.
(and remind me of sweet summer sun.)

i love that you are unashamedly Southern.
(and i yearn for that homestead.)

i love that you are free, disciplined, committed.
(and too earnest to see the paradox.)

i love that you know you are arrogant, proud.
(and cover it with a humility that i reject.)

i love that you are always wanting to learn.
(and seek the One true Teacher.)

i love that you are not yet mine, not yet.
(and let me love you ever more from afar.)

i love that we may one day be One.
(and in mind, soul, body be so.)

i love you.
i just really love you.
From mere particles they have risen, took shape
Lost fragments in the ocean breeze
Stretched proudly toward the sunlight
Inspired hearts and minds both new and fertile

A perfect show of mans desire to create
To play God, if only for a moment in time
Until inevitably mother nature grows tired of the day
The evening tide and sea foam Goddess cleaning our slate.
how could You know
as You are walking down the sidewalk
           around a corner       wherever You want
that the world is not assembling itself
atom by sticky atom
from the blueprints
piled in piles (like so many piles of newspaper)
in (the rooms in) the back rooms of Your mind
particles rushing and streaming, fluttering
together with the ebb of Your consciousness?
the World blurs fuzzily into shape
before snapping
into focus

just as You enter the room
blending pixilated reality smoothly
into an orchestrated Existence
the next time You      reach
for the doorknob on
the door to
the waiting room
can’t You hear the anxious atoms
           shoving past each other?
they                jockey
       jumping into
the eye of
       the image of
the woman on
       the screen of
the television in
       the corner of
the ceiling where
       it hangs
she wants to know
why we divide
Them              from Us
so clearly
so readily
she wants to know
why our countries
are bordered
by an indifference to equality
by a contempt for disillusionment
A dispute broke out between two
atoms on the table this morning;
a tiny china teapot was broken.
how would You know?
people are no more
then elaborate pieces of Your own mind
now once You hang up the phone
e v a p o r a t e d  
                        into no more than
                                           an afterthought
                                                    ­     of empty space
                                                           ­         -
                                             the smell of burnt matches
                             -                                      -
                You think that
everything You imagine is beautiful
                    even death
               but in an ugly way
-                            -
the man on the
of the third chair
from the door
has no face
(none of Them do)
all of Them don’t
(have faces)
until They speak or You look Them in the eye
until They do something       Wrong
which is why They look                  down
when They walk down the sidewalk
They are afraid
to live
  as a tree
    in the park
where a pillar of
might strike
(older than You
yet born
just this moment)
making the ground
Them steam
with the sweat
of a silent room
for the
            door to
                        swing open
                                      and tell
                             -               -
                she’s going to be all right
              it was close there for a while
                        but she’s strong
                      she pulled through
                              in the end
-                                     -
the pressure
of the years
of the rings
(which promise to
grow tighter
as time leaves us)
is heated
left sitting in
turned to char
ash and smoke gently
cradling a tiny newborn
perfect           (silence)
down the middle-
-                                -
You should be perfect by now
You should have a face by now
speak           look Yourself in the eye
see Your own          Face
stop looking                down
when You walk down the sidewalk
don’t be afraid
to live
  as a tree
    in the park
-          -
They say don’t talk             to strangers
and You’re a strange one            indeed
how can You see the glamour
where Others            cannot
see that laughing quietly to themselves
can (You) set the expressions on their faces
to joy
     to pain
           to fear
                to apathy
                     to peace?
              yeah, she likes him
                and she likes him
                        to know
               that she likes him
                      in the end
-                             -
she wants to know
why our countries
are bordered
to keep Them      out
and Us       in
-                                   -
           this is Mine                  and that is Yours
-                                   -
You see
what You want to see (without)
(knowing what You want)
the sticker
       on the bumper
              of the car
                     rolling past reads:
                           “jesus is coming,
                                  hide the ****”
-                                          -
in its green lettering
and its largely silent voice
if You listen             carefully
You can almost hear Them
-                  -
                ­   -                       -
              please do not think about green elephants
-                                          -
(a student just snuck in
and sat down as
the professor was writing
on the board)
-                                       -
             please do not feed the green elephants
-                                       -
have a strong suspicion
that Your mind is
as You read this
(hidden in a carefully cupped notebook)
black ink particles into
on the very next          page
-                              -
             ­       You write that
You imagine everything is beautiful
                    except for death
                   it is an ugly thing
               yet still the chisel gouges
                  -               -
  “i whistle a catcall
at my blushing bride”
      llac ot eltsihw i”
  “edis ym ot god ym
                  -        -
        through the crumbling protests
         of the reluctant stone
                               -    -
                     ­               each new line
                                    tampers with space
                                    holds suspect time
                                    postpones the end
                                    and evades death
-                                  -
You breathe
               You write
You sing
                You live
You casually craft causality
         -             -
         yet craft on
         surely You are not yet done
         You may never be
         at this rate but
-        -
the World reblurs then blows away
listen closely here I say
all things must come to end one day
-                                       -

have tasted the                     hunger
                        of Greed
seen the                                 wealth
                       of Hatred
heard the                               stories
          ­             of Genocide
felt the                                    loss
                     ­  of War
and smelled the                    decay
                       of Truth
-                      -
                      this        ­     is Mine
                                 what’s Mine, is Yours...
This poem was originally inspired by the Russell's Teapot analogy.
once it was just a wisper that has grown in to a roar

what you believed a window was always the door

the blessing in disguise revealed itself a curse

the poem of life shows its secrets in every verse

hold your breath because its so hard to breathe

deny what you see because you don't want to believe

there is no escape even though you've never been caught

turns out the truth is not what you always thought
copyright/Viper 2011
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